How To Use egg laying In A Sentence
- After several bouts of egg laying and fertilization, the female departs with fertilized eggs which she broods in her mouth.
- Corn stubble is not a preferred egg laying site.
- -- Twig scarred as a result of egg laying by the buffalo treehopper.] Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 41st Annual Meeting Pleasant Valley, New York, August 28, 29 and 30, 1950
- Egg laying in each group of babblers takes place in one nest usually between February and August.
- To stimulate egg laying in the absence of males, manifolds were preconditioned with males for 24 hr before mated females were placed in the manifold.
- Drosophila melanogaster seminal fluid proteins stimulate sperm storage and egg laying in the mated female but also cause a reduction in her life span.
- He then returns to the external parts associated with the torso and limbs of the live bearing and egg laying quadrupeds, birds, and fish; and ends by discussing a number of animals that ˜dualize™ between being land-dwellers and water dwellers or flyers. Aristotle's Biology
- The Auburn Hills, Mich. based entity's more specific programming intent is to show the eagle's life progression, from mating to egg laying to nurturing young to the eaglets ' first flight.
- The pheromone is a scent which mosquitoes naturally release in the wild when they find a good egg laying location. Archive 2005-10-01
- According to the official from the parks and wildlife agency it is mating and egg laying season for the cockies.