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How To Use Elegy In A Sentence

  • The Angel's Share is an elegy for the old, unreconstructed island ways that have been all but decimated in the name of progress which, while making things a whole lot more efficient, left an unholy mess in its wake as well.
  • The annex'd elegy is on a gravestone in the churchyard at Hythe. The annex'd elegy is on a gravestone in the churchyard at Hythe.
  • His verse is both metrically and formally experimental, ranging from satire to love lyric, from sonnet to verse epistle, from elegy to hymn.
  • That this is an elegy only makes the poem more poignant, makes the grief of the persona part of the political indignation, complicates the emotional nexus of the voice.
  • Auden's elegy for Sigmund Freud follows the alcaic syllable-count (though not its rhythm).
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  • It refers to the fact that before Catullus and his poems to Lesbia, there was really no such thing as love poetry in the fullest sense, and that the romantic elegy was the invention of a later poet, Propertius.
  • Although the ‘Elegy’ references the topoi of pastoral elegy, it steers far clear of its traditional end.
  • In the context of elegy and of lyric, however, this marks a distinct departure, and one that acquires weight as print becomes a commodity consumed by unknown readers.
  • Side by side with Loney's elegy, interviews from half a century after the event talked of the rural darkness that city dwellers seldom see, and the sulphur stench that suggested another, chthonic darkness.
  • In order to exhume further the elegy in the Elegiac Sonnets, we now might consider the extent to which the work resonates with traditional notions of ‘elegiac’ and the elegy as a poem of mourning.
  • Hellenistic and Roman times, “lyric poetry” meant poetry, whether monodic or choric, (originally) sung; it did not include elegy or iambics. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • You can make a good case for the idea that all poetry is a form of elegy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Elegy problem presents computational stylistics with some interesting possibilities.
  • According to Andrew Sanders, ‘The Elegy’ intermixes the poetry of a country retirement with a self-reflexive nocturnal musing on the nature of egalitarian morality."
  • Gray's 'Elegy in a Country Churchyard' is a famous English poem.
  • For those seeking to delve into a much-ignored corner of Arabic literature, however, it is a fascinating read, and one can't help but feel enlightened knowing the difference between qasida, marthiya, and niyaha - elegy for a nobleman, elegy for a loved one, and primordial female lament. Undefined
  • To compose an elegy upon or for.
  • I've seen McTurk being hounded up the stairs to elegise the 'Elegy in a Churchyard,' while Stalky & Co.
  • It was what is called a macaronic poempart English, part Latinand was an elegy on the death of somebody or other. As I Please
  • The elegy, as real poems do, brings us to a place where words give way to the music of silence, where we approach the unsayable and bow before it.
  • The second alphabetical elegy is set to the same mournful tune with the former, and the substance of it is much the same; it begins with Ecah, as that did, How sad is our case! Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • The Echo Gate includes versions of the Latin love elegy.
  • It is tempting to imagine that the elegy was written in some kind of foreknowledge of the untimely silencing of his own sweet blackbird song. Archive 2009-04-01
  • A full understanding of elegy needs to move beyond a syntagmatic analysis and follow the genre in its evolution.
  • I just signed contracts with a French publisher for my novelet "Elegy for Angels and Dogs. Elegy for Angels and Dogs
  • At the heart of his masterful Elegy for Kosovo, the Albanian fabulist Ismail Kadare places the poignant tale of two fourteenth-century minstrels joined in flight.
  • It is perhaps best, then, to consider this a new category of elegy with two extremes: those elegies that achieve reconciliation, as some of Plumly's poems do, and those that fail to achieve reconciliation, such as those by Plath.
  • War Poetry in the Age of Romanticism 1793-1815/1794.14 "The annex'd elegy is on a gravestone in the churchyard at Hythe. The annex'd elegy is on a gravestone in the churchyard at Hythe.
  • The Merwin canon can be read as an elegy for canonicity, as a poetic investigation of extinction in which the language of elegy itself is one of the most endangered species.
  • The texts I shall consider are fascinating in themselves, but they also contribute to our understanding of modern elegy in general.
  • Recalling the unspecified horror of Robert Longo's ‘Men in the City’ series, Mull's 5-by-7-foot elegy to parricide, War and Peace, is pervaded by a sense of violence.
  • Nevertheless, after all qualifications or demurrers have been entered, Hobsbawm's elegy to the political tradition to which he dedicated his life has a dignity and passion that must command anyone's respect.
  • The poem is a whimsical elegy on the death of a friend's husband, focusing on the denial and hope and implausible resilience of the survivor, in the proud silent puzzlement of a cat left alone.
  • Belcher mentions Dylan Thomas's elegy for his father in connection with this piece.
  • I never doubted as to the true reading of the third line of the second stanza of Gray's Elegy, but merely remarked that in one place the penultimate word was printed _drony_, and other authorities _droning_. Notes and Queries, Number 51, October 19, 1850
  • If you haven't figured it yet, this is an elegy to my city's once quiet, sedate, pleasant city roads, a haven for motorists.
  • You can make a good case for the idea that all poetry is a form of elegy. Times, Sunday Times
  • That final line transforms the poem into an elegy for his father, the source of lament that drove the speaker into nature and into thoughts of dying.
  • Before Tahrir Square the book would have been a mournful elegy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Except the fifth elegy, which is tainted with immodesty, the others, particularly the first, are highly beautiful, and may be placed in competition with any other productions of the elegiac kind. The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 02: Augustus
  • The bells are on buoys in Sydney harbour, and the poem is partly an elegy and meditation on Joe Lynch, a friend of the poet's, who had one night fallen from a commuter ferry and drowned.
  • Kit did not write an elegy for his "gentle thief '. HISTORY PLAY: The Lives and After-life of Christopher Marlowe
  • But it is an elegy with no tears, only a clear-headed acknowledgment that, in the novel's most famous epigrammatic nugget of wisdom, "If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change. A Lyric, Elegiac Lament for a Lost World
  • This inimitable pathetic elegy is supposed by many writers to have become a national war song, and to have been taught to the young Israelites under the name of "The Bow," in conformity with the practice of Hebrew and many classical writers in giving titles to their songs from the principal theme (Ps 22: 1; 56: 1; 60: 1; 80: 1; 100: 1). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • A creature of idyll and elegy, he's defined by his youth (and loss (like Daphnis)) -- a puer aeternus who can't be a conventional tragic hero in the overman sense because he's not yet reached the age where he * gets* the deontic modalities society would wrap him up in. A Theory of Modes and Modalities
  • The love poem has turned into something else with the death of the beloved, the acute sadness in the poem seeming to move it toward the elegy or threnody.
  • But it is neither an elegy of the novel nor a grim prediction of its imminent demise.
  • We found that his stanza form in Don Juan does make subjects read more quickly than readers focusing on the rhymes of an elegy in a similar metre.
  • 1794.14 - "The annex'd elegy is on a gravestone in the churchyard at Hythe. The annex'd elegy is on a gravestone in the churchyard at Hythe.
  • The short Elegy in D minor is nothing but a peaceful interlude but the Piano Quartet in A minor is another important work that deserves better recognition.
  • As elsewhere in Canto 2, here the occasion for elegy is young male loveliness dead betimes: "Thou art gone, thou lov'd and lovely one,/Whom youth and youth's affection bound to me" (st. 'A darkling plain': Hemans, Byron and _The Sceptic; A Poem_
  • My story, "The Last Elegy", takes up where the word elegiacal left off. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Within the logic of traditional elegy, this step is integral to the process of poetic maturation.
  • His verse is both metrically and formally experimental, ranging from satire to love lyric, from sonnet to verse epistle, from elegy to hymn.
  • Smith's innovation in the Elegiac Sonnets derives from the ways in which the formal traditions of sonnet and elegy converge.
  • The form of the elegy is a dialogue betwixt a passenger and a domestic servant. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • A creature of idyll and elegy, he's defined by his youth (and loss (like Daphnis)) -- a puer aeternus who can't be a conventional tragic hero in the overman sense because he's not yet reached the age where he * gets* the deontic modalities society would wrap him up in. A Theory of Modes and Modalities
  • On Monday the English professor taught ‘Lycidas’ and discussed pastoral elegy, Moschus, and why ‘pastures new’ enrolled Milton in Virgil's trajectory of eclogue, georgic, and epic, the classic career shape of the major poet.
  • What, with careless exaggeration, he had said to a friend some months before, on setting forth his _Elegy on the Death of a Young Man_, "The thing has made my name hereabouts more famous than twenty years of practice would have done; but it is a name like that of him who burnt the Temple of Ephesus: God be merciful to me a sinner!" might now with all seriousness be said of the impression his _Robbers_ made on the harmless townsfolk of Stuttgart. The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works
  • Of these last the weightiest is the one at first called simply 'Elegy', and later 'The Walk'. The Life and Works of Friedrich Schiller
  • It takes us to the crematorial elegy land, the last lap of all journeys, sooner. Do Atheists Exist?
  • In his boyhood, the autobiographer is an unreconstructed rustic who might have stepped out of a pastoral elegy of Virgil or Theocritus.
  • Other epodes take up motifs from other contemporary genres (elegy in 11 and 15, pastoral in 2) but with significant alterations of tone: Horace ironically breaks the high emotional level of the models with a detached and distant closure.
  • The love poem has turned into something else with the death of the beloved, the acute sadness in the poem seeming to move it toward the elegy or threnody.
  • In that book Gross delivered some fine moral judgments and made a scholarly study into a strangely moving elegy. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can make a good case for the idea that all poetry is a form of elegy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The elegy is one of our necessary forms as we try to come to terms with the fact that people around us die, that we, too, will die. Día de los Muertos
  • I should say too that the sequencing is exquisite here, & works to create an atmosphere of dreamy obsession & peril countervailed by both elegy & ingenious play with the material of language. WOW WOW WOW WOW by KEVIN KILLIAN
  • There is a certain lightness of tone in this poem that alleviates the heaviness of elegy.
  • The other elegy is shorter and less striking in conception, but gives a similar impression of the importance assigned to Louis de The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • Again and again, the author's childhood becomes an arena of nostalgia deepening into elegy, the place from which a series of variations on the subject of hard past/soft and frangible present can be generated.
  • Originally, the Greek elegy expressed grief; but the form broadened widely with Latin adaptations, such as Ovid's love elegies, Amores, to include almost any kind of subject.
  • The most serious crisis, however, was over the showing on national television of a series called River Elegy.
  • Elegy or litany, epicede or epithalamium, his work is always a song-writer's; nothing more, but nothing less, than the work of the greatest song-writer -- as surely as The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2
  • If we take Byron seriously, we can turn the mask of tragedy into the mask of comedy only by replacing the elegy with the epithalamium.
  • WH Auden made the strongest case against literature in his elegy for WB Yeats: ‘Now Ireland has her weather and her madness still / For poetry makes nothing happen’.
  • Part investigation into the unsolved murder; part elegy for the lost Bliss and for Skyler's own lost childhood; and part corrosively funny exposé of the pretensions of upper-middle-class American suburbia, this captivating novel explores with unexpected sympathy and subtlety the intimate lives of those who dwell in Tabloid Hell. My Sister, My Love by Joyce Carol Oates: Book summary
  • Based on the short stories of cult writer Dennis Johnson, the film is an elegy to the narcotised low-life of 1970s, small town USA.
  • The actors themselves are firmly located in contemporary Rome: the vivid specificity of the social milieux is sometimes more reminiscent of satire than of earlier elegy.
  • The Encaenia and publick collections of the university upon state subjects, were never in such esteem, either for elegy or congratulation, as when he contributed most largely to them; and it was natural for those who knew his peculiar way of writing, to turn to his share in the work, as by far the most relishing part of the entertainment. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • Even on the bounciest numbers, a hint of elegy intrudes. Destroyer's Topsy-Turvy Idea Redeems Bejar's Theatrics
  • Elegy's Elegy yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Elegy\'s Elegy'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The decline of the elegy betokens a certain loss of sensibility in the western world in the twentieth century, a loss described by Mircea Eliade as "desacralization". Elegy's Elegy
  • Addison was buried in Westminster Abbey, and lamented in an elegy by Tickell.
  • This elegy, like the others, is a "lyric cry" of a man, an age, and a race; "enciphered" like them, with all the cunning of which the artist was capable; and decipherable only to those who know the language of the English lyric. A Study of Poetry
  • In short, what with undertakers, embalmers, joiners, sextons and your damned elegy hawkers, I got not one wink of sleep.
  • In my first collection there's a poem called "Elegy for Fats Waller" in which my hero metamorphoses into the Sheikh of Araby one of his numbers: "Across the deserts of the blues a trail / He blazes, towards the one true mirage, / Enormous on a nimble-footed camel / And almost refusing to be his age. Fats Waller by Michael Longley
  • The third movement, an elegy to the murdered child, is sad, but cool, working through the conventions of the musical elegy - the slow march, low, dark timbres, chorales, and so on.
  • Thomas Hardy took a line from Thomas Gray's poem, Elegy in a country Churchyard, as the title for his most successful novel.
  • House, Oxfordshire, the house of a noble Knight, and favourer of my Muse; and Elegy on a Bullfinch, 1648; of the Four Mile Course of Bayaides Green, six times run over, by two famous Irish footmen, Patrick Dorning and William O'Farrell. Notes and Queries, Number 19, March 9, 1850

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