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[ UK /ɪfjˈuːsɪvnəs/ ]
  1. a friendly open trait of a talkative person

How To Use effusiveness In A Sentence

  • Take the colorful effusiveness of Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen and the ferocity of the late Yankee skipper Billy Martin, and you begin to get a picture.
  • John, it strikes me that there should be, if you will, more effusiveness, more ebullience on the part of the White House, on the part frankly of the whole government because the fact is, this election occurred today.
  • The effusiveness of that ending seemed positively Joycean. Sex and/or Mr. Morrison | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • Effusiveness of the praise which was given him made it look suspiciously as if he was being eased out, and given credit as a face-saver.
  • mushy effusiveness
  • We were received with the effusiveness usually secured only by having previously overtipped on a Proustian scale.
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