How To Use Ejaculation In A Sentence
Medicines can also affect sexual drive and desire, or cause problems with ejaculation and orgasm.
The orgasm occurs slightly before ejaculation.
As the royal cortège passed along the line, the soldiers doffed their caps, and when it arrived at the centre of each regiment, the fugle-man gave a signal, and they raised a loud shout, followed by a short expressive ejaculation, in their native language, which means, "God save the Emperor!
Journal of a Visit to Constantinople and Some of the Greek Islands in the Spring and Summer of 1833
Next, stimulate the penis with the hand, when feeling to what have ejaculation, stop, after waiting for a feeling to disappear basically resumptive stimulation.
While ejaculation offered proof that a man had reached climax, a female orgasm was confirmed by physiological measurements such as heart rate.

Originally, in the earlier ancestral types, reproduction was effected by fission or gemmation (simple division or budding), without any necessity for conjugation with another individual of the species; and reproduction by gemmation corresponds to the processes of detumescence, to the ejaculation of the spermatozoa by the male.
The Sexual Life of the Child
His need or urge for ejaculation levels out during this decade to about once a week.
He wrote 'shagging' above the tip of the knob, and for a flourish, enclosed it in a bead shape so that it appeared to be part of the ejaculation.
A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
The Abbess's Norman pride of birth, and the real interest which she took in her niece's advancement, overcame all scruples; and the venerable mother might be seen in unwonted bustle, now giving orders to the gardener for decking the apartment with flowers -- now to her cellaress, her precentrix, and the lay-sisters of the kitchen, for preparing a splendid banquet, mingling her commands on these worldly subjects with an occasional ejaculation on their vanity and worthlessness, and every now and then converting the busy and anxious looks which she threw upon her preparations into
The Betrothed
Throughout the study period, all mounting behavior and complete copulatory sequences (those involving intromission and ejaculation) were recorded during critical incident sampling.
But other chance ejaculations were more mystifying, and served to arouse in Jacqueline an intense, terrified curiosity as to what might be this long kept secret that so troubled the soul of Vrouw Voorhaas.
Jacqueline of the Carrier-Pigeons
Each male ejaculation will contain up to 300 million sperm.
Side effects may include impotence, decreased libido, breast tenderness, gynecomastia, and ejaculation disorders.
(N.B. -- This ejaculation denotes the kind of snuffle which lent peculiar energy to the dicta of Mr. Culpepper.) "Ring the bell, then, and summon the landlord," said, very pertinently, one of the three disputants upon the character of Wilkes.
The Disowned — Volume 07
He speaks in lurchy, barely articulate ejaculations, set to curiously clunky music that in its effort to avoid fluid femininity slips at times into rather conventional patterns like imitative counterpoint and ostinatos.
The pious ejaculations they contain, their allusions to the manners of the times, fix them to the fifteenth century.
Question How does the pill help with Premature Ejaculation?
She was afraid the butler might have heard the ejaculation, which, considering he was Mr. Stafford's guest, was certainly inexecrable taste.
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That ultimate pornographic image in particular, the authors write, "is an erotical illusion that merges the visual with the psychological" and that juxtaposes "three sexual cues within a single stimulus: the penis (a visual cue), the ejaculation (which may be a sperm competition cue or possibly a cued interest in some men), and - most important - the woman's emotional reaction, which may be a psychological cue of female pleasure (if she expresses delight) or a psychological cue of sexual submission (if she expresses surprise or dismay).
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This makes sense because a wet dream is when semen (the fluid containing sperm) is discharged from the penis during ejaculation while a guy's asleep.
What people mostly remember are the cartoon ejaculations that appeared on screen, "Pow!"
Mr. Plowman was physically unable to utter the deprecative ejaculation which he knew should have been here inserted.
Anthony Lyveden
The pewee is the first bird to pipe up in the morning; and, during the early summer he preludes his matutinal ejaculation of
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Despite the distraction of pain, his detective skills had successfully decoded the human skelf 's eponymous, punctuatory ejaculation.
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Being a response, it was pronounced in the Temple by all with a loud voice; being an ejaculation, it was spoken in the phylacterical prayers, by every single man, in a very low voice.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
So how about that bonobo p enis fencing ending in ejaculation ….
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Honest Crowe thought himself scurvily used by a man whom he had cultivated with such humility and veneration; and, after an incoherent ejaculation of sea oaths, went in quest of his nephew, in order to make him acquainted with this unlucky transaction.
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Yeah thankfully Cleveland's ejaculation catchphrase just led to a much slagged off spin-off series which I quite like rather than starving, poverty stricken flood victims and nuclear proliferation.
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Ejaculation is normally the climax in a male orgasm.
But a purist who objects so forcibly to archaism and archaicism should avoid such terms as "whilom Persian Secretary" (p. 170); as anthophobia, which he is compelled to explain by "dread of selecting only what is best" (p. 175), as anthophobist (p. 176); as "fatuous ejaculations" (p. 183), as a "raconteur
Arabian nights. English
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Lahn's group studied semenogelin, a major protein in the seminal fluid that controls the viscosity of semen immediately following ejaculation.
Semen was collected by electro-ejaculation twice weekly and evaluated for spermatozoal motility, morphology, and concentration.
Decreased libido and impaired ejaculation also may occur; they can be treated with dose reduction or a peripheral cholinesterase inhibitor neostigmine, 7.5-15 mg at 30 to 60 minutes prior to intercourse.
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It is present in serum, urine, and seminal fluid and is responsible for liquefying semen immediately following ejaculation.
Other symptoms include painful ejaculation, blood in the urine or semen and pain in the lower back, hips or thighs.
This rapid ejaculation brings coital activity to an abrupt end and interferes with the sexual satisfaction of both the man and his partner.
When there's ejaculation but no orgasm, it's called ejaculatory anhedonia.
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It is a result of the swelling of the bulbus glandis or “knot” swelling at the time of ejaculation.
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But neither in the boy is the occurrence of the first ejaculation a proof of capacity for reproduction, or a proof that the period of the puberal development is completed; nor in the girl is the occurrence of the first menstruation, which may long precede the establishment of the far more important function of ovulation, characteristic in either of these respects.
The Sexual Life of the Child
It is likely", they write, "that this mode of transmission is underestimated, as a history of ejaculation into the conjunctiva is not normally asked for.
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This herb can also treat premature ejaculation, leukorrhea as well as aching lower back.
Next, stimulate the penis with the hand, when feeling to what have ejaculation, stop, after waiting for a feeling to disappear basically resumptive stimulation.
In slightly different circumstances, the scene would be enough to sweep even the most demanding of voyeurs from impotence to premature ejaculation in a few hazy moments.
The few subsequent endeavors, tentative and half-hearted, to repristinate my venery were foredoomed, partly because I had feared they were, to failure: erection was incomplete, ejaculation without pleasure.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 2 Sexual Inversion
• Sperm degenerate 48hours after ejaculation • May survive up to 4 days in female genital tract (submucosal)
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Consuming even small amounts of alcohol interferes with a man's ability to control premature ejaculation and can result in fewer or no orgasms and decreased orgasm quality.
Each male ejaculation will contain up to 300 million sperm.
While ejaculation offered proof that a man had reached climax, a female orgasm was confirmed by physiological measurements such as heart rate and anal pressure.
While certainly a lament, the ejaculation was also a rallying cry of sanity among the Irish voyagers.
June 20, 2006, 4: 21 am dollar tokens for slot machines says: dollar tokens for slot machines ejaculations Libya undefinability stabled: neutralize poetical,
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Its date is some time before 1626, [6] and verse 1 begins, 'From the hagg and hungrie Goblin,' and the whole is as full of ejaculations of 'Poor Tom' as Act III. of _Lear_.
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Premature ejaculation (when orgasm comes on too quickly to satisfy either partner) is different from impotence.
In addition, 5 percent of patients are impotent after the procedure, and 60 percent have retrograde ejaculation.
A vasectomy does not affect sex drive or ejaculation in any way.
The report was far louder than that of either carbine or escopette; and an ejaculation from Rube, as he saw the effect of the shot, followed by his usual ominous whistle, told that the old trapper was not disposed to make light of this new piece of ordnance.
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It energises sperms and helps in their survival in the vaginal canal after ejaculation.
Hence, the aim of sexual intercourse for a male was to give the female an orgasm while avoiding ejaculation.
This component of the response involves rhythmic contractions of the striate bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles and results in seminal expulsion (ejaculation).
I believe "ha, _ha_," by the way, is an ejaculation confined entirely to thwarted villains in stageland; but if I am a villain, I'm not thwarted yet.
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Saxon heard Billy muffle an ejaculation, and saw painted on his face the extremest astonishment.
A man may face delayed ejaculation because he is worried that he did not climax last time and is thus distracted from taking pleasure in the sensations.
Nature is prodigal in its approach to fertility (witness the huge number of sperm in any ejaculation), but we no longer need that prodigality.
Male orgasmic disorder during intercourse may be called “retarded ejaculation” or “male coital anorgasmia.”
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Similarly, in the European bitterling, Rhodeus sericeus, dominant males invested most in ejaculations before oviposition if only one competitor was present.
The distinction arises partly because there is some question about whether female orgasms may result in an ejaculation, and partly because males can experience orgasms without ejaculation.
This meant his problem was orgasmic anejaculation, also known as aspermia.
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The word vintner caused him to give vent to an ejaculation of surprise.
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Therefore you have in the conclusion a sign of the public use, by the agreement of it to the response in the Temple; and of the private, by the agreement of it to the ejaculation in the phylacterical prayers.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
The medical lexicon distinguishes orgasm from ejaculation; the latter term specifically describes a sudden spurt of fluid released in response to sexual excitement.
Side effects may include impotence, decreased libido, breast tenderness, gynecomastia, and ejaculation disorders.
He began to doze, and enjoyed small intervals of ease, till next day in the afternoon; during which remissions, he was heard to pour forth many pious ejaculations, expressing his hope, that, for all the heavy cargo of his sins, he should be able to surmount the puttock-shrouds of despair, and get aloft to the cross-trees of
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It is suitable for people with premature ejaculation, impotence and other sexual dysfunction, weak erectile.