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How To Use Egoist In A Sentence

  • The visible developments of their hidden existence do seem, in their results, like egotism; but who shall dare to say that the man who has abnegated self to give pleasure, instruction, or grandeur to his epoch, is an egoist? Modeste Mignon
  • For any male Jewish-born atheist, misogynist, egoist out there, this book is just the ticket.
  • We do not need to assume anything as strong as the claim that we are all dedicated, grasping, egoists to see this.
  • The first one suggests that Pascalian reasoners are manipulative egoists whom God might take exception to, and they won't be rewarded after all.
  • Putting out the effort to help an archaic community organization survive and move on to more appropriate endeavors is a monumental task especially when senior members are mired in self-defined and egoistic pursuits. The Lake Chapala Society
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  • The egoist might now appeal to the difference between awareness and attentive attentiveness.
  • Everything we experience is normally experienced from an egoistic or narcissistic point of view.
  • Another important ally gained at this period was Harriet Shaw Weaver, business manager and then editor of the Egoist, and a lifelong benefactress of Joyce.
  • I gave up last year when I realised that they were a bunch of dull egoists.
  • The perplexed liberal democracies in Central and Western Europe are increasingly egoistical, and are now teetering along an uncertain course.
  • The egoistical man considers the path he has been following is superior to others.
  • Kant1 is not saying enough when he says that the egoist is a person who always tries to push his own I forward and to make it the chief object of his own and of everybody else's attention. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
  • By lowering the axe on social spending and slashing the taxes on corporations and the rich, the Liberals are realigning social policy to unabashedly serve the private, egoistic needs of big business.
  • And The Egoist is a satire; so much must be allowed; but it is a satire of a singular quality, which tells you nothing of that obvious mote, which is engaged from first to last with that invisible beam. Essays in the Art of Writing
  • For the scientific democrats the most salient fact of American life during the Gilded Age was the spread of egoistic and self-seeking behavior.
  • I think he sees himself as part of the team and not just an egoistical head of government. Next 72 hours are crunch time for McCain, Obama
  • Why such egoistical intellectual imperialism not to mention spectacular absence of logical consistency should be so popular these days is a mystery to me. The Volokh Conspiracy » From the California Supreme Court’s Prop. 8 Decision:
  • I started to get egoistical in real life and, as a result, my girlfriend left me.
  • I think he sees himself as part of the team and not just an egoistical head of goverment. Votes that won’t count
  • Just as the individual while he remained in the toils of religion could only objectivize his being by turning it into a fantastic and alien being, so under the domination of egoistic needs he can only manifest himself in a practical way and only create practical objects by placing both his products and his activity under the domination of an alien being, and investing them with the significance of an alien being -- of money. Selected Essays
  • I think 'egoistic' might be a better word," Varagan gibed. Time Patrolman
  • And one more thing: if some American writers pride themselves to get the money whenever they want, as if this is the raw law of survival, then in reality this myth ‘of lets go freely on a binge but care only for yourself’, that goes at the expense of those willing to give and who end up being abused by this kind of egoistic drive. Hatto fischer | poetry & politics « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • We become obsessed with ‘self’ in the egoistical sense.
  • Perhaps the early nineteenth-century taste for glozing over the physical and instinctively egoistic elements which are present even in virtuous love… is what most separates Balzac from novelists and novel readers of today
  • Moreover, he argues, they have deliberately confused the general public with claims of omnicompetence - all in the service of an egoistic fantasy of ‘speaking truth to power.’
  • Under some conditions, altruistic individuals are more apt to evolve than those egoistical individuals.
  • Some people brag to call attention to themselves, causing others to believe that the egoistic person has a lot of self-respect.
  • I realize the problem lies with the egoist, but in my life I have been successful at many different things and in my "older" years I no longer have any tolerance to put up with any crap from anyone, regardless how BIG their ego is and how belittling they must be to others in order to salvage their fragile sense of self. Page 2
  • For the kind of egoist I mean is a madman in a much more plausible sense than the mere harmless "deficient"; and to hand on the horrors of his anarchic and insatiable temperament is a much graver responsibility than to leave a mere inheritance of childishness. Eugenics and Other Evils
  • They disliked this egoistic conception of man, and they suspected that egoistic motives might not be sufficient to underpin morality.
  • And the younger the child is, the more concerned he is with fulfilling egoistic desires.
  • Pat tries to quell her feelings for Bruce, her vain egoist of a flatmate, while navigating the purpose and ethics of naturism at a nudist picnic in Moray Place Gardens.
  • The solar plexus chakra is an emotional focus and by being polarized at this level one may have trouble extricating oneself from the lower instinctive and egoistic nature. Hand Signed | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Often football players are described as egoistic and vague, but this isn't true and we are often involved in charity events. World Cup Soccer - South Africa 2010
  • Or you mean Nolans but Volans, an alibi, do you Mutemalice, suffering unegoistically from the singular but positively enjoying on the plural? Finnegans Wake
  • He was enough of an egoist, too, to fall captive to his own powers of persuasion.
  • How about, the Marx Brothers were brilliant, light, spontaneous and anarchic and Karl Marx was a controlling, egoistical fruit cake. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The dangers of introspection exist mostly if he is to revel in egoistic thoughts.
  • Though he can still make the militantes in their Che Guevara T-shirts swoon with talk about throwing speculators in jail, standing up to Uncle Sam and browbeating the "egoistic" Brazilian elite, off the stump he has been quietly networking among bankers, factory owners, and CEOs. Lula's Long Road
  • I'm a bit of an egoist, so I like to have control over everything.
  • The term egoistic implies that the effort is directed towards the ego or self, and includes all of those activities directed to the support, protection, defense and development of oneself. The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction Also Sexual Hygiene with Special Reference to the Male
  • ‘They're all egoists, they only care about themselves,’ said Guy, a security guard who wouldn't give his surname.
  • They're nice sometimes, but most of the time they just act like egoistic, arrogant rich kids.
  • The chapter on ‘egoistic suicide’ is, of course, full of empirical instantiations of this reasoning.
  • Sims was ridiculed as a crackbrained egoist and falsifier of evidence. Executive Economics
  • In the same way as we might say of an all-consuming egoist that he or she suffers from a weak ego, we could say of the aggressive in-your-face identity that it suffers from a threatened identity. Bloodlust
  • Humans engage in war for many reasons, mostly egoistical, and we cannot train other species to sacrifice their own lives for the plight of humankind. Military Animals: Suffering or Salvation?
  • Fear is produced by the egoistic notion of self-importance.
  • I must now agree that neither I nor the Bank require the services of an insubordinate, conceited egoist. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • Every capacity for egoistic pleasure -- in the common meaning of the word "egoistic" -- has been equally repressed through physiological modification. Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things
  • The answer is that there is quite a bit more going on than just restoring a bunch of egoistical and willful financial tycoons to positions of power and wealth. White Water Statecraft
  • But into the individuals who really formed its basis, that is, the egoistic individual. Selected Essays
  • At the present time, most of people deem that the altruistic behavior and the egoistic behavior are opposite behavior, and some scholars also canonize it.
  • Since men are rational and egoistic, endowed with the right of property, the composition of output should be determined by consumer sovereignty.
  • Ragnar Redbeard, on the other hand, is another kind of egoist entirely, a Fascist, misogynistic, and sacrilegious bore who desires to impress that he Knows All, and anyone daring to disagree with his interpretation of Man is but mere dirt beneath his steel-toed boots. Essays
  • Then you all listened to the very corporate plutocracy tell you that Nader was an "egoist" and that everything was his fault. The Obama-Clinton Cabinet? We Voted for CHANGE, Not Recycling
  • The latter symbolizes that egoistic force of maya (the everyday world) which deludes individuals and keeps them from knowing their innate nature as god.
  • For the psychological egoist, that is not even a possibility. The History of Utilitarianism
  • No one would hesitate to call egoistic the doctrine of Aristippus, the A Handbook of Ethical Theory
  • You may have to face egoistic people who throw rank to achieve their ends.
  • I must now agree that neither I nor the Bank require the services of an insubordinate, conceited egoist. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • And the younger the child is, the more concerned he is with fulfilling egoistic desires.
  • She's entirely egoistic, spoilt, neurotic, spiteful, amoral and, I should guess, utterly cold. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • Their orations are at once egoistic and praiseful, impatient and meticulous. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Did not George Orwell once describe authors as the most egoistical of human beings?
  • When he finally chooses it will be because he has found a memory in which he formed part of an assemblage beyond his centred, egoist consciousness.
  • That is, the virtuous action is not necessarily decomposable into sincere and egoistic components, but has an aspect of self-training for further, larger and more sincere, virtuous actions. Conspicuous Reduction
  • Those directed towards the maintenance of self are called egoistic activities, while those directed to the maintenance of the race are called _phyletic activities_. The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction Also Sexual Hygiene with Special Reference to the Male
  • Stirner is occasionally portrayed as a psychological egoist, that is, as a proponent of the descriptive claim that all (intentional) actions are motivated by a concern for the self-interest of the agent. Max Stirner
  • On the basis of this mutual agreement of the two parties, according to which each of them defends only his claims and his cause, renouncing all personal or egoistic considerations, the conflict is fought with unattenuated sharpness, following its own intrinsic logic, and being neither intensified nor moderated by subjective factors. Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
  • Every time Barack Obama does something all presidents - or many – have done in the past, a bunch of bloggers, etc., start carping that he has no right ot do it, or he's egoistical. he's the president, for heaven's sake! Obama set to take the mound at All Star game
  • When he finally chooses it will be because he has found a memory in which he formed part of an assemblage beyond his centred, egoist consciousness.
  • Those directed towards the maintenance of self are called egoistic activities, while those directed to the maintenance of the race are called _phyletic activities_. The Biology, Physiology and Sociology of Reproduction Also Sexual Hygiene with Special Reference to the Male
  • At this the individual ranks as the unholy (barbarian, natural man, "egoist") over against the State, exactly as he was once regarded by the Church; before the individual the State takes on the nimbus of a saint. Coercion, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The egoist's basic normative judgment is directed not to behaviours, but to his particular end.
  • I fault both parents Palin and husband for putting their egoistical needs before that of their children. Palin’s Pregnancy Problem
  • Moin slams 'egoistic' PCB boss Butt, chief selector for ignoring Younis Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • This girl of twenty had developed into a supreme instance of the "unmoral" woman, the conscienceless egoist, morally colour-blind, vain, lewd, the intelligence quick and alert but having no influence whatever on conduct. A Book of Remarkable Criminals

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