How To Use Elaborateness In A Sentence
But Ms. Economy pointed to the elaborateness of concept and coordination of details — "the flowers are matching," she observed — leading her to suspect they may have had professional help bringing the Halloween spirit alive.
Suburban Tricks, Urban Treats
So weeding out potential jurors with unchangeable views on guilt or innocence has the elaborateness of celebrity trials like that of O.J. Simpson, who was acquitted at the same courthouse in 1995.
Jackson jury Q&A tests media's grip
They come in all flavors, thicknesses and elaborateness.
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They don't lie about these things - why, the very elaborateness of their outlandish tales is proof that something happened.
She imparts something of her own elaborateness to them.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
Clothing patterns became very elaborate as did hats and by the Baroque and Rococo eras hats and hairpieces were monumental in stature and elaborateness.
When Were Women’s Hats in Fashion? « Colleen Anderson
The dance form of Kathakali has become very popular over the years, captivating hearts worldwide with its elaborateness.
The elaborateness of their adornments and the skill of their depiction has scholars intrigued and visitors like us entranced.
According to my guide, the level of elaborateness is dictated by the donations from villagers now working overseas.
Breaking Away
Different tribes wear differently-shaped ones, and size and elaborateness are usually a function of ceremony rather than an individual's social status.
Merkins and Kotekas and Codpieces, Oh My!
I could go on and on about the degree of deception, the elaborateness of the country's program to maintain its weapons capabilities.
What is distinctive about the Yin Yu Tang latticework is the placement of the screens, the elaborateness of the design, and the beauty of the carving.
But Europe proposed to apply it on a scale and with an elaborateness of detail of which no former world ever dreamed.
In Archbishop Parker's time this had been a busy post, as the state observed at Lambeth and Croydon was very considerable; but Grindal was of a more retiring nature, disliking as was said, "lordliness"; and although still the household was an immense affair, in its elaborateness and splendour beyond almost any but royal households of the present day, still Anthony's duties were far from heavy.
By What Authority?
He thanked me with unwonted elaborateness for Force and Matter, of which I knew he would never read a line, and felt his way to the door.