How To Use Electric field In A Sentence

  • Not necessarily: a magnetic field acting on moving charges will create a current without any electric field (moving charges can be any overall movement of neutral matter with free charges: ionised gas, a piece of metal, seawater…); and when an electric field is responsible for the current (a battery powered circuit) then the charges get moving to compensate for it immediately. Spacecraft Detects Mysterious "Ribbon" at Edge of Solar System | Universe Today
  • When air passes through the electric field, mushroom poison can be destroyed, and dust can be adsorbed by a negative plate.
  • The model involved in particle charging equation, electric field and charge conservation equation, gas conservation equations of mass and momentum, particle mass and momentum equation.
  • Faced with the new electric fields introduced by the sound wave, the electrons and holes in the quantum well seek out their respective points of minimum energy in the presence of the fields.
  • By creating a potential difference of several kilovolts between the needle and the chamber walls, an intense electric field can be produced at the exit of the needle.
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  • During the course of the laser pulse, the electric field of the light wave oscillates about a dozen times.
  • All the energies of life flow through those who are open to its many forms—undercurrents of earth and overcurrents of sky, bioelectric fields of plants and animals, magnetically charged attractions of intimacy and relationship, and even the danced opposites of the sacred and profane. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • This results in a powerful electric field between the cloud tops and the ionosphere, the outer layer of Earth's atmosphere.
  • The electric field of the radiation can then resonate with the vibrations of the charge ions, transferring energy to them.
  • After having passed a gap, the particles move inside an electrode and are screened from the electric field. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • In a strong electric field, free electrons can be accelerated onto its inner surface.
  • The electric field-controlled ferromagnetism reported in this study shows that without passing an electric current, electronic devices could be operated and functioning based on the collective spin behavior of the carriers. ACM TechNews
  • Upon application of an electric field, electro-osmosis generates bulk fluid flow in the device, and a protocol for eliminating this flow by attaching a polymer brush to all silicon oxide surfaces is shown to be effective.
  • Objective To observe the recovery, proliferation and growth of Proteus Mirabilis (PM) and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (PA) in a low frequency weak electric field (LFWEF).
  • The intensity of electric field lines can be observed from this sketch map.
  • Strong electric fields exist inside the separatrix regions and the electric potential drop across the regions can be up to several kV. Do "Skeleton" Filaments Give Structure to the Universe? | Universe Today
  • It is found that in a high electric field electrons can transit from the valence band to the conduction band, which is demonstrated to be Zener tunneling in organic semiconductors.
  • Once the faceplate and the baseplate are attached to each other, the capacitor are de-energized and the electric field is dissipated.
  • Catsharks, like other elasmobranchs, have a high sensitivity to electric fields created by the movement of water, of other fishes, and even the movement of the earth.
  • Owing to this resistance, an electric field has to drive the electrons in order to maintain the current.
  • Slime-filled canals in the creatures 'heads - known as the "ampullae of Lorenzini" - let them sniff out the electric field of bottom-feeding flatfish concealed in mud or sand, leading to a tasty treat for the prowling elasmobranch. The Register
  • Similarly, ferroelectric materials have a spontaneous electric polarization, the direction of which can be switched with an applied electric field.
  • It is an electrogenic fish, generating a weak electric field that is apparently used in navigation, sensing its surroundings, and in communication (the fish use eletrical pulses to send signals to other elephantnoses). Dinosauroids revisited
  • In an extremal black hole, where all of the energy comes from the electric field itself, the two horizons coincide: we have r+ = r - (extremality). Where Does the Entropy Go?
  • The positively and negatively charged ions cause an electric field to form.
  • The preseismic linear polarization feature of geoelectric field is typically imminent, which is of some significance in location and time prediction of future earthquakes.
  • In a strong electric field, free electrons can be accelerated onto its inner surface.
  • For Z Zcr, if the innermost orbital is not filled, the electric field of the nucleus will pull an electron out of the vacuum, resulting in the spontaneous emission of a positron. MIND MELD: The Best Spaceships in Written Science Fiction
  • Oscillating electric fields applied by grids above and below the plasma can resonantly excite its electrons.
  • Because powerlines are typically 400,000 volts, and Earth is at an electrical potential of zero volts, pylons create electric fields between the cables they carry and the ground.
  • There has long been concern over the possible impact of electric fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under a weak electric field, the holes drift toward a matrix of a million or so tiny pixel electrodes.
  • Likewise, Faraday thought that electric fields somehow manipulated charged particles with ghostly hands.
  • It's like an electron avalanche, he says, that can flood up toward the ionosphere or slide earthward, depending on the electric field direction.
  • Researchers have discovered that cellulose is a smart material that can flap when exposed to an electric field. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Flying robots made from cellophane?
  • When the device is used as a sonic actuator, the first and second electrode patterns are configured to introduce an electric field into the ferroelectric material when voltage is applied to the electrode patterns.
  • Electrostatics theory tells us that there is no electric field inside a charged shell.
  • Naturally occurring variations in the Earth's magnetic field induce eddy currents in the Earth that are detectable as electric field variations on the surface.
  • The electric field distribution behind the telescope is calculated.
  • Pore formation is promoted by an increased likelihood of transmembrane water defects in the presence of an external electric field.
  • The first step is creating light that is polarized, or whose electric field vibrates in only one of two directions, horizontal or vertical.
  • An electric field emanating from the charged red atom causes energy level shifts in the molecule, allowing current to flow.
  • These electrons are then accelerated by a static electric field towards a fluorescent screen.
  • Such claims are often dismissed by employers but the research suggests these electric fields can cause harm. Times, Sunday Times
  • They calculated the entropy of black holes with electric charge, and in particular of extremal black holes — configurations where all of the energy really comes from the electric field itself, none from any purported mass that might have fallen into the black hole. Where Does the Entropy Go?
  • The use of an electrometer or galvanoscope for sensing magnetic field or electric fields are well known.
  • For the hydrogen atom, which has only one electron and consequently is the simplest atom to investigate theoretically, the calculation of the motion of the electron in the electric field of the nucleus led to results of such accuracy that 20 years elapsed until any error of the theory could be found experimentally. Nobel Prize in Physics 1965 - Presentation Speech
  • Upon application of an electric field, electro-osmosis generates bulk fluid flow in the device, and a protocol for eliminating this flow by attaching a polymer brush to all silicon oxide surfaces is shown to be effective.
  • In addition, light can be unpolarized, meaning that at any particular instant the electric field has a particular orientation, but its orientation at some later time cannot be predicted from this knowledge. Ars Technica
  • An electrically polarizable object will be trapped in a region of a focused electric field, provided there is sufficient dielectric response to overcome thermal energy and the electrophoretic force.
  • The inductive mechanism depends on cloud particles becoming polarized by existing electric fields.
  • Ferroelectric materials can create an electric field the way iron magnets create a magnetic field.
  • A dielectric is a non-conducting substance, for example, an insulator: permittivity is a physical quantity that describes how an electric field affects, and is affected by a dielectric medium. BakeryAndSnacks RSS
  • Piezoelectricity is the ability of some materials (notably crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins) to generate an electric field or electric potential in response to applied mechanical stress. Transforming the Wind’s Vibrations into Electricity | Impact Lab
  • The resulting electric field would create a plasma of electrons and positrons from among the virtual particles surrounding the star.
  • Objective To observe the recovery, proliferation and growth of Proteus Mirabilis (PM) and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (PA) in a low frequency weak electric field (LFWEF).
  • The electrical conductivity of a material is defined as the ratio of the current per unit cross - sectional area to the electric field producing the current.
  • The phenomenon of large cathode emission current of diamond in a low electric field is reported, and the several emission mechanisms are summarized.
  • The interaction is strong, as it involves the electric field of the radiation and the electric charge of the electron.
  • The measurements are classified as fol - lows: DC magnetic field; AC electric field; particles; elechapter. 3/section3-8. txt 664 30734 231 6715 4503201725 10431 What We Didn't Know About Slavery
  • This lattice can trap the neutral atoms in potential wells because the electric fields of the lasers induce a dipole moment in the atom.
  • Consequently in a static diamond there are no charged atoms to interact with the electric field of infrared radiation.
  • The material and the thickness of ferroelectric film are selected such that the product of the relative dielectric constant of ferroelectric film and the electric field across ferroelectric film is less than 15.6 Mv/cm.
  • Consideration of this effect is very important in electrostatics, when the electric field is changing on the same scales.
  • In contrast, the electric field is a vector quantity (meaning it has both a magnitude and a direction).
  • In contrast, the electric field is a vector quantity (meaning it has both a magnitude and a direction).
  • _ -- The fact that in an electric field there are different points at different potentials, leads us to the truth that in an electric field there are also equipotential surfaces; that is to say, there are surfaces where the electric density or the aetherial density are equal at all points on such a surface. Aether and Gravitation
  • The resulting ions and electrons are accelerated by the electric field around the wire, causing a cascade of ionization, which is collected on the wire, giving an electric current proportional to the energy of the original particle. Georges Charpak obituary
  • Atreya then went on to show that substantially greater quantities of H2O2 can be produced by triboelectric fields in dust devils and dust storms and through saltation.
  • The system works, says Eleftherios Goulielmakis of the Max Planck Institute, because the electrons come in pulses of 250 as, while the electric field oscillates at 2.5 fs.
  • The coupling of each neighboring subdomains is realized by vector transmission condition, and the electric field distribution in the cavity is found by iteration.
  • The ions are accelerated when they move in the gap between the electrodes inside which they move screened from the electric field. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • Such claims are often dismissed by employers but the research suggests these electric fields can cause harm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fluid is moved through the channels by means of the electrokinetic effect created by an applied electric field.
  • The ability to use the electric field to control the membrane structure opens new opportunities for biomimetic research.
  • Using ESI, an intense electric field forces the liquid sample into a fine mist of tiny, highly charged droplets.
  • Consequently in a static diamond there are no charged atoms to interact with the electric field of infrared radiation.
  • The interaction of electric fields with lipid membranes and cells has been extensively studied in the last decades.
  • A lithography process for creating patterns in an activating light curable liquid using electric fields followed by curing of the activating light curable liquid is described.
  • The special microcomputer software for calculation of slot electric field is worked out with fe method, and the field distribution in stator slot winding of large generator is calculated.
  • These electrons are then accelerated by a static electric field towards a fluorescent screen.
  • The electrons ejected in the direction of the electric field polarization of the laser light pulse are detected.
  • The interaction strength and the relative phase of the electric field in neighboring particles both depend on polarization and frequency.
  • The inductor, capacitor, and resistor distort the electric field surrounding the goblet, and it resonates an interdimensional radio frequency. Soul Trapper
  • However, just it time, he managed to push energy from his system into his bioelectric field, causing the creature to receive a shock as it hit.
  • When an electric field is applied between the electron-supply layer and the thin-film metal electrode, the electron emission device emits electrons.
  • The local compression created by the electric field can be related to the expansivity modulus, K, by this expression.
  • The team initiates fusion of deuterium using the strong electric field generated in a pyroelectric crystal.
  • Charged colloidal particles will migrate in an applied electric field, a process called electrophoresis.
  • The model considers the drift velocity saturation of carriers and influence of parasitic bipolar transistor. As a result, electric field profile of n drift in LDMOS at on state is obtained.
  • Including electrostatic field, the negative electric field, the - frequency field, high frequency anions, such as - infrared.
  • The electric field set up inside the tube excites atoms of mercury gas, making them emit ultraviolet light.
  • X rays emerge when the electrons, accelerated by a strong electric field, slam into a tungsten target.
  • Day-to-day changes in quiet-time electric fields at mid and low latitudes are a consequence of leakage of magnetospheric fields from high latitudes, variability in the thermospheric wind system, and solar-induced conductivity changes. More Evidence That Hurricanes Are The Result Of A Poisson Process « Climate Audit
  • They applied an alternating electric field to an uncharged metallic paddle, which caused it to seesaw at a fixed frequency and amplitude.
  • Such claims are often dismissed by employers but the research suggests these electric fields can cause harm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proteins are chopped into smaller fragments using an enzyme called trypsin; these fragments are then vaporized, ionized, and shot through an electric field. Ars Technica
  • It is analyzed that electrode surface sticks dirty spot unevenly and electric field varies irregularly during welding the phosphorized weldment by 3-phase DC projection welder secondary rectification.
  • But even the tiny gap involved in Mr DiMatteo's approach proved to be too wide: the electric field of the hot object was still too far away to interact with the electrons in the photovoltaic cell.
  • Once the faceplate and the baseplate are attached to each other, the capacitor is de-energized and the electric field is dissipated.
  • When an electric field is applied, the white particles will migrate towards the positive charge.
  • A sufficiently strong electric field can further accelerate these electrons.
  • Static charge produces an electric field around its space, materials with mass produce a gravity field around the space.
  • In another feat of memory, researchers reported two years ago that a light-induced electric field could imprint a new refractive index along one dimension of a ferroelectric crystal.
  • Switching off the electric field allows the ions to drop onto the silicon, where they bond to the surface in this pattern.
  • The experimental results showed that the columnar crystal spacing presented a tendency of straight climb with the increase of impulse electric field voltage.
  • Electronic paper (e-paper) utilizes a process called electrophoresis where colored particles in a clear suspension carrying a surface charge are controlled by administering an electric field perpendicular to the surface, forcing them to gather at the top of a pixel and so creating darkened areas. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • You can polarize a ferroelectric crystal by heating it, placing it in a vertically oriented electric field, and then cooling it.
  • The dependence of the critical field of unwinding FLC's helix on temperature and frequency in ferroelectric liquid crystal FCS101 under ac electric field is measured.
  • In a strong electric field, free electrons can be accelerated onto its inner surface.
  • Their behaviour is mimicked in plastics such as polyvinylidene fluoride, which generate an electric field when squeezed and are used to make pressure-sensitive pads for computer keyboards and other touch-triggered devices. Boing Boing: June 27, 2004 - July 3, 2004 Archives
  • An oscillating voltage created an electric field across the gap to accelerate the particles each time around.
  • It's like an electron avalanche, he says, that can flood up toward the ionosphere or slide earthward, depending on the electric field direction.
  • Svedberg's student, Arne Tiselius, studied the migration of protein molecules in an electric field, and with this method, named electrophoresis, he demonstrated the complex nature of blood proteins. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • The electric field reverses direction, or oscillates, every 15 minutes.
  • The second part is devoted to more practical studies, ranging from the characterisation of exotic interstellar molecules, the accurate determination of spectroscopic constants, excited states structures and EPR parameters through photochemical and charge-transfer processes, cluster chemistry and fullerenes, muonium chemistry, to the possible prediction of the response of materials to electric fields in view of nonlinear optical applications. AvaxHome
  • All the energies of life flow through those who are open to its many forms—undercurrents of earth and overcurrents of sky, bioelectric fields of plants and animals, magnetically charged attractions of intimacy and relationship, and even the danced opposites of the sacred and profane. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • In electric field calculation: electric field in circuit breaker is described by cylinder Laplace equation.
  • Researchers have created a nanoscale ion pump by punching a tiny hole in a plastic sheet and applying an oscillating electric field.
  • The observed strong electric fields and currents inside the separatrix region can be important for a local energization of ions and electrons, particularly of ionospheric origin, as well as for magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. Do "Skeleton" Filaments Give Structure to the Universe? | Universe Today
  • Consequently in a static diamond there are no charged atoms to interact with the electric field of infrared radiation.
  • This paper presents a biological cell model to analyze the action of oscillating electric field, oscillating magnetic field(OMF)and the induction field induced by OMF on cells.
  • Since the protein exhibits electrical neutrality at its isoelectric point, it is unable to migrate in an electric field. 162.
  • There has long been concern over the possible impact of electric fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specially designed probes detect the electric field strength inside the head.
  • The inversed polarization will disappear under a strong electric field and the single excited state of a polaron will dissociate into a polaron and a bipolaron.
  • Fiberoptics are unreliable for transmitting the polarization (electric field orientation) of light.
  • Enhanced ionospheric electric fields are present near the mid to high-latitudes during geomagnetically disturbed periods, which can lead to depletions and enhancements of electron density in this region.
  • The subway can influence the observation of geomagnetism, geoelectric field and ground resistivity around it, but the influencing mechanism is not same.
  • The interaction is strong, as it involves the electric field of the radiation and the electric charge of the electron.
  • A single free electron traveling in a strong, uniform electric field ionizes the gaseous molecules around it, generating more electrons and a chain reaction of ionization.
  • Under the influence of an electric field, the particles adhere to the panel, allowing them to stay there when the current is removed.
  • These electrons accelerate in the electric field of the wake.
  • The conductance caused by dielectric breakdown of membranes is proportional to the amplitude and duration of the electric field.
  • This method applied character matrix of optical film to calculate electric field distribution and reflectivity.
  • The electric field that exists between cloud top and ionosphere speeds up free electrons bopping about in the neighborhood.
  • Such claims are often dismissed by employers but the research suggests these electric fields can cause harm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently in a static diamond there are no charged atoms to interact with the electric field of infrared radiation.
  • According to their calculations, when light shines on the largest sphere, it sets up a surface plasmon - a wave of vibrating electrons on the surface of the sphere - that creates an oscillating electric field.
  • CR determine the ionization rate and conductivities in the atmosphere and the ionosphere and therefore the atmospheric electric fields. Road Map « Climate Audit
  • The electric field oscillations of the same 5-fs laser pulse are then used to probe the time structure of electron emission accompanying the impulsive x-ray excitation.
  • Permittivity (denoted by the Greek letter epsilon) is a measure of a material's response to an applied electric field, while permeability (denoted by the letter mu) is a measure of the material's response to an applied magnetic field.
  • The electric eel , for example, is a freshwater predator that can produce a large electric field around its body, strong enough to stun prey and ward off enemies.
  • We assign this trapping to strong dielectrophoresis due to the high electric field and electric field gradient in the pipette tip.
  • However, a possible drawback is that, as a consequence of relatively high conductivities, low frequency electric fields are severely attenuated in biological tissues.
  • We have recently developed a method that allows us to rapidly change the electric field applied across the nanopore during the passage of the polynucleotide.
  • The Kerr effect, also called the quadratic electro-optic effect (QEO effect), is a change in the refractive index of a material in response to an applied electric field. Popular Posts Across MetaFilter
  • This paper presents a biological cell model to analyze the action of oscillating electric field, oscillating magnetic field(OMF)and the induction field induced by OMF on cells.

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