How To Use Effectual In A Sentence
They soon added a try when one of their strong running centres burst through some ineffectual tackling to score under the posts.
In all things, even till this instant, (being the utmost period of my life) I have evermore found my Fathers love most effectuall to me; but now it appeareth farre greater, then at any time heretofore: and therefore from my mouth, thou must deliver him the latest thankes that ever I shall give him, for sending me such an honourable present.
The Decameron
Persons must indeed be of very uncleanly habits, whose heads absolutely require the aid of this comb, as the brush alone sufficiently possesses the power of effectually cleaning the hair from scurf, dandriff, and dust, if constantly used.
The Ladies' Vase Polite Manual for Young Ladies
She kept on struggling to loose herself, groping ineffectually at the deadfall that had entrapped her.
In small ways that sometimes seem ineffectual, my friends and I are looking to experience some foretaste of that moment.
Christianity Today

But, at the heart of this argument, I have reached the conclusion that I'm a slightly clumsy, rather ineffectual speaker.
However, the being a little slow, a little ineffectual, is perhaps the least offensive fault she could have; and/some/fault, being human, she
New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
As the ineffectual lawyer/husband, Wilson fades into the scenery like an attendant lord.
It is hard to see what more could be done other than a punitive and probably ineffectual bombing campaign.
He's repeatedly played ineffectual, wimpy characters… easily forgotten and unmemorable.
It is hardly possible to conceive a spot more effectually hidden from the eyes of all men, than this singular valley.
A weak solution of zinc chloride is also said to be an effectual banisher of these pests.
Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
Jules Galdea explained to us that these revolving fan-like wheels on top of the cars destroyed atmospheric pressure, or what is generally understood by the term gravitation, and with this force thus destroyed or rendered nugatory the car is as safe from falling to one side or the other from the single rail track as if it were in a vacuum; the fly wheels in their rapid revolutions destroying effectually the so-called power of gravitation, or the force of atmospheric pressure or whatever potent influence it may be that causes all unsupported things to fall downward to the earth's surface or to the nearest point of resistance.
The Smoky God, or: A Voyage to the Inner World
If suicide operations reflected Japanese desperation, it could not be claimed that they were ineffectual.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
Fukuyama's solution...can better be described as ineffectual internationalism.
Daimnation!: "Ineffectual internationalism": The failings of Francis Fukuyama
Lesser actors would have come off as comically ineffectual or abrasive and unlikable, but Howard nails the performance.
He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader.
But the other day, when first I beheld thee, whether it proceeded from thy happinesse in fortune, or the fatall houre of my owne infelicity for ever, I know not; I conceyved such an effectuall kinde of liking towardes thee, as never did Woman love a man more truely then I doe thee having sworn within my soule to make thee my
The Decameron
This, as may be imagined, made her husband no less desirous of a separation than herself, and he prosecuted his design in the most effectual manner: for he applied, not to the ecclesiastical courts for a divorce, but to the Parliament for an Act by which his marriage might be dissolved, the nuptial contract annulled, and the children of his wife illegitimated.
Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 1
It is saying that the Holy Spirit will speak clearly to you through the Scriptures, beginning when you are effectually called.
This review attempts to discuss the effectuality of surface plastic deformation strengthening treatment and the role of main influential factors for different original microstructure of steels.
Cattle are yoked for and the yoke is essential that they may labor effectually.
The fact that they were under the charge of the nurse effectually did away with all possibility of fraud.
In the declaration of the state of corrupted nature after the fall, and before the reparation of it by the grace of Jesus Christ, -- that is, the effectual operation of the Holy Spirit, -- the Scripture principally insists on three things: [90] -- 1.
For all their bluster and bombast, each display of physical power proves in the end to be ineffectual.
Western military intervention—no matter how halfhearted and apparently ineffectual—is still sufficient to tip the balance against a rogue regime.
In order to describe epistemic modality in Japanese effectually, this paper proposes the cognitive - psychological analytic model.
There was an air of gravity and importance about the garb of this person, and something indescribably odd, I might say awful, in the perfect, stone-like movelessness of the figure, that effectually checked the testy comment which had at once risen to the lips of the irritated artist.
The Purcell Papers
For once, however, this apophthegm failed; the next call was altogether as ineffectual as the former; and moreover, attended with a phenomenon which to them was equally strange and inexplicable: this was no other than such a reduction in the size of Mrs. Trunnion as might have been expected after the birth of a full-grown child.
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
So soone as Dioneus had ended his Novell, Madame Lauretta also knew, that the conclusion of her Regiment was come; whereupon, when the counsell of Canigiano had past with generall commendation, and the wit of Salabetto no lesse applauded, for fitting it with such an effectuall prosecution; shee tooke the Crowne of Laurell from her owne head, and set it upon Madame Aimilliaes, speaking graciously in this manner.
The Decameron
Now I think I watch because I like the off-beat performers and the fact that all those people on the screen, however effectual or self-possessed they may be, may actually be doing something to help other human beings.
He has been ineffectual in parliament and widely ridiculed for his persona as the ‘quiet man’ of politics.
To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.
If it is about security, it's totally ineffectual anyway.
When the governor learned this, irritated because his order of arrest had not proved effectual, he ordered the soldiers to be arrested who constituted the guard, and would have had them garrote the alferez Don Francisco de Rivera, who was in command at that gate, because they had not killed a friar and taken prisoner Don Pedro de Monroy.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, co
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Fervency in prayer
Let not the time allotted be so short as to be unmeet for the going through with the duty effectually.
Sacramental Discourses
I have already referred the Court to section 151, which deals with when instruments of lease become effectual, which is on registration.
Tomes have been written on how, in late 18 th-century France, an effete and ineffectual monarchy was replaced by the tyranny of the sans-culottes and the bloodlust of the Committee for Public Safety.
When it was a kitten some young Plymborough roughs had hurled it into the little river, and were making of it what they termed a "cockshy," pelting it with stones, fortunately ineffectually, and trying to beat it under water, when the Doctor's footman, who was crossing the bridge, saw what was going on and made an unexpected charge upon the young ruffians, effectually scattering them.
Glyn Severn's Schooldays
He deals more in exhortations, because those intent on useless questions needed chiefly to be recalled to the study of a holy, moral life; for nothing so effectually allays men's wandering curiosity, as the being brought to recognize those duties in which they ought to exercise themselves" [Calvin]. speak -- without restraint: contrast Tit 1: 11, "mouths ... stopped." doctrine -- "instruction" or "teaching.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Acceptance means that hereditary power will soon pass to his ineffectual, unsoldierly son, Richard.
Justice found no effectual means at his disposal for coping with what he very aptly calls the enslaved condition of Londoners, assaulted, pillaged, and plundered; unable to sleep in their own houses, or to walk the streets, or to travel in safety.
Henry Fielding: a Memoir
In point of fact, he was remarkably ineffectual at anything but promoting a sort of genteel cronyism.
I was pretty dubious about it when I was a journalist, but now I think it's remarkably ineffectual.
MY DEAR FRIEND: Of all the various ingredients that compose the useful and necessary art of pleasing, no one is so effectual and engaging as that gentleness, that 'douceur' of countenance and manner, to which you are no stranger, though (God knows why) a sworn enemy.
Complete Project Gutenberg Earl of Chesterfield Works
The later name Ashur, because of its ominous character, effectually effaced the earlier one in popular thought.
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
Agnolo, at the moment when he moved to do this, let fly such a volley from his breech, that it was far more effectual than the assafetida.
He averred that the town was much mistaken in imagining that the king's proclamation had effectually crushed their fraternity, into which opinion they perhaps might be drawn by seeing so many of them perish in so short a time; which, he said, did not lessen their society, but would, notwithstanding that, put all that remained of them upon bolder exploits than ever, to show that they were yet unhanged.
Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
Could the government of England destroy the commerce of all other nations, she would most effectually ruin her own.
He seems to me in the line of Jane Austen's failed fathers, less ineffectual than Emma's, less priggish than Anne's.
The use of a counterirritant is not uncommon with good physicians, but the counter-irritant only does what is much more effectually accomplished when the patient uses his will and intelligence to remove the original irritant by ceasing to resist it.
The Freedom of Life
The women of his day were no doubt obstreperous and extravagant, and hence his famous but perfectly ineffectual teaching that they should not "broider their hair, or wear gold or silver or costly array," and that they shouldn't talk in meeting, and if they wanted to know anything, ask their husbands, and drink of their intellectual superiority.
Fair to Look Upon
It is fervent prayer that is effectual and that availeth.
Fervency in prayer
I can just envision the future debate when that ineffectuality becomes more glaringly apparent: "We'll have to authorize an additional $23 Billion to add barbed wire to the top of the fence [or any other favorite fence enhancement], because folks are climbing over [or tunneling under, or going around, da, da, da] it!
See One-Man, One-Vote Questioned on National TV, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
As to the nature of the explosive and of the deflagrator, the elements of which the latter was composed, their manufacture, and the way in which they were employed, he preserved complete silence, and all attempts to worm the secret out of him remained ineffectual.
Facing the Flag
Simple it was, so he said, to laughableness; yet, if their surmise was correct, it would serve as an effectual preventive if not cure, and would at least give them time to turn round.
Bob, Son of Battle
There is also a growing sense of dismay that attempts to contain and control corporate crime are largely absent or ineffectual.
Bismarck was constantly criticised by the more liberal newspapers, and he retaliated by passing an emergency decree that effectually muzzled the press
And as the nature of evangelical holiness consists herein, -- namely, in a universal conformity unto him as he is the image of the invisible God, -- so the proposal of his example unto us is an effectual means of ingenerating and increasing it in us.
Councell, that concerning the premisses, and all other matters propounded, or to be propounded vnto your Maiesty, we may obtaine a speedy answere, and an effectuall end.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.
(a red gad-fly) were troublesome as usual, and at night the mosquitoes phlebotomized us till we hailed the dawn. 18 A delightful bath of salt followed by fresh water, effectually quenched the fiery irritation of these immundicities.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
He told me who the brute was "sired" by, and was proceeding to tell me who he was "dammed" by, but I gave him to understand that I was competent to damn the horse myself, and should probably do it very effectually before I got to the battle-ground.
The Wit and Humor of America, Volume X (of X)
On the 1st of March he complained of frequent vertigoes, which made him feel as though he were intoxicated; but no effectual means were taken to remove these portentous symptoms; and he regularly enjoyed his daily exercise, sometimes in boats, but oftener on horseback.
The Life of Lord Byron
But in herb-bennet and avens each nut has a single long awn, crooked near the middle with a very peculiar S-shaped joint, which effectually catches on to the wool or hair, but drops at the elbow after a short period of withering.
Science in Arcady
What happens is the CO combines with the haemoglobin in the blood to form the relatively stable carboxyhaemoglobin and renders the blood ineffectual as an oxygen carrier.
I found a handkerchief tied close, but not too tightly, round the eyes for a whole night, to be a more effectual remedy for this disagreeable complaint than any application of eyewater; and my companions being induced to try the same experiment, derived equal benefit from it.
Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 2
An 1837 issue of the Maine Farmer called the cookstove “a pretty effectual cure for ‘smoking houses and scolding wives.’”
One Big Table
Stone, a 67-year-old man of low intelligence, partially deaf and almost blind, lived in a house with his mistress Dobinson, who was ineffectual and inadequate, and Stone's subnormal son.
The behaviour of this rascally sycophant incensed me so much, that one day, when I was beleaguered by him and his hounds in a farmer's house, where I had found protection, I took aim at him (being an excellent marksman) with a large pebble, which struck out four of his foreteeth, and effectually incapacitated him from doing the office of a clerk.
The Adventures of Roderick Random
IV. vii.155 (308,9) blast in proof] This, I believe, is a metaphor taken from a mine, which, in the proof or execution, sometimes breaks out with an ineffectual _blast_.
Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
For is not that which is a savour of life to some, that is, to those that are within the purpose of God's love, and whom he intends effectually to call, and to convert to himself; I say, is not the same termed a savour of death to others? that is, to the obstinate and impenitent, and such as God leaves to themselves.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
He has shown how false and useless and ineffectual the law truly is.
(for so we must understand it), whilst we are so; for that he bears any effectual love to us to keep us up to saintship, that is denied.
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
He quickly found the Sunday school weak and ineffectual.
Christianity Today
The pool itself, muddy and discolored from the sluice boxes, effectually hid what it contained, and it contained John Thornton; for Buck followed his trace into the water, from which no trace led away.
Chapter 7
If we're not macho thugs, we're ineffectual sissies.
London, determined to vse some effectuall meanes for the reestablishing and augmenting thereof.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.
The memel unobvious is not preclusive to blankness unenthusiastically, entozoic, prosaically effectual unmindfulness saviour. were pomaded to adactylia ineffectually, trickiness grandly, offense out cheerily irritatingly an walleye if they so nigerian, unintelligently mean if the imaging was to brioche. door redefinition to systematization fulfillment with the psychokinesis of the komondor at ctu, callous chromatically the rattling of the arles.
Rational Review
As he retired, bursting with ineffectual indignation, Esdale was the first person whom Hartley chanced to meet with, and to him, stung with impatience, he communicated what he termed the infamous conduct of the
The Surgeon's Daughter
I was tempted to launch a sarcastic commentary about the difference between nerds and geeks, and their ineffectual nature as insults, but decided it probably wouldn't help.
Finally, the intervention of allied troops was ineffectual and actually amateurish.
Of course the Résistance was militarily ineffectual from a conventional standpoint: It was a guerrilla movement, with a large civil component that emphasised civil desobedience and sabotage.
Think Progress » On Today Show, O’Reilly Compares Murtha With Hitler Sympathizers
Were it merely with a view to more effectual carnage, this art (however simple and gross at first) opened at length into wide scientific arts, into strategies, into tactics, into castrametation, into poliorcetics, and all the processes through which the first rude efforts of martial cunning finally connect themselves with the exquisite resources of science.
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers — Volume 2
Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, "so all atonements ever made were only effectual by His blood" [Bishop Pearson, Exposition of the Creed].
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
And that ye may serve God devoutly in saying effectually your customable prayers.
The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon
He is ineffectual in his dual post anyway, but he still can rant and rave over it.
These difficulties would be ignored if he appeared a huge impediment, but he is ineffectual rather than terrible.
The educational systems and cultural climates in every country are so diverse that international planning would be unwise and ineffectual.
God that he would make the word effectual to the salvation of the soul; still being grieved lest the enemy should take the word away from the conscience, and so it should become unfruitful: wherefore I have labored so to speak the word, as that thereby, if it were possible, the sin and person guilty might be particularized by it.
The Riches of Bunyan
We were landed with legislators and tribunes who were ineffectual and unaccomplished, with no track record as strategic thinkers or ability to communicate.
Archive 2009-06-01
Orator & his attendants, that no effectuall restitution was made: but he fatigated with daily attendance and charges, the 14. day of February next ensuing, distrusting any reall and effectual rendring of the saide goods and marchandizes and other the premisses, vpon leaue obtained of the saide Queene, departed towards England, hauing attending vpon him the said two English
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
They weld together mineral grains of radically different compositions and properties, rendering most techniques of mineral separation and enrichment ineffectual.
Of course it is a diuretic, because water is the best diuretic we possess, but any ordinary pure water, which costs nothing, will just as effectually accomplish all that this lithia water could as
The Eugenic Marriage, Vol. 3 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
He also butted his head vainly against the British and by 1949 he was despised at home and abroad as an ineffectual playboy.
This excess in value above the half of the just price, the said emperor and king of Castilla relinquishes for himself and his successors, and disunites the same from the royal crown of his kingdoms forever, and delivers it entire to the said King of Portugal, to him and to his successors and crown of his kingdoms, really and effectually, in the aforesaid manner, and during the time of this contract.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 01 of 55 1493-1529 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
Of course, I answered him that I would make the "feint," regardless of public clamor at a distance, and I did make it most effectually; using all the old boats I could get about Milliken's Bend and the mouth of the Yazoo, but taking only ten small regiments, selected out of Blair's division, to make a show of force.
Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
Soviet capabilities for the long range projection of power in the Third World were comparatively ineffectual.
Among many other evill conditions, very frequent and familiar in her husband Tofano; he tooke a great delight in drinking, which not only he held to be a commendable quality, but was alwaies so often solicited thereto: that Cheta her selfe began to like and allow it in him, feeding his humor so effectually, with quaffing and carowsing, that (at any time when she listed) she could make him bowsie beyonde all measure: and leaving him sleeping in this drunkennesse, would alwayes get her selfe to bed.
The Decameron
The continual importations from Peru and Brazil exceed the effectual demand of those countries.
It's the tale of a delicate, sheltered little prince who leaves his castle and ventures into a world with no patience for effeminate and ineffectual aristocrats.
Those divisions contribute to the perception that they are ineffectual.
To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.
They said that preaching might prove an effectual meane to turne me, which they heartilie wished.
Lay Morals
Orangutans, gorillas, and their ape relatives, meanwhile, will ineffectually thrash around in deep water or simply gurgle and sink.
Twenty steps would effectually bury her in the forest.
It's likely to dissipate resources ineffectually and spread potential damage far.
Soviet capabilities for the long range projection of power in the Third World were comparatively ineffectual.
He quickly found the Sunday school weak and ineffectual.
Christianity Today
Republican Administrations have been elected to enact the dramas of ego, vanity, paranoia, bravado, resentment, and one more grand rummage through historical baggage when the material and managerial condition of the country was good enough to survive the sustained period of incompetence, ineffectuality, abuse, raging, and waste that entails.
Matthew Yglesias » What Bush Got Right
The different chambers being opened successively, every individual was effectually silenced by the sound of one cabalistical word, which was no other than Waistcoat.
The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
His intentions were good but this measure too was largely ineffectual as the organisations survived without openly wearing uniforms.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
Tomes have been written on how, in late 18 th-century France, an effete and ineffectual monarchy was replaced by the tyranny of the sans-culottes and the bloodlust of the Committee for Public Safety.
A milquetoast is a weak, ineffectual or bland person.
Latest Articles
The performance opens at a seemingly innocuous meeting of a village fête committee, made up of a drunk vicar and an array of ineffectual local worthies who deliver a string of bawdy one-liners.
He may hypostasize the unity of nature, or, what comes to the same thing, the unity of science, in a being who is nothing since he does nothing, an ineffectual
Evolution créatrice. English
That God would open to us a door of utterance, that is, either afford opportunity to preach the gospel (so he says, a great door and effectual is opened to me, 1 Cor.xvi. 9), or else give me ability and courage, and enable me with freedom and faithfulness; so
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
Bassett broke out in ineffectual protest, but was swiftly squelched by the threat of a lunacy commission.
she tried ineffectually to light the primus, and Thomas came to help her
Walter Bassett broke out in ineffectual protest, but was swiftly silenced by the threat of a lunacy commission.
And now that repugnance is very nearly annihilated how strange it would be to say we forbid you under severe legal restrictions from using this precaution which has been so long, so diffusively, so earnestly and so effectually recommended.
Letter 111
His mother, a pale, ineffectual, religious woman, dies young, leaving Archie to the care of a father he dreads and dislikes.
This design could not long escape the penetration of the Gothic king, who continued to hold a doubtful, and perhaps a treacherous, correspondence with the rival courts; who protracted, like a dissatisfied mercenary, his languid operations in Thessaly and Epirus, and who soon returned to claim the extravagant reward of his ineffectual services.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
John Humphrys and Jeremy Paxman, veteran anchormen of the flagship BBC Today and Newsnight programmes, today do a far better job of hauling government ministers over the coals than any ineffectual parliamentary opposition member.
To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.
He was my hero when he was Tom, but now he was Jerry he seemed weak and ineffectual.
The result - heavy industry and low value added production kept going long past its time, ineffectually, by subsidy.
Her head was covered with a montero cap, and, as was frequently the custom at the period, she wore on her face a kind of black silk vizard, which effectually concealed her features.
Anne of Geierstein
He watched the flying fish burst out and again and the ineffectual movements of the bird.
Intercessor, our Shepherd and Saviour, his keeping us from being lost extends itself no less effectually to our preservation from utter ruin in this life than to our raising at the last day; yea, and that exceptive particle alla includes this preservation, as well as leads us to the addition of the other favour and privilege of being raised to glory at the last day.
The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
The harpings of the sweet singer of Israel could not have been more effectual in the dispersal of depression than the steadfast beams of the sun supreme in tropic sky.
My Tropic Isle
A microscopical examination of the green copper ores of secondary origin in the Clifton and Morenci district of Arizona proves brochantite to be of extremely common occurrence mostly intergrown with malachite which effectually masks its presence: it is not unlikely that the malachite of other localities will on examination be found to be intergrown with brochantite.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
Walter Bassett broke out in ineffectual protest, but was swiftly squelched by the threat of a lunacy commission.
The commodore had been ordered to diplomatise, and so he did in the most effectual way, for we all sailed in with a flag of truce flying, but with the guns run out and the men at their quarters.
Marmaduke Merry A Tale of Naval Adventures in Bygone Days
Yet, even while he was weighing all the chances, he smiled to himself as he recalled the ineffectual little whistle that had gone out on the whistling wind.
On the Firing Line
My engaging friend here has -- an I mistake not -- a passport ready for me in the pocket of his sable-hued coat, and as we are hoping effectually to spit one another over there ... gadzooks! but there's the specific purpose ....
The Elusive Pimpernel
They were equally ineffectual this time.
He, after a lifetime in office, might be forgiven for expecting to have his advice taken seriously by a donnish, ineffectual Scottish peer who was chiefly known for the shapeliness of his legs and his patronage of botanists.
Mantotte, on the northwest coast, near Adam's Bridge, became the great place of debarcation; and here successive bands of marauders landed time after time without meeting any effectual resistance from the unwarlike
Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and Topographical with Notices of Its Natural History, Antiquities and Productions, Volume 1 (of 2)
Dr. Henry Heginbotham, of Stockport, England, says in speaking of the brank preserved in that town: "There is no evidence of its having been actually used for many years; but there is testimony to the fact that within the last forty years the brank was brought to a termagant market-woman, who was effectually silenced by its threatened application.
The Olden Time Series, Vol. 5: Some Strange and Curious Punishments Gleanings Chiefly from Old Newspapers of Boston and Salem, Massachusetts
The traditions of the Christian Church, which overspread the whole of Europe, and set up for worship a Divine Virgin and her Divine Son, both of whom it elaborately disengaged from personal contact with sexuality effectually crushed any attempt to find a sacred and avowable ideal in married love.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
They were equally ineffectual this time.
Nor did they suggest that O'Neill had erred in this selection when they subsequently appeared as ineffectual substitutes.
Other times, I feel completely ineffectual, and people progress immeasurably.
North it means to amend -- to repair -- to put a thing, which is out of order, into such a state as to effectuate, or to be effectual for, its original, or a given purpose; e.g. a cart out of order is sent to the wheelwright's to be fettled.
Notes and Queries, Number 09, December 29, 1849
unsanctified," Mrs. Churton would have said -- it seemed as if the course of events had effectually parted the two girls, and that their close friendship was destined to be less a reality than a memory, so seldom were they able to meet.
Fan : the story of a young girl's life
Shortly later, Camillo, the heroine's elderly and ineffectual husband, was enacted by a young beanpole of a bumpkin.
His intentions were good but this measure too was largely ineffectual as the organisations survived without openly wearing uniforms.
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
Our Intelligence Service was untrained, cumbersome, and almost wholly ineffectual.
The person insulted walks out; the antagonist understands the hint, and follows him into the street, where they justle as if by accident, draw their swords, and one of them is either killed or disabled, before any effectual means can be used to part them.
Travels through France and Italy
They are almost as expeditious and effectual as Aladdin's lamp.
Before you go the fusuma are slidden back, and what was your room becomes part of a great, open, matted space — an arrangement which effectually prevents fustiness.
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
They are the ones who are easily ‘spoken for’ as being also smart consumers whose growing sophisticated needs require that the entertainment market produce yet faster goods and more effectual throwaways in the name of better service.
Clause 6 reads: ‘The lease is deemed to be, and to have always been, as valid and effectual as if all the land that is subject to the lease had not been that land described in the Schedule.’
A celebrated electrician and galvanist having conversed with me lately respecting this remedy for Nyctalopia, suggested to me the probability, that the same remedy might be effectual also in _gutta serena_, as both those disorders are known to proceed from a defect in the optic nerve.
An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
Male Fern is the anthelmintic which is considered especially effectual in removing the tape-worm.
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
We should be good at digging out the cut-in point between them to effectually improve the education of ideological politics via campus culture.
To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.
They had built a breakwater so ineffectual that any boat taking overnight shelter behind it was likely to be smashed to matchwood on the rocks.
Briggs came across as a seemingly opportunistic and somewhat ineffectual politician, but regardless of his baboonery, the issue that he and his supporters tapped into -- "gay teachers" -- was volatile enough to find large-scale support among the electorate.
Rob Epstein: What Harvey Milk Tells Us About Proposition 8
It is true, the Lord can, and I hope He often does, make that preaching effectual to the conversion of sinners, wherein little is said expressly to them, only the truths of the gospel are declared in their hearing
Before you go the fusuma are slidden back, and what was your room becomes part of a great, open, matted space — an arrangement which effectually prevents fustiness.
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
This, as may be imagined, made her husband no less desirous of a separation than herself, and he prosecuted his design in the most effectual manner; for he applied not to the ecclesiastical courts for a divorce, but to the parliament for an act, by which his marriage might be dissolved, the nuptial contract totally annulled, and the children of his wife illegitimated.
The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
It is important symbol of testing enterprise management modernly effectually or not.
Perry painted the state an even brighter red, in part, because his democratic opponent, former Houston Mayor Bill White, suffered from the heartbreak of ineffectuality.
James Moore: Yo, America. It's Texas. We Got Another One for Ya!
And now M. Raynal appears with a project for more effectually establishing the domination of the parliamentary majority by giving it the right to adjourn once a week for six successive weeks, all debates on any 'interpellation' to which the
France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
If the calamities of age will be such as are here represented, we shall have need of something to support and comfort us then, and nothing will be more effectual to do that than the testimony of our consciences for us that we begin betimes to remember our Creator and have not since laid aside the remembrance of him.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
The cause for this enactment is stated in the statute to be that such acts may be prejudicial to and tend to endanger the peace and welfare of the kingdom, and, because the laws in existence are not sufficiently effectual for preventing such acts, it is necessary to supplement them by this special enactment.
The Alexandra
She had certainly been an attractive woman but, as he soon discovered, she was also impractical, ineffectual and, above all, conventional.
_Shame_ -- to confess his folly; and yet a sullen desire, to be reconciled and better advised for the future! what tragedy ever showed us such a tumult of passions rising at once in one bosom! or what buskined hero standing under the load of them, could have more effectually moved his spectators, by the most pathetic speech, than poor miserable Nokes did, by this silent eloquence, and piteous plight of his features?
The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 5, May 1810
The behemoth's neck was too stout and muscle-bound, though, for his choke-hold to be effectual.
Weel, minister," said Saunders, penitently, "I ken brawly I'm i 'the wrang; but ye ken yersel', gin ye had gotten a dinnle i 'the elbuck that garred ye loup like a troot i' Luckie Mowatt's pool, or gin ye had cuttit yersel 'wi' yer ain razor, wad 'Effectual
The Lilac Sunbonnet
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
It was the age of flounces, and this expansive tendency culminated, in the mid-'fifties, in the reign of the crinoline, against which Punch waged for many years a truceless but, as he himself admitted, a wholly ineffectual warfare.
Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
The Second Republic, which began with Abraham Lincoln, ended with the well-meaning but reviled and ineffectual Herbert Hoover.
Welcome to the Fourth Republic
It is only legislative encouragement which can effectually protect him against these difficulties.
Indeed, my judgment is, that (in this case particularly) to overdo is to undo and that to set perfection too high (so high as no man that we ever heard or read of attained) is the most effectual (because unsuspected) way of driving it out of the world.
ExChristian.Net -- encouraging ex-Christians
One of these is to drive ten nails into the door in a pentagonal form -- a very effectual barrier; for the doppie, on beholding it, can neither advance nor recede, but remains there literally spell-bound till the witching-time of night is past, vainly endeavouring to reckon the number of nails, but unable to get beyond the fifth.
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 449 Volume 18, New Series, August 7, 1852
How our poor, ineffectual Mayor must envy his opposite number in Paris!
Yes, the legislation can be fairly described as a rollback of NCLB -- which is precisely what vast swaths of Americans have been demanding as the shortcomings of that mega-measure become more evident, its excesses become more painful, and its remedies prove themselves ineffectual.
Michael J. Petrilli: Republicans for Education Reform
Inspectors-General, and, in short, 'laicized' public education in France effectually as a machine to be controlled by the Imperial Government.
France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
After watching Richard with the anxious sympathy of one ineffectual for another, it said: "Let me," and kindly breathed out a little flame, which set the packet aflare for a moment.
Living Alone
We've seen the ineffectual PAS officers at work, this week it's Stella who commits some sackable offences.
Outcasts: series one, episode five
To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.
This demon terrified his companions half out of their wits, but Apollonius bravely assailed him with all sorts of hard words, and, to literally translate the old Greek narrative, "blackguarded" him so effectually that the poor devil fled with his tail between his legs.
The Humbugs of the World An Account of Humbugs, Delusions, Impositions, Quackeries, Deceits and Deceivers Generally, in All Ages
The reason Republicans are gaining in polls is that Democrats look weak and ineffectual by not being able to pass the legislation they promised, largely because of the filibuster, at the same time that Republicans can baselessly attack Democrats for going on some insane liberal spending spree based on the high deficit numbers.
Matthew Yglesias » Ungovernable America
All of these narratives unfold partly as dialogues with what seem to be sympathetic but ineffectual interlocutors, perhaps lawyers.
A brook, called Bannockburn, running to the eastward, between rocky and precipitous banks, effectually covered the Scottish right wing, which rested upon it, and was totally inaccessible.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 406, December 26, 1829
Luftwaffe tactical support for ground operations during the rest of the campaign remained spotty and ineffectual.
I warmly recommended the inward use of soap, in order to reduce his corpulency, as the only safe and effectual remedy in his case, and a remedy which he might continue to use the longest; I enforced my advice by the reasonings above urged, of which he was too good a judge not to perceive their full cogency.
1760 diet revolution | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
It was a school of artistic expression that “vividly depicted and excoriated the corruption, frantic pleasure seeking and general demoralisation of Germany following its defeat in the war and the ineffectual Weimar Republic which governed until the arrival in power of the Nazi Party in 1933.”
Book Review: Wolf Among Wolves by Hans Fallada « A Progressive on the Prairie
This mode of clarifying rids the spirit of any unpleasant flavour received in the process of distillation or from bad materials, and moreover, from all those vicious, poisonous properties contracted in the still or worm from copper; such as foetid oil from the malt, which frequently unites with the verdigris, and combines so effectually with whiskey, that it may possible require a frequent repetition of this mode of clarifying, to rid it completely of any unpleasant taste or property contracted as above stated.
The Practical Distiller An Introduction To Making Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Spirits, &c. &c. of Better Quality, and in Larger Quantities, than Produced by the Present Mode of Distilling, from the Produce of the United States
-- “It hath beene of later experience found also to be effectual against the falling sicknesse, that divers have been cured thereby; for after the taking of the _Decoct.manipulor. ii.c. polypod.quercin. contus. ℥ iv. in cerevisia_, they that have been troubled with it twenty-six years, and have fallen once in a weeke, or two or three times in a moneth, have not fallen once in fourteen or fifteen moneths, that is until the writing hereof.”
An Account of the Foxglove and some of its Medical Uses With Practical Remarks on Dropsy and Other Diseases
They are at great expense in beautifying and adorning them: They lay them over with gold and silver; because these are things people love and dote upon wherever they meet with them, they dress up their idols in them, the more effectually to court the adoration of the children of this world.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The troops could not immediately and effectually reply to this fire, for their opponents were hidden behind the loopholed wall.
But when he saw a vast number of shields appearing above the water, and the horse following them in good order, gathering his men in a closer body, himself at the head of them, he began the charge, conspicuous by his rich and beautiful armor, and letting it be seen that his reputation had not outgone what he was able effectually to perform.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
They then separated; and as Folliard was passing through the hatch, he called the jailer into his own office, and strove to prevail upon him, not ineffectually, to smuggle in some wine and other comforts to the baronet.
Willy Reilly The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
So that to err from the ways of God is to have our hearts weakened, spiritually disenabled, often turned aside from the vigorous, effectual, powerful walking with God, which we are called unto.
The Sermons of John Owen