How To Use Elucidate In A Sentence
Additional prospective, longitudinal research is needed to further elucidate the experiences and outcomes associated with lung transplantation.
Dave Pollard elucidates the difference between search and research - you'll be expert when you finish this piece.
The shaking table test of a 1/10 scale multi rib wall plate lightweight frame model with a height of ten stories is elucidated.
Incidentally, it may be worth mentioning that the notion of an aesthetic judgment should obviously not be elucidated in terms in terms of the idea of a work of art: we make aesthetic judgments about nature and we make nonaesthetic judgments about works of art.
Aesthetic Judgment
He tried to elucidate the Architect view of free will and the fate of the universe.

In it, he elucidates the intrinsic connection between the two phenomena.
To appreciate the significance of the lyrical origin of tragedy, we must first elucidate lyric poetry as such.
There was a mystery about the Animal, he said, but he would not elucidate.
In your acknowledgments, you not only thank your teachers in flamenco, but also the astonishing guitarists who elucidated and inspired you.
A Conversation with Sarah Bird, author of the novel The Flamenco Academy
In addition, the signals that lead a cell to necrosis or apoptosis remain to be elucidated.
Those three anglophone thinkers each tried to provide a theory, right or wrong, to engage and elucidate some kinds of facts about human communication.
The terminal fragment hybridization method reported here could overcome this difficulty, and the restriction map can be elucidated easily by using labe...
You have not understood; allow me to elucidate.
The construction and function characteristics of core digitally controllable variable resistors AD5242 are elucidated.
There was a mystery about the Animal, he said, but he would not elucidate.
Further structural details were not elucidated because ‘the vesicatory characteristics of the oil… precluded further study’.
'The best theories owe their appeal to the fact that they acknowledge and seek to elucidate the reciprocal relationship of action and structure'. Discuss.
Before leaving Princeton, I elucidated the chromophore of GFP (Shimomura, 1979).
Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
He strongly believed in the contents of the literature and practised the spells and conjurations elucidated in the texts.
The ID-based conceptual resource of design isomorphism is used to bridge current knowledge with potential knowledge, and this allows researchers to postulate, test, and elucidate the underlying logic of life.
A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
People argue that fiction cannot elucidate the holocaust and I think they might be right.
This in vitro test program will continue over the next few weeks with additional analysis of GAP-107B8's mechanism on autophagic cell death, cell cycle effects in order to elucidate additional mechanism of action information, and testing of the drug against normal, non-cancer cells in order to continue to establish the safety profile of the drug.
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The thesis elucidates the ways and means to set the plot clue and cliffhanger.
This is the beginning of an explanatory mechanism which elucidates the relationship between social and aesthetic spheres.
We are establishing a molecular phylogeny for this group in order elucidate patterns of dermapteran diversification and evolution.
He tried to elucidate the Architect view of free will and the fate of the universe.
He tried to elucidate the Architect view of free will and the fate of the universe.
The notes helped to elucidate the most difficult parts of the text.
The primary lesson we took from our Delphic oracle project is not the well-worn message that modern science can elucidate ancient curiosities.
It was Sederholm's task to try to elucidate the complex rocks of the Finnish Precambrian basement.
Further study is necessary to elucidate the precise nature of the relationship between media exposure and cognitive development.
It's nice to see the Queen of Pop so flustered that the Anglophile has to pause to elucidate the difference between "who" and "whom.
The 17 Most Memorable Moments of the Golden Globes
But let me try to elucidate...' It was a simple progression from elucidation via demonstration to play.
To elucidate the role of conformational entropy upon thermal unfolding in more detail, conformational dynamics in the time regime of picoseconds was investigated with neutron spectroscopy.
As a kind of historically "transitional state", its intrinsic property should he taken as the theoretic foundation, on which we define and elucidate the Era of Post-Warring States.
OBJECT:To observe the influence of a series of Rubi mixtures on guinea-pig model with mastoplasia, so as to elucidate their mechanisms of action.
But the overriding theme served to elucidate his orientation to engineering principles based on human and animal anatomy.
Simulation in the deterministic model elucidated a rhythm transition process governed by a period adding bifurcation scenario.
The controls on the dash were large and obvious, their design intended to impress more than elucidate.
Suggested questions to elucidate understanding are given in black in italics.
In attempting to elucidate the significance of this paradox, I want to proceed carefully.
The controls on the dash were large and obvious, their design intended to impress more than elucidate.
In addition , the preparation and the mechanism of magnetic flocculent are elucidated in the paper.
The latter part of the performance elucidated the duo's versatility and interpretation ability to its fullest extent, as the duo peregrinated throughout classical Latin American tradition.
Christie's infallible feel for style elucidates the refinement of texture and brings out delightful detail in the shape, for instance, of limpid pastoral flutes or the busy string lines in L'Amour's virtuoso ariette Vole Zéphire in Les Fêtes d'Hébé and the gathering momentum of the scene that follows. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Thus do the social conditions of proletarian existence in contemporary society, conditions first elucidated by Marxist theory, take vengeance by the fate they impose upon Marxist theory itself.
As for the president himself, we're unlikely to get much: Bush has a poor memory and is too unreflective to have kept the kind of diary that would elucidate matters.
The note help to elucidate the most difficult parts of the text.
However, despite half a century of investigations, the mechanism of leukaemogenesis by benzene has not been fully elucidated and low dose effects cannot presently be estimated with confidence.
Her strength as an artist may be that she elucidates her ideas so clearly and yet, when looking at her retrospective at the MCA, you feel that it's also her biggest liability.
As I elucidated in the last section, misleading assumptions and dubious claims about western alienation abound.
a peculiarly Romantic figura is helpfully elucidated in the following modern poem.
The Beauty of the Medusa: A Study in Romantic Literary Iconology
The physician must establish a sympathetic rapport with the patient to help elucidate possible causes and contributing factors.
There is no better instance of Newton's quantitative approach to his experiments than the following undated manu - script page describing things “To be tryed” to elucidate the phenomenon of diffraction, that is the bending of light, and the production of colored fringes (fasciae to Newton), when light passes through a tiny hole or past a knife-edge:
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
To appreciate the significance of the lyrical origin of tragedy, we must first elucidate lyric poetry as such.
Clarity appears in those self-directed exhortations of the novelist to elucidate Raskolnikov's motive for murder.
Haig went on to elucidate his personal principle of war.
Qualifying Friedan's approach, Steinem elucidated, "She didn't identify down, she identified up.
Marcia G. Yerman: Gloria: In Her Own Words -- A Life in Activism
Further studies are clearly needed to fully elucidate the effect of ethanol on the gastric parietal cell.
Taylor, in his translation of this passage, was so strongly imbued with the "grey-headed errour," that in order to elucidate the somewhat obscure meaning of Aristotle, he has actually interpolated the text with the exploded fallacy of Ctesias, and after the word reclining to sleep, has inserted the words "_leaning against some wall or tree_," which are not to be found in the original.]
Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
His study elucidated the effects of ligand structure and electronics on catalytic activity.
But let me try to elucidate...' It was a simple progression from elucidation via demonstration to play.
Approaching the texts in a suggestive and allusive manner, they draw on their own poetic experience to elucidate the texts.
They'll live for years yet, seeing how captivity has agreed with them," Collins elucidated.
Indeed, philosophy as abstract in its unapplied form, offering no appropriate subject through which it may be used as an analytic tool, is re-abstracted rather than elucidated through its play in investigating cinema.
Bessire elucidates the role of both blackness and whiteness in that oeuvre, and in this framework, race is depicted not as people but as a system of categorization.
To elucidate the mysterious habits of giant noctule bats, an ambitious investigation led by young scientist Ana Popa-Lisseanu, under Prof. Ibañez 'supervision, was launched by Spanish research teams based in Sevilla (Doñana Biological Station) and Granada (Zaidín Experimental Station) thanks to funding from the Spanish Environmental Ministry.
Archive 2007-02-01
Live-action movies elucidate concepts such as cloning, vaccination and forensics.
Meanwhile, recent reports here, elucidate the 'how-to' of becoming a social intrapreneur. - Development Through Enterprise - Eradicating Poverty through Profit
It elucidates his artistic goals and style, while placing the artist in the broader context of American art and culture.
On the basis of my own observations, I should like to elucidate a few problems concerning the Soviet Union and China.
To appreciate the significance of the lyrical origin of tragedy, we must first elucidate lyric poetry as such.
The controls on the dash were large and obvious, their design intended to impress more than elucidate.
The objective is to elucidate the predictions of alternate functional models and see if the character-state changes of independently derived phylogenetic analyses are consilient with them.
The note help to elucidate the most difficult parts of the text.
If that is the case, then the difference between the propositional attitudes and perception should be elucidated in terms extrinsic to the type of content involved in these states.
Nonconceptual Mental Content
Since it is not of interest for me here to elucidate the nature of promising, I shall sidestep this issue.
Receptors for corticotropin and the glucocorticoid hormones have been cloned and mechanisms of action elucidated.
One thread that runs through both the realities of the hospital and of Gabon and help elucidate the driving force behind what Schweitzer made of his own life is what he called "reverence for life".
The Full Feed from
The aetiology of cholesterol gall stones has not been completely elucidated.
He tried to elucidate the Architect view of free will and the fate of the universe.
Part VII elucidates the secular trend in the International Gothic Style in Italy.
I don't understand. You'll have to elucidate.
There was a mystery about the Animal, he said, but he would not elucidate.
They will, no doubt, be fully elucidated in the memoir of Bottisham and Anglesey, which is understood to be in preparation by members of the Cambridge Antiquarian
Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
Having grabbed the attention he then used the interview to elucidate the argument.
At one time she invited Bronson Alcott, one of the leaders of a similar movement, to preside over some conversazioni in her parlours, where he could elucidate his favourite subject.
Memories and Anecdotes
Precisely how these two T cell lineages are generated from common thymocyte progenitor cells remains to be fully elucidated and is under intense investigation.
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Disciplines such as palaeoecology [using fossils to reconstruct past ecosystems] and phylogeography have helped elucidate how this poleward expansion occurred. News
To elucidate the role of bone marrow stromal cells in cooperation with exogenous cytokines in hematopoiesis.
On the other hand, you must carefully shun the affectation of _bombastic diction_ -- it is lamentable to see a preelucidated theme rendered semidiaphonous, by the elimination of simple expression, to make room for the conglomeration of pondrous periods, and to exhibit the phonocamptic coxcombry of some pedant, who mistakes sentences for wagons, and words for the wheels of them.
The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 5, May 1810
Many of the graphs omit units, have one or two shaded areas which are presumably meant to show something but are not elucidated in the text or caption, or seem to me not to show the pattern they are claimed to show.
The controls on the dash were large and obvious, their design intended to impress more than elucidate.
On whatever ground we term physiology, science, psychology is entitled to the same appellation; and the method of investigation which elucidates the true relations of the one set of phenomena will discover those of the other.
Hume (English Men of Letters Series)
Please elucidate the reasons for your decision.
Side by side with the production in pure form of the cortin substances, their chemical structures were elucidated.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1950 - Presentation Speech
To elucidate and confirm our opinions on this subject, we beg leave to ask, what is that play in which there is such a mass of virtue and simplicity, and such a number of amiable personages, opposed to such a mass of villany, subtlety, fraudful avarice, and sensual vice, as in
The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 1
It requires judges to use appropriate cases to elucidate the instrument that they are applying, to interpret and explain it.
München, where I found by a simple crystallograpic experiment the molecular weight and probable steroid nature of ecdysone which Hoppe and I later elucidated in atomic detail after my thesis work which was on the crystal structure of a diazo compound (1963).
Robert Huber - Autobiography
I may or may not succeed in the attempt to elucidate the "artfulness" of these devices, but I am trying to put Affliction itself in a context that will, I hope, provide the reader with a richer experience when reading this novel.
Principles of Literary Criticism
During our after-dinner tête-à-tête on the day now referred to, my friend the cannonier had shown himself exceedingly unreserved, and, without any attempt on my part to draw him out, he had elucidated, with
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847
However, the battle has just begun, and much still needs to be elucidated before we can do our well-deserved victory dance.
Julie Chen, M.D.: Do We Have a Functional Cure for HIV Yet?
He cared about what he did, he cared about the people he spoke about, he cared about the issues that he elucidated, he cared how the public would perceive them; he just cared.
James Campion: The Life, Myths, and Influence of an American Original
In a current project we concentrate on the basal insects and aim to elucidate the phylogeny among the so-called apterygotes and their relationships to other arthropods using molecular and morphological approaches.
Elucidate forthwith, Benny -- in the vernacular, unbelt.
White Ashes
The film's focus works perfectly to elucidate what it means to be gay and Jewish and Orthodox.
Given the sheer bulk of commentaries on Horace from ancient times to the present, the search for new approaches can obscure more than elucidate.
The cellular mechanism of action of ethanol, however, remains to be fully elucidated.
The MAC chromosomes are generated by fragmentation of the germline chromosomes in the developing macronuclear anlagen during conjugation, but the molecular mechanism remains to be elucidated.
Involvement of any mechanical force that may be superposed on the diffusion to enhance the releasing process has not been elucidated to date.
In writing The Dark Garden, Eden has penned a story that elucidates the psychological and emotional journey in BDSM for not only her main characters, but her secondary ones as well.
But let me try to elucidate...' It was a simple progression from elucidation via demonstration to play.
To appreciate the significance of the lyrical origin of tragedy, we must first elucidate lyric poetry as such.
Haig went on to elucidate his personal principle of war.
Please elucidate the reasons for your decision.
Finally, controlling for egocentric processing/self-referent mental simulation may help elucidate the role of self-processing in spatial cognition.
Poetry homogenizes and elucidates our bother, our dull routine, noxious and dead to honor.
Archive 2009-12-01
He doesn't elucidate but it led him to his Damascene moment - or rather Damascene month.
As elucidated in unblushing prose in the room notes, it is taking Frank's art from the merely ambitious to the stratospherically inspired.
The role of the bicoid gene was first elucidated by a combination of genetic and physical experiments on the Drosophila embryo.
In revealing his own stereo-typic thinking about Jews (they're Marxist, socialist, social, family-oriented, and they should "teem and throng" messily like Roth's and Bellow's do), Leonard does little to elucidate Malamud's art but does enlighten us about WASP expectations of "Jewish life" and "Jewish writers.
Stories of Malamud
Finally, we attempt to elucidate the infrastructure of current and projected associations that supports this picture, and consider its significance.
They were disappointed that invoking space quantization failed to elucidate the vexing problem of the ‘anomalous’ Zeeman effect, the complex splitting patterns of spectral lines in a magnetic field.
However, certain key aspects of the marital relationship can be elucidated and do require discussion.
Creationists have nothing against science being used ministerially, i.e. to build on the framework provided by the propositional teachings of Scripture, e.g. to build models to help elucidate Scripture.
If I could trouble you to try a little exercise, it will help to elucidate.
The peculiar advantages of a collegiate course are such as arise from an uninterrupted and systematic course of study, a learned and experienced professor to elucidate and simplify truth, and to guide the mental enquiries of students, -- from the inspiration of consociated effort, and from an opportunity of shutting out all irrelevant subjects, and devoting one's mental energies continuously and exclusively to a definite and specific object.
Conscription of Teachers. 12 p.
Objective. To determine the expression of leptin and its functional receptor in herniated disc tissues, and to elucidate whether leptin can stimulate rat NP cells to proliferate in vitro.
The object is to addle and not to elucidate.
Our first paper on Cypridina luciferin was published in 1957, although the chromophore structure of luciferin remained to be elucidated.
Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
He formulated the notion to elucidate the particular problem of how scientific ideas become represented in popular consciousness.
Haig went on to elucidate his personal principle of war.
Willstätter has elucidated the chemical structure of these cyanidins; he has proved in what their difference consists in the various flowers or fruits, and has also proved their close relationship with the yellow pigments, occurring in Nature, of the flavone or flavonol group.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1915 - Presentation
This study tries to distinguish and elucidate the different types of Heidegger's views of freedom.
Paleontology and age of the formations are elucidated, which is correlated with relevant areas.
But let me try to elucidate...' It was a simple progression from elucidation via demonstration to play.
Communications brought in by apparent additions such as quantum theory are elucidated.
So these are the mereological questions which beset elementary particles, but even if we successfully elucidate the quantum concepts of parts and wholes, we are still left with the question, 'What is an elementary particle?'.
Archive 2009-02-01
Further work is needed to elucidate the connection between the packaged conformation and the end goal of the viral packaging, the ability for the virus to eject its genome from the capsid into the host cell.
Simulation in the deterministic model elucidated a rhythm transition process governed by a period adding bifurcation scenario.
Superb design, excellent graphics and jargon-free text elucidate the details of this fascinating and controversial medical phenomenon.
But Luskin's own record of slithery parsification forces us to assume that these words are carefully chosen to conceal rather than elucidate.
So how does her biographical account elucidate his artistic identity and development?
However the Neogrammarian Hypothesis regarding sound shifts that they are regular and exceptionless has allowes us to elucidate the genetic relationships between languages, poetic elements, and so forth to a degree not otherwise possible.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Thirty Years in America:
There is good reason for this: Marx elucidated a theory of labor in which workers become subservient to the objects they produce, a theory where people are not exalted by their labor, but devalued by it.
On the basis of my own observations, I should like to elucidate a few problems concerning the Soviet Union and China.
Objective To elucidate the pathogenic genes in a pedigree with autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris ( IV ) .
There was a mystery about the Animal, he said, but he would not elucidate.
On the basis of my own observations, I should like to elucidate a few problems concerning the Soviet Union and China.
Future studies may potentially elucidate ways in which humans can alleviate the toll of communications towers on migrating birds.
This traditional interpretation had to be systematically verified for two reasons: the first was to explain the specificity of the category desiderative inside the complex verbal system of Vedic, and the second was the need to elucidate its historical links, currently claimed by most Indo-Europeanists, with other formally similar categories like the future in Old Greek and Celtic.
The mechanism by which the oscillatory movements produced by these two opposing pairs of doublets are coupled with each other remains to be elucidated.
The scientist elucidated his theory by three simple demonstrations.
The analysis elucidates a temporal hierarchy of events that range from chemical equilibration events to the formation of physiologically meaningful pools, culminating in a network-scale (dynamic) structure – (physiological) function relationship.
A Top-down Approach
Moreover, they provide a first insight into the composition of the earliest ophidian venoms and point the way toward a research program that could elucidate the functional context of the evolution of the snake venom proteome.