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Elizabeth Taylor

  1. United States film actress (born in England) who was a childhood star; as an adult she often co-starred with Richard Burton (born in 1932)

How To Use Elizabeth Taylor In A Sentence

  • After reading the comments on the Elizabeth Taylor story I have come to a conclusion: The people, or at least a good portion of them who back Obama are bitter, mean spirited, unkind, self centered people who need to chillllllllllllllllllllllllll out or they will explode from the anger!!!! Steady voter turnout in Guam caucuses
  • All they remember is Nixon sweating like Elizabeth Taylor after a Mexican meal.
  • For instance, he says, Elizabeth Taylor had a meningioma that was successfully removed 10 years before her death. Mary Tyler Moore to undergo brain surgery
  • In those last couple of decades Elizabeth Taylor became a heroic coper with ill health, a supporter of good causes, and a vociferously loyal friend to, among others, Michael Jackson. Elizabeth Taylor remembered by Philip French | Feature
  • Panettiere channels her best teenage Elizabeth Taylor (National Velvet) with wide, expressive eyes and a quivering lip to signal imminent emotion.
  • KING: I want to send my very best to dame Elizabeth Taylor, going into the hospital for what she describes as the repair of a leaky heart valve. CNN Transcript Oct 6, 2009
  • It is a historic first, Dame Elizabeth Taylor, two-time academy award winner, blowing her nose on TV.
  • Elizabeth Taylor did not receive an Academy award nomination for Three Faces of Eve.
  • Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton kneel in a scene from the film The Taming of the Shrew in 1973.
  • And three years ago Elizabeth Taylor briefly abandoned her trademark black bouffant for shocking silver, and what an impact it made.
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