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How To Use Elaborated In A Sentence

  • Besides, correction effect of fundamental variables in the model to RMB rate misalignment is also elaborated.
  • These are (1) the production in the blood of an antidote to the toxin or poison elaborated by the invading microbe -- an antitoxin, which chemically neutralises the toxin; (2) the production in the blood of the attacked animal of a "germicidal" poison which repels and kills the attacking microbes themselves (not merely neutralising their poisonous products); (3) the extermination of the intrusive, disease-producing microbes by a kind of police, which scour the blood channels and tissues and "eat up" -- actually engulf and digest -- the hostile intruders. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it
  • A day later, Palin elaborated on her support in a race that proved embarrassing to the GOP establishment. Sarah Palin's Election Scorecard
  • Its technology is a stroke of genius that has been elaborated from the DS-164. New Sofas from de Sede
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  • This has been augmented by retirement migration, a topic that will be elaborated in the following section.
  • Questions can be stark, unelaborated; but answers have implications. Times, Sunday Times
  • They believe that they have elaborated a theory linking ventilation, cytokine release, and multiple organ system failure.
  • The ghostwriter wants to produce a good book and they have over-elaborated on things.
  • Many pupils were still asking closed questions that did not encourage or prompt elaborated answers.
  • Some students elaborated on topics and issues in their emails and notes posted on the message board while others were rather short.
  • The fair helps guava producers market themselves and promote the consumption of guava products while making the public familiar with the various products elaborated from the fruit," said Mara Magdalena Gallegos Alvarado´, in charge of tourism in Calvillo. December guava fair in Calvillo, Aguascalientes
  • The growth of the trunk or stem of all exogenous plants, or those which increase in size on the outside of the stem, is brought about by the descent of certain formative tissue called cambium, elaborated by the leaves and descending between the old wood and the bark, where it is formed into alburnum or woody matter. Scientific American, Volume XLIII., No. 25, December 18, 1880 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
  • Many pupils were still asking closed questions that did not encourage or prompt elaborated answers.
  • I use the term tour de force here because of Clements master touch with sumi ink, but also because the drawing is an assemblage of individually elaborated drawings on 10 x 8 inch sheets of paper. Anne Couillaud: Still Life as Landscape : Dawn Clements' New Exhibition at Pierogi's
  • Other members of the staff elaborated detailed parts of the plan, each within his special sphere of competence.
  • The texts were taken from the Vulgate and elaborated with original material, while the stories were essentially dramatic - Jonah and the Whale, the Judgment of Solomon, and so on.
  • Daly further elaborated on this theme with his work on “steady state economics” [78] which worked out the implications of acknowledging that the Earth is materially finite and nongrowing, and that the economy is a subset of this finite global system. An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 2
  • Taking Pestalozzi's idea that the purpose of the teacher was to give pupils new experiences through contacts with real things, without assuming that the pupils already had such, Herbart elaborated the process by which new knowledge is assimilated in terms of what one already knows, and from his elaboration of this principle the doctrine of apperception -- that is, the apperceiving or comprehending of new knowledge in terms of the old -- has been fixed as an important principle in educational psychology. The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
  • The article elaborated the handbill poster notice design creativity thought method and the creativity thought raise.
  • Why this should come as a surprise is a mystery to me, as I have elaborated on in previous posts. Pious Atheism « Anglican Samizdat
  • The headmaster elaborated upon the idea for a new school uniform.
  • Elaborated between 1790 and 1799, the decimal metric system of weights and measures was zealously promoted under Napoleon.
  • Or perhaps it'll be cyber-knitters, chanting some elaborated version of ‘knit one, purl two’ as they create mythic tapestries or heal rifts in the fabric of space-time.
  • In fact, for a long time, Bourget rose at 3 a.m. and elaborated anxiously study after study, and sketch after sketch, well satisfied when he sometimes noticed his articles in the theatrical 'feuilleton' of the 'Globe' and the The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • The construction and management of the direct - emission spectrometer laboratory were elaborated.
  • A couple of weeks ago a book was published in America that elaborated on exactly this theme.
  • The development situation of blast furnace hot blast stove for 20 year our country is comprehensively elaborated.
  • Our dependence upon them, for the sort of plans we have elaborated, is indicated by a recent press dispatch. The Lesson of Iraq
  • This point will be elaborated further in the next chapter.
  • A more elaborated biosynthetic theory is very interesting from design perspective, as implementing a basic design economy, and indeed seems necessitated by the adaptive demand for increasing precision, increasing reliability, increasing complexity — of adapting and evolving in increasingly more effective ways. Chunkdz Comes Out Smokin
  • His claim that ‘the fetishism of social relations becomes an established fact’ in a monetized society remains underelaborated.
  • The ghostwriter wants to produce a good book and they have over-elaborated on things.
  • In the first phase of her writing, which adhered to Freudian theory for the most part, Klein laid down the principles of child psychoanalysis, reworked Freud’s developmental timetable by arguing that the child was capable of certain types of mental activities at an early age, and elaborated on the importance of the child’s fantasy (in Klein’s writings referred to as phantasy) life (Segal, 1974). Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • On a more or less typical night, on a site called “Let’s die together in Shizuoka” (a city an hour from Tokyo on the bullet train), I sit in front of my computer screen and watch as the death script is rehearsed and elaborated by anonymous participants, some of whom may simply be exploring a radical idea, while others may soon be found dead in cars: Let’s Die Together
  • Elaborated between 1790 and 1799, the decimal metric system of weights and measures was zealously promoted under Napoleon.
  • This article elaborated the function of scientific and technological subprefect in the cooperative project and some suggestions were put forward.
  • The author comes to the conclusion that glossators, using scholastic methodology, elaborated their own doctrine of contracts and pacts.
  • Esclangon elaborated a theory for these functions, studied their differentiation and integration, and examined the differential equations which allow them as coefficients.
  • Nor has anyone elaborated the idea of dialectics into a methodological system in the way that Marx and Marxism did. Pak Tea House
  • The album marks a slight return to more elaborated ambiences and more defined melodic lines, yet Ford firmly remains on minimal grounds here.
  • It was elaborated upon by the Byzantines, but in essence it was a system that endured for another millennium - far longer than the original Empire.
  • Deportation or the failure to get a visa is seen as a temporary setback during which strategies to outmaneuver consular officers, who are perceived as racists, are elaborated.
  • The disease symptom, propagation path of pathogens and inducing condition of tomato virus were elaborated. The controlling methods were proposed.
  • This has been augmented by retirement migration, a topic that will be elaborated in the following section.
  • How faithfully the ancestral lines have met in the latest product, how mysteriously the joint characteristics of body and mind have blended, and how unexpected yet how entirely natural a recombination is the result -- these points are elaborated with cumulative effect until we realize at last how little we are dealing with an independent unit, how much with a survival and reorganization of what seemed buried in the grave. Natural Law in the Spiritual World
  • Some key issues of this technique, including interrupt simulation, exception handling and the construction of multiprogramming environment, are also elaborated.
  • Elaborated our country law of corporation personality denial judicial confirmation present situation and the limitation.
  • This point will be elaborated further in the next chapter.
  • The cowboy meal, which I believe was not elaborated for us, was a healthy solid affair of meat, vegetables, hot biscuit, coffee, and prunes, appetisingly cooked and unstintingly served, for the Bad Land appetite is like unto that of the Rocky Mountains, lusty and big. A Woman Tenderfoot
  • Tricki was on prednoleucotropin for his arthritis and oxytetracycline for the bronchitis but I never elaborated on his ailments to her -- too many medical terms upset her. Every living thing
  • Later in an interpellation session with Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Lee Chun-yee (李俊毅), the premier elaborated on his remark, saying that war would be the last choice if all peaceful means were in vain. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The headmaster elaborated upon the idea for a new school uniform.
  • Yet it remains clear that for the objectives sketched in the article, even much more extensive and sophisticated models of signifiers than those elaborated in structural phonology (intonation, graphology and graphetics, prosody, etc.) would still fail to provide any meaningful semantic coherence and unity.
  • These artifacts clearly belonged to the emperor, especially the scepter, which is very elaborated, it's not an item you would let someone else have," Clementina Panella, the archaeologist who made the discovery, said Friday. Archive 2006-12-01
  • The Folio text reprints the play from a copy of the quarto supplemented, here and there, by the consultation of a promptbook, from which certain stage directions have been added or elaborated.
  • Church upon points connected with their heresies, which they elaborated frequently upon rationalistic lines; and the pantheists and others of the schools criticized and syllogized revelation away in true free-thought style. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • This strategy had been reversed when homeland policy was elaborated at that time.
  • The Cardinal's reflections elaborated an understanding that the charismatic and institutional aspects are quasi coessential to the constitution of the Church.
  • The article mainly elaborated the company to govern some measures which the contradiction and the existence question as well as will be supposed to adopt from now on.
  • The relevance of autonomy for cognitive development is further elaborated in Chapter 8.
  • Ingenuity in section is elaborated in plan, in which each of the masses is articulated with deep re-entrants on the London Wall side.
  • As Gretchen elaborated, Ikiri felt a surge of anger, jealousy, and a twinge of loss.
  • Any judicial act of line-drawing may seem somewhat arbitrary, but Roe was a reasoned statement, elaborated with great care.
  • The growth of the trunk or stem of all exogenous plants, or those which increase in size on the outside of the stem, is brought about by the descent of certain formative tissue called cambium, elaborated by the leaves and descending between the old wood and the bark, where it is formed into alburnum or woody matter. Scientific American, Volume XLIII., No. 25, December 18, 1880 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
  • Our systematic review provides an updated and elaborated qualitative analysis of available such trials.
  • The specialty and independency of the behaviour of life were elaborated.
  • The result of such is an apparatus that attempts a highly elaborated parallel transmission of every single pixel from sender to receiver.
  • It specifies only elections and leaves the take part clause suggestive and unelaborated.
  • Though Wildeve's fevered feeling had elaborated to real poetical compass, it was of the standard sort.
  • Without tampering with the deviant sentence itself, we can investigate the effects of placing it in variously elaborated discourse contexts.
  • The fallacies of this critique have been elaborated around the Internet, but let's rehash a little.
  • The third movement brought some much needed rhythmic excitement, while the fourth, with its extended "alap", or free solo section – elaborated with unshowy virtuosity by Shankar's daughter and pupil Anoushka – afforded a tantalising glimpse of the sitar's real magic. LPO/Murphy
  • At first, in ratiocinative processes, its premises must cover little ground and be fully elaborated, and in the course of the deduction or induction there can be no omission of the smallest detail. Phenomena of Literary Evolution
  • With sovereignty diffused from the king's body out into the multiple bodies of the nation, the old codes of readability broke down and new ones had to be elaborated.
  • The relevance of autonomy for cognitive development is further elaborated in Chapter 8.
  • Deportation or the failure to get a visa is seen as a temporary setback during which strategies to outmaneuver consular officers, who are perceived as racists, are elaborated.
  • "They're very… fizzy, root beer floats, " Nella elaborated.
  • These analyses will be elaborated below and subsequently defended against various alternative analyses.
  • They represent interdependent components of the class policy elaborated by the dominant strata of the ruling elite.
  • If the precedent established at Nuremberg has any contemporary relevance, the entire strategy elaborated in this document proceeds outside the bounds of international law.
  • The disease symptom, propagation path of pathogens and inducing condition of tomato virus were elaborated. The controlling methods were proposed.
  • In this paper the combating drought segment in ridge tillage method and the question in applying were elaborated, and new improving countermeasure and new tillage technology model were raised.
  • This is a warning against self-righteous severity, as elaborated on in the Talmudic collection of commentary on Jewish custom and law called the Mishnah: "Do not judge your fellow until you are in his position" (Aboth 2: 5). Michael Shermer: The Power of Positive Skepticism: A Reply to Deepak Chopra
  • The paintings of this third and continuing phase, elaborated in the artist's hallmark palette of ochre, ultramarine, sienna and viridian, carry a sharp whiff of pine from the Shivaliks, the Himalayan foothills.
  • The graph is Shiluode a this party politics is elaborated to advocate on moot.
  • Once in the phylon many of these activities were elaborated in the life and death struggle for existence. Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • The surgeon who operated on him, now the godfather of his son, has since elaborated that much more internal bleeding would have cost him his life.
  • The elaborated variety was alleged to have greater syntactic complexity, as evidenced, for example, by a greater proportion of subordinate clauses, conjunctions, etc.
  • Among all the functions related to the septal marginal fluting, the one suggested by Spath is emended and elaborated herein as the most reasonable one.
  • A year later, she moved to the Institute of Medical Physics in Frankfurt am Main where she worked as a research assistant. 98 For more than a year, she instructed doctors in radiobiology while she conceived and elaborated a theory on the effect of x-rays on biological objects. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • A visit of his youth to the Island grave of Chateaubriand; his early memories, as a poetical aspirant, of the magnificent flatteries by which Victor Hugo made himself the god of young romantic Paris; his talks with Montalembert in the days of _L'Avenir_; his memories of Lamennais 'sombre figure, of Maurice de Guérin's feverish ethereal charm; his account of the opposition _salons_ under the Empire -- they had all been elaborated in the course of years, till every word fitted and each point led to the next with the' inevitableness 'of true art. Robert Elsmere
  • Depending on how this feature of a moral theory is elaborated, there will be more than one answer to the question of the effects of moral requirements on the motives of connection.
  • His litigation vs. law enforcement construct has a major unelaborated subcomponent.
  • But all remains implied, unelaborated. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Myrdal believed the same to be true of the neoclassical trade theory elaborated by Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin.
  • Sunday, Irvin elaborated: No one is perfect as a person. CBS' Davis gives Knight some advice
  • While she starts her end note with two praise comments, she leaves both of them unspecified and unelaborated, allowing them to be read merely as a gesture.
  • On Meet the Press, Paulson again alluded to “excesses” — “excesses building up for sometime in this country” — and elaborated a bit: “bad lending practices, irresponsible borrowing, irresponsible lending…. Todd Gitlin: Sunday Watch 9-21-08: In Which a Whole World View Collapses With Little Notice
  • Newton's synthesis - vastly elaborated and extended to statics and dynamics, to liquids and gases as well as to solids - remained the basis of physics for the next 200 years.
  • It therefore has no immediate need to be elaborated unless it proves useful for the extended pidgin, used for more purposes and with increasingly rigid rules. creolisation. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • None of those matters elaborated can possibly be regarded as irrelevant considerations.
  • Moreover, they argue, since creole languages all tend to be elaborated in the same ways, and since they all respect the constraints of UG, the phenomenon of creolization also supports the idea that the inborn contribution to language acquisition is not just some general drive for an effective system of communication, but rather knowledge of linguistic universals. Innateness and Language
  • She elaborated on the next day's menu.
  • This paper describes an effective measure to combine teaching with education, namely, supervisor system of frosh(SSF), and the important role and creativity of SSF are also elaborated.
  • Introduced Simens SIMOTION the D435 used in servocontrol system on all steel engineering tire building machine , elaborated the control system structure composition, the shaping and so on.
  • Maurice de Guérin's feverish ethereal charm; his account of the opposition _salons_ under the Empire -- they had all been elaborated in the course of years, till every word fitted and each point led to the next with the 'inevitableness' of true art. Robert Elsmere
  • But how did that fit in with the political pacts that were being elaborated in Ceylon?
  • A highly elaborated metrical system mainly distinguishes these writers, but some of page xiii their work catches a pleasing lilt which is supposed to represent the imitation of songs of the people. Modern Spanish Lyrics
  • This point will be elaborated further in the next chapter.
  • I have therefore developed the determination of the carboxyl group by acidimetry by using phenolphthalein as indicator; I have further elaborated the determination of the methoxy and methylimide groups. Fritz Pregl - Nobel Lecture
  • We model these properties with a basic thermodynamic framework without the use of more elaborated theory as has been done previously.
  • Brook, amiable and not in the least intense in his explanations, elaborated on the need for triple casting.
  • It is elaborated as a quality possessed by the sages but also treasured as folk wisdom and wit.
  • I have therefore developed the determination of the carboxyl group by acidimetry by using phenolphthalein as indicator; I have further elaborated the determination of the methoxy and methylimide groups. Fritz Pregl - Nobel Lecture
  • There are important analytical problems to be addressed concerning the siting of such monitoring equipment and these are elaborated on later.
  • I have therefore developed the determination of the carboxyl group by acidimetry by using phenolphthalein as indicator; I have further elaborated the determination of the methoxy and methylimide groups. Fritz Pregl - Nobel Lecture
  • During this circuit of speaking engagements, Bethune elaborated eloquently on the desperate needs of these people.
  • First chapter elaborated education - through - labor historical vicissitude and the development tendency.
  • Turning to the Babel story, Dark then elaborated his plan and announced his vision of things to come.
  • Afterwards we were walking though the labyrinthine corridors of the company basement where the training room is located, as he elaborated his theory about the trainer's sexuality and Abdir and I cracked up.
  • The paper elaborated pigment percent volume concentration and their action latex paint, and illustrated with examples.
  • Strictly speaking, this seems more in the nature of an emphatic moral denunciation, or a religious curse, than a legal sanction capable of being formally applied in an individual case and after judicial trial, -- though the sentence of _atimy_, under the more elaborated Attic procedure, was both definite in its penal consequences and also judicially delivered. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 01
  • The diagonal trimming technology of unrevolution type drawing workpiece is analyzed. The structure of diagonal trimming die, work principle and calculation of major working parts are elaborated.
  • Many of the topics discussed in the chat were later elaborated in the conference system.
  • The home side struggled to move the ball away from the base of the scrum and also over-elaborated in their own half when a policy of sticking to the basics may have served them better.
  • It is an instrument in the service of a global artistic project, frequently subordinated to a narrative, or, at least, discursive aim; if it submits a priori to some formal rule that constrains the contents and, in a certain way, creates them, the page layout is generally elaborated from a semantically determined content, where the breakdowns has already assured discretization in successive enunciations known as panels. Archive 2008-06-01
  • In fact, for a long time, Bourget rose at 3 a.m. and elaborated anxiously study after study, and sketch after sketch, well satisfied when he sometimes noticed his articles in the theatrical 'feuilleton' of the 'Globe' and the 'Parlement', until he finally contributed to the great 'Debats' itself. Cosmopolis — Complete
  • The building fabric itself is elaborated through sustainable design considerations.
  • In this paper the combating drought segment in ridge tillage method and the question in applying were elaborated, and new improving countermeasure and new tillage technology model were raised.
  • We don't go out to do so much handpassing, and we might have over-elaborated at times in the semi-final, but that happens.
  • Terrestrial animals have elaborated a different evolutive solution: symbiotic relationships with bacteria, protists, and fungi which carry out these activities in their own interests.
  • Many amino acid and peptide hormones are elaborated by neural tissue, with ultimate impact on the entire system.
  • These contradictions are left unelaborated. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It would be a very different matter if the question was reconsidered on a purely Western European basis, in which case a text might be elaborated which would be binding in the legal sense.
  • They elaborated the connections between the telegraph and spiritualist phenomena in an effort to legitimize their supernatural experiences.
  • Mr. McCain elaborated in an interview with ABC afterwards, saying that working with the California liberal has been an unpleasant experience because Barbara Boxer personalizes the political discourse that we have and that's why she's had so very little effect of any kind in the political process. Senatorial Courtesy Has Its Limits
  • “resolutive-compositive” method elaborated in the opening sections of the Leviathan (Lukes 1968, 119). Methodological Individualism
  • The paintings of this third and continuing phase, elaborated in the artist's hallmark palette of ochre, ultramarine, sienna and viridian, carry a sharp whiff of pine from the Shivaliks, the Himalayan foothills.
  • She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation
  • “As a result of the serious work that the Government, Parliament, the general public and the judiciary have done since 1994 to place our country on path of fundamental social transformation, the Government is firmly of the view that, substantially, we have elaborated the policy, legislative and constitutional base that will enable us to achieve the transformation of our country… Women Marching into the African Century
  • Taking into account the probability of active faults and resultant ground movement, Californian engineers had elaborated fault-tolerant design standards for nuclear reactors.
  • Any judicial act of line-drawing may seem somewhat arbitrary, but Roe was a reasoned statement, elaborated with great care.
  • The theory was advanced in the 1980s by Alan Harvey Guth and was elaborated upon by Paul Steinhardt, Andrei Linde, and Andreas Albrecht.
  • Obrador rejected the workers' demands, saying that current plans were part of a more general municipal labor policy elaborated by the city.
  • This has been augmented by retirement migration, a topic that will be elaborated in the following section.
  • The literary affectation called euphuism was directly based on the precepts of the handbooks on rhetoric; its author, John Lyly, only elaborated and made more precise tricks of phrase and writing, which had been used as exercises in the schools of his youth. English Literature: Modern Home University Library of Modern Knowledge
  • The Thomas version is regarded as earlier because it is simpler and unelaborated.
  • As with many planned Utopias, those who dreamed of it elaborated their fancies down to minute details like the architecture of peasant farmhouses.
  • Advantages of employment of semi - floating mandrel mill to produce small and medium tubes are elaborated.
  • The prosaic is an affair of description and narration, of details accumulated and relations elaborated, It spreads as it goes like a legal document or catalogue. John Dewey's *Art as Experience*
  • Triviality, varied by touches of ill-breeding and sententiousness," it elaborated; "she has nothing in her mind except the wish to tell her sister everything; and so she flits from the cows to the currant bushes, from the currant bushes to Mrs. Hall of Sherborne, gives Mrs. Hall a tap, and flits back again" (362-63; cf. even Austen-Leigh’s Memoir 207). Boxing Emma; or the Reader’s Dilemma at the Box Hill Games
  • Indeed, elaborative processing is such a powerful memorisation technique that it appears not to matter whether you are trying to learn the elaborated information. How to maximise your memory
  • All societies have moral rules, but only a few have elaborated them into systems - into what might be called moral edifices.
  • The honeybees have taken this basic arrangement and elaborated it to an extreme degree so that they live in colonies of many thousands.
  • the carefully elaborated theme
  • The major figures in the field also raised such issues, but these were gestures amounting to little more than footnotes, unelaborated caveats and asides.
  • Ideas are sketched in and elaborated with breathtaking, sometimes mind-boggling brevity.
  • Celebrating Trisha Brown, LondonIts 40 years since Brown formed her own company, developing a repertory that elaborated her early experiments in minimalism to dance structures of scrupulous intricacy and beauty. This week's new dance
  • Dating to the 4th millennium bc, these long barrows have rectangular or trapezoidal mounds, shallow forecourts at the higher and wider ends of the mounds, and in some cases an elaborated façade of large upright slabs.
  • The implement of this plan is introduced and the every procedure for superheater such as throwing over, barbed process and hoisting are elaborated.
  • The point is elaborated by the perspicacious professor a little later.
  • As I read, the writer elaborated on the material with heartbreaking tales of his family life.
  • The current status and future directions ofenvironmental engineering are also elaborated on.
  • This vision of a human progress at once more capacious and more humble than that asserted by modern Europe goes unelaborated.

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