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How To Use Elasticity In A Sentence

  • An Australian novelist described him as a ‘tall, striking man still capable of playing a couple of useful chukkas of polo… in some ways more British than the British, but with a good deal more elasticity and charm’.
  • We need not worry about the disappearance of this space because its elasticity prevents true rupture or breakage.
  • The elasticity of substitution measures how the relative use of an input changes when its relative price changes. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The dynamic modulus of elasticity decreased in a linear fashion over 60 days of hypothermic storage.
  • By this action, the highly elastic axis must be bent at the lower extremity, where it is naturally slightly curved; and I imagine it is by this elasticity alone that the zoophyte is enabled to rise again through the mud. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
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  • A dense wood will have proportionally more elasticity and resistance, but also a greater margin of shrinkage and swelling.
  • An important mechanic parameter in masonry structure is the modulus of elasticity.
  • From the view of industry, the relation depends on the demand elasticity of price. When elasticity is greater, the industrial investment expenditure also increases with the firm number increase.
  • Even when, by the elasticity of the flesh, that cavity closed up some, it closed up on organs that had been gelatinized, literally turned to viscosity. A Bob Lee Swagger eBook Boxed Set
  • Solids, liquids and gases are ideal behaviours characterised by properties such as compressibility, viscosity, elasticity, strength and hardness. Archive 2005-09-01
  • I had some right to surmise that my illness may have been merely the effect of the hot wind; and this notion was encouraged by the elasticity of my spirits, and by a strong forefeeling that much of my destined life in this world was yet to come, and yet to be fulfilled. Eothen
  • He studied continuum mechanics, lunar theory with Clairaut, the three body problem, elasticity, acoustics, the wave theory of light, hydraulics, and music.
  • I circled my original idea pondering the elasticity of fiction and the nature of narratology.
  • But when it is warm, the rubber is pliable and retains high elasticity, even when being stretched hard.
  • The cortical layer is actually the middle or inner layer of the hair shaft that provides the strength, elasticity and shape of the curly hair.
  • They help to maintain the elasticity in the skin grafts and full mobility in my joints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, the more constraint put on opportunities of factor marketing, the less the reservation price and the elasticity of supply was, therefore the share of factor income became less.
  • Within the rodents, which generally have short generation times, generation time is positively correlated with adult survival elasticity.
  • The functioning of a key depends on its rigidity whilst that of clocks and watches depend crucially on the weight of pendulum bobs or the elasticity of springs.
  • Her use of the word is idiosyncratic, and while some may object that its elasticity and multiform character makes it suspect, others may find it a helpful way of conceiving of historical inquiry.
  • But in emphysema patients, some lung tissue loses its elasticity.
  • Nitinol provides shape memory, high elasticity, biocompatibility, and MRI compatibility.
  • This is a painting with no give to it, no elasticity or ampleness.
  • To regulate dry and sensitive skin, and fade out striae of pregnancy and scars; Increase skin elasticity, slow down the skin aging period.
  • _ -- In acute arteritis we find swelling along the vessel, loss of elasticity, friability, and thickening of the walls; a roughness and loss of gloss of the inner coat, with the formation of coagula or pus in the vessel. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Water moisturizes the skin, preserves its elasticity and pumps up those skin cells, which all makes your skin soft and supple.
  • It prolongs the durability of the curl, enhancing its elasticity and volume without weighing the hair down.
  • If strength, elasticity, clearness, and perfect freedom from viscidity, be tests of excellence, then this product may be considered as equal to any other. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Cars have a relatively high income elasticity of demand.
  • In the foot there is a gelatinous spring or style, which, even when taken out, has great elasticity, and which seems the mainspring of the motions of the _Pholas dactylus_. ' Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 430 Volume 17, New Series, March 27, 1852
  • And as the skin's ability to produce collagen diminishes with age, it loses its elasticity and firmness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The relationship between quantity demanded of a commodity and its price is normally measured by the price elasticity of demand.
  • This analysis indicates the omission of substitutes does not significantly influence short-run price elasticity estimates, but results in significantly lower long-run estimates.
  • For macro aspect, it compares the differences not only of capital productivity, labor productivity, total factor productivity but also of output elasticity between eastern regions and western ones.
  • I love you too, Pollyanna but our relationship must remain platonic as my anus is already losing its elasticity from 30 years in banking. morgaine7 AM I CUTE?
  • Although Germain does not offer a physical or geometric derivation of mean curvature, it remains a key concept in the study of minimal surfaces, not to mention the theory of elasticity.
  • "We're trying to alter both the strength and elasticity of the natural silks," Lewis said.
  • The numerical results indicate that tax on capital inflows can discourage capital inflows, and that the outcome varies according to elasticity of saving and velocity of currency circulation.
  • But the country did not recover with its wonted elasticity. Chapter XXI
  • Mag. _ in May 1861, writes: "I have deduced from this result the relation between statical or dynamical electricity, and have shown that the elasticity of the magnetic medium in air is the same as that of the luminiferous medium, _if these two coexistent, coextensive, and equally elastic media are not rather one medium_. Aether and Gravitation
  • With the increasing of elasticity of fluid, the turbulence in shrink hole comes into being, whose intensity is in direct proportion to elasticity.
  • For this I was criticized by those who appreciate the combination of firearms, streetwalker fashion, and boob-skin stretched to the absolute limits of elasticity. Booth Babes?
  • To regulate dry and sensitive skin, and fade out striae of pregnancy and scars; Increase skin elasticity, slow down the skin aging period.
  • It remains a permanent monument to the academic aspect of elasticity.
  • Background - Titin is a giant protein crucial for the assembly and elasticity of the sarcomere.
  • Ultra-violet rays and the free radicals age the skin more quickly reducing its elasticity and creating wrinkles.
  • The results are consistent with the predictions of continuum elasticity theory for the strain of a point source subject to an applied force.
  • These results are directly comparable to the familiar sensitivity and elasticity of population growth rate.
  • The weight is slung at either end of the pingo, and the elasticity of the wood accommodates itself to the spring of each step, thereby reducing the dead weight of the load. Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon
  • As you get older, muscle elasticity decreases and this increases the risk of hamstring injury and groin strain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ultraviolet rays can burn the hair's cuticle, or outer layer, leaving it dry and brittle; they also can damage pigment and reduce hair's strength and elasticity.
  • For a purely linearly isotropic material, a single constant suffices to describe the sample elasticity.
  • This extremely desirable structure owes its elasticity to the isotactic nature of the polymer, and for this reason these polymers are used for the manufacturing of car tires.
  • The oxygen and nutrient deficiencies caused by too much smoking result in premature lines on the skin and a loss of natural elasticity.
  • Rich Vitamin A may maintain the skin elasticity, prevents epithelial cell's atrophy keratinization.
  • The non-marginal elasticity involves measurement of the price and quantity demanded before and after the change.
  • These coatings exhibit the toughness and adhesion of epoxy, with the elasticity and chemical resistance of a polysulfide.
  • The intrinsic elasticity of the airways would still allow the airway tree to distend with inspirations and relax with expiration.
  • And if the charges are not billed on a continual basis, there are no price signals, and the price elasticity is much weaker, so the idea that you charge this with auto registration is absurd. Matthew Yglesias » Doubts About a Vehicle-Miles Traveled Tax
  • As you get older, the collagen in your body is naturally degraded: so the skin gradually begins to lose its fullness and elasticity, leading to wrinkles.
  • The laughable element in both cases consists of a certain MECHANICAL INELASTICITY, just where one would expect to find the wide-awake adaptability and the living pliableness of a human being. Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
  • While heat treatment had little, if any effect of the modulus of elasticity of the composites, it did affect the transition into plastic flow.
  • Under these circumstances the ligaments lose their elasticity, and as a result we have prolapsus or falling of the womb. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • Noticeably larger effects are only likely to be elicited under implausibly high values of the short-run trade price elasticity.
  • They even have enough elasticity power to allow you to disagree with them.
  • Arterial damage affects the elasticity of arteries, which become stiff and rigid.
  • Passing above research, the paper think that based on keeping now energy coefficient of elasticity economy need to keep 10% increasing speed at least in order to achieve 20% energy conservation plans.
  • The plane problems and the torsion problem are standard fare in solution oriented books on elasticity.
  • Plaque can grow and can considerably narrow the artery, so the artery becomes constricted and the elasticity is reduced.
  • With this revival came a concomitant revival of the corporeal values associated with gymnastics: upper body strength, musculature, elasticity, litheness, flexibility, poise, and equilibrium.
  • Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.
  • DPMs consist of the gene products of what is known as the "developmental-genetic toolkit," but considered in subsets, as dynamical networks embodying physical processes characteristic of chemically and mechanically excitable meso - to macroscopic systems like cell aggregates: cohesion, viscoelasticity, diffusion, and spatio-temporal heterogeneity based on lateral inhibition, and multistable and oscillatory dynamics. ScreenTalk
  • Dry skin can look leathery, dry and flaky, and will lose the elasticity it needs to stay firm and young-looking.
  • Oddly, no one questions the elasticity of the Coen Brothers to do frat-housey The Big Lebowski and at the same time No Country for Old Men, but thats another topic. Wyatt Closs: For Colored Girls, And For Multiple Stakes
  • Explain how the per unit burden of a tax is affected by the price elasticity of the demand and supply curves. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • A very small fraction of this is due to imperfect elasticity of the solid Earth.
  • In comparison with rheological and theoretical studies on viscoelasticity of actin gels, the properties of orientational ordering of actin have been less studied, both theoretically and experimentally.
  • This new textbook introduces the foundations of aeroelasticity and loads for the flexible aircraft, providing an understanding of the main concepts involved and relating them to aircraft behaviour and industrial practice. AvaxHome RSS:
  • There may be failing sight, deafness for high tones, graying hair, and loss of elasticity of the skin.
  • The modulus of elasticity in shear, or modulus of rigidity, is about 16 GPa, while Poisson's ratio is 0.35.
  • There are simple steps to ascertain whether a patient has poor skin elasticity or not. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further, he points out that respondents were using demand signals, though the term elasticity might not have been used. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • Will operator charges by Railtrack be reflected in higher fares and possible loss of patronage resulting from cross price elasticity?
  • Come as intellectual economy, company finance affairs shows more and more apparent inelasticity, financial innovation is imperative.
  • Abstract Molecular elasticity is associated with a select number of polypeptides and proteins, such as titin, Lustrin A, silk fibroin, and spider silk dragline protein.
  • They proceeded onward: the earthly Paradise was unfolded to their view; the air was balmy, and laden with rich fragrance from the numberless flowers around; but instead of filling the spirit with soft languor, and indisposing the body to exertion, the gentle breezes imparted new vigor to the frame, and the buoyant, hilarious feelings of early youth shot through the veins, making the thoughtful eye sparkle, and giving to the grave foot of saddened maturity the elasticity of childhood. Holidays at the Grange or A Week's Delight Games and Stories for Parlor and Fireside
  • The software provides realistic sensations for 10 textures - softness, fullness, smoothness, hairiness, prickliness, drape, thickness, elasticity, rigidity and warmth.
  • Experiments in regard to the relation between chemical composition and strength of the material have established that a large amount of silicium, graphite, manganese, and combined carbon reduce the elasticity, strength, and tenacity of cast iron, and that a limited percentage of silicium counteracts the injurious influence produced by an excess of combined carbon. Scientific American Supplement, No. 483, April 4, 1885
  • Taking collagen supplements helps the skin retain its firmness and elasticity.
  • This leads to a loss of flexibility and elasticity in the collagen, which in turn encourages the formation of wrinkles as well as causing skin to sag. The Sun
  • These coatings exhibit the toughness and adhesion of epoxy, with the elasticity and chemical resistance of a polysulfide.
  • And as the skin's ability to produce collagen diminishes with age, it loses its elasticity and firmness. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were gene products (proteins) but also networks of physical processes that shaped and patterned organisms using adhesion, polarization, viscoelasticity, etc. ScreenTalk
  • Income changes and the concept of income elasticity can go a long way toward explaining much of the behavior we observe. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The new-model revision also includes a new, more sport-calibrated suspension, with coil springs up front and air springs in the rear, a stiffer antiroll bar in back, and a general banishing of elasticity. Mercedes: a Demon of Hurtling Mass
  • The toughness, lightness, strength, and elasticity of whalebone gave it a wide variety of uses.
  • He was interested in their applications to dynamics, hydrodynamics, elasticity, and electrostatics.
  • Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of a good to a change in the price of that good.
  • Use weekly and it will reduce wrinkles and boost your skin 's elasticity. The Sun
  • Circular knitting depended on natural elasticity of its ribbing to substitute for fashioning.
  • Mercedes-Benz USA The new-model revision also includes a new, more sport-calibrated suspension, with coil springs up front and air springs in the rear, a stiffer antiroll bar in back, and a general banishing of elasticity. Ripping the Old Model to Shreds
  • Lung elasticity declines slightly with aging but smoking accelerates this greatly.
  • This is what gives the elasticity to yeast doughs, which have to be kneaded and stretched.
  • Students might have been surprised to see they were being asked to work out the rate of inflation, the elasticity or the multiplier.
  • Jeffrey's work was on the applications of mathematics, in particular he worked on hydrodynamics, viscous liquids and elasticity.
  • The curve has slope which may be re-arranged substitution: using the definition of the elasticity of substitution:.
  • “Sitting!” repeated Mr Meadows, with a yawn, “O worse and worse! it dispirits me to death! it robs me of all fire and life! it weakens circulation, and destroys elasticity.” Cecilia
  • Synthetic thread is very strong and should be used with synthetic or stretch fabric as it has more elasticity.
  • Explain how the per unit burden of a tax is affected by the price elasticity of the demand and supply curves. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Materials with viscoelasticity may seem to flow slowly for a while but then stop. Archive 2005-09-01
  • Homeric epic provides the most powerful example of the Greek interest in the instability and elasticity of time.
  • And they contain L-arginine, which is a substance that protects flexibility and elasticity of arteries, says Duke's Politi. Skip the sweets and just go nuts
  • For it to go beyond elementary provisions would be to lose elasticity and adaptability.
  • Nearly nine in ten volunteers saw increased skin elasticity over three months. The Sun
  • The bandages substitute for the elasticity lost by tissues engorged with edema.
  • Vital nutrients for good skin include vitamin C and protein to make collagen, which gives skin bounce and elasticity. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper tries to make case study and put forward correspondent marketing strategy for China railway passenger transportation by means of demand elasticity theory.
  • He uses his narrative's inherent elasticity to open perspective and depth of field naturally, then skillfully dollies around and pans in and out of larger contexts as illuminating backdrop for his two odd couples.
  • Due to its thickness and elasticity it is thought to act as a ‘shock-absorber’, cushioning the impact of movement.
  • The correct use of muscles can reshape the body, lift sagging cheeks, melt away double chins, middle-age spread and abdominal bulges, restore elasticity to the skin, iron out creepy necks and eliminate flabbiness.
  • We discover that for stability, the average elasticity of demand must exceed 0.5. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • The property of elasticity allows the ball to retain kinetic energy during a collision by having the ability to flex without breaking and then return to its original shape.
  • The influences of income level, demand elasticity and rural residents' income distribution on consumption structure of rural resident in China are analyzed based on ELES model and Panal Data model.
  • In the trial, testers experienced a marked rise of fibrillin - essential for maintaining the skin's elasticity - resulting in visible improvements. Times, Sunday Times
  • They pass into the form of vapour, occupy a thousand times larger area, and possess an elasticity of compressibility and expansibility they were destitute of before. Lectures on Popular and Scientific Subjects
  • My stomach, intestines and liver were tested and also my skin elasticity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he went on to explain that presbyopia is a visual problem caused by a loss of elasticity of the lens which prevents or slows down the focusing of the eye.
  • That said, it seems to me that there has been a sustained run-up in average fuel costs in the last 7-8 years, and I would be interested in knowing whether that had any impact on utilization or whether the long-term empirical elasticity is as poor as the (presumably) short-term 10%-1% ratio. Matthew Yglesias » Taxes: Still the Best Bet
  • They help to maintain the elasticity in the skin grafts and full mobility in my joints. Times, Sunday Times
  • This will indicate whether effective bond elasticity correlates with the efficiency of synapse formation, as predicted here.
  • To be strictly logical and philosophical, in the statement that Aether is matter, it must be conceded not only that Aether is subject to such properties as elasticity, inertia, and compressibility, but that it is also gravitative or possesses weight. Aether and Gravitation
  • The popular toy Silly Putty ™ is a classic example of complex viscoelasticity, bouncing better than a rubber ball under a sharp, sudden force but slumping into a puddle when left alone. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • It is also possible that the shares chosen for inclusion in the arbitrage portfolio are those which have a high price elasticity.
  • The limitation of the traditional metalwork practice in cultivating the innovative consciousness of students and the inelasticity in management has been analyzed .
  • A reasonable electricity price discount is used to balance the benefits between buyers and sellers for the existing of power demand price elasticity.
  • Computations reveal that viscoelasticity alone does not give rise to a small, satellite bead between two much larger main beads but that inertia is required for its formation. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • It promises to firm and plump, thus improving elasticity.
  • Gershwin never gave up the hope of a "Porgy and Bess" revival, but such was the elasticity of his musical talent that he could go from writing serious formal music to movie ­music without a hitch. Rhapsody Imbued
  • Calcium fluoride (6cH) is a biochemic tissue salt which helps to support routine elasticity to all cells and body tissues and maintain easy movement in the body. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • But elasticity was put to quite different use at the start of the rondo: in an exaggeration of tempo di menuetto, the strings' pizzicato sounded rather like the snapping of rubber bands.
  • It is urgent for us to follow the reformation principles of gradual advance, classification and elasticity to carry out "many centers education system" and to govern coordinately.
  • Dilational viscoelasticity of oil-water interface film formed by vacuum residue fractions from Iranian heavy crude oil was studied by using L-B method.
  • Land is supremely characterized by its inelasticity of reproducible supply.
  • Properties such as elasticity, viscosity, damping, inertia, friction and contact characteristics and other forces were assigned to discrete rigid-body elements.
  • It retains its elasticity even though frozen and it insulates the ice cream.
  • The fibers are twisted into ropes and sprayed with natural latex, which increases their elasticity.
  • The definition and types of demand elasticity are analysed in this article and the great significance is expounded for the government policy-makers to instruct productive management.
  • From that conception, the Aether has been gradually perfected, until we have the conception which has been presented to the reader in Chapter IV., in which I have endeavoured to show that this aetherial medium is matter, but infinitely more rarefied and infinitely more elastic, but notwithstanding its extreme rarefaction and elasticity, it possesses inertia, because it is gravitative. Aether and Gravitation
  • I love you too, Pollyanna but our relationship must remain platonic as my anus is already losing its elasticity from 30 years in banking. morgaine7 AM I CUTE?
  • Indeed, several contributions have investigated the potential of phase imaging to detect variations in material properties such as adhesion, elasticity, and viscoelasticity, or to image samples with large vertical dimensions.
  • Yuan-Cheng B. Fung, University of California - San Diego Fung's theory of aeroelasticity formed the defining ideas in how aero-structures interact with aerodynamic flows, an important contribution to aerospace engineering. The Nations Highest Science And Technology Honors Awarded
  • The main site for aeroelasticity is the one under development at Texas A & M.
  • Related to residential consumption analysis, extend linear expenditure system(ELES) is widely used in statistics analysis, and calculating the demand elasticity of various commodities.
  • IN the evening this surprising heavy tempest passed off, we had a serene sky and a pleasant cool night; having had time enough to collect a great quantity of wood and Pine knots to feed our fires and keep up a light in our camp, which was a lucky precaution, as we found it absolutely necessary to dry our clothes and warm ourselves, for all our skins and bedding were cast over the packs of merchandize to prevent them and our provision from being injured by the deluge of rain; next day was cool and pleasant, the air having recovered its elasticity and vivific spirit; I found myself cheerful and invigorated; indeed all around us appeared reanimated, and nature presents her cheerful countenance; the vegetables smile in their blooming decorations and sparkling crystaline dew-drop. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • The lanyard is held snug by the elasticity of the cord and by an adjustable slide consisting of interlocking O-rings.
  • This last method, restricted to the harmonic elasticity regime, does not require any external perturbations imposed on the system.
  • Explain how the per unit burden of a tax is affected by the price elasticity of the demand and supply curves. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • The fibers are twisted into ropes and sprayed with natural latex, which increases their elasticity.
  • There is scientific evidence that this will increase tissue elasticity and ductility, and reduce the frequency of injuries directly related to the stretching itself.
  • But for unspoke reasons, such contributions have always gone unacknowledge - Althussers influence on "America in Decline" is virtually unknown. (and there are other such unpaid debts: the acknowledgement of Chilean Maoist Jorge Palacious 'influence on "Conquer the World," the situating of Avakian's "solid core with a lot of elasticity" is an attempt to undermine and triangulate differences with Prachanda Path, and so on.) Kasama
  • His research interests are aircraft and aerodynamic configuration design, aeroelasticity, vortex-dominated flows and experimental aerodynamics.
  • If therefore Aether be matter, then, to be strictly logical and philosophical, it must be conceded that Aether is gravitative, as well as having the other properties of matter, as elasticity and inertia, etc. Aether and Gravitation
  • Two polymer models, the worm-like chain and the freely jointed chain, can be used to describe these sources of elasticity.
  • Thus the sulphocarbonate of a 'hydrocellulose' is formed with lower proportions of alkaline hydrate and carbon disulphide, gives solutions of relatively low viscosity, and, when decomposed to give a film or thread of the regenerated cellulose, these are found to be deficient in strength and elasticity. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • Her skin has lost elasticity and looks rather leathery. The Sun
  • The stretching of the elastic explains the elasticity of lung tissue and that energy is required to stretch the tissue.
  • His sense of rhythmic freedom, elasticity of phrasing, romantic ardor, and caressing tonal hues set a new standard for the four Chopin Ballades.
  • Results: The penile dartos was loose, however the deep fascia was dense with poor elasticity.
  • And with commodities, the short-term elasticity of demand is low, so typically, only a massive price shift can induce even a small change in demand. 'Next oil shock will be far worse than $147 a barrel'
  • This involves a condition called arteriosclerosis where the larger arteries become hardened and lose their elasticity. Army Rumour Service
  • The special liposome complex improves its litheness and elasticity and visibly softens your skin.
  • He had stretched the elasticity out of them, and with their distention had passed his endurance. A PIECE OF STEAK
  • This endothelium helps give vessels the elasticity needed to regulate blood pressure.
  • His interests in science itself were mainly in the area of mathematical physics, and in particular thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, elasticity, mathematical chemistry, and mechanics.
  • The only wood which they can procure, not possessing sufficient elasticity combined with strength, they ingeniously remedy the defect by securing to the back of the bow, and to the knobs at each end, a quantity of small lines, each composed of a plat or "sinnet" of three sinews. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 2
  • To reveal the origins of this mechanical response, we use a variety of pharmacological and immunological disruption techniques to alter the cytoplasmic structure, and measure the resultant change in viscoelasticity.
  • As you get older, muscle elasticity decreases and this increases the risk of hamstring injury and groin strain. Times, Sunday Times
  • We discover that for stability, the average elasticity of demand must exceed 0.5. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • With age, the skin's inner layer loses its elasticity.
  • In applied mathematics he studied optics, electricity, telegraphy, capillarity, elasticity, thermodynamics, potential theory, quantum theory, theory of relativity and cosmology.
  • This polysaccharide demonstrates high viscoelasticity and is very stable. Food IngredientsFIrst News
  • Makers claim they reduce fine lines, firm the skin and improve its elasticity - all without sticking a needle in your face. The Sun
  • The company uses laser scans to pick the best fibres for length, strength, elasticity and softness. Times, Sunday Times
  • A similar elasticity applies to a plenipotent agency, which cannot, by 4, be identified, much less explained. Robert Camp:Can Intelligent Design be considered scientific in the same way that SETI is? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The skin eventually loses its elasticity.
  • We measure no contribution from the cytokeratin network to viscoelasticity.
  • And, those photoelasticity photographs will help fix ideas in a unique way. IMechanica - Comments
  • Its lightness belies its warmth; the shell sheathes two layers of insulation, whose thinness and elasticity allow for greater freedom of movement when schussing down the slopes.
  • After three months, women who took a daily supplement showed a significant improvement in fine wrinkles and skin elasticity. The Sun
  • If the limits of its elasticity are not exceeded, the bone recoils into its normal position when the force ceases to act; but if the bone is bent beyond the point from which it can recoil, a fracture takes place -- "_fracture by bending_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Infinitely more liberal than comparable slang of that era, this application of the folk saying allowed unusual elasticity of interpretation.
  • Soon after the lords had quitted him, the buoyant elasticity of his figure, which before seemed ready to rise from the earth, so was his soul elevated by his sublime resolves, gave way to melancholy retrospections, and he threw himself into a chair with his hands clasped upon his knee and his eyes fixed in musing gaze upon the floor. The Scottish Chiefs
  • At this time the condition of the patient was as follows: The face presented the appearance known as facies hippocratica: the eyeballs were prominent, the corneæ glassy, the pupils widely dilated, not acting to light, and there was no reflex action of the conjunctivæ; the lips were livid, the tongue tumefied, but pallid, the skin ashy pale, the cutaneous tissues apparently devoid of elasticity. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • In the case of thermal fluctuations this second type of correlation depends on the elasticity of the membrane.
  • The primary areas considered are structural dynamics, static aeroelasticity, and dynamic aeroelasticity.
  • The lining helps give blood vessels the elasticity they need to regulate blood pressure.
  • I'll start with light plyometrics, which are jumping, bouncing exercises to improve muscle elasticity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pretinieks writes: it might rather depend on relative, not absolute popularity. if your book generates more media buzz than your previous one, a lot of prospective buyers are "first-time users" and haven't heard of you before. where there's no "brand loyalty", price elasticity is higher. to test this, you'll need to write another book of roughly the same popularity. Why Do Book-Sellers Discount Popular Books?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Well, Angela, the ideal liposuction patient is healthy with a consistent body weight and good skin elasticity.
  • Look for vitamin-enriched products which focus on the skin's elasticity. The Sun

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