How To Use Effort In A Sentence

  • Spending on a perennial effort to expand gambling at race tracks, known as "racino," increased four-fold to about $620,000 in 2010. rss feed
  • Rose of Sharon braced her body against the movements of the car in an effort to protect her fetus.
  • It is just as well that this doubly weighty volume, which offers a lot of poems for the pound, tends to reward the effort it demands. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A few talented writers en dowed with originality and exceptional animation, a few brilliant efforts, isolated, without following, interrupted and recommenced, did not suffice to endow a nation with a solid and imposing basis of literary wealth. Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian
  • Not that I'm denigrating the effort - I'm good for a few quid once I've got a few beers in me later tonight - but the enforced jollity does occasionally grate.
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  • She puts a lot of time and effort into it but she is also a laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • This tolerance has practical application in bioremediation and in efforts to colonize polluted sites.
  • A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive. Walt Disney 
  • It would seem that efforts to train stalkers to high standards have been successful, and I would agree with that conclusion.
  • The food fares well in terms of freshness, quantity and effort, and there's a made-to-order pasta bar and a station where roast beef is carved before your eyes.
  • One effortlessly got saturation coverage, the other struggled to get noticed, despite the mandatory presence of a celebrity, a suitably weighty one too.
  • Efforts by tobacco companies to stop confectioners selling candy cigarettes in packs resembling cigarette brands seem to have been minimal.
  • However, this happy juxtaposition of Eastern style and Western living has not always been so effortless.
  • But I am now reaping the rewards of this effort in this trip.
  • In an effort to take some of the beguilement out of her young eyes, I make light of your dark and somber task.
  • In addition to receiving the best education that the South could offer blacks at that time, Ella inherited a powerful sense of service that made her civil rights efforts extraordinarily unselfish and untiring.
  • The efforts of the Emperor Franz Joseph and the ruling elite to divert attention from their country's increasingly threadbare imperial pretensions furnished Musil with comic material galore.
  • And even in their efforts to upraise the social revolution -- the great upheaval to which all A Girl Among the Anarchists
  • But of course Buchco is hideous and wrong, we need to raise taxes and let's throw in free college tuition too tsk stk btw, neither of you seemned to be aware the mayor of Pittsburgh just announced a similar "homestead" program where Pittsburgh residents will get their tution paid in an effort to get people to move to Pittsburgh. Radio alert.
  • The Germans also launched a maladroit effort to entice Mexico into the war, exposed by the Zimmermann telegraph affair.
  • Gorgeous in a seemingly effortless Kate Hudson/Blake Lively kind of way, her future calling dawned on her when she saw her dad performing on stage and became enamored with the costumes the dancers were wearing. Buzzine » Stacey Oristano
  • a reward incommensurate with his effort
  • But the president claims he abandoned this effort when told that it would require a presidential decree.
  • Neither does it give them excuse for committing imprisonable crimes or for not making efforts to work to support themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Vermes, who was close to that research effort, finds good reason to criticise it for slowness and carelessness—but no ground to assert a conspiracy.
  • But I was going through a reclusive and non-communicative phase, and his efforts to talk to me, to establish genuine communication, were met with a stony and moody silence.
  • Greek warriors took the fortress with little effort.
  • The farmers weren't too appreciative of our efforts, but we got the job done. The Sun
  • ‘I thought my lads did very well and I was pleased with their effort,’ said Sinnott.
  • The negotiators made a last-ditch effort to reach an agreement.
  • Examine the painful area carefully in an effort to localize the most tender point.
  • While President Obama swore fealty to free trade, he also called for "balanced growth," which is diplo-speak for U.S. efforts to get China to spur domestic consumption and rely less on exports. Will Marshall: Does America Have a China Policy?
  • So much for postcrisis efforts to whittle banks down to a more-manageable size. J.P. Morgan Plays a $20 Billion Hand
  • Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity.
  • They toast their epic efforts in a demob-happy frenzy. Times, Sunday Times
  • His efforts have turned up critical leads, brought forward witnesses and suggested potential persons of interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The low boot cuff allows you to maintain the tuck position longer and with less effort.
  • The weather hampered search efforts by 115 locals and soldiers from the mainland. The Sun
  • Willoughby in outwearying: she asked herself how much she had gained by struggling: -- every effort seemed to expend her spirit's force, and rendered her less able to get the clear vision of her prospects, as though it had sunk her deeper: the contrary of her intention to make each further step confirm her liberty. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Men have been unwearied in their efforts to obscure the plain, simple meaning of the Scriptures, and to make them contradict their own testimony; but like the ark upon the billowy deep, the word of God outrides the storms that threaten it with destruction. The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan
  • All recycling will be collected from the kerbside, so there will be no excuse whatsoever for people who claim that recycling is too much effort.
  • In spite of my efforts to pacify it the baby continued to cry / continued crying.
  • Relying on their well-established formula of eerie melodies, pastoral soundscapes, babbling children and rhythmic clamour, their sophomore effort rings true.
  • Chook! she was crying, and the dogs whined and yelped in eagerness of desire and effort to overtake Big THE RACE FOR NUMBER ONE
  • Known as chemurgy, the science lost much of its ‘reason for being’ after WWII when the petroleum industry redirected its attention from the war effort to commercial products.
  • Although efforts to divert single-use batteries from the waste stream are growing, only a patchwork of regulations currently exists, depending on where you live.
  • One effort was an adulatory poem, Le Siecle de Louis le Grand, in which he claimed that Louis XIV's world equalled, and surpassed, that of the ancient world.
  • It suggests a sense of humour, a willingness to make an effort, an aspiration towards the airy, healthy, beardless Scandinavian lifestyle.
  • The FSA has been trying for years to claim a big scalp as part of a failing effort to stamp out insider trading. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fluttering and screaming, the bird made every effort to escape, but not before Dee was aware of a label tied round his neck. Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2)
  • So the theories are that perhaps somebody intentionally detonated this weapon in what's sometimes called fragging, an intentional effort to kill officers, and in this case, two officers. CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2005
  • In an interview last week, Ms. Pak, sporting a button featuring the mustachioed interim mayor's face, spoke passionately about her Chinatown neighborhood and her efforts to persuade Mr. Lee to "serve his city. Chinatown Political Veteran Champions Her Candidate
  • The crews found a makeshift stairwell between the first and second floor that further hindered rescue efforts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The almost desperate character of the effort to silence or drown out antiwar protests suggests that something more than mindless flag-waving is going on here.
  • Her head spun and her vision blurred from the effort but through the confusion she could see a faint light spread out from her hand and wash over her body.
  • Although the complex syncopated rhythms of duets can sound to the untrained ear as if they are coming from one bird, they are the efforts of two wrens perched side by side and interposing their notes with precise timing.
  • He says the most sublime things without effort and he often finishes them by a turn of pleasantry which is neither misplaced nor far-fetched. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The point is we felt that all agencies had a fair opportunity to sell the property, that we tapped a wide spectrum of potential buyers, and came out of the deal satisfied with the overall marketing effort.
  • But what galvanized education and research efforts to a more urgent level was the discovery in 2000 that many houseboats were built with a fatal flaw.
  • But despite the best efforts of his closest aides, it was not until two hours later that the Pope finally relented, the report said.
  • He has such an acute mind, and his intelligence is effortless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, the failed indicator light was frustrating our efforts to read the indication.
  • In addition, depressed individuals are less successful in their efforts to stop smoking and more prone to depression following smoking cessation.
  • Mediocrity is not the lack of effort, but the lack of goals; dream is not without action, but the action is too late; the poor is not hard, but the lack of expertise; lazy not pace, but the pace is too shallow.
  • From the Rushmorean cover portrait of Bush (which over the headline 'An American Revolutionary' was such a brazen and transparent effort to recall George Washington that it was embarrassing) to the 'Why We Fight' black-and-white portraiture of the aggrieved president sitting somberly at the bedside of the war-wounded, this issue is positively hysterical in its iconolatry. "What kind of a maniac puts eagles in a Christmas tree?": James Wolcott
  • Apparently he didn't appreciate my efforts because suddenly he jumped to his feet and reverted back to his blockhead ways.
  • despite our redoubled efforts
  • Time On has improved immeasurably over the winter, which she entered with one placed effort from three outings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anther major improvement involves the magazine and newspapers who put no effort into formatting, minimal table of contents and zero presentation pazazz. E-reader Owners Are Happy Campers « Steve Wildstrom on Tech
  • Let us pray to achieve this common human efforts to better the human process, and is permanent colorful. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.
  • It was too much of an effort to play the acquiescent wife: her heart would burst. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • The role of veterinarians as first responders to outbreaks of animal disease is central to national efforts to defend against agroterrorism.
  • The intruder was a big man, his face glistening with the effort of hoisting himself up. The Bullet Catchers
  • Yet effort and intensity of a workout and diet also affect aerobic capacity. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I struggled along with a horror hangover, she effortlessly breezed around the park. The Sun
  • The group has changed its name in an effort to boost business by improving services and increasing operational efficiencies.
  • It was a long shot but might be worth the effort, at least to ascertain the facts. Broken Lives
  • (I can't wait to see the profusion of bittorent trackers, new "copyfight" / Free culture efforts, and newer, better p2p technologies that would result from that. P2pnet news
  • My parents have often hired earth-working vehicles, installing three further dams since arriving here in an effort to drought-proof the house's garden, and to allow them to agist neighbours' animals during droughts.
  • Can you imagine what would happen if they put as much effort into catching burglars? The Sun
  • IT fix No. 6: SpamIf it were possible to redirect the time and effort poured into antispam and antimalware code over the last 10 years, we'd already have colonies on Mars and probably a new form of renewable energy. Five-year plan: 8 problems IT must solve
  • Concealed carry is driving both nationwide handgun sales and manufacturer's R&D efforts.
  • Her face was intent on the Caddy, and it was with some effort that she directed her attention towards him.
  • The time has come for start-up companies like mine to turn all our efforts into something concrete.
  • If a cook does not get a discerning customer, all his efforts and culinary skills would be wasted.
  • Despite efforts from several laboratories there has been no success in purifying the enzyme from plant tissues catalysing the synthesis of low or high molecular weight amide-linked conjugates.
  • Just in the name of dignity you will need to ratchet up the effort three more points, minimum. Times, Sunday Times
  • During his presidency education expanded and the government made efforts to diversify the economy to release Zambia from its dependence on copper.
  • Sometimes we throw our seeds to them, but our efforts seem hopeless since their soil is barren, empty and dead.
  • She shifts effortlessly from folk and blues to upbeat tangos and haunting instrumentals, all interspersed with humorous tales of her life on the road.
  • The trashcan is wheeled, so the whole can be lifted and rolled, though it would require some effort.
  • Waitrose, for example, has made a real and commendable effort to source sustainable fish and shellfish across the board. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is amazing to see a patient who can barely move his or her extremities put forth the effort to wiggle his or her fingers in my dog's soft fur.
  • When you came away you made a definite effort to mix.
  • Fans want efforts to be recognised She also says the honours system is unfair because she gets recognised for her work but a lollipop lady doesn't. The Sun
  • The deer, commonly known as chital, were suffering from suspected pneumonia and succumbed on January 16 and 17, they said, adding despite best efforts the animals died within two days after contracting the disease. The Times of India
  • America is making a broad and determined effort to confront these dangers.
  • What is more Big Government than legislating effort in athletic competition?
  • 'Is it worth the effort?' 'Speaking personally, yes.'
  • These include the Government's proposal that an extra sub-clause be added to the chapter on provincial legislation in an effort to toughen laws in that area. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Efforts to add to the magazine an insert with news of the local congregations were greeted with consternation: the opposition was deemed to be far more dangerous that it really was.
  • He could pass for mid-50s and has an effortless style.
  • This work demands your effort.
  • Of critical importance, Du Bois wrote, is his financial success, his efforts to increase church membership, and his personal popularity. American Grace
  • In September 1971, Malek was put in charge of a White House effort to close down leaks to reporters of nonclassified material from the administration. Fred Malek: It's not the 'Jew-counting,' it's the deception
  • We must make sure that effort is properly rewarded.
  • Indeed, he made valiant efforts to conceal this information. Christianity Today
  • I decided to concentrate all my efforts on finding somewhere to live.
  • It's impossible to stay fully hydrated while actually climbing, so rehydrating at the end of the day or during breaks between hard effort is essential.
  • Efficient decision-making systems give terrific power to the efforts of already capable people considering new directions.
  • So, in an effort to unite the party, Stephen Douglas offered to withdraw. James Buchanan got his votes and the nomination.
  • Graphene doesn't naturally have a bandgap, which is necessary for most electronic applications," said IBM Fellow Phaedon Avouris, who oversees the company's carbon-based materials efforts. Softpedia News - Global
  • I have a skate wing in a pond of hot, acidulated brown butter with capers, and the flesh also pulls away from the cartilage with no effort whatsoever. Restaurant review: Butley Orford Oysterage
  • The City had done a serious effort to take out beggars from the streets, yet the very cold streets were lined with immobile figures frozen in submissive, pleading positions. Why Does Homelessness Persist in Rich Liberal Cities?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Both François Massialot, in Le Cuisinier roïal et bourgeois, and Menon, in Le Cuisinière bourgeoise, speak of the bourgeois kitchen as simple in style and limited in possibilities, but where special occasions required special efforts, indicating that for them the term designated a style of life and social position beneath that of the nobility. Savoring The Past
  • Joseph said while some people were looking for instant gratification, one had to be willing to invest effort and energy to get the desired results.
  • But it had clearly been some salutary effort to deflate her. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • The project has demanded considerable investment of time and effort.
  • Bidding to close the sizeable gap between her and Cian O'Connor, she put in a determined effort.
  • His efforts finally paid off
  • The title industry plays a particularly dynamic role in efforts to deter, detect, and report mortgage fraud. The Cult of Plausible Deniability
  • The Orthodox agreed to cooperate, but balked at merging the two efforts.
  • Even so, they wallow in the lifelessness of the mood of despair and they make no effort to step out of their lethargy.
  • Most of the Scottish Baptist churches took collections to assist this effort.
  • Wildlife official are celebrating the sighting of a beaver in the Detroit River for the first time in at least 75 years, signaling that efforts to clean up the waterway are paying off.
  • Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way, distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.
  • This satirical, slapstick comedy is a feel-good film that is effortless to watch.
  • Before the 2010 NFL Draft, FanHouse will take a look back at the drafts of 1998 through 2007, in an effort to "redraft" based on what we now know about the players selected.
  • • En route to Europe, Clinton called the multibillion-dollar American reconstruction effort in Afghanistan "heartbreaking," because she said there was little to show for it.
  • With two friends, Polak watched German authorities plant the tree with great pomp - part of an effort to "Germanize" the town, he said. - Home Page
  • What distinguished the 1996 plan from the Arkansas effort was its sheer magnitude.
  • A child who suffered multiple injuries in a road traffic accident in Italy was given subcutaneous injections of nerve growth factor in a last ditch effort to save an ischaemic leg.
  • Despite our best efforts, we didn't manage to win the match.
  • This belief was like a ball and chain for the allied war effort.
  • This week brought signs that their efforts were bearing fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • She made strenuous efforts to tame her anger.
  • Government efforts to encourage short-term thrift have had mixed success. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, with this effort falling flat, somehow I feel like life has settled into a loose conjunction with all things kismet, karma, and generally astrologically-aligned.
  • On 11 minutes, the visitors thought that they had taken the lead but a cracking effort went inches wide of the target.
  • The Chinese government has made fruitful efforts to upgrade and enhance the economic status of women.
  • NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Mayor Ray Nagin is halting a push to revamp New Orleans 'approach to retaining and attracting businesses, citing a lack of diversity on the board that would guide the effort, posturing for control and what he called a minimal funding commitment by the private sector. Undefined
  • On the other hand, if events adduce to the furtherance of law, independence, freedom, then he spares no effort to squelch it. Never let an oil leak go to waste? | RedState
  • Food companies describe some of their efforts as adding "umami," a Japanese word that, roughly translated, means "good flavor. A Taste for Hotter, Mintier, Fruitier
  • In an effort to keep pests off the parsnips we began cloaking the beds with Agrofabric, a translucent, permeable rowcover made of woven fiberglass.
  • 7 "Citing 'Failed Efforts' to Inform Public of Condom 'Ineffectiveness, ' Physician Groups, Politicians Ask CDC Head to Resign, " Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, July 25, 2001.
  • Western officials had also worried that it would undermine their efforts to build a joint state.
  • With extraordinary effort I can move my right hand a little and can adduct my left arm some six inches across my chest. Anatomy Of Isolation: ALS Sufferer Tony Judt's Experience Of Night
  • Manufacturers have expended a lot of time and effort trying to improve computer security.
  • He knows that time, hard work, dedication and effort are the only way a team can be built.
  • Many members of the Dail Eireann spend an excessive amount of time and effort in the constituency, but this has been more related to Irish political culture than the electoral system.
  • For that, they can thank modest human efforts to save their habitat, plus months of pouring rain.
  • The potoroo's survival is believed to have been significantly aided by CALM's efforts to control feral foxes and cats.
  • A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure will turn to glorious success.
  • At a time when cities such as George Town and Malacca are winning international recognition for their preservation of heritage sections of their cities, the Sarawak government's retrogressive efforts to wipe out remaining vestiges of Kuching's architectural heritage are incomprehensible. Undefined
  • If I arrived at a job interview with unbrushed teeth and hair sticking through my panty hose, I'd get hired for not making an effort. Beauty
  • During debate about the House version of the financial reform bill, Representative Melissa Bean was pilloried by progressives for her efforts to allow federal regulations created by the Consumer Financial Protection Agency to "preempt" stronger state standards. Harry Moroz: Don't Make Health Care Reform Like Financial Reform
  • In 1990 Papert's theory of constructionism Papert's word, a combination of Piaget's term constructivism with the word construction and the logo programming language which he promoted were what radical teachers turned to in their efforts to transform School. Archive 2006-03-01
  • The key takeaway from the book is that it is unquestionably worth your time and effort to learn the ins-and-outs of frequently overlooked subjects, such as HTTP, compression, redirects, and DNS.
  • Rather than booing, fans recall it was more a wall of silence that greeted his efforts, but they would get their comeuppance soon enough.
  • Sometimes you are not without effort, but chose the wrong direction; sometimes, success is not your ability, but by the power of others.
  • But there were no outward signs that diplomatic efforts would soon defuse the fighting.
  • This year the roving biennial is being held in the southern Spain city of Murcia in an effort to engage the region's blend of Islamic, Judaic and Christian cultural influences. European Art Show Focuses on Muslim World
  • Despite the best efforts of the unwashed layabouts who call themselves the anti-capitalist movement, market forces remain the future of our society.
  • His efforts, the Duke recollected many years later,(Sentence dictionary) were distinctly half-hearted.
  • Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way, distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.
  • They proved that fungi can be identified in virtually all patients with chronic rhinosinusitis if meticulous, painstaking efforts are taken to procure samples.
  • Either way, you probably won't regret the effort you made to reconnect with an old friend.
  • The knowledgeable authorities occupy the institutional front row only because others have abandoned the effort.
  • In our frantic effort to preserve the last vestiges of slavery and mediaevalism we not only set our faces against such improvements, but we seek to use education and the power of the state to train the servants who do not naturally appear. DARKWATER
  • His efforts to portray himself as unsophisticated and ignorant of legal matters were not consistent with the record.
  • I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.
  • Don't relax your efforts now
  • But Dominic Iglesias made effort to comfort him, speaking not uncheerfully, determining even to fight the fatigue and weakness which, as he could not but own, daily increased on him, if only for the sake of this faithful and simple adherent. The Far Horizon
  • The prospect of cashing in on the huge émigré market is one reason many Irish retailers are making a concerted effort to make inroads into e-commerce.
  • He was making a visible effort to control himself.
  • The marketing effort, articulated in a lucid style, has been superb.
  • In this way heart rate, respiration rate, oxygen consumption, and muscle tension all reduce without conscious effort.
  • Rovers very nearly got themselves back into the game within seconds, when Finn ran on to Gary Twigg's flick-on to head towards goal, but Ryzhikov made a fine reaction save to keep his effort out from point-blank range. Shamrock Rovers 0-3 Rubin Kazan | Europa League Group A match report
  • Y., resident still limps from a bullet wound suffered days after his rescue effort.
  • He has put a lot of effort into his pre-season work and not only with his bikes.
  • They're so effortlessly natural it's as if they're not acting.
  • Effortlessly unravelling the twists and turns of medieval Italian politics, Stonor Saunders is stylish in her prose style, languid in her learning and acerbic in her judgments.
  • Through the efforts at Collier's Reserve, there are now 200 identified species of birds on site and a growing population of rare gopher tortoises.
  • Conservation efforts had been misdirected. Times, Sunday Times
  • His conclusion also was that our next operation must be an all-out effort to destroy the enemy carriers.
  • This has serious policy implications, because, if we misunderstand the causes of what concerns us, we misdirect our efforts to change it.
  • Kerry called the labor laws "a legitimate collective effort to protect our children" and said he supported them.
  • Cuba will make every effort to preserve the atmosphere of détente and mutual respect that has prevailed in that area in the past few years.
  • He punched the pillow in an effort to release his anger.
  • One of Stan Kasten's final missions as team president of the Nationals was assisting Major League Baseball in its ongoing effort to cleanse from the Dominican Republic corrupt practices in signing youthful players. Catching up with Stan Kasten on the Dominican issue, etc.
  • The directors' efforts to improve the comprehensive management in the company have been very effective.
  • With new efforts to try to manage this killer disease it is important that nations begin tackling some of the problems that fuel the scourge.
  • Loading the tray with avocado mousse she decided she really should make an effort to get herself some skills.
  • He was postcoitally benevolent, practically glowing—he would make an effort to really understand her. Say When
  • Our effort is geared to a higher level of production.
  • Peace campaigners today chained themselves to gates at Menwith Hill in an effort to shut down the North Yorkshire spy base.
  • With an effort, he kept himself from using the term butterfly catchers, “... gentlemen.” Starfleet Year One
  • Combine this with the effort by South Carolina Republicans to tar the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen with now-infamous accidental candidate Alvin Greene and I think you're seeing conservatives get revenge for a year of being painted as allies of "birtherism" and conspiracies about the president. Embracing the crazy
  • (A striking example of this hypocrisy was the solicitude displayed by the Russian landowners last year, their efforts to combat the famine which they had caused, and by which they profited, selling not only bread at the highest price, but even potato haulm at five rubles the dessiatine (about 2 and four - fifths acres) for fuel to the freezing peasants.) The Kingdom of God Is Within You
  • Later, despite the efforts of her instructors at an Arica forty-day intensive, she developed an overnight obsession for Rolfing. TALES OF THE CITY

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