
  1. power to be effective; the quality of being able to bring about an effect
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How To Use effectuality In A Sentence

  • This review attempts to discuss the effectuality of surface plastic deformation strengthening treatment and the role of main influential factors for different original microstructure of steels.
  • I can just envision the future debate when that ineffectuality becomes more glaringly apparent: "We'll have to authorize an additional $23 Billion to add barbed wire to the top of the fence [or any other favorite fence enhancement], because folks are climbing over [or tunneling under, or going around, da, da, da] it! See One-Man, One-Vote Questioned on National TV, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Republican Administrations have been elected to enact the dramas of ego, vanity, paranoia, bravado, resentment, and one more grand rummage through historical baggage when the material and managerial condition of the country was good enough to survive the sustained period of incompetence, ineffectuality, abuse, raging, and waste that entails. Matthew Yglesias » What Bush Got Right
  • Perry painted the state an even brighter red, in part, because his democratic opponent, former Houston Mayor Bill White, suffered from the heartbreak of ineffectuality. James Moore: Yo, America. It's Texas. We Got Another One for Ya!
  • It's an invitation to cronyism and corruption or total ineffectuality.
  • She, Nelson and other "moderates" are compromising this bill into ineffectuality. Landrieu, Nelson sound positive note after Reid meeting
  • The regime reduced the two officially tolerated political parties to pliant ineffectuality.
  • In much the same manner, Bernard's efforts to keep his experiment with the children under wraps remain equally doomed to ineffectuality.
  • The regime reduced the two officially tolerated political parties to pliant ineffectuality.
  • Franklin's civilised demeanour is revealed as mere ineffectuality, and he is unable to save the murdered girl, whom he loves.
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