
How To Use Elizabeth i In A Sentence

  • The Church of England has always taken pride in its "comprehensiveness" - a British tolerance for theological diversity dating to Queen Elizabeth I, who combined element of Catholicism and Protestant ism to form a "bridge" between the two traditions. Pink Collars For Anglicans
  • He was more miserly with titles than any sovereign since Elizabeth I - ensuring, for example, that dukedoms were reserved for the royal family alone.
  • Between you and me, I think Elizabeth is a bit of a nightmare.
  • The secretary of Elizabeth I's Privy Council is supposed to have submitted the warrant for the execution of Mary Stuart several times, concealed in a pile of lesser bumf, to help the Queen get over the hump. Pardon Update (Updated)
  • It is not clear whether Elizabeth is referring here to the deconstructionist theory of the late twentieth century which undermined the assumption that texts have intentional, recuperable meanings — in which case Kafka is a bad example, because his texts were recognized as being radically indeterminate in meaning well before the advent of poststructuralism — or whether she is saying that Kafka was a kind of prophet of deconstruction. Disturbing the Peace
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  • His daughter Queen Elizabeth I was the first to wear paste jewellery to make herself look richer that she really was.
  • ‘I'm sorry, ma'am,’ Elizabeth instantly apologized, ‘I didn't mean to implore.’
  • When this picture-perfect Cotswolds village inn was ‘new’, Elizabeth I was still on the throne and Shakespeare was just starting to make a name for himself.
  • Elizabeth II came to the throne when Britain still enjoyed a society where deference joined with self respect.
  • When Queen Elizabeth II acceded to the throne in 1952 the United Kingdom was monocultural, hierarchical and deferential.
  • Among them are Queen Elizabeth II, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Sir John A. MacDonald festooned in mink, beaver, muskrat, seal and rabbit.
  • ED SMART, FATHER OF ELIZABETH SMART: You know, if you can hear me, Elizabeth is the sweetest girl. CNN Transcript Jun 4, 2003
  • The event at the Charterhouse, where the young Elizabeth I stayed before acceding to the English throne, featured musicians, a court jester and yeomen guards in a bid to recreate the regal splendour of the Tudor age.
  • Elizabeth II is the head of state in Great Britain
  • In 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh dispatched an expedition to the East Coast of North America as Queen Elizabeth I had given him permission to colonise Virginia.
  • Since 1570 when the Pope excommunicated Elizabeth I, Catholics in the country had faced an increase in persecution and were left with little option but to conceal their faith.
  • Queen Elizabeth II has become the first British monarch to celebrate a diamond wedding anniversary.
  • The year is 1558 and the document is dated November 20, the very day that the young Elizabeth I ascends the throne.
  • The canines are good swimmers, and they have even colonized offshore islands, such as the Elizabeth Islands of Massachusetts.
  • His daughter, Elizabeth I, often took beagles to the hunting field in baskets attached to the horses' saddles.
  • If the cosseting was a simple demonstration of respect towards a world leader, then why the flippancy towards Great Britain's Queen Elizabeth II? NY Post: News
  • As for the others, Elizabeth I deserves a high place, but most of the others don't quite compare with the three above.
  • The ginger-haired baby Elizabeth is mainly a squalling infant in the period of the narrative, which chiefly covers the years 1527 – 35, but in the figure of her sibling Mary, one is given a chilling prefiguration of the coming time when the bonfires of English heretics will really start to blaze in earnest. The Men Who Made England
  • It is under the nominal rule of a governor general elected by Parliament to represent Queen Elizabeth II of England, the head of state.
  • For the coronation of George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1937, the processional route had been made longer than before.
  • Elizabeth II" as an article title outweigh the disadvantages of the inconsistent naming - sigh. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Elizabeth is an extraordinary mixture of epic film, grand opera and grand guignol.
  • The town's only claim to fame is that Queen Elizabeth I once visited it.
  • In 1559 Elizabeth I complained that the holy oil was greasy and smelled unpleasant.
  • Officially known as the George III tiara, the piece was made for Queen Mary and has been worn by royal brides including Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Anne. | Top Stories
  • The world's first flushing toilet was built for a queen, Elizabeth I, whose godson, Sir John Harington, installed one of his newfangled devices for her in 1596.
  • It is under the nominal rule of a governor general elected by Parliament to represent Queen Elizabeth II of England, the head of state.
  • This meant transforming Elizabeth into a type of divine principal whose sexuality was not directly addressed.
  • He was clearly reserved and rarely affable: he had little of Henry VIII's false heartiness nor of Elizabeth I's adroit condescensions.
  • In late 1594, Elizabeth I's personal physician -- and one of Burghley's highest-placed intelligencers -- a Portugese Marrano (a crypto-Jew) by the name of Roderigo or Roderick or Roger Lopez or Lopus or Lopius, was executed at Tyburn for plotting to murder the queen. Well i don't know if i'm wrong because she's only just gone
  • Knollys was a prominent courtier and parliamentarian during Elizabeth I's reign.
  • The town's only claim to fame is that Queen Elizabeth I once visited it.
  • For though a baptizer and an anointer bestow authority—in much the same way as the Archbishop of Canterbury conferred the regal status on Queen Elizabeth II in 1953—they themselves must have had authority to do so. The Templar Revelation
  • In 1570 the Pope excommunicated Henry's daughter, Queen Elizabeth I, for what was by then called her ‘Protestantism’.
  • The Englishman may be remembered for circumnavigating the world, but Sir Francis Drake also happened to be Queen Elizabeth I's favorite pirate.
  • Wind the clock forward half a millennia or so and Queen Elizabeth II wears the crown, and Hythe ferry is still shuttling passengers across Southampton Water.
  • They saw a copy of the Magna Carta, a proclamation signed by Elizabeth I, and treaties of battles fought centuries earlier. A KNIFE BETWEEN THE RIBS
  • Elizabeth II became Queen of England in 1952.
  • Elizabeth is a trader who deals with assorted products such as cooking utensils, clothing, ladies 'slippers, etc. and mostly sells through hawking, that is house-to-house selling. Kiva Loans
  • Even Queen Victoria, that most German-connected and -minded of 19th-century British monarchs, would denounce her most illustrious forebear, Elizabeth I, for the "cruelty to my ancestress, Mary Queen of Scots. Servants To Masters
  • Elizabeth I's ministers had to employ spies and even use torture to gain information about threats to her life.
  • Richard declares that the marriage between the queen, Elizabeth Woodville, and King Edward was never valid, as Edward was precontracted to another lady before he married Elizabeth in secret. The Red Queen
  • Dr Ros Altmann, Saga director general, was also highly critical of the Bank's move - comparing it to "launching the Titanic" rather than the Queen Elizabeth II liner, geddit? European debt crisis: live
  • First in an ignoble line was the East India Company, set up by British merchant adventurers and granted the Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I in 1600.
  • After James inherited the English crown on the death of Elizabeth I in 1603, the place was used seldomly.
  • Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchial duties over all states, commonwealths and other territories including New Jersey.
  • This meant transforming Elizabeth into a type of divine principal whose sexuality was not directly addressed.
  • Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952.
  • And Elizabeth is about the most innocent, guileless, angelic little girl you've ever met.
  • The four-day nonstop party honoring Queen Elizabeth II and her half century on the throne drew to a close today in the British capitol.
  • Elizabeth immediately flew into a rage - her automatic response to any kind of criticism.
  • Sister Elizabeth is a Cistercian nun from the Holy Cross Abbey in Whitland, South Wales. She has long been a great rose lover.
  • Though advertised as the most faithful film adaptation of Mary Shelley's novel, Branagh's film nonetheless featured significant discrepancies from the book, as well as homages to previous films, in turning a reconstructed and resurrected Elizabeth into the "Bride of Frankenstein. Frankenstein, 1994
  • Successive monarchs including the current Elizabeth II have minted gold coins, which also came to be known as sovereigns.
  • There are allusions to Persia in Shakespeare cited here (the shah was the playwright's contemporary), and most notably there is a pair of small portraits of Robert Sherley and his Circassian wife, Teresia; Sherley, a British adventurer sent to Persia by Elizabeth I, ended up representing the shah on various foreign missions. Contemporaries a World Apart
  • Oh, I also made it through two articles in the new Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology yesterday, "Generic reassignment of an ichthyosaur from the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Northwest Territories, Canada" and "A remarkable case of a shark-bitten elasmosaurid plesiosaur. Howard Hughes and the 1934 World's Fair
  • Elizabeth interjected, giving her mother a disbelieving stare.
  • Sanders spent a great deal of time in Ireland, which continued to be Catholic in spite of Elizabeth I. Sanders wrote De visibili Monarchia Ecclesiae in which he states that the reigns of the popes are the best “measure of time.” pp. Archive 2009-04-01
  • After the excommunication of Elizabeth I in 1570, the purpose of legislation changed from securing royal supremacy to defeating the new recusant missionary campaign.
  • Queen Elizabeth I was even fussier over smelly people than her father, Henry VIII. Modest Active Wear
  • One of earliest references to the use of bookmarks was in 1584 when the Queen's Printer, Christopher Barker, presented Queen Elizabeth I with a fringed silk bookmark.
  • Nor would you have said anything similar in this country during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, whose portraits over the years increasingly exaggerated the blondness of her hair.
  • On a recent Monday morning, as I plodded, zombie-like, to the break room at work to get a cup of joe, I passed Elizabeth in the hallway.
  • Not surprisingly, England's first female rulers, the sixteenth-century Tudor queens Mary I and Elizabeth I, assumed power as single women.
  • Known as "the Faberg of footwear," he created the gold kidskin sandals studded with rubies that Queen Elizabeth II wore to her coronation in 1953, and the silver buckle shoes actress Catherine Deneuve wore in Luis Bunuel's 1967 film "Belle de Jour. Style Icon
  • Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey, so expect lots of celebrations and tributes to Her Majesty this week.
  • DAVE SMART, ELIZABETH SMART'S UNCLE: We're not going to hang our hat on, I mean, we're just not, we're not going to hang our hat on anything until we have Elizabeth in our hands, in our arms. CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2002
  • The essential requirement is to remember that Lyly the dramatist is the same man as Lyly the euphuist, and that his audience was always a company of courtiers, with Queen Elizabeth in their midst, infatuated with admiration for the new phraseology and mode of thought known as Euphuism. The Growth of English Drama
  • Even Queen Elizabeth II's personal jewel collection has been incredibly well-documented for the benefit of the awed public.
  • Elizabeth I called the attempted invasion of England a ‘tyrannical, proud and brainsick attempt’.
  • The town's only claim to fame is that Queen Elizabeth I once visited it.
  • This begins immediately for Foxe when Elizabeth is arrested. 168 In Foxe's melodramatic depiction, Queen Mary's commissioners arrived at Elizabeth's residence in the middle of the night, barged their way past the "aghast" servants and told the princess that they had orders to bring her to court "either quick or dead. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Stanford was gonged, as a knighting is called in some nonaristocratic circles, in a 2006 ceremony attended by Prince Edward, Queen Elizabeth II's youngest child, according to Stanford's Web site. The Seattle Times
  • A scaled-down adaption of the original plan was finally completed and officially opened in 1973 by Queen Elizabeth II.
  • The ginger-haired baby Elizabeth is mainly a squalling infant in the period of the narrative, which chiefly covers the years 1527 – 35, but in the figure of her sibling Mary, one is given a chilling prefiguration of the coming time when the bonfires of English heretics will really start to blaze in earnest. The Men Who Made England
  • The drama in England flourished under Elizabeth I.
  • Elizabeth immediately reached out to embrace her, and Jane gladly accepted the offered commiseration.
  • Elizabeth immediately flew into a rage - her automatic response to any kind of criticism.
  • Edward's Crown and the Royal Cypher below in the middle ring and the wording 'Isle of Man Queen Elizabeth II 2007' in the surround.
  • In a dramatic bit of irony, it was revealed that the fake Queen Elizabeth II was played by boy actor James O'Keefe, who was recently arrested for feloniously attempting to tamper with the phone line of U.S. The Yes Men Prank Davos, Send Out Press Release With Blankfein Confessions
  • Media reports said Queen Elizabeth II's second son hit the officer as he was driving his four-by-four through the palace gates. Prince Andrew Allegedly Hits Police Officer With His Car
  • Queen Elizabeth I loved bonbons, and aristocratic Tudor households would pride themselves on presenting elaborate sugar artifices.
  • A Irish Times journalist claims that they are descended from the remnants of sheep stealers who resided in the Slieve Blooms in hiding from the forces of Queen Elizabeth I.
  • ROBERT LACEY, AUTHOR, "MONARCH: THE LIFE AND REIGN OF ELIZABETH II": Well, of course, it's difficult to compare her to the first Elizabeth who was the executive head of state. CNN Transcript May 28, 2002
  • But the Trust will provide a lasting legacy, in the name of HM Queen Elizabeth II. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Where Or When, who had beaten Hawk Wing in last season's Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, was a distant second with Olden Times third.
  • Pius V published the bull of excommunication of Elizabeth in 1570 to aid the Rebellion of the Northern Earls, but deliberately without informing Philip first.
  • Although Elizabeth is thoughtful, intelligent, and practical, she comes to realize that she is just as capable of letting her own feelings get in the way of her good sense as her feather-brained sisters.
  • Emperour to the Maiesties of King Philip and Queene Marie, at what time and at his returne I was remaining in Russia, and do not finde that the perfect knowledge of the first ambassage from thence to this our Souereigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth is come to your hands, betweene whose Highnesse and the ambassadours I was interpretour, I thinke good to expresse it. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Back in sixteenth century England, when Elizabeth I was queen, she tried quite vigorously to make the Church of England the church of England. CBO report: 4 million will pay health care penalty
  • Elizabeth is really not a braggadocious person.
  • Some members will recall a speech made by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her 50th jubilee.
  • Thus Queen Elizabeth I's rousing declamation to her troops at Tilbury in 1588 falls into this category since it is hinged to the crisis of the Spanish Armada.
  • As he was about to usher Elizabeth into the small dark room, a voice from above urgently cried his name.
  • Similar advertisements are prefixed to plays by David Garrick, Isaac Bickerstaffe, Hannah More, Elizabeth Griffith, Elizabeth Inchbald, Frederick Reynolds, and many others.
  • This meant transforming Elizabeth into a type of divine principal whose sexuality was not directly addressed.
  • Elizabeth in Minnesota is a self-proclaimed "cheesegirl", and teaches us a thing or two about annotto. More Hip Than Hippie Podcast
  • ‘I'm sorry, ma'am,’ Elizabeth instantly apologized, ‘I didn't mean to implore.’
  • Animation in Frankenstein is everywhere, suggestive of a textual effect rather than of a single accomplishment of a mad scientist: Elizabeth is "lively and animated" (19); Victor is "animated" while animating his creature (30); the creature periodically receives supplemental _Frankenstein_'s Cinematic Dream
  • Canadian gave it the name loonie because it has a picture of a common loon, a popular Canadian bird, on its reverse and it has Queen Elizabeth II on its obverse. Xml's
  • Elizabeth indignantly rejects him, on the grounds of his overweening pride, the part he has played in separating Jane from Bingley, and his alleged treatment of Wickham.
  • In Behind the Scenes at the Museum, a young girl happily cavorts in front of the TV screen broadcasting Elizabeth II's coronation; the moment simultaneously registers a shift in how the English experience their own history and a comical awareness of how "aslant" these experiences might prove to be. Three brief reviews

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