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[ US /ɪˈɫɛktɹɪk/ ]
[ UK /ɪlˈɛktɹɪk/ ]
  1. affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling
    the new leader had a galvanic effect on morale
    gave an electric reading of the play
  2. using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity
    electric wiring
    electric current
    electrical appliances
    an electrical storm
  3. (of a situation) exceptionally tense
    an atmosphere electric with suspicion
  1. a car that is powered by electricity

How To Use electric In A Sentence

  • The liquids are pumped into a battery cell that converts the chemical energy to electrical energy. Smithsonian Mag
  • A second problem is damage caused by the buildup of excessive electrical charges in the plate from the unwanted ions.
  • They'd moved to their cottage a few years ago and ran an electrical business in Didcot.
  • A household radiator absorbs energy in the form of electric current and releases it in the form of heat.
  • Before that I was the sales manager with a Bombay consumer electricals company.
  • Electrical devices on spacecrafts, satellites, and aircraft must work reliably and efficiently in situations where they can not be easily repaired.
  • Along with petroleum, the most important new source of energy was electricity.
  • He warned others about the live electric cables as they climbed to safety.
  • The changing magnetic fields create an electrical current.
  • We pay for our electricity using a keycard which we load at the local shop. Free solar panels sound good, but buying them yourself is better
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