How To Use Egomania In A Sentence
Jealous Liberal Journalists Attack Keith Olbermann yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Jealous Liberal Journalists Attack Keith Olbermann'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Lookout Keith Olbermann: now that you are more popular than Bill O\'Reilly in the cable news Neilson ratings, you must confront an even bigger monster, an even more tenacious adversary, an egomaniacally superior life-species: establishment liberal journalists.'
Jealous Liberal Journalists Attack Keith Olbermann
He combined athleticism, judgement and skill in an irresistible mix - and he was a great sportsman, totally devoid of egomania.
An egomaniacal celebrity author lives in Paris with his glamorous young second wife and his shy and unhappy grown-up daughter from his first marriage.
The patronage (largely pontifical, but also royal and aristocratic) of the great sculptor-architect is the chief subject of Franco Mormando's lovingly researched "Bernini: His Life and His Rome," which, for all its splendid erudition, freely resorts to American common speech to characterize the sheer viciousness of the Baroque papal oligarchs and Bernini's own egomania (most famously characterized by his ordering a servant to slash the face of his unfaithful mistress, Costanza Bonarelli).
The Heirloom City
The cause of the mass below the surface was Times CEO Howell Raines, who had egomaniacally elbowed his way to the top.

One does not need to be laboring under maniacal egomania to begin to believe oneself above it all.
These guys are inexplicably stupid, tone deaf, suicidal and egomaniacally blind to the wishes of the American people.
Politicians have a limited emotional range - normally just rampant egomania or self pity.
If a painfully hip novel set in the European fashion industry didn't contain the requisite amount of preening egomania, airy-fairy posturing and general preposterousness, you would probably ask for your money back.
It is not so much that Neil's blend of chippiness and egomania has abated, but that it has simply found its perfect outlet.
`I've been telling the inspector for months that we hadn't heard the last of you and that fat egomaniac.
Ultimately what it amounts to is an aversion to pretentiousness and egomania.
He commands this role, speaking in a frenzied bark of orders, put-downs and overwrought egomania.
Maybe he wasn't really that arrogant, cocky egomaniac that he pretended to be.
By now, I'd dealt with lots rock stars ... the sullen, the egomaniacs, the coked, the drunk, the "shhh I'm not here" types.
C.P. Roth: My Visit With John Lennon at the Dakota, 1978
And they claim an unimaginative and logorrheic egomaniac to have been the voice of the voiceless.
Times, Sunday Times
Tens of thousands in banking knew the deals they were closing made no sense and suspected that flattery and egomania had turned their and their masters' heads.
Why omerta still suits the the City's mafiosi | Nick Cohen
Don't cooperate with this guy, he is an egomaniac .
Moving on, let's tackle my presumed rampant egomania.
My first thought was he was an Arab/Muslim and despised women and wanted me put in my place, and I am ashamed I have thought that the reason rather he was just a power hungry misogynistic egomaniac… so the question is do some cultures and religions today still bread those attitudes and are we being racist or antireligion when we are offended by their attitudes and sexism against us?
Identity insults and democracy
Shortsighted tyrants, spineless power-mongers and heartless thugs vie egomaniacally, dangerously, for power.
So, is selling shirts and pins that let atheists come out of the closet more publicly is a sign of being "closed-minded" or just a sign of "egomania"? Agnosticism / Atheism
His TV show is an unwatchable spectacle of rampant egomania.
A reputation of jealousy, rage and egomania had made him the man he was today, and that was something he had come to regret.
Southland Tales was like mad channel-hopping, but this is like mad channel-hopping when every single channel is directed by the same explosive egomaniac.
Michael Bay, movie-making maverick?
It wasn't egomania, it was a real financial necessity.
Is it any wonder that the public's perception of science is that of a bunch of boring egomaniacs jargonizing endlessly about trivialities?
Almost all current writing about Africa depends on a blend of Joseph Conrad and Evelyn Waugh: the brooding, throbbing stagnation of the Congo and the sinister farce of egomaniacal "Afrocentric" politics.
African Gothic
Seen from this angle, the giant personalities which many of them cultivated were not instances of egomania but their individual responses to the huge expectations which junior staff and patients placed upon them.
His estranged guitarist, songwriting partner and soulmate since childhood, had succumbed to cocaine, aloof behaviour and rampant egomania.
I figured this idea was garbage, and that he was too much of an egomaniac to base his movies on anyone else's work but his.
Why should we be forced to pay million-pound wages to assuage the egos of these egomaniacs, we cry?
Being the self-obsessed egomaniacs that we are we couldn't help asking a few questions about ourselves.
Cro-Magnon cult culture defense mechanism delusion demography developmental psychology double standard of sexual behavior dowry ectomorph, endomorph, and mesomorph ego egocentric egomania egotism empathy empty nest encounter group
17. Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology
Unlike one or two of the channel's egomaniac showoff presenters, she's a genuine, innovative talent.
The Sun
He may be insecure, but his insecurity expresses itself not in egomania or depression, but in a garrulous, love-me-do amiability.
Frankly it doesn't matter if the "intellectually incurious" W fully understands that he'll be gaining nothing by pushing egomaniacally for this surge.
Prior to 2000 W proved he was a stone-cold killer.
Thus did the old sawbones hobble on down the road where, except for one or two cases of terminal egomania, he thoroughly enjoyed his second chance at caring for those who suffer.
He's done some great things, but this doesn't alter the fact that he's a deluded egomaniac.
Katzenberg, 53, is the part genius, part egomaniac and part irritating little tick who Disney froze out.
Why didn't the so-called leaders ever challenge him on these gratuitous little cat-tortures-mouse things, on his nonsenatorial, noncollegial, boastful, egomaniacal dictates to them and everyone else?
Brutus Denies All
‘Whether those religious paintings are an expression of faith, whether they are deeply iconoclastic or whether they are a kind of extraordinary egomania we don't know,’ she says.
He was an egomaniac; but Elaine should forgive him -- he could not be a reincarnation of her husband, and that was what she wanted.
He was portrayed as a raging egomaniac.
One. The egomaniac holds the light bulb while the rest of the world revolves around him.
But I find it hard to get indignant about an amoral, egomaniacal novelist refusing to save the lives of two brutal killers.
Then he delivers a roughly 25-minute monologue in rhyming verse that is by turns loony, ingratiating, egomaniacal, desperate and, shall we say, gastro-intestinal.
A British Star With a Midwestern Accent
Worse still, I was never able to distinguish his optimism from plain egomania; I would not have been surprised to hear him announce that he had invented a better tree.
Unlike one or two of the channel's egomaniac showoff presenters, she's a genuine, innovative talent.
The Sun
As boring meeting after boring meeting takes place, we are supposed to care about these venal, self-absorbed egomaniacs.
There are many readers who see me as a body-obsessed egomaniac.
Only an egomaniac would propose a Napoleonic construction effort as a plan for a city with fundamental social and economic problems.
Their irresponsible propping up of George W. Bush cost them their credibility, and the inflammatory insanities of mercurial GOP teabaggers, birthers, deathers and desperate egomaniacs like Jim Bunning are costing them their viability.
Think Progress » Former Bush speechwriter tells GOP: Democrats’ passage of health care is actually ‘our’ Waterloo.
He was an egomaniac; but Elaine should forgive him -- he could not be a reincarnation of her husband, and that was what she wanted.
His motivation can certainly not be solely attributed to financial reward and egomania.
My book chronicles my attempts to find enlightenment via a spiritual practice complicated by capitalism, egomania, and a persistent desire to smoke cigarettes and eat red meat.
Suzanne Morrison: For the Exhausted Author, Wellness Is on the T.V.
His first year at the helm was an unprecedented success that resulted in three long-running hits—Gurney's examination of WASP moeurs, ‘The Dining Room’, Durang's scathing ‘Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You’ and Jonathan Reynolds's satire of Hollywood egomania, ‘Geniuses’.
Ultimately what it amounts to is an aversion to pretentiousness and egomania.
They may well be venal, amoral egomaniacs, but the one thing you can pretty much guarantee is that they will be sharp-tongued.
Blogging can bring out the self-absorbed egomaniac in anyone.
Randy, Flozell's extension was only one of the many mistakes made by "egomania" Parcells.
Dallas Cowboys
So Bartholdi, who was nothing if not egomaniacally ambitious, according to Ms. Mitchell, turned his designs on the U.S.
Before Liberty Was a Lady
Isn't it a bit weird, conducting an imaginary interview with yourself, on a blog already devoted to furthering your growing egomania?
Lookout Keith Olbermann: now that you are more popular than Bill O'Reilly in the cable news Neilson ratings, you must confront an even bigger monster, an even more tenacious adversary, an egomaniacally superior life-species: establishment liberal journalists.
Jealous Liberal Journalists Attack Keith Olbermann
His head was full of fantastic perversions as to the nature of duty, largely mingled with the signs of degeneracy, which in these days would be called egomania and megalomania.
Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
Isn't it a bit weird, conducting an imaginary interview with yourself, on a blog already devoted to furthering your growing egomania?
Their recent court actions have convinced me the are completely ignorant of the roots our law, so wrapped up in their egomaniacally power tripping they are no longer fit to serve.
Sound Politics: Absence of Justice
Second, Gaudi has been mythologized; he is variously described as a saint (and in fact, a group is avidly pursuing his beatification), a sinner, an egomaniac, a tyrant, and a gentle soul.
Shortsighted tyrants, spineless power-mongers and heartless thugs vie egomaniacally, dangerously, for power.
Maybe it was because of the nicknames, maybe not, but Saladin. found Gibreel's revelations pathetic, anticlimactic, what was so strange if his dreams characterized him as the angel, dreams do every damn thing, did it really display more than a banal kind of egomania?
The Satanic Verses
At this point if I were her, I'd be soiling my pants for giving these egomaniacs 7 million dollars, or some fraction thereof.
I thought both programmes were about egomaniacs, and I fail to see the heroism in a bunch of gold-diggers playing silly games on a sunny island.
Many Americans saw her as a calculating, cold egomaniac who was hell-bent on taking the presidency for herself.
But surprise soon gave way to a mild attack of egomania.
Their irresponsible propping up of George W. Bush cost them their credibility, and the inflammatory insanities of mercurial GOP teabaggers, birthers, deathers and desperate egomaniacs like Glenn Beck are costing them their viability.
Think Progress » Neugebauer Won’t Apologize To House For Outburst That His GOP Colleague Calls ‘More Wrong’ Than Joe Wilson’s
Those egomaniacs did the most difficult thing in their careers: They admitted failure.
In common parlance, narcissism is often used as a synonym for egomania or excessive self-regard," say Drew Pinsky and S. Mark Young in The Mirror Effect.
Celebrity narcissism: A bad reflection for kids
His egomania, he wrote, was the other side of deficient self-esteem.
The golden era of football presentation came in the mid-70s when Jimmy Hill, a man with just the right strain of informed and energetic egomania, would commentate on a game, commandeer a private plane back to west London on which his greying beard would be touched up with mascara and then passionately analyse the match you'd just seen him commentate on.
Sky generation is beginning to miss Richard Keys and Andy Gray | Barney Ronay
She fares best with descriptions of her friends' reactions, which range from tenderly loyal to egomaniacally obtuse.
NYT > Home Page
Indeed, this kind of national navel-gazing smacks of the arrogance that drove a generation of egomaniacs to go trekking off to Katmandu to ‘find themselves’.
She laughs, radiant in her self-satisfaction, shielded by a hard hide and chutzpa from charges of vulgarity, greed or egomania.
Adam is clever enough, but he's also something of an egomaniac.
Given his tendency to egomaniacally showboat, his departure probably isn't much of a loss to ABC.
Chez Pazienza: John Stossel: Across the Great Divide
You're an egomaniac who tries to escape every kind of trouble he can by popping pills or drinking.
Ord briskly dismisses the "feelgood activity" often associated with volunteering, and makes the more impulsive, less carefully researched charitable giving many people engage in sound like a kind of egomania.
The Saturday interview: Toby Ord and Bernadette Young on the joy of giving
Europe's powers would have fought over their differences without Napoleon. But the scale and ferocity of conflict was due in large part to the emperor's "aggression, egomania and lust for power".
But it's a good laugh - what sort of an egomaniac puts that rubbish about themself on the internet anyway?
Sure, he drips egomania, but he is also struggling with a total lack of identity.
His footballing genius was never questioned, but back home he was known as an egomaniac who was undisciplined, uncontrollable and prone to flights of folly.
| Reply | Permalink that's exactly what cohen was trying to do when he pretended to play dumb and reinvent the term neoliberal to smear bush and all of his disasters including iraq. never mind that iraq was a neoconservative misadventure. never mind that neoliberal has an actual meaning. neoconservative has the word conservative in it so it's too troubling to condemn it let alone use it as a criticism. but hey, neoliberal has the word liberal in it so let's use that instead. the republicans have so much invested in their campaign to make 'liberal' a negative, it makes sense. but dubya strikes me as egomaniacal in his desire to have history look back worshipfully on him as a president. i can't imagine if republicans push this 'bush is a liberal' crap that bush will be able to stop himself from pushing back from the bully pulpit.
Election Central Debate Roundup
Hockey in this country has suffered more than most at the hands of egomaniacs who have run it to the ground.
In common parlance, narcissism is often used as a synonym for egomania or excessive self-regard," say Drew Pinsky and S. Mark Young in The Mirror Effect.
Celebrity narcissism: A bad reflection for kids
The band signed a massive deal, spent aeons in the studio and fell apart amid talk of egomania.
They may well be venal, amoral egomaniacs, but the one thing you can pretty much guarantee is that they will be sharp-tongued.
If your boss is an egomaniac, sycophancy always pays dividends.
Television is full of people like me, introverted egomaniacs.
He's got long hair, he loves everything purple, and he's a massive egomaniac.
What could be a nicer way to spend an idle day - and being career leftists, it is safe to assume most of their days are unproductive - than preening and posturing in the dock while reporters take down their every egomaniacal word?
So the genre is still popular with budding thesps and egomaniacs, even if audiences are beginning to tire of it.
Listen with as much attention as your navel-gazing egomania can allow.
His TV show is an unwatchable spectacle of rampant egomania.
Yet even as late as 1986, "My Way" -- which led an entire generation to believe that Sinatra was a raging egomaniac -- was still so identified with the singer that Kitty Kelly gave her hatchet job of a Sinatra pathography the title "His Way.
Sinatra vs. 'My Way'