[ US /ˌɪˌɫɛktɹoʊˈmæɡnəˌtɪzəm/ ]
[ US /ˌɪˌɫɛktɹoʊˈmæɡnəˌtɪzəm/ ]
- the branch of physics concerned with electromagnetic phenomena
magnetism produced by an electric current
electromagnetism was discovered when it was observed that a copper wire carrying an electric current can magnetize pieces of iron or steel near it
How To Use electromagnetism In A Sentence
- Gravitons are not a relativity claim, it is an attempt to make gravity into a gauge field theory like electromagnetism and nuclear forces, which use bosons to mediate interactions between particles (and there's no evidence for it) ... general relativity explains gravity as particles following a "geodesic" in the warped geometry of space-time Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
- The groundbreaking research of orthopedic surgeon and medical researcher, Dr. Robert Becker (totally different guy, easily confused with Bob Beck due to similar names), as related in his phenomenal book, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, showed that in addition to killing bacteria, molds, and viruses, charged silver particles also positively affect the body's bioelectric healing mechanisms. Matthew Stein: When a Superbug Strikes Close to Home, How Can You Deal With it?
- Electromagnetism, with the electron playing the leading part and the photon - the electromagnetic quantum of light - as the swift messenger, dominates technology and our everyday life: not only electrotechnics and electronics, but also atomic and molecular physics and hence chemical and biological processes are governed by this force. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1979 - Presentation Speech
- Most such foils are types of Faraday cage—named after the 19th-century investigator who did much of the fundamental research on electromagnetism.
- Physicists say that at high energies there is a symmetry between the electromagnetic and weak interactions: electromagnetism and the weak force appear different to us at low energies because this symmetry is broken.
- Newtonian mechanics, wave optics and classical electromagnetism all constituted and perhaps constitute paradigms and qualify as sciences.
- Heath classes them as dealing with energy transfer, electromagnetism, mind-matter interplay, and acausal factors.
- I call geon (g for the gravity, e for electromagnetism,” and on as the word root for” particle”). Goodbye.
- The theory of electromagnetism swallowed up the theory of light.
- If the laws of electromagnetism and nuclear physics were only slightly different, chemistry and biology would be impossible.