
  1. capacity or power to produce a desired effect
    concern about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine
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How To Use efficaciousness In A Sentence

  • Are you questioning whether these acts have any efficaciousness?
  • Many a theist would grant that creaturely causes lack necessary efficaciousness on the very grounds that Malebranche had presented, but still argue that this does not mean that they lack causal powers. Occasionalism
  • The efficaciousness of the D&R approach is evident throughout "The Sorcerers and Their Apprentices. The Wizardly Ways of a Tech Lab
  • I think media spin is overrated – which is why the good Charlie Cook always makes me sigh – what matters is the efficaciousness of the policies. Matthew Yglesias » You Can’t Create Jobs by “Focusing” on the Economy
  • Where he differs is in his claims about power and its alleged efficaciousness in bringing about ‘knowledge’.
  • For to accept that divine power is unique in its necessary efficaciousness need not itself imply that God is the only cause. Occasionalism
  • What Malebranche needs to establish, then, is the claim that causation just is necessary efficaciousness, and the pressing question for Malebranche is how he can defend this claim. Occasionalism
  • Interestingly enough, from this claim concerning the necessary efficaciousness of divine volition, Malebranche immediately infers Occasionalism
  • Conclusions The Primacaine can be widely used in the oral cavity diagnosis with little noxious effect, good efficaciousness, strong osmosis, little hemorrhage and excellent pain-easing effect.
  • Obviously some weapon systems are more effective than others, but the efficaciousness of air defence measures depend basically on the gap between the technological/industrial investment and output of the competing sides.
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