How To Use Elementary education In A Sentence
Secondly, the Commission recommends Mother Tongue as the medium of instruction for elementary education.
County governments need to strengthen overall planning of funds for elementary education.
New Curriculum of our teaching requires a transformation of teacher's role in elementary education.
It is no use trying to give technical teaching to our artisans without elementary education ....
There was no association of elementary education with a prescribed period of childhood.
How to perfect Social Studies in the elementary education in China is worth researching carefully.
Everyone gets more or less that same elementary education, learning basic history and to read and to do basic math.
My career in elementary education in Canada is now just a fond memory.
The 1988 Education Reform Act ought to mark the end of elementary education for the under-11s.
Popularization of compulsory nine - year schooling is the key goal of China's elementary education program.
Early childhood elementary education and foreign experts are very concerned about the current topic.
The second is reading group, a staple of elementary education for more than a century.
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School collective services system and elementary education facility advanced complete.
It has been shown through research the world over that there are huge social benefits from universalizing elementary education.
Children are the hope of a nation, and family education is the elementary education for children.
Hence there was an extension of the powers of local government and the state intervened after 1870 to provide universal elementary education.
There was universal elementary education in Britain - a century behind Prussia, and three behind Saxony.
Teacher training in Israel is divided into two strands: elementary education and secondary education.
The young farmer in question possessed only a very elementary education, and had never been taught French, yet almost from the moment when he first began to speak he occasionally interpolated a French word in his conversation, and the practice extended as he grew older.
Two Gallant Sons of Devon A Tale of the Days of Queen Bess
At beginning of this century, the Curriculum Reform of Chinese elementary education started formally.
They were only the second generation to experience compulsory elementary education and mostly they detested it.
Times, Sunday Times
Elementary educational fund, which belongs to public property, is nonexclusive, noncompetitive and nonprofit - making .
They spend six years in elementary education and three years in junior high school.
We now know that the duty of the lexicographer is to record and not to criticize, that refined speech and elegant speech are the delusions of a mistaken optimism, and that the only people who now speak English with any approach to historical correctness are the few surviving agricultural laborers who are old enough to have escaped the devastating effects of the Elementary Education Act. Johnson's Dictionary went far to accomplish, in the eighteenth century, what the Italian and French Academies had unsuccessfully attempted in the seventeenth.
On Dictionaries
Elementary education should be available to all children.
The 19th-century Church provided elementary education in areas of great destitution where no other option was available.
Times, Sunday Times
The Millennium Development Goals are outlined in eight respects, including eradication of poverty and hunger; universal elementary education; gender equity and women's autonomy; reduction of children's mortality; reduction of women's mortality; and the fight against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), paludism (malaria) and other diseases.
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Era of knowledge economy summon elementary education innovation.
Here it refers to the elementary education that starts with learning to read and getting enlightened.
He earned his bachelor's degree in elementary education.
So I hope to elementary education group.
In 1891 another Conservative administration dispensed with fees and made elementary education free for all.
The Search for Justice - a history of Britain and the British people Volume III
Following the establishment of compulsory elementary education in 1872, a growing number of children attended classes, but schoolgirls remained fewer in number than schoolboys.
After graduation with a degree in Elementary Education, she plans to earn her Master's degree, and become a teacher.
They established a more sophisticated system of elementary education. The monitorial system created the voluntary system.
The curriculum reform of elementary education advocates research - oriented study, in which students becomes major roles.
The Normal School is responsible for the task of training the teachers of the elementary education.
In Brown v. Board of Education, which dealt specifically with elementary education, the Court took the final logical step.
They were only the second generation to experience compulsory elementary education and mostly they detested it.
Times, Sunday Times
The specialists in elementary education meanwhile focus their attention on the methods and materials appropriate to elementary years.
In Brown v. Board of Education, which dealt specifically with elementary education, the Court took the final logical step.
New Curriculum of our teaching requires a transformation of teacher's role in elementary education.
Elementary education begins at the age of six.
As a group, these respondents were generally representative of elementary education majors at the university.
Elementary educational fund, which belongs to public property, is nonexclusive, noncompetitive and nonprofit - making .