How To Use Elisa In A Sentence

  • Elisabeth found herself with a straggle of colonists in a mosquito-ridden, uncleared jungle where sandflies bored into the skin of the feet and the clay soil was so intractable that nothing would grow.
  • A new ELISA method was developed to detect Growth Hormone Releasing Factor ( GRF ) in this study.
  • Tea parties were Irene's favorite activity, and Elisa loved to pretend she was a high society debutante (which she would be in a matter of years but the girl was impatient).
  • Hemingway, who had become a journalist before the war, married Elisabeth Hadley, and went to report on the war in Greece and Turkey.
  • On July 11, 1961, the Independent State of Katanga celebrated the first anniversary of its independence by opening an 'International Trade Fair' at Elisabethville. The End of White Rule?
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  • I agree," jumps in Elisabeth Hasselbeck the show's token right-wing blonde who, has been looking for an opportunity to get a word in edgewise and who, like Sherri, is still operating on the mistaken believe they are conducting an actual interview. Stephen Colbert walks out on 'The View'
  • The screening test is called an ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. THE LUPUS HANDBOOK FOR WOMEN
  • The Immunology Lab offers both IgG and IgM anticardiolipin antibodies (ELISA) and IgG and IgMbeta-2 glycoprotein antibodies (ELISA). Immunology Lab
  • Apart from the potatoes and in this case the Cavolo Nero, all the other vegetables will be roasted in the oven first, to soften and develop a little caramelisation. Archive 2006-08-01
  • The pears had been barely cooked and they perched on a puff pastry tarte with no caramelisation in sight.
  • Melisandre (She might know a thing or two about this balefire thingy) Jaime's Challenge
  • Elisabeth Badinter's bestselling book champions France's so-so moms as the secret to high Gallic birth rates. In Praise of the Mediocre Mother
  • Our 'playpen' consisted of the odd comic strip, the novelisations, some vaguely surreal annuals, those Viewmaster slides, a Gareth Hunt doll and some stories that literally unfolded on chocolate wrappers. Behind the Sofa - The Collaborative Doctor Who Blog
  • For the young lovers, Pelléas and Mélisande, the only ‘happiness’ is acquiescence in their destiny - what happens to them; and acquiescence becomes identified with inanition.
  • The Immunology Lab offers both IgG and IgM anticardiolipin antibodies (ELISA) and IgG and IgMbeta-2 glycoprotein antibodies (ELISA). Immunology Lab
  • Sam Waterston has been doing his high-sniffy rectitudinous grandstanding for so long it's as if he expects some soft of Atticus Finch statue; Elisabeth Rohm is no worse than Angie Harmon, but no better; and Fred Thompson is a pompous pork chop whose cliched Southern homilies wouldn't be listened to seriously for ten seconds in NY (whereas Steven Hill, with his crusty cut-the-crap irritability and desire to get out of the office before bad news could follow, was the authentic article). New Guy in Town: James Wolcott
  • Elisabeth stopped at the old peat barge, the single landmark on an otherwise featureless wilderness.
  • Serology detects antibodies against malaria parasites, using either an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) or an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Malaria
  • Objective To develop BSAS - ELISA for improvement of sensitivity to detecting serum circulating antigen of Schistosoma japonicum.
  • Elisabeth found herself with a straggle of colonists in a mosquito-ridden, uncleared jungle where sandflies bored into the skin of the feet and the clay soil was so intractable that nothing would grow.
  • Enzyme - linked immunosorbent assays ( ELISA ) were developed for lactoferrin determination of bovine colostrum.
  • Elisabeth empress kaiserin keizerin ostereich oostenrijk music is petra berger-sissi Romy schneider as Sissi sisi princess prinzessin principessa prinses queen koningin kaiserin empress gohana. my version of princess sissi kaiserin more coming soon! - Articles related to Do Indian laws apply to Hindu marriage outside country?
  • Due to low amount of IgA in mucosal fluids, a high sensitive sandwich ELISA assay was set; sensitivity was enhanced by milk-based overcoating buffer and by a two-step biotin-streptavidin signal amplification. Elites TV
  • [S] 526 A.D. [T] 531 A.D. But at a later time [60] Theodatus, the ruler of the Goths, upon learning that Belisarius had come to Sicily, made a compact with the Germans, in which it was agreed that the Germans should have that portion of Gaul which fell to the Goths, and should receive twenty centenaria [61] of gold, and that in return they should assist the Goths in this war. Procopius History of the Wars, Books V. and VI.
  • This movie adaptation of the TV adaptation of the novelisation of the radio series is about as faithful as you can get.
  • Belisarius instantly sallied from the gates; and while the soldiers chanted his name and victory, the hostile engines of war were reduced to ashes. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • She devotes much space to Elisabeth Freeman, a white suffragist whom the NAACP dispatched to Waco immediately after the lynching to do an undercover investigation and prepare a report.
  • It was just after seven so he had two hours before his appointment with Elisa Stasi.
  • Fluid beats and loosely assembled sound collages colour the third album by Holland's Elisabeth Esselink.
  • Elisabeth borrowed the “Debray” monicker from her ex-husband, the famed international gadabout and Che Guevara pal Régis Debray, the Bill Ayers of France. Deconstructing Obama
  • So was the whole island of Sicily won over to the realm of Justinian before the end of 535, and Belisarius, Consul for the year, rode through the streets of Syracuse on the last day of his term of office, scattering his "donative" to the shouting soldiers and citizens. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • I often managed, in our short interviews, to give them notes which Madame Élisabeth had contrived to secrete from the searches of the municipals; these notes usually related to information desired by Their Majesties. The Ruin of a Princess
  • In any case, the death of Pelléas is a crude murder by a crazed enemy, whose depravity has already been manifest in the horrendous scene in which Golaud hales Mélisande up and down by the hair of her lovely head.
  • At that precise moment, the eleven swans flew in. Princess Elisa threw the finished mantles to the swans.
  • The bifunctional molecule was proved by ELISA to be able to bind both RBC and anti-HFRSV antibody.
  • Specific IgG antibody was tested by ELISA, the sonicated B . pertussis bacteria was used as coating antigen.
  • July 7th, 2009 7: 32 pm ET those 7 out of 10 repubs are the STUPID MACHINE that keeps this country at war with the rest of the world. the only other stupid skank is elisabeth hasselbeck, the blonde war monger from The View. Poll: Palin decision doesn't change minds
  • Following emancipation, we are able to feel with Elisabeth what it must have been like to suddenly have a surname.
  • Double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was determinated of urinary Tamm-Horsfall protein content.
  • I remember speaking to a woman who was a prison officer "looking after" hindley. she told me about the "beautifull" gay marriage of 2 inmates where hindley was a bridegroom! what a picture of a woman who procured children for rape, torture and death now being a bridegroom at a gay wedding in a prison .... do gooders are ruining the society they live in by rewarding and comforting scum like hindley - and in this case fritzl who in life is a really nasty, weak, pathetic and pointless individual ... footnote: - Elisabeth is so traumatised by the torture she was subjected to by her pointless "father" that she cant yet be interviewed about her "life" in a cellar. New Statesman
  • While she was perhaps best known for her portrayal as Elisabeth, Empress Consort of Austria in various popcorn romance films throughout her career, it was later work with luminaries such as Luchino Visconti, Claude Chabrol and Bertrand Tavernier that established Schneider as a screen legend. What's On Around Europe
  • _Le soir, après souper, je relisais mon_ Robinson, _je l’apprenais par cœur; le jour, je le jouais, je le jouais avec rage, et tout ce qui m’entourait, je l’enrôlais dans ma comédie_ (voir p. 6). Le Petit Chose (part 1) Histoire d'un Enfant
  • It is a rich bronzed colour, from the caramelisation, and the rest of the vegetable has gently steamed. Cookery masterclass: René Redzepi
  • Elisa, Dhaiiski, and Cassida appeared downtown area at the center of a pillar of yellow circles.
  • Elisabeth watched a snake glide venomously across her path.
  • As most of cooking evolved from what my mother taught me, I base this treatment on her recipe and her recipe is simple - all you need is time and caramelisation occurs naturally, whatever onion you use. Archive 2008-11-01
  • My beloved Elisabeta lay on the same bier where she had wept for me only four nights prior.
  • Mélisande's restlessness with Golaud turns frolicsome, even transgressive, by Pelléas's side. An Otherworldly Opera
  • ELISA values of unabsorbed serum were compared with those for serum absorbed with HSA or with fungal antigens.
  • Within a week of the interview, Dorothy Rabinowitz of the Wall Street Journal wrote an article entitled "Deepak Blames America," and Elisabeth Hasselbeck of The View called him "Glitter glasses whatshisface" and mumbled "Go light a bowl of incense. Michelle Haimoff: My Uncensored Interview with Deepak Chopra
  • She recently attended the Academie de Musique Ancienne en Basse-Normandie in Lisieux, France, where she received the advice and instruction of Elisabeth Joyé, Franois Guerrier and Aurélien Delage, and Pierre Hantaï. Ventura County Star Stories
  • It used to be known as Elisabethville when Zaire was a colony of Belgium, and it remains a strategic crossroads between all Zaire and the south of the African continent. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For the truth of the history is, that Master Elisabat, of whom the madman spoke, was very prudent, and a man of a sound judgment, and served the queen as her tutor and physician; but to think that she was his leman is a madness worthy the severest punishment; and to the end thou mayst see that Cardenio knew not what he said, thou must understand that when he spoke it he then was wholly beside himself. The Third Book. XI. Which Treats of the Strange Adventures That Happened to the Knight of the Mancha in Sierra Morena; and of the Penance He Did There, in Imitation of Beltenebros
  • Intraperitoneal injection of xenogeneic cells resulted in the development of an immune response as tested by ELISA.
  • Methods Cytokine contents in serum and synovia of healthy people and of OA patients were respectively detected by ELISA before and after HA viscosupplementation.
  • But he does have a table of contents, so let's try that: 1. On the production of subjectivity 2. Machinic heterogenesis 3. Schizoanalytic metamodelisation 4. Schizo chaosmosis 5. Machinic orality and virtual ecology 6. The new aesthetic paradigm 7. The ecosophic object Book Blogging: 'Chaosmosis'
  • The mindless embolus that had claimed Elisabeth's brain seemed almost humane by comparison. DO NO HARM
  • The Immunology Lab offers both IgG and IgM anticardiolipin antibodies (ELISA) and IgG and IgMbeta-2 glycoprotein antibodies (ELISA). Immunology Lab
  • Or ‘Thumbelisa’ (better known as ‘Thumbelina’), in which a tiny girl is betrothed to a velvety mole.
  • Today I am full of, as Ogden Nash would say, "unpoetical material"; tonight Ester and Elisabeth are sitting in the room reading and talking poetry.
  • Serology detects antibodies against malaria parasites, using either an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) or an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Malaria
  • Taking on the chaplaincy is a big challenge, as the University is in a sense a far-flung organisation, with many students living some distance out of the town, and many on part-time courses, and considerable difficulties to be faced in trying to establish contact with the Catholics among them and communicate the message that there is a Chaplaincy there for them, a centre for evangelisation and faith..... Auntie joanna writes
  • Drizzle in the ponzu a little at a time - as there is some sugar in the sauce caramelisation will occur. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Under the announced collaboration, EnviroLogix will develop Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assays (ELISAs) to permit quantifying the expression of phytoene synthase and phytoene desaturase -- two proteins involved in the production of beta carotene, a precursor to vitamin A-- in rice, sorghum and banana. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • X-Men: X-Men (novelisation) - Kristin Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith Superhero Prose Fiction: Wild Cards - Wild Cards 18 09 Looking For Jetboy
  • We can thank author Elisabeth Beresford for making famous this glorious expanse of open space.
  • Marburg is famous for its medieval churches, especially the Elisabethkirche, one of the two or three first purely Gothic churches north of the Alps outside of France and thus an incunable of Gothic architecture in Germany, as well as for the castle. - Articles related to Expulsion of Roma Raises Questions in France
  • The seropositive rate of rCE18-ELISA was 38.89% in Tm, 73.33% in Th, 100% in Eg, and 76.14% in the epidemic area of echinococcosis, respectively, whereas that of the healthy control was negative.
  • Serological tests such as enzyme-linked immunoassay (the "ELISA" or "EIA" methods) may demonstrate the presence of specific IgM antibodies to the virus. Chapter 2
  • Elisa swung a punch at his shoulder, and he didn't bother dodging.
  • No sooner had I successfully navigated in respect of Sunny the five stages of the grieving process per Elisabeth Kübler-Ross than news of the death from cancer on Christmas Day of Eartha Kitt appeared in the New York Times. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Elisabeth found herself with a straggle of colonists in a mosquito-ridden, uncleared jungle where sandflies bored into the skin of the feet and the clay soil was so intractable that nothing would grow.
  • Elisabeth looked at her brother, smiling faintly.
  • It's important that you not rush this as so much of the flavour depends on the slow caramelisation of the vegetables. Archive 2007-06-01
  • We had this salad with Youvarlakia avgolemono, which is Greek-style meatballs with oregano, mint, rice, eggs, onion, and garlic, in an egg-yolk and lemon-juice spiked broth; a recipe from Elisabeth Luard’s The Old World Kitchen, which I bought based on Bittman’s recommendation. Recipe of the Day: Fennel With Olive Oil Dipping Sauce - Bitten Blog -
  • AP Enterprise: Husbands, others recall dismembered NC girl's stepmom as abusive, 'pure evil' AP Enterprise: Husbands, others recall dismembered NC girl's stepmom as abusive, 'pure evil' - Elisa Baker had an uncanny ability to stay ahead of bill collectors, police, social workers and her multiple husbands, The Associated Press discovered in an investigation of the woman who led authorities to the dismembered remains of her disabled, 10-year-old stepdaughter. rss feed
  • The bifunctional molecule was proved by ELISA to be able to bind both RBC and anti-HFRSV antibody.
  • At 8 months of age, Elisabeth developed temporary milk intolerance and oral candidiasis.
  • From the court records in Howard's _History of Matrimonial Institutions_ we learn: "'In 1648 the Corte acquit Elisa Pennion of the capitall offence charged upon her by 2 sevrall inditements for adultery,' but sentence her to be 'whiped' in Boston, and again at 'Linn wthin one month.' Woman's Life in Colonial Days
  • Elisabeth Kübler-RossThat lesson is hard but true and transformative. Blessings
  • Elisabethkirche, one of the two or three first purely Gothic churches north of the Alps outside of France and thus an incunable of Gothic architecture in Germany, as well as for the castle. - Articles related to Expulsion of Roma Raises Questions in France
  • Just so you know, not to be rude or anything, it's just i like to be called mel or melisa, nothing else:) i'm sweet and kind anxious sometimes, curious. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Elisa is doing a "polymorphic" dress with a caplet. Jane McGivney: Make It Work: The Knitwear of Despair
  • The fondue was a fun, interactive meal, making for a most enjoyable evening at Elisabelle.
  • At Elisabethville, capital of the secessionist province of Katanga, the plane was denied permission to land. Top Stories
  • The examining result by ELISA showed that the elimination rates of ASGV(apple stem grooving virus)and CLSV(chlorotic leaf spot virus)were over75%and100%.
  • The winds began to rise around Elisa, making her clothes billow and tossing her hair back.
  • Elisa is doing a "polymorphic" dress with a caplet. Jane McGivney: Make It Work: The Knitwear of Despair
  • Its dark colour comes from the caramelisation of starch in the rye grain during the long, slow baking process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elisabeth's presence on the farm, along with Gerrit's absent children, suggests a certain fluidity among frontier households. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • Elisabeth, yes, gravlax is a mighty good Scandinavian dish. Recipe: Gravlax
  • for our final sneak peek of the day we're traveling to sweden to the home of stylist/photographer elisabeth dunker.
  • He planned to sap Elisabeth of all her powers, and then to take over the bridge and all worlds.
  • The areas round the house, where the borders are filled with herbaceous plants, were the territory of his wife, Elisabeth, an equally keen gardener, who died last year.
  • The reproducibilities of ELISA, IEA and HI were 92.5 % . 88.2 % and 68.6 % respectively.
  • Another said he was under house arrest near Elisabethville. NYT > Home Page
  • He would take the Narrow Way along the isthmus that joined Belisaere to the mainland because there was no other way to go. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • I like to leave it in the oven for an extra couple of minutes to encourage a caramelisation to occur on the surface of the pie, lending a burnished shade that contrasts with the rich and bright orange of the pie filling. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The first enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or ELISA I test became available shortly after the discovery of hepatitis C in 1989. DR. SANJIV CHOPRA’S LIVER BOOK
  • Both women continued pouring magik into the sphere until it was the color of the sky, and Elisa wiped sweat from her brow.
  • Conclusion HCV C-NS3 chimeric antigen was obtained, which laid a foundation of improving the quality of ELISA diagnostic kit for HCV.
  • Elisabeth stopped at the old peat barge, the single landmark on an otherwise featureless wilderness.
  • Princess sissi/kaiserin Elisabeth gohana. my version of princess sissi kaiserin more coming soon! - Articles related to Do Indian laws apply to Hindu marriage outside country?
  • Nakuba siyizwe elincani futhi elisakhula nkwezomnotho, alikho izwe elingazishaya isifuba lithi lingcono kune Ningizimu Afrika kwezobuhloli. SPEECH BY DR SC CWELE ANC MP AND CHAIRPERSON OF THE JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE DURING THE DEBATE ON BUDGET VOTE 8: NATIONAL TREASURY (INTELLIGENCE)
  • The remaining Chagas patient infections were identified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), hemagglutination and immunofluorescence assays, which showed specific anti - PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • There's a fine line between caramelisation and burning.. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elisa refolded the paper and returned it to David.
  • One is not slighting her in saying that she comes close to, but does not equal, the unsurpassable Elisabeth Schwarzkopf.
  • One description of his arrival in Elisabethville said he had been severely beaten by Katangese gendarmerie. NYT > Home Page
  • Anika Elisabetta Luceri é uma designer italiana, com uma paixão pela arte e um portfólio de design muito intrigante, especialmente pela sua coleção de banheiras decoradas. Upholstered Bathtub: Comfortably Glamorous
  • So keep your eyes peeled on all the long-haired Emmy nominees such as Connie Britton, Elisabeth Moss, Tina Fey, Melissa McCarthy, Amy Poehler and beautiful Laura Linney as they step out of the limo onto the red carpet with all the gorgeous latest fashions from Mercedes Fashion week and elegant, fabulous, sexy CURLS! Kim Vo: Upcoming Emmys Will Dictate the Hottest Trends for 2012
  • Maria - Elisabeth Schaeffler receives Cross Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • T. cruzi infection as detected by ELISA, hemagglutination, and immunofluorescence exams, and by the parasite DNA signature. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • That time I was all fluey, coddling Motrin like Elisabeth Hasselbeck does with her rifle and Kenny Chesney CD every night, Joy came off as the cool aunt. 5 Easy Ways for Comedians to Survive The View
  • What kind of pastry do you use, and how far do you go down the route of caramelisation? How to cook perfect tarte tatin
  • The point here is not to exalt Elisabeth to a position of equal stature.
  • Did a "troc" or "trade" with winemaker Elisabeth Plantevin - exchanging one book for three generous packets of hand-picked rose trémière* seeds. Péquenaud - French Word-A-Day
  • There was something impressive in the restrained passion of Elisabeth's speech, a certain primitive grandeur in her envisagement of the relationship of mother and son. The Hermit of Far End
  • Elisa, squatting on the ground, watched to see the crazy, loose-jointed wagon pass by.
  • Elisabeth blow-drying her hair, naked so she wouldn't overheat, her dress draped across the bathroom counter. DO NO HARM
  • The outside will get totally blackened as you turn it over the coals but this is a good thing involving chemistry and caramelisation. The Sun
  • He was also a forward thinker and was among the first to consider complete dieselisation of the railways.
  • The result of this search for a new system was called serialism, or 12-tone composition. was redefining the profile of French music, with a style that transferred the ideals of opera Pelléas and Mélisande was first performed in Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • IgG and IgM antibodies may be detected in serum by enzyme-linked immunoassay (the "ELISA" or "EIA" methods) from about day six of illness. Chapter 2
  • Nancy, the owner, and Loren, the manicurist, ushered Elisa to a lavender vinyl chair.
  • Good point, WSF, but I suspect the Venus & Elisabeth voice types are too different - luscious mezzo rolled into highish lyricodramatic soprano could be tricky. Tannhäuser in Paris
  • In this quotation, Elisapee, a contemporary Inuit is mourning the death of her uncle Ohoto who had led a more traditional Inuit life. Ongoing Challenges for the Inuit People of Canada
  • The only ones that approach it in awfulness are Eric Saward's novelisation of The Twin Dilemma and Topping's Telos novella Ghost Ship. Linkspam for 23-6-2009
  • Someone calls Elisabeth Irwin's name, and she goes over to shoot some pool.
  • Lady Melisandre was seated the fire, her ruby glimmering against the pale skin of her throat.
  • Ultimately, it's all about getting caramelisation and good contact with the pan. The Sun
  • When he thought of the great Mongibello that he never would see, and of Donna Elisa, who would never come again, and of the school, and of the shut-in cloister garden, and of a whole restricted life! The Miracles of Antichrist: A Novel
  • Desert Quartet, a 1989 Elisabeth Frink sculpture at a post-modern shopping centre in Worthing, has been listed, and the 1980-1986 Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre in Westminster by Powell and Moya, is being considered by English Heritage. Heritage or horror? Row over Broadgate demolition plan
  • Little used variant form of Elizabeth used by Elisabeth Braddock, an English-born mutant with telekinetic and precognitive abilities who joins the X-Men as Psylocke. Sci-Fi Baby Names Continued
  • Elisabeth Hurst is a writer of short stories; Jo Rittenhouse is a poet.
  • The tale of Elisa Cameron and her search for the truth surrounding her apparent death struck a chord with readers, and we are happy to see her returning from her natural state of unbeing into our physical plane with this lovingly detailed 12 "articulated figure produced by Triad Toys. Comic Book Resources
  • In this study, the ELISA method vs HPLC method for the determination of the halofuginone in chicken liver and muscle were compared.
  • The brucella ELISA and Q fever ELISA OD (optical density) values are presented in Histogram of optical density values (OD) for the Brucella cELSIA and Q fever ELISA. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Kingmaker in the civic politics of the Fourth Ward, parader with infant ghouls and vampires on Halloween, soup kitchen volunteer; Rosa Elisabetta, institution. Rick Moody: The Diviners (Excerpt)
  • Dieselisation will cause a public health problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie sizzles with Morris and Elisa's sexy dialogue.
  • He would take the Narrow Way along the isthmus that joined Belisaere to the mainland because there was no other way to go. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The composer's only opera, "Pelléas et Mélisande," is indeed a triumph of hermeticism and otherworldliness. An Otherworldly Opera
  • An ELISA test is used to measure anticardiolipin antibodies, of which there are several different classes IgG, IgM, IgA. THE LUPUS HANDBOOK FOR WOMEN
  • Objective To compare the effect of NP30 diagnostic kit and SEA/ELISA kit applicated in schistosomiasis epidemic spot of multi-mountain area in Yunnan Province.
  • Which leaves us with the stunning Margulies, whose fiercest competition may be Mad Men's Elisabeth Moss — with co-star Hamm, touting their brilliant work on the instant-classic "The Suitcase" episode. Critic's Notebook: The Emmy Nominations
  • The production of E. coli heat labile toxin (LT) and cholera toxin (CT) and their binding to ganglioside monosialic acid (GM1) were studied by GM1-ELISA whereas the production and action of E. coli heat stable toxin (ST) was assessed by suckling mouse assay. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Elisabeth blow-drying her hair, naked so she wouldn't overheat, her dress draped across the bathroom counter. DO NO HARM
  • Comments (3) elisa: fun trivia: "in bocca al lupo" is italian for "in the mouth of the wolf," which is their way of saying "break a leg! Too old to fuck around, too young to die (Music (For Robots))
  • Elisa has not fully recovered from the incident.
  • She ran her hands along Elisa's shoulders, smoothing her tense muscles.
  • The Princess Élisabeth, sister of the unfortunate Louis XVI, is almost the only figure which emerges unsullied from the unspeakable corruption of the French Court under Louis XV. The Ruin of a Princess
  • Elisa has not fully recovered from the incident.
  • a rebel, his wife Antonina, who enjoyed the secret confidence of the empress, communicated his feigned discontent to Euphemia, the daughter of the praefect; the credulous virgin imparted to her father the dangerous project, and John, who might have known the value of oaths and promises, was tempted to accept a nocturnal, and almost treasonable, interview with the wife of Belisarius. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Recently seven baptisms took place and evangelisation of two neighbouring villages is under way.
  • And indeed, Elisabetta's plight in Don Carlo is painted with a broad brush.
  • Elisabeth gave out a yelp as the sharp teeth of the snake dove into her skin, unleashing its venomous liquid.
  • The second she walked onto the street pavement, Elisabeth looked up at the roof.
  • The departure of Elisabeth was like the departure of a mother; she had been the old hen of the group, clucking over everybody and their goings-on with men, while never having one herself.
  • But what Councils do not deal with, and therefore neglect, is also of great significance: thus Vatican II was deafeningly silent about what was to become the main preoccupation of the pontificate of John Paul II: evangelisation. Newman, Continuity and Vatican II according to Fr. Ian Ker
  • Having since then successfully navigated all five stages of the grieving process per Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, I now find myself in the living hell of shopping for a new computer. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The forewing has only one or two very small brown spots on the basal antenodal cross veins, unlike the extensive post-basal markings of the wings of C. elisa.
  • Good grief, our legislature is a constant embarassment. elisabeth Racist e-mail aimed at Obama raises hackles in Tennessee
  • As the countdown to the concert begins, one innocent young man must navigate a minefield of London drug smuggles, New York City brawls and Vegas lap dances to deliver his charge safe and, sort of, sound … all while trying to remain faithful to his med student girlfriend (Elisabeth Moss). Get Him To The Greek Movie Trailer | /Film
  • We are very grateful to Elisabetta Ullu (Yale University) for discussions and advice concerning the polysome analysis, Beatriz Castilho and Osvaldo Neto (University of São Paulo, PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Christina opted for florals (and showed off a pair of dark-rimmed glasses), Elisabeth donned an embellished, champagne-colored frock and Cara stood out in emerald green and a statement necklace. Christina Hendricks, Elisabeth Moss & Cara Buono Step Out To 'Mad Men' Finale In Style (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • We were driven by Santo Piccione, a watch-repairer and fine deacon from the Santa Elisabetta church who takes one day off each week to do his diaconal duties.
  • The concentrations of leptin (in stomach contents and serum) were measured by ELISA (RD291001200 kit; Biovendor, Modrice, Czech Republic); glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol and free fatty acids were determined by an autoanalyzer (Hitachi 912, Roche Diagnostics, Almere, The Netherlands) using commercial kits (Gluco-Quant/HK, Triglycerides-GPO-PAP, PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Also tried another tarte tatin, but it needed a little more caramelisation.
  • When the evangelisation of Ireland began in the fifth century St. Patrick and his contemporaries pragmatically accepted the indigenous respect for sacred wells.

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