

  1. being four more than eighty

How To Use eighty-four In A Sentence

  • Eighty-four per cent of the population are ethnic Vietnamese, 2 per cent ethnic Chinese, and the remainder are Khmers, Chams, and members of some sixty ethno-linguistic groups each with its own language and culture.
  • For eighty-four of the one hundred annual openings, minority applicants competed on the same basis as others.
  • - e": unue = firstly, at first. deke = tenthly. due = secondly, in the second place. sesdeke = sixtiethly. kvine = fifthly, in the fifth place. okdek-kvare = eighty-fourthly. A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
  • A little later, seeing the in - trepid warrior of eighty-four on her feet with the other delegates, the Empress sent one of her aides across the room with this message: The Story of a Pioneer
  • As in the time of the Roman republic eighty-four denarii were coined out of one pound of silver, and twenty-five denarii (or 100 sesterces) constituted one Roman aureus, the amount of silver here mentioned is equivalent to 672,000 nummi aurei. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • ‡ Orwell coined the term doublespeak to describe one kind of propaganda practiced by the state in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Nineteen Eighty-Four
  • Gave me three answers he did; first that 'twas forty-eight, then that 'twas eighty-four and then that he'd forgot what 'twas. Shavings
  • Sixty years after the publication of Orwell's masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four, that crystal first line sounds as natural and compelling as ever.
  • Venus thus overtakes and passes the earth once in five hundred and eighty-four days, or nearly two and a half of her own years, constituting what is called her synodic period of apparent revolution as seen from this globe. Young Folks' Library, Volume XI (of 20) Wonders of Earth, Sea and Sky
  • Incidentally, George Orwell (penname of Eric Arthur Blair, 1903-1950), author of the celebrated dystopian fantasy Nineteen Eighty-four (published in 1949), knew London's work and wrote of him (quite unevenly, depicting too short a time spent reading London's works) in a 1945 Introduction to the British edition of Love of Life and Other Stories. “Malicious chance was having its laugh at him.”
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