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How To Use Elected In A Sentence

  • As I did at FIAC, I selected 18 galleries and asked their most anglophonic expert to pick an image and talk about it for under two minutes. Michael Kurcfeld: Doing Shots: The Old and the New at Paris Photo 2011 (VIDEO)
  • A lot of those who were named were deselected or resigned.
  • Mr. Sorapong, 35 years old, selected industrial estate developers Hemaraj Land & Development PCL and Amata Corporation PCL among his top picks, with Hemaraj returning 147% over the course of 2010 and Amata providing a 99% return on investment. Real Estate
  • The software is also a great customization solution for those who would like to alter the look and feel of the Finder, Dock and login window, making it easy to prebind and re-prebind their entire system or selected folders, run cron scripts, change startup mode and language, force empty trash, update "whatis," locate databases, and so on. Softpedia News - Global
  • We welcome submissions through e-mail because that saves us the bother of retyping the selected manuscripts.
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  • And as journalists and commentators have often said, the French elected a man and not a couple. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Centenier finished his coffee, while Holmes selected and filled his briar pipe.
  • But in accordance with the idea that malaria is a product of paludal decomposition, the trees selected have almost always been the _eucalyptus_. Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884
  • The pre-selected wagers will go into straight and exacta pools only.
  • Selected items are being sold at half price to woo customers into the store.
  • The ones elected to these jobs, so far outside the safe walls of the home base, were usually the girls who had outlived their usefulness at home or the social rejects from the hierarchy.
  • Settlers brought with them the idea of land as a partible, bounded commodity, owned by an individual (or self-selected partnership), transferable, and exclusive in perpetuity. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
  • He resigned from the Council in 1990 when new rules prevented paid council officers sitting as elected members.
  • I will not accept if nominated, and will serve if selected
  • [116] A chaplaincy is a pious foundation made by any religious person, and elected into a benefice by the ecclesiastical ordinary, with the annexed obligation of saying a certain number of masses, or with the obligation of other analogous spiritual duties. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • We have evaluated selected molecular interactions of nucleobases in the simulated structures to obtain further insight in similarities and differences between the ability of guanine and inosine to form quadruplexes.
  • I will not accept if nominated, and will serve if selected
  • It was understood from the time he got to St. Louis that he was a leader, and the players elected him one of the team captains.
  • Bind a function to that button that triggers a click of the currently selected tab, use the methods tabsClick and tabsSelected, like (untested): var $tabs = $ ( '#tabs'). tabs ({... Klaus Hartl - Stilbüro
  • Coronary flow velocity signals were sampled at a preselected fixed distance of 5.2 mm from the device tip to minimize turbulence caused by the presence of the measuring device.
  • And then there is the current reprehensible practice of offering only two minutes of news throughout the day, with five minutes condescendingly given at certain selected times.
  • Elected officials, he lectured, should not speak unthinkingly, but rather, when doubts exist, keep silent.
  • The escalade was to be attempted by a band of ten; five of the trumpeters and buglemen were selected and four centurions, the Ligurian was to be their guide. A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • Whoever wins government will have to depend on the support of independents, many of whom will have been elected with as little as 10 to 20 percent of the vote in their electorates.
  • It was partly the fragmentation of the opposition which helped to get the Republicans re-elected.
  • In what way, anon, is an elected politician talking about the future of unelected monarchy constitute hyopcrisy. Pippa pouts
  • Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year's festival.
  • Steve is also a local, now living in the town where I was an elected official.
  • They selected a diamond engagement ring.
  • She was immediately selected as one among the 18 probables for the Kerala team.
  • The elements selected from the confusion of conflicting movements have this different and very distinctive bias.
  • In fact I would go out of my way to ensure she would not be elected by joining whomever is going against her. Alaska's soon-to-be governor praises Palin
  • I cannot understand how such an inept man can be elected head of the world's most powerful country.
  • A thirteen-person steering committee was elected to draw up a draft constitution and a programme of activities.
  • I understood that he had stood down from his council posts, not the council, and had been deselected from the Labour Party.
  • The material which eventually made it into Mencken's second chrestomathy was selected, revised, and annotated by Mencken himself.
  • The use of a ViewModel here makes it much easier to create a view that can display a Customer object and allow for things like an "unselected" state of a Boolean property. MSDN Magazine: RSS Feed
  • Let us walk away with the lessons of this," Gray told the crowd of dozens of employees, after adding that such an incident can "intimidate" elected officials from participating in outreach such as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's event Saturday. D.C. government observes moment of silence for Ariz. victims
  • He was selected on the team of Centenary announced five years ago and is regarded as one of the finest footballers ever to grace the Gaelic fields.
  • Congressional nominees are selected in party conventions, unless no candidate gets more than 60 percent of the vote there.
  • Developed by software engineer Octavian "Vivi" Costache as a Gmail Labs experiment, multiple inbox will split an inbox into selected windows based on what you want to see -- such as starred or draft messages. G4TV - The Feed
  • There he showed her the burial plot that he and my grandmother had selected as their final resting place. Times, Sunday Times
  • They represent huge areas and are elected from party lists. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said low genetic diversity is a natural part of the domestication process and that Dukha reindeer are selected for traits such as passiveness and strong backs that support saddles and riders.
  • They did not know that the actual music of the rite is also selected and contained within an official book of the Church. They sang the propers in Atlanta
  • Legislative authority is now vested in a unicameral National Congress, with 100 members elected for five years by universal adult suffrage.
  • These are books that juries have selected as finalists for the ultimate Pulitzer Prize.
  • Wally Happychuk is the recently-elected reeve of the RM of Stuartburn.
  • They also declared that the president of the republic should be elected by universal suffrage.
  • As I've pointed out, these lists are selected from nominations submitted by readers.
  • Originally, Kring wanted to use the word 'banzai', but Masi lobbied against it for its war-like connotations, and 'yatta' was selected. September 2007
  • Before the 2010 NFL Draft, FanHouse will take a look back at the drafts of 1998 through 2007, in an effort to "redraft" based on what we now know about the players selected.
  • Barnes was slain in a double murder one week before the Baltimore Ravens selected Lewis in the first round of the 1996 NFL draft.
  • A very unsuitable substance, however, was selected for the purpose, viz., sawdust, which is hygroscopic organic, and combustible. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • I then wandered down Whitehall, passed the great Offices of State, to view the Mother of Parliaments and ponder the fact that 70 years on Britain has a Government led by a Prime Minister never elected to that Office, who has refused to consult the People for fear they oppose him and happily transfered that once so precious prized sovereignty to a new European Superpower. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Function circuit executes any mode selected by the mode select section in response to the mode execute control signal generated by the controller.
  • Unlike elected presidents, British prime ministers get where they are by being leader of the largest party in the House of Commons.
  • There may be a shuffle of preselected leaders, a review of the news footage, and, of course, the rebels may be rounded up to face a fate unknown. Zondra Hughes: Egypt Revolt: This Is Biblical
  • First, it is given direction by a political arm, or college, of Commissioners, but the college is unelected.
  • Detroit: The rebuilding Pistons, looking for help along their front line, drafted Austin Daye, a 6-11 sophomore from Gonzaga, with the No. 15 pick — the third player selected in the first round who is the son of a former NBA player. Team-by-team analysis: T'wolves have guards covered
  • There they gather short, or editor-shortened, letters in which correspondents with opposing views slug away at each other on a topic selected by the editor.
  • Well, Joel tells me Hillier has been selected as the honouree -- Man of the Year -- for the lodge's 57th. annual gentlemen's dinner at Beth Tzedec Synagogue on Dec. 5. Money, meet mouth
  • It isn't going to take a fighter, it's going to take someone that will get house and senators elected in Nov. Obama seems better equipt at that. 3 weeks ago both Obama and Hillary polled better than McCain, now McCain is in the lead, this is tearing down both candidates. Poll: Hillary Up By 18 Points In Pennsylvania Primary
  • Five times he was selected as jury foreman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abraham learned that God had selected and foreordained many spirits to specific missions in mortality.
  • The state-run news agency is now calling Kostunica the elected president of Yugoslavia. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Dick Cheney and Joseph Lieberman Spar in Cordial Vice Presidential Debate - October 5, 2000
  • Instead, the governor would require simply that elected officials disclose fully and completely all contributions to their campaigns.
  • Duet is the first dependably variegated beautyberry, selected for its yellow-margined, variegated foliage and tolerance to full sun. New crop of hybrid plants demonstrate beauty of ingenuity
  • If the distribution channel is selected incorrectly, the brand will decline rapidly.
  • But for Red Line's money, the true definition of a sleeper is a guy who won't get selected that high but has a chance to develop into one of the better players at his position in the draft. Scouting the draft's top defensemen
  • One runner was selected to pace the race.
  • Candidates are selected by in-person interviews only.
  • Prasad" is also selected according to the weather. News Feed
  • A consensus between powerful corporate interests is regarded as more important than the sovereignty of elected representatives.
  • A third probeset selected by limma was rejected outright by Messina (Figure 3b, panel u). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A county court is held by a county judge elected for four years, who is also _surrogate_, called in other states, _judge of probate_. The Government Class Book Designed for the Instruction of Youth in the Principles of Constitutional Government and the Rights and Duties of Citizens.
  • The move is intended to encourage a greater takeup among local councils of directly elected mayors. Times, Sunday Times
  • After discussions with the client, a neutral viewpoint is selected as the basis for a root definition and conceptual model.
  • An underground current in the U.S. military's officer corps believes that their legally elected civilian leaders can be disobeyed if an officer believes their orders to be "immoral. Robert Mackey: Politicizing the "Managers of Violence"
  • The authors suggest that tamoxifen may be underused in selected groups of women who could benefit from prophylaxis.
  • Changes that impair performance of the proper function sufficiently to have fitness consequences for the organism will be selected against.
  • On Wednesday the Clinton camp started pushing hard on the idea that a delegate is a delegate and if they need to pack on super delegates to overwhelm Obama's edge with elected delegates then so be it. More on John Lewis' defection to Obama
  • But as long as elected Republicans continue to be the conduit by which megacapitalists manipulate the god-fearing, intelligence-hating base, the GOP will continue to be the pustule it's become. GOP: Dems' health care reform plan 'a prescription for disaster'
  • In this election, as in the last, almost every female candidate would have to be elected for the assembly to reach proportional representation.
  • I focus on eight players because six running backs and two alternates are elected to the Pro Bowl each year so that seems to be a fair marker for a standard of excellence.
  • January and July issues were selected because they represent the first issue in each volume after the Journal began monthly publication.
  • If the full number of members of either branch of the city council shall fail to be elected, or a vacancy shall occur in either branch, such branch shali declare a vacancy or vacancies to exist, and thereupon the board of aldern/en shall cause a new election to be held to fill the same. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • It features a selection of products from wine to whiteware from a range of carefully selected suppliers representing well-known consumer brands.
  • Yu Zaiqing, vice president of the Chinese Olympic Committee, was elected vice president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) at the 120th IOC session Thursday.
  • The Reichstag was the popularly elected legislative body of Germany, equivalent to our House of Representatives. The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler
  • He is due to be officially elected at the formal mayor making ceremony on May 10.
  • Most of the amputees, Kuniholm included, have elected to use simple, body-operated hooks whose basic technologies date back to World War I instead of the current generation of myoelectric arms that read muscle signals from electrodes on the skin. Move Over Prosthetic Arm | Impact Lab
  • He's already promised to hold a referendum on the treaty if his party is elected.
  • The motive is to destroy all those in the south who might threaten the oil revenues that sustain the regime's grip (it came to power by deposing an elected government and enjoys very little popular support).
  • For years they have marched, waved flags and mouthed slogans whilst the people elected them to offices of wealth and privilege.
  • She is bound to the rules and the choir, but not to the private recitation of the Divine Office; she can take part in chapters, except in those in which others are admitted to vows; she cannot be elected superior, mother-vicaress, mistress of novices, assistant, counsellor, or treasurer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • One calendar year up to 31 December, 1996 was selected to show the pre-computerisation state of affairs.
  • So that means that for five of the last eight years, all-powerful, unelected leaders have ruled over us.
  • In 1969, he was elected to the presidency of the Association of Chambers of Commerce in Turkey, a highly influential and semipolitical position, but his Islamist policies led to his rapid ejection from the post by Demirel, by then prime minister. The Guardian World News
  • Afterward, he was elected Arkansas attorney general and served as governor for 10 years before becoming president.
  • The Fine Gael men were both elected on the first count in 1999 and will be hard to dislodge.
  • Laura put the receiver down and made tea, opened the biscuit box and selected a chocolate gold grain. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Few women are in positions of real responsibility in Japanese commerce and only around five per cent of women are elected representatives in Japan's Parliament.
  • Subsequently, Liu Kui-54-type pistol carrying, Zhou carrying fruit knife to pre-selected sites waiting for.
  • Union officers are defying the council ultimatum and continuing the jobs they were elected to.
  • Mr Hombach is a former close adviser to Gerhard Schro der, who was elected chancellor in October 1998.
  • She says the men connived at their own obliteration from history, overwhelmed at learning of the deaths of Scott and the other members of the south pole party, for which any one of them could have been selected. Scott of the Antarctic anniversary to focus on science, not the sideshow
  • Primary care clinicians need to be able to discriminate which patients within a relatively unselected population have a higher likelihood of malignant disease.
  • In the second of these interregna a contest arose because two patrician consuls were elected. The History of Rome, Vol. II
  • Once elected, the pressure group spokesman becomes a politician, whose business is compromise, not ideological purity.
  • A quick command displays the scale factor for the selected viewport.
  • Not for a generation has Britain faced industrial militancy intended to bring down an elected government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Check your input and make sure you have selected only one item.
  • The unicameral legislature, the National Assembly, is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage.
  • Winners will be selected at the end of each calendar month.
  • What do we get from these unelected officials? Times, Sunday Times
  • In a study of 278 randomly selected women 30 per cent were suffering urinary problems five years after childbirth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The foods selected were lean pork, mutton, beef, peanut, soybean, red bean, mung bean and cowpea (vigna).
  • Under the 1997 Constitution, Iloilo, as President, can dissolve the elected parliament and call new elections.
  • Creates a new dynamic test from the selected static test.
  • The onetime Republican power broker faces up to 99 years in prison on felony charges that he orchestrated an illegal plan to funnel campaign cash to state GOP candidates who, after being elected, redrew congressional districts to favor their party. DeLay Corruption Trial Starts
  • Her sacrifice & committment is to herself when she left Alaskans for the glory of being VP without a Lt. Governor and then leaving her elected seat to make money and do her beauty contestant walk & turns. Palin to visit Fort Hood during book tour
  • Selected individuals of this hybrid were intercrossed, and some crossing with the native chestnut was done. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952
  • Becker is playing only selected events as he winds up his career and has retired from Grand Slam tournament play.
  • He had never heard of me, but he was so impressed by the way I sang “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” that he signed me to the label sight unseen, and selected “Boulevard” as my first single for Columbia, As it turned out, it would be one of the few times that Mitch and I saw eye to eye on the subject of repertoire. The Good Life
  • To explore the mechanisms and neurological basis of aphasic agraphia, 20 patients with aphasic agraphia after cerebral infarction were selected for observation.
  • The term lame duck refers to an elected official who has lost an election, or soon will be leaving office, during the period between the election and the date a successor will take over.
  • The Post's Michael Laris writes about a small Republican enclave in heavily Democratic Montgomery County, where voters sometimes feel disconnected from the elected officials making the decisions. Lori's A.M. Buzz: Who's calling, please?
  • Members of the next assembly, to be elected in February, could rewrite the rules, or throw out the supplementary pension plan entirely.
  • I elected to treat Justice Wallace's order as being null and void.
  • She unrolled the cloth, laid it on the floor, and, after a few seconds 'study, selected a pick and a tensioner. The Empress File
  • For main course, Karin had selected sirloin steak with black pepper sauce.
  • A panel of lawyers, academics, consultants, writers and civil rights activists selected the winners.
  • Yeah, but at least Sullivan got elected to something even if its a minor town meeting based sinecure, that is way more than Kerry Healey could say prior to 2002. The Chimes at Midnight
  • However, to avoid an unseemly political spat, both Kiely and McEllistrim have been selected.
  • plumpness" promotes natural healing and wellness with safe, proven ingredients. estimated delivery time is based on the seller's handling time, the shipping service selected, and when the seller Immediate payment required for this item Immediate payment of US $19.99 is required. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Special prizes will be granted to winners selected by an expert jury in early December.
  • Note 62: Fishing admirals had the first choice of fishing rooms in harbors for any given season, and certain coves were repeatedly selected because they were well situated in terms of shore facilities and proximity to fishing grounds. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Fortunately, she elected to remain in hospital as she and her unborn baby were both suffering seizures from addiction withdrawal.
  • It was not until 1969 that the first transition between two popularly elected democratic governments occurred.
  • Review of selected protocols from the Molecular Genetics Lab Manual (i.e., sample handling, a typical Southern blot protocol, a typical PCR protocol) Laboratory Rotation
  • Then I realized it wasn't Gantry of whom I was reminded so much as another Lewis character, Berzelius "Buzz" Windrip, the politician who poses as a populist, then once elected president turns the United States into a fascist dictatorship, aided by an angry, unknowing electorate and a paramilitary group called the Minute Men. Michael Winship: The Awful Price for Teaching Less Than We Know
  • The Constitution of the Year VIII provided for three consuls, with a First Consul, elected for ten years, having power to override the other two.
  • Consequently in Self v Self it was not lawful for a county court registrar to overrule an assisted party's choice of counsel where counsel had been selected by the assisted party from the appropriate panel.
  • The government has handed the responsibility of lawmaking to unelected judges.
  • I have faith in democratically elected officials as I know I can always vote again if dissatisfied.
  • A strong president — and that's the only kind that gets re-elected — does not allow himself to be pushed around by special interests, including the "pro-Israel" lobby which will do everything it can to make him a one-termer. MJ Rosenberg: Israel Lobby's Last Minute GOP Push
  • The Green Party has little financial backing and is using its scarce resources to mount ballot-petition drives in selected states.
  • It wants a speedy transition to an elected national congress next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps some kind of refresher course is in order, for the purpose of the Court is precisely to "check and balance" the power of "the sword" and "the purse" independent from "contrary interpretation of the democratically elected branches. Balkinization
  • The regular-sized Mayo stand contains instruments used routinely during the procedure, and the large Mayo stand holds instruments, reamers, and broaches specific to the implant system selected for use.
  • Along the route ending in Parliament Square, five giant video screens were erected relaying selected images from the carefully stage-managed affair.
  • No administration elected by the people can govern the country. The Sun
  • The wavelet coefficients are selected by Human Visual System ( HVS ) to ensure the transparence of watermarking.
  • Cole has been selected for the team to meet Italy next week.
  • The evening buffet features the particular dishes from the selected province, plus fare from other areas.
  • The council re-elected him unopposed as party leader.
  • This system ensured reasonably fair representation for each party, whilst preventing a large number of parties being elected to parliament.
  • Here is a blow-up selected from the previous photo.
  • Apart from some ‘legislators-at-large’, however, all the legislators were elected by ballot.
  • Cicero was out of Rome during the eighteen months preceding the outbreak of the Civil War, being selected under regulations following Pompey's lex de provinciis.
  • The edge colour of a chromakeyed composition can be altered to that of a complementary or selected colour, and mattes can be created by pulling a key from any colour background.
  • He again avows his special love of democracy: ‘I have been democratically elected to public office.’
  • Are our democratically elected persons being vindictive? The Sun
  • York voters have the right to petition the city council for a referendum on whether to have a directly elected mayor with executive powers.
  • They should be elected democratically and be accountable to all New Zealanders.
  • A standard lesson is selected by an experienced methods instructor to demonstrate soundness in techniques and procedures.
  • The other ten members of the council are elected by the General Assembly to two-year nonrenewable terms, with five new members elected each year.
  • We've selected and tamed our sources of meat and poultry, but fish is the last wild food. Times, Sunday Times
  • We reviewed abstracts and selected relevant articles.
  • Her 1981 publication Practicing History: Selected Essays was a retrospective of her essays that she identified as weathering the tests of time. Barbara W. Tuchman.
  • He's using small-bore measures aimed at protecting selected industries.
  • Or you can set the adaptive cruise control to maintain a selected safe distance, get too close and the car automatically brakes for you. The Sun
  • But in 1997 Kim Dae-jung, a former critic of the bases, was elected president.
  • I am so angry this morning; the USA have elected as President a man who has consorted with a terrorist, liaised with a fraudster, lied in interviews and worshipped in a black supremacist church. BBC Radio 4 Today programme (Wed 21 Jan 08:00-08:15)
  • This schism was an internal dispute within the Catholic Church resulting in French cardinals electing an "antipope" (Clement VII) in order to dispute the authority of recently elected Pope Urban VI. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • This allows either the crystal's fundamental frequency or its third overtone to be selected.
  • In particular, the Iraqis, just like their elected leaders, seem to have problems conceptualizing the best constitutional structure for their nation.
  • Elected President in 1927, he at once imprisoned or exiled his political opponents.
  • Haha, you silly twit, he won with 55 percent of the vote against Stefan's hero Toby Nixon, in a district that Nixon had carried twice before, a district that once elected Kathy Lambert and the never-to-be-forgotten Bill (Spanky) Backlund. Sound Politics: Urban Legends And Eric Oemig
  • The treasurer gave the financial account of the past year and the secretary gave an account of the yearly work undertaken and all officers were re-elected.
  • A judge was elected, attorneys were appointed, and witnesses were interviewed.
  • It's ironical that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer.
  • The present volume provides a valuable collection of data on the selected plants.
  • By putting the candidate whom you least want to see elected at the bottom of your ranking, you are helping to defeat him/her.
  • Click on the 'BUY' button to add the selected item to your basket.
  • The cardinal who's just been elected pope goes there to put on the vestments he'll wear when he appears to the crowd waiting below in St. Peter's Square.
  • Within its government, power is shared between a directly elected president, a prime minister, and a bicameral legislature (Parliament).
  • Acupuncture was used on selected points on the patients every second day and moxibustion was used on selected acupoints, also every second day, so that the patients effectively had a treatment every day.
  • Elected officials come and go, but the military potentates, policies and budgets go on and on.
  • At the same time, in order to meet the need of fast measurement, pipeline analog-to-digital converter ADS800 is selected to convert analog signal of pressure.
  • Category: Health Care | Comment (RSS) 4 Comments morganovich: the IMAB will be the controller of rationing and service denial. the fact that they can cut anything they want without any approval by elected officials makes them pretty much suzerain of government healthcare. whether they become a “death panel” or whatever is not necessarily clear, but they certainly have to power to be. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Health Care Bill Timeline
  • She selected a low gear and started down the track carefully.
  • Clones displaying a preferential expression in early placenta after Southern blot analysis were selected and sequenced.
  • He said a referendum, due to be held next year asking voters if they want an elected government in the north, was the region's greatest opportunity for change.
  • He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1907 and, in 1913, he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of London.
  • In 1952, Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected president, defeating Democrat Adlai Stevenson.
  • Method:DIOMED semiconductor laser is used to treat 39 patients with vocal cords leukoplakia. , selected laser output parameters included contact or no contact, continuous mode, 5W power.
  • In the same year of 1927 he was also elected to a fellowship at Queen's College Oxford.
  • A 1946 plebiscite ended the monarchy, and a constituent assembly was elected to draw up plans for the republic.

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