How To Use Eliminate In A Sentence
The line of stemware and tumblers feature a unique magnesium-based crystal that the company says eliminates the trade-off between clarity and durability in this product category.
When a player gets 100 points, he is eliminated from further play.
After the seacock or gate valve is closed, remove the hose temporarily so that it drains and then use an absorbent cloth or turkey baster to eliminate any residual water in the nipple.
If you think spaceflight is a bad thing, shouldn't we eliminate it entirely?
Would You Bring Back NGLT-or SLI? - NASA Watch
The contestants are eliminated one by one until the last two compete in a head-to-head contest.

Water dilutes, dissolves and helps eliminate toxins and trash that could otherwise inhibit immune function, muscle recovery and growth.
Should one seek the causes, eliminate them and so prevent the disease?
We cannot eliminate all risk, and we should not aspire to do so.
The Colts coach will again contemplate whether to retire after his team was eliminated from the playoffs by the Chargers for a second consecutive season.
NFL Replay: Staying or going, Dungy's historic place is secure
There are several general measures that can be taken to reduce or eliminate the problem altogether.
There are many techniques depending on whether the home is under construction or being retrofitted to eliminate noise pollution.
The Chief of Navy, VADM Chris Ritchie, said he was determined to eliminate the use of prohibited drugs in the navy.
But at least one religious leader believes the ability to use dedifferentiation to create human stem cells would eliminate the controversy.
Cells That Go Back in Time
I think we can eliminate blacks, women, and the younger voter from our enquiries.
The use of the bucket and telpher also eliminated most of the objectionable noise incident to the transfer of spoil from tunnel cars to ordinary wagons at the shaft sites.
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Cross-Town Tunnels. Paper No. 1158
Fortunately the technology of the food processing industry is now so sophisticated that infection from this source has been virtually eliminated.
It had been rather emotional for those groups that were eliminated in the second round.
Laikening, Masa, the storehouse also occupy compared to the card the edge which eliminates.
This eliminates the possibility of the wrong person being updated, and enables the operator to see if any details are incorrect.
Regularization is an effective way to eliminate such an instability.
Nicotine replacement blunts but does not eliminate these symptoms.
The only way "society" can eliminate delays in childbearing is to cause delays in the re-election of our representatives in Washington who oppose eliminating them.
Side note: If the tables were turned and McGavick had a larger war chest than Cantwell we'd be bombarded with cries of "Big Money!" and schemes to reduce/eliminate financial support in senatorial races too.
Sound Politics: Suppression of dissent in Mrs. Gregoire's Amerikkka
The complaints also seek to remove references to Lipitor in advertising materials and to eliminate computer links that misdirect patients to an illegal, unapproved product.
Lawmakers also vetoed an administration proposal to eliminate the referendum supervisory committee that is stipulated in the law.
Eliminates drips, mess, and pot-life problems of liquid epoxy.
The simple molecule eliminated can be water, ammonia, or an alcohol.
This week, at a meeting attended by government ministers, provincial governors, traditional chiefs, health experts, the commander of the Zimbabwe's defence forces, diplomats and the media, the government announced what it called a nationwide blitz to control, cure and eliminate the disease.
Caroline Gluck: A National Blitz to Control Cholera in Zimbabwe
These clubs often wait for a contract to expire before signing a player, in order to eliminate any transfer fee involved.
Mr. Obama urged Congress Tuesday to immediately eliminate what he called "unwarranted" tax breaks for oil companies.
Gas Price Surge Triggers Political Brawl
Education may enhance the ability to produce justifications, rather than eliminate racism toutcourt.
We wanted to eliminate rehandling, which is costly and can lead to mistakes.
Onchocerciasis eliminated from west Africa: Officials from the World Health Organization last week celebrated the elimination of onchocerciasis, or river blindness, as a public health threat in west Africa.
I hope the renovations don't eliminate one of NYC's last remaining "wheelie" stoplights from the 1920s...
Central Park Police Station to Be Made Stable
In addition, the mold and moisture issues associated with chillers operating at part-load conditions are eliminated when proper dehumidification can occur.
In the bid to eliminate the estate tax, anti-repeal forces have used slick advertising, explicit falsehoods and deception.
Those rough and tumble, layer-upon-layer, torn advertising labels made of self-adhesive paper have become a headache for local people to eliminate.
That is the eternalist view, that if we could just have this happiness or have enough of it or not lose it, this would eliminate all of our problems.
Happiness: An In-Depth Analysis of Its Role in Sutra and Tantra ��� Session Two: Recognizing the Various Levels of Happiness
The deal will eliminate heavy intercontinental missiles and multiple-warhead missiles, the most devastating weapons mankind has ever devised.
The sphere and valve seat is completely separated to eliminate wear of seal ring.
For two days after the Sooners got eliminated from the NCAA tournament on the brink of the Final Four, Griffin was too disappointed to think about the NBA.
Oklahoma's Griffin leads group of players entering NBA draft
The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.
Smallpox, caused by a virus called variola, was declared eliminated in 1980 after a global vaccination campaign.
Cancer Pill may fight Small Pox | Impact Lab
Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.
The violence of the past-specifically, the dreaded practice of necklacing, which mingled the smell of rubber with the ‘sickly stench of roasting human flesh’ has been eliminated.
Unfortunately, none of these will fix or eliminate the damaged veins that hinder proper circulation of blood through the body.
Buchanan has said he would gradually eliminate all foreign economic aid and give only limited assistance in instances of humanitarian disasters.
Too early death, or severe infirmity, or excessive distance could eliminate any possibility of a significant relationship.
We have eliminated traditional boundaries and made the proposition much clearer for shoppers.
The result, across the nation: Teachers are being laid off and new hiring frozen, after-school programs cut, so called "noncritical" subjects like history eliminated, schools closed, and tuitions hiked at state colleges and universities.
Archive 2008-12-01
Downstairs, a new "stereotactic" radiation therapy machine is capable of delivering a minutely focused, high-level dose of radiation to shrink or eliminate tumors. - News
Garlic helps prevent and eliminate infections as well as destroys parasites, worms and viruses in addition to stimulating the immune function.
The need for writing complex systems management scripts is supposedly eliminated.
Now, of course, the judges/justices can try to distinguish precedent, etc. but that doesn't eliminate the fact that stare decisis has some inherent value in constraining judicial decisionmaking.
Kalou was a part of the Ivory Coast squad that eventually finished fourth in the tournament – losing out to Essien's Ghana in the third place play-off having been eliminated by eventual winners Egypt.
Countries signing the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer have pledged to eliminate manufacture and use of halocarbons.
Brad DeLong has some good advice about the tax system: eliminate loopholes for the affluent and raise top marginal rates and uncap FICA.
They are divided for months over how to eliminate the budget deficit.
The direct-drive AC spindle eliminates the use of gears or belts to drive the spindle and reduces vibration and chatter.
To eliminate the variable of aesthetic and perceptual bias, they also included some mirror-images.
Rainwater typically has very low hardness levels, which reduces the use of soaps and detergents, and eliminates the need for a water softener.
Also, few modern regulating structures exist and the systems need to be rationalized to eliminate duplication or resources and increase the irrigable area.
According to the analyzing results, the measuring scheme is adjusted locally to eliminate the temperature effect.
To eliminate unfused lipid vesicles, the internal contents of the assembly were then rinsed with approximately 10 internal volumes of the solution used to suspend the vesicles.
This has been an ongoing discussion for quite some time, with the reddest of the right-leaning anti-public broadcasting crowd fixing to "defund" and altogether eliminate some of the stalwarts of American news such as NPR and PBS.
Charles D. Ellison: Juan Williams: Clever Double-Play or Conservative Cause Celebre'
We pledge to use our skills, resources and energy, through individual and collective action, to empower disadvantaged people, eliminate racism and promote a non-racial society whose resources are used to the benefit of all its people.
The body eliminates bilirubin by transporting it to the liver bound to albumin in the serum.
Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins
There's something about winter and snow that eliminates sound, and in that immense and roofless vacancy you sense another presence, something that doesn't move.
The species have the function of anti-tumor and anti-virus eliminate inflammation, the live material in its living creature is diterpenoids.
Side loading eliminated the need to drive over the deck to reach other flat cars, so it was eliminated, along with its expense, and more importantly, tare weight.
Catholics no longer go to confession as a regular practice, and many Protestant services have eliminated or downplayed the confession of sins.
These gap sizes were reduced, but not eliminated, by shearing the linear cosmid into smaller fragments.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
His draw was so maniacally quick that he actually eliminated his targets before they could completely come into view.
In addition, the choice of the proper grades of stainless steel and passivated systems has reduced or eliminated the gelling of paint caused by metal ions, lowering the potential for dirt to enter the paint supply system.
It was reasoned that this would eliminate lengthy carrier qualification trials as well as providing the Marines with a hard-hitting fighter-bomber that would be well suited to their operational doctrine.
However, even his own federal bureaucracy eliminated 40,000 jobs this year.
This kind of elimination, in which we do not eliminate any one assignable cause, but the multitude of floating unassignable ones, may be termed the
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
The repetitive controller based on the theory of internal model produces correction signal based on the control error of the last cycle to eliminate the error in the latter cycle.
A sensible spelling reform as opposed to revolution of English spelling would eliminate the unpredictable pronunciations and the homographic heterophones, making English spellng as usable as French spelling.
Today’s “Today” | Linguism
Our technical programmes in the schools were virtually eliminated by the new "smorgasbord" approach to education in which every student is able to choose every subject he may possibly want to learn: a little of this, a little of that, but nobody was to be streamed into any kind of technical education.
Economic Strategy: the Myth of Provincial Impotence
There is no ventilation system that reduces or eliminates the carcinogenic products of second-hand smoke or the sidestream smoke from cigarette smoking.
The single market is designed to eliminate barriers to the free movement of goods, services and people.
Nor are the skies above frequented by commercial airlines, which eliminates interfering radar signals.
While the main function of the kidneys is to eliminate excessive water from the blood, carbon dioxide gas is eliminated through the lungs.
Fascism attempts to organize the newly created proletarian masses without affecting the property structure which the masses strive to eliminate.
The technology would also eliminate the need for master / slave jumpers on devices to simplify installation.
sells" potassium nitrate, and Block's attempted limitation of the staple / nonstaple inquiry to that mere ingredient would eliminate the § 271 (c) - mandated inquiries relating to whether what was actually sold was a material part of the invention and whether the seller knew that what was actually sold was especially made or adapted for use in infringement of the patent.
Promote the Progress - Patent case bibliographic summaries
This switched supply introduces a non-linearity, which can be eliminated by considering only the fundamental components of voltage and current.
As the disease of greed and materialism spreads in our minds, so do the physical diseases, as our bodies struggle to eliminate the toxicity from the cocktail of chemicals consumed every day.
This paper shows that under certain conditons it is possible to diminish and even eliminate the nonlinear distorsion of a peak envelope detector by biasing the diode adequately.
Three teams were eliminated in the preliminaries leaving Arrows, Buffaloes, Eagles and City of Lusaka to qualify to the semi-finals
Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins
These people are normally quickly eliminated, but they can cause real consternation among their neighbours.
Birth control funding, the Americorps volunteer program, public broadcasting, the community-oriented policing program and a "weatherization" program to insulate homes and office buildings also would be eliminated.
Reuters: Top News
Although bearded vultures were nearly eliminated from Europe and northern Africa, they continued to inhabit their range in Asia in good numbers.
Other than releasing oxygen in the air, money plant can also eliminate formaldehyde from the air that is commonly released by cigarette smoke and adhesives (used with wood furnishings).
Change the monitor location or tilt it to eliminate glare from lights or windows.
But pressure to eliminate the budget deficit, said Vest, is likely to lead to diminished help from Washington.
I can't think of a single subsidy that actually got eliminated, not even honey or mohair.
To eliminate the need for heroic final cleanups, it is expected that the degree of purity of intermediates will increase progressively, from the first intermediate on to the drug substance itself.
So the cricket World Cup next year runs from February 8 to March 23 and takes 42 games to eliminate eight countries from a pool of 14.
A front yard of usable dimensions to kick a ball, or have a front yard courtyard where outside lounging, eating, and sun rays can be experienced is usually eliminated.
An apartment bunker in your neighborhood? If it's "delightful." (Jack Bog's Blog)
The digital audio chain eliminates a compandor and its artifacts, and provides audio frequency response flat to 20 kHz.
Google predatorily dumps monopoly-subsidized omnifarious products/services to eliminate competition.
The Precursor Blog by Scott Cleland
While opting out may reduce charitable solicitations, it won't eliminate them.
Part of the cornea is surgically removed and the cornea is reshaped to eliminate the need for glasses for nearsighted patients.
After Liberation in 1949, with the rectification and reorganization of the social order, the practice of streetwalking, pimping and whore-mongering was ordered eliminated.
The measure would eliminate commercial logging on federal public lands, promote restoration, and aid economically stressed logging communities.
The big category of goods dutiable at 5 % or less, on which tariffs stand to be eliminated, consists mainly of primary commodities, and the demand for such goods tends to be relatively "inelastic" - that is, unresponsive to small price changes such as would result from the removal of a 5 % or lower import tariff.
Expanding TradeThe Positive Approach to Economic Growth
Odors from your garbage disposal can be eliminated by grinding up orange, grapefruit or lemon peels while running hot water.
The timer eliminated the need for a stopwatch and enabled participants to start at their leisure.
The human resource systems should work proactively to eliminate barriers and increase opportunity.
This means that vitamins and chewing toys must be eliminated and that flavored medications such as certain ecto/endoparasite preventatives should be replaced by other, equally effective non-flavored preparations.
The Seattle Times
The best way to "subsidize" alternative energy is to eliminate special tax advantages for the fossil fuel industry, like depletion allowances.
Energy Conservation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Unfortunately, Toni reflected, even war could not eliminate the emotional complications which beset man's life.
It is important to note that repeaters cannot eliminate all jitter from the incoming signal.
Eliminate ignition sources like open flames, smoking, static, electrical sparks and hot surfaces.
Deductions would be eliminated in most cases to close loopholes and discourage the use of tax shelters.
Every year, Lloyd Carr's teams pull out victories after they're eliminated from the title hunt.
During the talks, a news blackout eliminated contact with the press except for photo opportunities.
The Los Angeles Times will close some sections and eliminate 150 editorial jobs.
This confirmation step helps us eliminate any possibility of spam.
And with special packaging and installation, we eliminate the problem of cross-sensitive temperature and strain caused by expand with heat and contract with cold of coil winding.
As far as I'm concerned, the right thing to eliminate is Nancy Pelosi, at least from her seat in Congress.
Pelosi: Health care surtax could be lowered, not eliminated
Anger exceeding limits causes fear and excessive kindness eliminates respect. Euripides
The plant is expected to emit 60 to 65 percent of the CO2 produced by a conventional coal plant and eliminate 1.5 million pounds of waste that would otherwise be landfilled.
The urine, as eliminated, is thus only about one percent of the amount of fluid filtrated through the glomerulae into the renal tubules.
Excretion of toxicants
Eliminate weeds, especially perennial weeds, before planting to reduce weed problems later.
In short, the only way to really eliminate conflict of interest, whether real or perceived, is to rely on a group of enthusiasts.
Wine Advocate Writers Spark Ethics Debate - Wall Street Journal | Dr Vino's wine blog
Marks eliminated some of the dated look just by removing the wooden window scallop and replacing the knobs with metal handles.
Solid acid alkylation processes are emerging that would eliminate the danger of a catastrophic release.
Elizabeth Hitchcock: In The Public Interest : Worst Case Scenarios Really Happen
The only way to defeat terrorism as a threat to our way of life is to stop it, eliminate it and destroy it where it grows.
The card eliminates the need for coupons, and savings are automatically deducted at the register.
It eliminates the tissue stages of heartworms and also removes and controls adult and immature stages of hookworms.
Now we have a system that will help us reduce or even eliminate the tillage and cultivation that adds to our labor and harms the soil resources we so desperately want to protect.
Compared with sulfuric acid process, under the premise of ensuring pure benzene quality, the pollution of tar acid and waste water contained with acid on environment can be eliminated.
Constant experience with jeopardous tasks has eliminated the human fear of danger, and even death, in its most tragic shapes, by long association has lost its terrors.
The Eternal Maiden
This she did with a measure of maturity beyond her years, moving quickly to repel attacks and eliminate danger.
The risk cannot be eliminated altogether.
Often illogical or insubstantial, they can be neutralized or eliminated with a minimal effort.
I guess I will just have to 'freeload' if I lose my job ... blablabla .... this quote was from conservativepro "" You have a moral dilemna if you eliminate preexisting condition clauses.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
Presenting the target stimulus in a new context will eliminate some sources of internal input to the stimulus.
We felt that every element of danger was eliminated by the coolness and dexterity of our conductors, yet the sense of hazard and adventuresomeness was there!
The Roof of France
He's a homicidal dictator who can be deterred, or eliminated, by conventional means.
Of the 10 starters, four were eliminated or retired.
The added dc offset can be eliminated by including CD in series with RD, but the added noise is inherent with this technique.
Eventually those kind of fattened interests have a way of colliding with the king and need to be eliminated.
Say Anything
The Street Maintenance Division will patch large chuckholes to eliminate traffic hazards in substandard public streets and clean adjacent ditches, but will not resurface the street.
The Chinese were eliminated from the World Championships last night losing 94-88 to the all mighty New Zealanders.
It's that the one-week lag between my writing and your reading is eliminated by blogging.
In the case of online bookstores, the intermedial ground of local retailers is not so much eliminated as displaced.
Racism must be eliminated, root and branch.
Look for a formula containing gentle, nonirritating herbs like alder buckthorn, okra, triphala and aloe, and the mineral magnesium hydroxide that will soothe the bowel, stimulate peristalsis, and help eliminate mucus from the bowel.
The Fiber35 Diet
Thus the dreadful smogs of pre-1952 have been eliminated and the emission of noxious and offensive gases limited.
Moreover, prostitution and venereal disease, supposedly eliminated under Mao, are once again flourishing.
As the story goes, nationally televised images of well-dressed children marching into jail, and of protesters being blasted with hoses and attacked by German shepherds, at a time when the United States was engaged in a competition with Communism for the hearts and minds of dark-skinned people in the Third World, made segregation a contradiction that had to be eliminated.
A Renegade History of the United States
Stick on the post, and do the regular perambulation and inspection. To eliminate the hidden trouble in time.
The absence of mathematics eliminates any advance treatment, but it could serve as an introduction text and as a source document.
According to the Office of Medical Services '(OMS) guidelines, these techniques were designed to "psychologically' dislocate 'the detainee, maximize his feeling of vulnerability and helplessness, and reduce or eliminate his will to resist our efforts to obtain critical intelligence.
Human Rights First: The Professionalization of Torture
Ground fault interrupters (GFI's) are specifically designed to eliminate electric shock hazards where people use fixtures and appliances near water.
The idea is to standardize procedures in order to avoid confusion and eliminate the many gray areas encountered in the past.
Such seedlings behaved identically to seedlings grown on uncovered filter paper and, hence, any possible effects of hydrotropism were eliminated.
A whole regiment of the enemy troop got caught in our ambush was eliminated completely.
A glass cover over the tank will do much to eliminate excessive evaporation.
On the season knight appears insufficiently stable, but the playoff they still nearly eliminated Celts.
If, for the sake of argument, we were to adopt this diluted interpretation of the verb "foreknow" in Rom. 8: 29, we are not to readily conclude that what we call the particularistic exegesis would have to be abandoned and the absolute sovereignty of God in the matter of election to life be eliminated.
Possessing the Treasure
Bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca) and waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa) have also probably been eliminated from the area.
Inner Niger Delta flooded savanna
This saves costly repairs to existing servos and eliminates difficulties in obtaining spare parts for obsolete equipment. Learn more from EHPS product spec 03342.
The mystery man was eventually traced by police and in August he was eliminated from their inquiries.
With xeriscape, you can reduce or eliminate the lawn and all that care and water, saving you a bundle.
Pamper your pet's paws outdoors
The most pejorative of hockey insults - "gutless" - has already been uttered by Versus analyst Jeremy Roenick, deplored by cooler heads and eventually rendered inexact by its target: The San Jose Sharks' Patrick Marleau, after all, scored the goal that eliminated the Detroit Red Wings from the playoffs Thursday night.
The Seattle Times
Offering fresh fruits and vegetables, neighborhood crafts, and a place to gather, a neighborhood store provides employment and eliminates the need to burn a quart of gasoline to pick up a quart of milk.
Skirmishes with pirates as well as a concentrated campaign to eliminate one particular group early in his career had provided him with opportunities to excel.
Their fans have larger concerns, bemoaning the contrast with the reign of Roy Hodgson when Fulham, for instance, eliminated Juventus on the way to the 2010 Europa League final.
Manchester City's Roberto Mancini talks up dangers but Fulham pose few
Spraying rooms with an aerosol material will not eliminate mildew problems.
By the turn of the century, smallpox had nearly eliminated the Haida people.
The tool that eliminates background din is called "NewBlue Hum Remover" and is only discovered by opening Edit, Effects and an almost unnoticeable drop-down menu called Audio Effects.
Video Editing Made Easier
Postmodernism has not eliminated the need for grand narratives, but it has infinitely complicated their writing by abrading the link between human experience and what used to be called ‘political economy’.
Making the quotas transferable eliminates the problem of overcapitalization and increases efficiency, because the least efficient fishing operations find it more profitable to sell their quotas than to exploit them through continued fishing.
Robert Stavins: Using Markets to Make Fisheries Sustainable
After a period of time in which the dinosaurs could comfortably have spawned, lived, and been eliminated by space aliens, the door opened, and I gained ingress.
Unlike ovo-lacto vegetarians, vegans have eliminated all animal products from their diets.
But really, I totally queened out and gasped in a room by myself last week when Paris eliminated him, so clearly, I was emotionally invested.
And the system eliminates touts because the doormen will check, visually rather than by computer, that the barcode message has been sent directly from the ticketing agency.
That raised some speculation that the central bank may eliminate the phrase "extended period" for the key policy rate at an earlier date, which would pave the way for interest-rate increases.
Treasurys Slip on Report About Fed Rate Outlook
Also the possession of a credit card reduces or even eliminates the need to hold precautionary balances for many people.
This procedure does not completely eliminate the possibility of an accident.
Modern refinement and processing of foods originating a century ago all but eliminated lignan ingestion in the daily diet.
If that were true, a simple averaging of the two prices could eliminate the discrepancy.
Your mission: Capture and eliminate the Jackal, a dangerous weapons dealer helping to arm a terrible civil war ravaging Africa.
Despite the possibility that a handful of Republicans will vote for the climate change bill, party leaders continue to pound their message that a new set of environmental regulations will overtax Americans and eliminate jobs.
Democrats turn up heat on climate bill
In response to the Boston Tea Party, in 1774 Parliament passed a series of Coercive Acts that closed the port of Boston, eliminated most forms of self-rule in Massachusetts, and allowed British soldiers to be housed in colonial buildings.
A Renegade History of the United States
Now if we can all have the same protection in reproduction, then we would eliminate these wedge issues meant to distract from real issues.
Think Progress » Judge strikes down Arkansas law banning same-sex couples from adopting.
This eliminates the traditional requirement for an area fire or artillery barrage.
The response to these types of provisions is that immigrants here illegally are staying longer and bringing their families over illegally too, because we have practically eliminated the option of coming back and forth legally.
Rep. Luis Gutierrez: Proud to Support the Rule of Law and Immigration, Too
This eliminates the need for interstage filters, making the handset less costly and freeing space that can be used for additional features.
Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human. Tony Robbins
Isoflavone Aglycone can activate the anti - oxidization system in the body to eliminate free - radicals.
Mildew can be eliminated by simply adding a small amount of household bleach to the cleaning solution.
By 1961 internal tariff barriers had been substantially reduced and quota restrictions on industrial products had been largely eliminated.