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How To Use Elbow In A Sentence

  • Hopefully, this knowledge will save many householders a great deal of elbow grease!
  • The large bone of the upper arm was splintered to the elbow joint, and the wound bled freely.
  • A man rushed past and jogged her elbow, making her drop the bag.
  • One of my hobbies is lampworking, and an old sock stuffed with lambswool and then covered in a fire-retardant sleeve works well for cushioning my elbows when I work!! Turn Old Socks Into Foot Odour Killers | Lifehacker Australia
  • When I sat up again, I felt a pleasant glow spreading from my shoulder down to my elbow, and I found that the arm had complete freedom of movement again with almost no pain.
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Master English with Ease
  • She stood up and elbowed him in the back before turning on her heel and sprinting for the stairs.
  • Her green jacket was loosely draped in the crook of her elbow, and her jeans were clean, as if they had been purchased recently.
  • There is serious reason to believe, though the details cannot be gone into here, that the lorum is represented by the "armill", though this is now a sort of stole which two or three centuries back was tied at the elbows. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Posterior elbow pain in the setting of repetitive elbow extension suggests the diagnosis of triceps tendinosis.
  • The hem hung down to mid-thigh and the sleeves reached my elbows.
  • She had been so wrapped up in her thoughts that she hadn't realized it was over until Cassie nudged her with her elbow.
  • He is wearing a short-sleeved dress shirt and I can see the scab on his elbow.
  • I had now no clothes except what I stood up in — the coat badly out at the elbow — an overcoat, moderately pawnable, and one spare shirt. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • With elbows close to the body and hips straight, lower your body until your upper arms and forearms form a right angle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The technique is to place the left hand on the forearm or elbow of the other person. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • Perhaps you wonder how so numerous a race of these beings has come to exist; but that boy at your elbow, bending under the weight of his literary burden, is a colporteur for converting the men and women of this "enlightened nation" to rowdyism. The Elements of Character
  • ‘I have to keep rolling the thread reels which keeps my elbows moving,’ he said.
  • He thrust his hand into the stack of chaff up to the elbow without feeling a thing.
  • Your local hardware store can help you figure out how much pipe you'll need and how many connectors, elbows and T-fittings you'll need.
  • “Stop being such an old ninnyhammer,” chided Aunt Agatha, giving Hilda a sharp elbow. Chasing a Rogue
  • I am, for example, as suspicious of authors in tweedy jackets or carrying pipes as I am of professors with elbow patches - they seem to be playing a role that shows how they envision themselves as Author, rather than beign who they are. Archive 2008-04-01
  • He elbowed the man in the face as he was struck in the side by one of the previous attackers.
  • Clinical Relevance The olecranon is a key osseous constraint of the elbow.
  • In the most telling moment the whole lot balance on elbows and heads, each clapping his feet together like trained seals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cause of the mass below the surface was Times CEO Howell Raines, who had egomaniacally elbowed his way to the top. Egonomics
  • The elbow joint is very stable and is limited to flexion and extension.
  • Her right hand shields her pubic area, while her left arm is raised at the elbow and her left hand holds a piece of drapery that falls onto an amphora.
  • Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is, then compare it to the skin on the elbow.
  • Simon was not a Harvard graduate but a Lafayette College dropout who had elbowed his way to the top.
  • The ball is so outstretched that Edney can not bend his elbow to use his upper-arm muscles.
  • Oh come, you must leave even me a little elbow room in which to breathe.
  • Erin, the mousiest of the bridesmaids, elbowed Gladys when she noticed, only to find herself subtly rebuked with a withering glare from Cheryl, whose short brown hair and severe temperament remained unchanged for the happy occasion. Crossed
  • I can't begin to describe the horrors being perpetrated by the DJ's, their insistent attempts to incite a conga line, or the, um, "dancing" of the patrons who -- despite clearly being the offspring and younger relatives that the publisher folks had passed on their tickets to -- managed to make your dad's elbow-jiggle and hip-shoogle look like The Moves Of The Groove. Archive 2006-10-01
  • I sighed and leaned my elbow on the arm rest of my chair, cupping my chin in my palm and trying to think.
  • Jim Koch loves to talk about little companies that take on the Big Guys: artisanal-cheese makers who battle importers, the microdistillers who taunt liquor giants — and, most of all, the tiny microbrewer who elbows aside industry behemoths with a full-flavored beer and a well-crafted marketing pitch. Beer Baron
  • She rested her chin on her fist and leaned her elbow on her knee, staring into empty space and thinking.
  • She was at the sink up to her elbows in soapsuds, doing a little dance in place to a popular song playing on the radio.
  • At my elbow lies my running - or treasure-bag, surrounded by my cabas filled with hair-pins, starch, and a band I was embroidering, etc.; near it lie our combs, etc., and the whole is crowned by my dagger; - by the way, I must add Miriam's pistol which she has forgotten, A Confederate girl's diary,
  • He nodded, taking a seat at the counter and resting his elbows on the countertop as his chin rested in the palm of his right hand.
  • She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest.
  • She moved through the crowd, dodging elbows, murmuring apologies, aware of a growing panic inside.
  • He wore black pants with a maroon shirt, the long sleeves pushed up to his elbows.
  • But he could come under video scrutiny after elbowing another player in the head during the final quarter.
  • Her left arm by her side, her right elbow out at an angle and her forearm shaking like a pneumatic drill.
  • What is the best way of getting rid of persistent tennis elbow? Times, Sunday Times
  • What is the best way of getting rid of persistent tennis elbow? Times, Sunday Times
  • The parka has a height-adjustable, insulated hood, underarm gussets and articulated elbows for good mobility in the field, and adjustable cuffs.
  • In a cramped conference room known as the "submarine" inside the fortresslike New York Fed, more than a dozen employees who constituted the institution's AIG task force were working marathon days, crammed elbow to elbow around a long wooden conference table. AIG, a symbol of financial crisis, repays bailout loan and finds new foothold
  • This will allow for the offset of the venting elbow.
  • He came as a bumptious outsider to the Alberta Tories but soon elbowed his way to the top, winning the leadership as a rookie MP.
  • The stethoscope that comes with some models is used to listen to the sounds your blood makes as it flows through the brachial artery in the crook of your elbow.
  • She's scraped the skin off her elbow.
  • Terry's elbow was caked with dried blood.
  • The whole of his arm below the elbow was badly burnt.
  • The catheter is inserted either at the front of the elbow, for investigation of the neck arteries (a carotid angiogram), or in the groin for a coronary angiogram.
  • She elbowed the back of Bashir's head, smacking his face against the ground and leaving him unconscious, and that was that.
  • With his eloquent amanuensis Chen Boda at his elbow, he cast back to China's wartime experience for a solution.
  • It took a considerable amount of polish and elbow grease before the brass shone like new.
  • With elbows close to the body and hips straight, lower your body until your upper arms and forearms form a right angle. Times, Sunday Times
  • For some reason, his left sleeve was rolled up to his elbow, exposing his pale forearm.
  • Elbow pads and knee pads are essential on a skateboard.
  • The NHL injury committee continues to work to limit injuries, so that's why at some point every skater will wear new elbow pads.
  • Leading from the front, as he stepped ashore and in the act of drawing his sword, grapeshot shattered his right elbow.
  • As any matelot will confirm, to get a good polish, a little spit and a lot of elbow grease go along way, so let's see if Combet and Burrows can for once lead by example
  • The triceps is the powerful muscle on the back of the upper arm that is responsible for straightening the elbow. The Full Feed from
  • Brand elbowed his way to the centre of the group of bystanders.
  • While someone who actually has a clue what a tachyon is will feel more comfortable with the terminology, Sawyer leaves enough elbow room for non-scifi fans. Rabid Reads: "Flash Forward" by Robert J. Sawyer
  • She gave him a jab in the stomach with her elbow.
  • Jamie rolled up his shirtsleeves to his elbows and gave a small sigh, rubbing his head again.
  • All of these have their own distinct requirements as far as to where my elbow is pointed. A Cautionary Hematoma Tale
  • At some point - maybe in a year or two, after we reach 1 million users - I'll probably need to be elbowed aside.
  • Oh come, you must leave even me a little elbow room in which to breathe.
  • He would probably touch, rise on an elbow and touch her on the hip with his hand curled soft.
  • Keeping your abdominal muscles tight, bend your elbows to lower your chest almost to the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, it is also possible that joint load may add variable forces across the elbow joint articulation thus, increasing joint wobble, thereby increasing measured length changes.
  • Here, brother Sancho Panza," said Don Quixote when he saw it, "we may plunge our hands up to the elbows in what they call adventures; but observe, even shouldst thou see me in the greatest danger in the world, thou must not put a hand to thy sword in my defence, unless indeed thou perceivest that those who assail me are rabble or base folk; for in that case thou mayest very properly aid me; but if they be knights it is on no account permitted or allowed thee by the laws of knighthood to help me until thou hast been dubbed a knight. The History of Don Quixote, Volume 1, Complete
  • Sir Malaroy, sleeves rolled to his elbows, was the first to ` dook " for an apple. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • The little clearing was shielded from the street by the laurels, and afforded him plenty of elbow room.
  • Body Glove unisize deluxe ice pack knee and elbow wrap in blue Gold Box Deals
  • Keeping your elbows in, flex the arms towards the shoulders. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first few buttons were unbuttoned and his sleeves were rolled up to the elbows.
  • One evening when Lilly arrived home from the hospital she found Zoe squatting in bed, her face naughtily screwed into a little grimalkin knot, elbows pressed into her sides, palms up, and all attitudinized to emulate a Chinese god. Star-Dust
  • Slowly bend your arms to lower your body until your elbows are flexed at right angles. The Sun
  • Penalties Back to top Period Team Time Player Type Level 1st period CAL: 15 Robyn Regehr hooking minor 2nd period NYR 1: 38 Aaron Voros tripping minor NYR 5: 54 Scott Gomez holding minor CAL 13: 05 Rene Bourque hooking minor CAL 18: 27 Dion Phaneuf elbowing minor 3rd period CAL 16: 17 Adrian Aucoin hooking minor
  • The cars jerked and yawed so much that we were constantly bumping our heads or smashing our elbows.
  • We left the house with Kate knocking the light switches off with her elbow. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • If his jackets weren't wool tweed, they had patches on the elbows.
  • Elbow grease gives the best polish. 
  • Jack's remarks set off rumours that he had been elbowed aside.
  • Dip a nonabrasive cloth in the bubbles, ensure it's not too wet and use elbow grease. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stairs were hard on my elbows and knees, and I skinned them all badly.
  • This is wrapped around the upper part of the arm above the elbow. Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
  • He sat back in the chair, leaned an elbow on the table, and canted his head to rest in that hand.
  • Diego started to walk toward the larva, but Szabla took his arm at the elbow, very gently, and held him back. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Try these outside the box techniques: close grip bench press floor bench press (elbows on the floor) pin press* board press* EveryJoe
  • And, if you come across a paper towel dispenser with a lever, use your elbow instead of your hands - and don't touch the sinks, door handles or toilets after you've dried.
  • Laughing, Eryalith grabbed the crook of Ariane's elbow.
  • Cora shook her head and rested her chin on a hand as her elbow rested on the arm of the easy chair.
  • Watching him go, I dug my elbow into Chase, pushing him away from me.
  • Cleaning Thanks to the availability of steam, cleaning is now a simple task, taking very little effort and no elbow grease.
  • The forelimbs are to the left, and are cocked back, elbows high, with the forepaws tucked under the chest.
  • His speech was designed to give himself more political elbow room.
  • She reached out and laid a hand gently on his elbow, and her eyes were soft.
  • Furiously he elbowed his way through the crush, his men behind him.
  • In ancient Egypt, a cubit was the distance from the elbow to the fingertips.
  • Victims have their elbows and feet tied tightly together behind their backs, often with wire or plastic rope that makes their limbs bleed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes the bevel elbow is so crucial, it makes certain cuts impossible.
  • He is literally a battering ram with those elbows.
  • As long as no-one elbows you in the face on the last day.
  • I really must get a new jacket - this one's starting to go at the elbows.
  • My sore knee, tennis elbow and arthritic feet are forgotten. Times, Sunday Times
  • An ensign elbowed past her into the elevator as she walked out onto the bridge.
  • The Elbow actual measurement is more than 8 % of the ellipticity.
  • He elbowed his way to the bar and ordered a beer.
  • Taking my elbow, she guided me around women engaged in heated discussions about the price of half-slips.
  • It typically causes a chronic ache at the inner elbow and can lead to a weakened grip. Times, Sunday Times
  • Italian, German, and Swiss words, foreign phrases, and Spanish jargon, introduced by foreigners, so that a poor writer has plenty of elbow room in this Babelish language, which has since been taken in hand by Droll Stories — Volume 2
  • Stagiaires with small cups of herbs elbow others with pipettes of oil out of the way in order to get to the plate, while still others, momentarily bereft of anything to do, crowd around trying to watch. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • Fight the tendency by keeping your elbows loose and upper body relaxed.
  • He was leaning over in the chair, elbows resting casually on his knees.
  • The Biceps brachii is a flexor of the elbow and, to a less extent, of the shoulder; it is also a powerful supinator, and serves to render tense the deep fascia of the forearm by means of the lacertus fibrosus given off from its tendon. IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
  • I gazed out at the stars, leaning my elbows on the edge, for awhile before answering.
  • Just seven months ago, Ralph Lauren and David Geffen "elbowed" each other to secure a $500,000, non-transferable spot on the waiting list for GM's $60 million Gulfstream G650 (release date: 2012). Signs of the New Economy: 'The Private Jet Market Stinks'
  • The nominal Health Secretary rose without trace and now been elbowed aside by the Prime Minister himself.
  • Nina broke free from the mob with the verbal equivalent of an elbow in the eye. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • It's not fair; he got to the front by elbowing his way forward.
  • Plus, after marching through the Kübler-Ross stages of bad-review grief from "future generations will recognize my genius!" to "they're just jealous!" to sulky acceptance, we can console ourselves with the belief that professional critics bring to their work some instinctual empathy for the artists under review -- an understanding of the passion and elbow grease that go into any sustained work of creativity, no matter the quality of the final product. Ben H. Winters: Why I Give Everything Five Stars
  • Objective To explore the effect of arthroscopy in diagnosis and treatment of osteochondritis dissecans of elbow joint in adolescent.
  • She was also wearing red vinyl gloves that went up past her elbows, red fishnet pantyhose, and 6 inch stiletto high heels.
  • She then elbowed her way past James and into the hallway, making sure to slam the door on the way out.
  • Now, I shove and elbow and do karate moves and eye gouges just to get down the hallway.
  • Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.
  • His blue plaid shirt was rolled up to his elbows at the sleeves and his feet were bare as well.
  • Paré gives a case of reversion, and of crooked hands and feet; and Barlow 11.54 speaks of a child of two and three-quarter years with kyphosis, but mobility of the lumbar region, which walked on its elbows and knees. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • He brought his arms together and nestled their heads, joined at the top, in the crooks of his elbows. Times, Sunday Times
  • It features a half-zip mock collar, elbow patches for durability and an extra rugged look, and a contrast trim along the inner collar, sleeves and hem.
  • She wore a canary yellow chinchilla clutch coat and pristine, satin, white gloves up to her elbows.
  • If the big racecourses get their way, the smaller tracks will be elbowed aside in a rush for the extra fixtures promised.
  • He then began exploring various kickboxing styles and found Muay Thai, a style of martial arts from Thailand that is also called the "eight-limb art" because it uses elbow and knee strikes in addition to punches and kicks. Getting Hooked on Kicks and Punches
  • I moved forward as much as the tight space would allow, and, propped on my elbows, pressed my lips against hers, our noses colliding.
  • You may wonder who needs quite that much elbow room. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't hyperextend your elbow
  • Harry propped himself up on one elbow and pulled open the top drawer of the bedside cabinet.
  • I try to twist my body so I can jab my left elbow in his face.
  • Raise bar by bending the elbows until forearms touch biceps. The Sun
  • Of course, I had to be up to my elbows in dishwater and have to STOP doing dishes, check the phone, go back and start the process all over. Telemarketers
  • The priestess, whose clear-cut features and two lovely black eyes betrayed a mixture of Semitic blood, was examining the 'turnip' -- as she called the watch -- when Leonora, saying 'Mum's the word,' rather violently called my attention (with her elbow) to a strange parcel lying apart from the rest. He
  • The good and the bad parts of our lives do not interlock with reassuring neatness across the course of a lifetime; instead they sit together in heterogeneous disarray, elbowing one another like distant ancestors told to bunch up tight for a family photograph. On Reading Zen « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Clemens pointed out the scenery he had bought to give himself elbowroom, and showed me the lot he was going to have me build on. Mark Twain: A Biography
  • The book launch itself was a study in Wellington writers and readers: equal parts present, they filled up the bookshop until there was no elbow room at all and the staff serving nibbles had to hold the trays high above their heads.
  • Spock continued to sit at the companel, though, elbows atop the control surface, hands folded together in front of his face. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • He had a swollen right orbit, a laceration over the right elbow, and bloody discharge from both nostrils.
  • Monique dusted her floury elbows and abandoned the bread-board. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • We suggested that these cases should be known as miners' elbow and knee symptom-complex.
  • He leaned one elbow on the dispatch box and turned round to his backbenchers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bony elbow poked through a hole in his sweater.
  • Use ridged flex aluminum or ridged four-inch elbows and straight vent pipe to vent your dryer.
  • You may wonder who needs quite that much elbow room. Times, Sunday Times
  • Was... was he sort of thin and bald, with red armor plates at his elbows? LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • He sat staring out the window with his elbows on the arm rests and his thumbs under his chin, slowly tapping his two index fingers together as he planned his next step.
  • The story was on the front page, elbowing aside the peace talks.
  • This notch articulates with the trochlea of the humerus to form the elbow joint.
  • But by 6 pm, invaders had already taken over the band, jostling, pushing and elbowing anyone in their path, forcing reluctant revelers to the sides of the road.
  • The one bit I didn't enjoy was the double jointed contortionist, who actually dislocated his shoulder and elbow on stage.
  • He elbowed a lever into position, and a loud clang sounded from the bowels of the ship.
  • The pasta factory is able to produce 400 kg of spaghetti per hour and 700 kg of macaroni, pasta elbows or pasta rice.
  • Those with sleeves that stop just short of the elbow can make a classier alternative to sleeveless or short-sleeved ones, both of which risk looking matronly on older women.
  • Moskin is obsessed with the idea of cheese, admitting her fantasy macaroni is "nothing more than tender elbows of pasta suspended in pure molten cheddar, with a chewy, golden-brown crust of cheese on top. How to cook perfect macaroni cheese
  • There, he would be another old person elbowed and nudged by the hordes in their restive wildebeest migration in search of gratification.
  • I propped myself up on my elbows as she turned around and walked towards the entrance and I noticed that she was now wearing a pair of loose fatigues, and a formfitting gray tank top.
  • He has worked since November on what he termed a "detailed program" to strengthen his arm and prevent a recurrence of the elbow strain that prematurely ended his 2011 season. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • The story was on the front page, elbowing aside the peace talks.
  • Your left elbow is held a little further forward than the right. Christy O'Connor Junior's Golf Masterclass
  • Though the woman has to take some of her weight on one elbow it is very comfortable. Times, Sunday Times
  • His speech was designed to give himself more political elbow room.
  • Environmental concerns will elbow their way right to the top of the agenda.
  • It revealed a soft cotton undershirt, with sleeves to his elbows.
  • Scars face me, across her wrist and in the crook of her elbow.
  • We knew instinctively that anyone wearing a tweed jacket with leather elbow patches was a history teacher and those wearing ponchos were over-zealous social workers.
  • Twist your body so that your right elbow is pointed to your left knee. Times, Sunday Times
  • As it descends through the arm, it lies at first lateral to the brachial artery; about the level of the insertion of the Coracobrachialis it crosses the artery, usually in front of, but occasionally behind it, and lies on its medial side at the bend of the elbow, where it is situated behind the lacertus fibrosus (bicipital fascia), and is separated from the elbow-joint by the Brachialis. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • The right elbow has continued to fold and now points downwards. Winning Golf for Women
  • He touched her shoulder, and her upper arm, and the inside of her elbow.
  • Real learning begins with an apprentice working at the elbow of a master craftsman, but there were not enough scholarly elbows to go around as the numbers swelled.
  • Unfortunately most gutter installers simply terminate the downspout with an elbow at the bottom.
  • Jack sighed lustily, then shifted to move over her, one elbow planted on either side, his expression arrogantly commanding. A Lady of Expectations
  • The right elbow has continued to fold and now points downwards. Winning Golf for Women
  • Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is, then compare it to the skin on the elbow.
  • And suddenly she felt a cold rush of air as the redhead actually whizzed right by her, his elbow pad actually grazing her arm as he did so.
  • He also fixed a tennis elbow within no time.
  • The three heads of the triceps muscle join at one common tendon just below your elbow.
  • Your left elbow is held a little further forward than the right. Christy O'Connor Junior's Golf Masterclass
  • Besides, a better word for the chaperon, throwing her elbows and swinging her dog coffin of a purse, may have been 'ducatoon. Skinny Legs and All
  • Bursitis often affects the areas around the joints in your shoulders, elbows or hips.
  • Several tradesmen elbowed their way past him as they descended into one pit or another.
  • Poor old Victor gets clattered again, this time by an accidental elbow from Nuno Valente.
  • I rested my elbow on a cushion.
  • Its status as an unimpeachable classic - one that is even appreciated by bona fide, elbow patch-sporting intellectuals - looms large over the rest of the genre.
  • Group scout leader Ann Pope restored the mace to its former glory with liberal amounts of metal polish, furniture wax and elbow grease, and a handing-back ceremony was arranged.
  • Despite the elbow injury, he said he is not disheartened by the setback.

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