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  1. (formerly in Britain) an examination taken by 11 and 12 year old students to select suitable candidates for grammar school

How To Use eleven-plus In A Sentence

  • I attended the local Catholic elementary (grade) school, and later, following a successful performance in the "eleven-plus" examination which I took rather earlier than most, transferred to the College of the Sacred Heart in Wimbledon Anthony J. Leggett - Autobiography
  • There's so much rub­bish talked about the eleven-plus. Disordered Minds
  • I'm no sustainability expert, but in the eleven-plus years I've called Denver home, I've watched us undergo some significant paradigm shifts. Nancy Wadsworth: The Greening Cow Town
  • Tony flaig bignews said: "Simply put many middleclass parents, shell out good money, for one reason, to get their little brats coached into passing the eleven-plus Fiona Millar on 'Segregational Selection'
  • The eleven-plus bulge was at its peak in the second half of the fifties.
  • Anyway I'll let you know if I pass my eleven-plus (wish me luck). MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • I failed the Eleven-Plus - that horrible thing and that made me feel I wasn't any good.
  • John had passed his eleven-plus to get in but, once there, he did no academic work and was put in the bottom stream. John
  • I\'m no sustainability expert, but in the eleven-plus years I\'ve called Denver home, I\'ve watched us undergo some significant paradigm shifts. Nancy Wadsworth: The Greening Cow Town
  • When I passed my eleven-plus, she dragged me up to school, no bus fares, we had to walk.
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