How To Use Elspar In A Sentence
- There are, for instance, several different minerals commonly classified under the name of felspar, which have been distinguished by mineralogists by the names of orthoclase, albite, oligoclase, and labradorite; and there are at least two sorts of mica, two of hornblende, and many varieties of zeolites. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
- The flows from Kibo include nepheline and leucite basanite lavas rich in soda felspars. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
- We crossed one or two slight elevations wholly composed of compact felspar in blocks — forming ridges resembling an outcrop of strata, whereof the strike always pointed N.W. and S. E. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
- On the sea beach I found masses of conglomerate formation, and in the trap occasional lamina of felspar. Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
- From what has been said regarding the richness in potash of certain commonly occurring minerals, such as felspar, it is only natural to infer that most soils must contain large quantities of this substance; and this is so. Manures and the principles of manuring
- Thus she contrives to intenerate the granite and felspar, takes the boar out and puts the lamb in and keeps her balance true. V. Essays. Compensation. 1841
- The flows from Kibo include nepheline and leucite basanite lavas rich in soda felspars. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
- To this period belong the felspar, syenites, and porphyries. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
- It depends on the felspar present -- _i. e._, whether it is orthoclase, oligoclase, or albite -- whether the soil will be rich in potash or not. Manures and the principles of manuring
- Some of the heights are of greenish-yellow chloritic felspar, well adapted for brick-making. The Land of Midian