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How To Use Effectively In A Sentence

  • Particulates and dust in Earth's atmosphere along the line of sight tend to absorb blue light more effectively than red light.
  • A quarter of the MS sufferers had their condition effectively suppressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make sure that the construction proposal is reliable, the working procedure works canonically, and the construction monitor goes effectively.
  • If the condenser must be located above the turbine, then the pipe should be carried first downward and then upward in the U form, in the manner of the familiar "entrainer," which will be found effectively to prevent water getting back when the turbine is operating. Steam Turbines A Book of Instruction for the Adjustment and Operation of the Principal Types of this Class of Prime Movers
  • The only way to help patients get the treatment they need is to ensure that money is spent effectively. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Effectively few women owned or controlled property in the pre-colonial period.
  • However, such interaction is more effectively used in the drinking stimulus portion of the scenes than in the sensitization portion.
  • Above this peptide concentration, surface pressures are effectively constant.
  • They have effectively become a feeder system. The Sun
  • This constraint would effectively limit the amount of vehicles that a firm could service. 2.
  • She heard him curse softly and then he shifted his wait, effectively blocking her attempt at freedom.
  • The conclusion flag corneal transplant may effectively treat, the shallow layer fungus keratohelcosis.
  • If radio is to contribute effectively to the national culture, its material needs to be presented in an attractive manner.
  • As for the continuity goofs (of which there are many) - they probably would have been more obvious if the stupidity of the story hadn't camouflaged them so effectively.
  • The old Mini was effectively killed off in 1999 by safety and emissions regulations.
  • Such people often see their lives more effectively framed by the reality metaphors that modern quantum physics and chaos theory provide.
  • In truth, they worked superbly as a team - they were the duumvirate who, in the first, formative years of independence, effectively united and strengthened India.
  • A masculine voice inquired from somewhere to her left, effectively scaring the living daylights out of Sydney and drawing a startled yelp from her lips.
  • The failure of baby boomers to effectively communicate with younger generations of soldiers is driving many captains out of the Army.
  • So to lead off the first inning, Jeter knocked a dribbler into the grass by the third base line, and beat out what was effectively a swinging bunt for his 2,995th hit, and his first since June 13. Jeter Gets It Going as Sabathia Wins His 12th Game
  • This fusion effectively creates the gastrocolic ligament by connecting the stomach to the transverse colon.
  • In this paper, we design a video sensor network architecture based on an extended multi-level C/S model, which effectively supports image process by multiple cooperative sensors.
  • Here are some tips to help you effectively pray for your small group. Christianity Today
  • Hierarchies have developed to manage effectively the filtering of information needed to tackle tasks cooperatively.
  • Half a century later, Sri Lanka's presumed potential has not eventuated, not least because of the war which has effectively split the country since 1983.
  • However, the use of drug combinations is designed to limit the emergence of multiply drug resistant variants and may suppress plasma viraemia more effectively.
  • At this time we could hear and see the German half-track vehicles entering Lamia, thus effectively cutting off our retreat in that direction even if we had transport. Alan Glass
  • This is how the court can effectively monitor timelines and events.
  • Sacrificial anodes protection can decrease the degree of corrosion wear very effectively.
  • MRF damper oriented semi active suspension of tracked vehicle, whose damping force can be controlled and adjusted following the environment, can relieve the vehicle's vibration effectively.
  • You need to learn to manage your time more effectively.
  • The stout concrete walls surrounding the dockyard effectively shielded the proceedings from view. Titanic - Destination disaster
  • In a related discussion on Slashdot, solprovider points out that ICANN's new policy may also put an end to what Network Solutions describes as "domain kiting," where several (possibly related) companies keep passing domain registrations from one to the next by taking advantage of the free grace period, effectively preventing the domains from ever being available to the public. Is Domain Name Front Running About To Come To An End? - The Consumerist
  • How they communicate I know notour fellow made not the slightest sound when I speared his foot! yet it is apparent they must communicate effectively. The Saliva Tree
  • Economic survival of the enterprise or its further progress depends on managers communicating effectively with employees.
  • Stronger European standards would have provided a basis for negotiating more effectively for multilateral standards.
  • To effectively implement the financial control, every accountability unit should clearly know its responsibility bound, also known as the "responsibility center".
  • Splenectomy effectively arrests the extravascular hemolysis and prevents its long-term complications, such as cholelithiasis and aplastic crises.
  • The experiment shows that the algorithm can not only effectively reduce the code rate and the memory requirement but also provide low distortion in the reconstructed signals.
  • These situations often call for special schemas defining information for every specific error, thus effectively extending domain semantic model to describe failure scenarios.
  • For registry staff to monitor effectively the accuracy and completeness of this operation requires detailed record-keeping and effortless access to data.
  • This effectively enables the Home Office to make arbitrary decisions, deporting people as they see fit, without any independent inquiry.
  • The forming equipment improves quality effectively and ameliora . tes the particle board's mechanical and processing property.
  • Conclusion - Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition by enalapril effectively reduces microalbuminuria in normotensive diabetic patients whereas hydrochlorothiazide is not effective.
  • Nor can it effectively do justice in the individual case within the limits of its jurisdiction and to that extent vindicate the rule of law.
  • What destroys us most effectively is not a malign fate but our own capacity for self-deception and for degrading our own best self. George Eliot 
  • The Opposition effectively have a veto on constitutional reform.
  • Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
  • Individuals of the worker caste are usually effectively sterile, and reproduction is monopolized by the queen caste.
  • It also effectively gave certified doctors monopoly control over medical practice. Sociology
  • On a day in which the British cavalry received mixed reviews he did his job effectively and performed very well. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has written that academics work more insidiously than the street toughs they effectively team up with on occasion.
  • Walter Lippman (1925) in particular, was skeptical of the idea of an "omnicompetent" citizen who possesses sufficient knowledge to participate effectively in the political process.
  • Does that mean that the small hilly State has effectively put into operation a strong system of education?
  • One of my favorite exercises is in-house training for partners on how to talk more effectively with associates regarding performance appraisal.
  • Acceptance by the UN would effectively legitimize the regime.
  • Compare with my table and you'll see that, by 'faffing', you'll double your gains and effectively double your interest rate! - Headlines
  • His characters were cads, letches, and leering louses, but they effectively tapped a bit of that inappropriate urge in us all.
  • The capacity to coordinate and interact effectively with government agencies also depends on the amount of social capital in state-community relations.
  • It effectively means the beautiful sprawling town at the centre of the game becomes a massive playground. The Sun
  • In execution phase, modifications and site instructions should be effectively controlled, budgetary estimate should be strictly reviewe...
  • Occasional or mild heartburn can usually be treated effectively with over-the-counter medicines for indigestion.
  • The invention of penicillin effectively wiped out the staph infection problem in hospitals, but after the bacteria developed resistance to it, methicillin became the standard treatment in 1960.
  • White and black have, in themselves, no costumal character; but they may be effectively used in combination with other colors. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 24, October, 1859
  • The vignette, with its quartet of bare-chested musclemen around a poker table, their biceps and pectorals effectively lit by the low-hanging overhead fixture, is funny and provocative.
  • Many speeding tickets are issued in so-called speed traps, where police officers or state troopers effectively hide their cars and lie in wait for speedy passers-by.
  • Political scientists use the term corporatism to describe a practice whereby a state, through the process of licensing and regulating officially-incorporated social, religious, economic, or popular organizations, effectively co-opts their leadership or circumscribes their ability to challenge state authority by establishing the state as the source of their legitimacy, as well as sometimes running them, either directly or indirectly through corporations. Libertarian Blog Place
  • In fact, similar structures have effectively put a stop to suicide jumps off the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building.
  • SVILUPPO: According to the Italian wires, the Holy See's message -- as communicated by Lombardi -- included the prayer that God might "illumine" the president-elect, that he might be able "to respond to the expectations and the hopes placed in him, effectively serving justice and right, seeking new paths to promote peace in the world, supporting the growth and dignity of peoples in respect to their human values and spiritual essence. Latest Articles
  • These prejudices are gradually and silently melting away; and it is cheering to see the better feelings of our nature effectively advancing the art to its legitimate place in education, under the guise of gymnastics and callisthenics. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • Its girly, almost camp, presence effectively throws the testosterone of the action sequences into relief.
  • The older drugs didn't deal effectively with the malaria parasite.
  • How else to explain the chronic neglect of a program that effectively fights some of our most pernicious and recalcitrant social problems?
  • Currently, the Italian-built Panthers are being finished off by BAE Systems, with the additional of a machine gun, radios and other accessories, when they will be delivered to the Army, effectively providing "battlefield limousines" for Ruperts – as officers are dismissively called – while troops are forced to patrol in dangerously vulnerable "Snatch" Land Rovers. Feeding the European fantasy
  • Invest in plastic moulding equipment, hire the appropriate expertise and integrate plastic container production, with the TT filling line effectively becoming a container maker.
  • The U.K. law, for instance, covers corruption of commercial as well as government officials and doesn't allow for so-called facilitation payments, effectively minor bribes. U.K. Outlines Bribery Rules
  • Acupuncture was used on selected points on the patients every second day and moxibustion was used on selected acupoints, also every second day, so that the patients effectively had a treatment every day.
  • And just briefly skimming what I can find on counterintuition on the net, it seems that treatment of counterintuitive statements in terms of, effectively, pseudo-propositions, is an unusual characterization. Archive 2005-01-01
  • Democrats can build state capacity, probably more effectively than autocrats.
  • If you find yourself a partner of a similar height and build to yourself, you are effectively doubling your collective wardrobes.
  • The wavelet network not only can compress data effectively but also can recover original signal.
  • Further, there is no reason why a legatee cannot effectively renounce his entitlement to shares without executing a deed.
  • The British government has now confused the issue even more, if such a thing is possible, by reclassifying cannabis from a Class B to a Class C substance, effectively decriminalising it.
  • Based on the overall findings from its three-phase research project, the Foundation learned that consumers generally have a positive perception of the food label, but also found that there are several ways the label potentially could be enhanced to help people understand the information provided and use it even more effectively: The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Hydrogen can be effectively and economically recovered from the refinery gas by cryogenics, pressure swing absorption, or semipermeable membranes.
  • His control of length was awry and Australia's batsmen snuffed out his threat effectively. Times, Sunday Times
  • The public saved more than that in a year, and in a way that keeps government functioning effectively without shafting either government workers, the needy, or anybody else in the general public. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Dear Washington DC: The Public Is Smarter About Money (and Deficits) Than You Are
  • However, Louis would have considered this to be a good investment as a large army could be used to collect taxes even more effectively, especially when the King decided to raise the taille to add even more money to raise income.
  • Why is it, in the 21st century,when we should be making progress, that so many people seem to have handed over their life destiny to either the government (and thus effectively other taxpayers who are providing the benefits and the credits) or some sort of unpindownable other party? The Guardian World News
  • Experts argue that share prices were effectively artificially rigged, which is why there has been no recovery.
  • And, of note, the air reservists flew fully a third of those hours (the people that Colonel Scanlan and Colonel McCague represent) safely and effectively bringing great credit to our organization in underlining the importance of the reserves to the Canadian forces. Canada's Air Force in Transition
  • Most of the European Governments were run under a coalition set-up and there was nothing wrong in such a system if it worked effectively.
  • Effectively, this would amount to a deduction from the total contribution sought.
  • Tarus "jogs" 10k race in record time, four minutes faster than the rest. 32:01 which is effectively a course record and ridiculously fast for a jog the boy's best this year is 30:58, 3% better, so he may be on 97% effort, he has a proper race tomorrow, so I'm concerned; Archive 2007-06-10
  • The question is how effectively these private and public spheres are engaging with each other to Scotland's benefit.
  • Its managers would effectively be rejecting the government 's offer of a subsidy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In figure 23, A is directly accountable to his manager X for his work being carried out effectively.
  • Effectively the delay enables banks to accrue interest which is effectively ours.
  • He was effectively granted a blank cheque to conduct a war without Congressional authorization for up to 90 days.
  • their incapacity to govern effectively.
  • So at least this botnet is effectively down for now.
  • Soft Landings team (designer and builder) is resident on site during the move-in period in order to deal with emerging issues more effectively.
  • A small Westernized intelligentzia with many internal feuds and doctrinal disputes struggled, not very effectively, in the larger towns to turn this merely insurgent Communism into modern and constructive paths after the Moscow pattern. The Shape of Things to Come
  • ‘African countries have worked rapidly and effectively to eradicate polio; now the tragedy is that many of them are becoming reinfected,’ Dr Heymann said.
  • Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it, effectively, holds sway over extremistShiite Moslem terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, the Party of God.
  • Most of the urban poor are effectively excluded from politics.
  • Organizational environments are always uncertain, so departments that can cope effectively with uncertainty can increase their power within the organization.
  • She told the Evening Press the ‘arrogant attitude of a small group of councillors’ during ill-tempered meetings effectively forced her out, amid complaints about the way minutes were presented.
  • The company must reduce costs to compete effectively.
  • For the convenience of customers to purchase products, effectively reducing procurement costs, save time, and in particular has opened up a group clients (that is, large customer sales section.
  • Our social groups effectively socialize us to see particular dress and hair styles, modes of demeanour and address, accents and vocabularies as being more attractive than others.
  • It is indeed refreshing to see politically unaligned individuals beginning to contribute soberly in this crucial public debate in the interest of what the ANC seeks to achieve: a strong and coordinated criminal justice system that is capacitated to effectively fight all kinds of crime within the country. ANC Today
  • 'Also called niacinamide, it makes the blood flow more uniformly in the skin, effectively reducing localised inflammation,' says Dr Lowe. Recent Activity
  • The space diversity provided by space -time block coding and the inherent frequency diversity of MC - CDMA can be used together to combat fading effectively.
  • The photorefractive creates an index grating that couples light from one beam to another effectively compensating for any less than stellar phase-front negating any need for complicated optical alignment, spatial filtering, and columniation.
  • Even if we are just one step ahead, it effectively means that we can keep death away.
  • The pressures on the decision makers might overwhelm their capacity to respond effectively.
  • So, effectively, when you are in one blind there is only one opening where you can use your 600 mm.
  • Throw in the notion of cloudlike systems that are effectively operating system-agnostic, and this move seems even less logical. CNET
  • With accurate Chargeback reports, you can effectively recover IT costs and justify financial decisions of future purchases.
  • The extreme discrepancies in this table indicate dramatic opportunities to save more lives by using resources more effectively.
  • In terms of electronic records, compliance with rule 24 would effectively ensure that the issue of document authenticity had been dealt with pre-trial.
  • A crest much above this level effectively converts a reef to a detached breakwater, introducing the potential for the formation of harmful tombolos and disruption to longshore processes.
  • Government is required because acting man cannot negotiate agreements effectively with other self-seeking acting men.
  • I do find it dishonest that Harper is pushing this effectively by stealth in this campaign.
  • Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
  • Perhaps the exon is a protogene — one that's effectively dormant until it's switched on by some external factor. Sagittarius Whorl
  • It improves the accuracy of attribute selection, overcomes the impact of noise data effectively and strengthened generalization ability of the decision tree.
  • This was a big undertaking, effectively tripling the number of rooms, but the investment has been worthwhile.
  • Well, the Pill prevents implantation of the fertilized egg (which, being fertilized, is now a baby!), so effectively, it's aborting the baby! It was Protest The Pill Day!
  • To decode photographs and advertising images more effectively, it is essential for us to understand their context.
  • When the signal is correlated with a dwell time much longer than its frequency, the signal gets effectively averaged out in each dwell time and the calculated correlation function gets damped.
  • The public should be educated in how to use energy more effectively.
  • The simulated experiments demonstrate that our approach can effectively identify local ab- normality in large spatial data sets.
  • It is sheltered effectively by blue gums and golden wattle broken by a palm tree and a peppercorn and it overlooks an olive grove, which yields a steady supply of virgin oil.
  • This limitation effectively limits the iMac to accepting video input from recent MacBooks or other computers that produce DisplayPort video, which works significantly differently from earlier analog VGA or digital formats such as DVI/HDMI. AppleInsider
  • He is the sort of creature that horror films have used effectively to stir shock and disgust. Times, Sunday Times
  • As with patient charges, this effectively transfers resources from the poor to the rich.
  • It was from here, in 1959, that she effectively attended an Oswald Mosley rally.
  • Certificates are one outcome of schooling and will enable the pupil to compete effectively in the labour market.
  • Two police officers and a civilian have been killed so far, with the unrest effectively shutting down down the capital's central business district. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because this here is a solid serial that could teach a certain other medical-based sudser on ABC's early shift a thing or two about how to operate effectively without bipolar mobsters or James Franco. Watercooler: Grey's Anatomy ... TV's 99 Percent Pure Soap
  • Like the aforementioned sports, rain effectively calls a halt to proceedings when it comes to earth moving.
  • Merely swimming harder will lower your clock time but raise your stroke count, effectively making all your gains a wash.
  • Moderate stylization and antirealism that falls short of true expressionism is sometimes enough to soothe congruous crudity into an effectively intensified sensibility, if the idiom is correct.
  • Criticism has now been effectively silenced.
  • I have named these sounds "taps," and it is the various combinations of these sounds that are used so effectively in musical comedy dances, in tap, step, and American specialty dancing (sometimes called clogging), as well as in some of our choicest acrobatic dancing. The Art of Stage Dancing The Story of a Beautiful and Profitable Profession
  • The system, called DeHiGate, allows emergency workers to effectively set up their own private network in a crisis, one that can't be clogged by outside communications. cell phones or other mobile equipment that allows them to talk with each other and the command vehicle, as well as transmit on-the-scene video of the disaster, said Vidar Karlsen, a manager at the Norwegian branch of the French electronics firm Thales, which is helping develop the system.
  • In our submission, your Honour, there are no adverse consequences because the draftsperson in New South Wales has effectively been ignoring the majority decision in Wynyard for a very long time.
  • According to the Times, Amazon effectively acknowledged that the deletions were a bad idea. Who Owns Your eBook?
  • But I've made the point that the coronial inquiry in November of 2007, effectively asked for an investigation and the AFP have now determined they will commence that. Interview on Sky News ��� 10.00 News Now
  • This can be done effectively by treating the actively growing weeds with a non-selective herbicide.
  • Bona fide doctrine, inhibition abuse of right doctrine, the limitation of actions, the judicial interpretation can not effectively regulate patent laches in CHINA.
  • The medication effectively suppressed the pain.
  • Perhaps the best amalgamation of Kahane's effectively intricate arrangements and the newly acquired electric guitar sheen occurs on "Last Dance," a melancholic portrait of a new widow, or perhaps an abandoned lover "She takes her bundle of pills, she poaches her egg and eats it/And feels his slight impression like crushed pillows hold the shape of a body after nights of sleep and shadows". Daniel J. Kushner: After Aesthetics: Gabriel Kahane's Where Are The Arms
  • A girl-on-girl catfight, ironically enough, is the film's only moment of gender transcendence, effectively desexualizing a trope that has become little more than a choreographed excuse for women to rip each other's clothes off.
  • It's a good way to test a niche quickly and cost-effectively.
  • There was a drug, supplementary to their addictions, which effectively switched them offcast them into a mental void, created within them what amounted to temporary brain-death-which was the absolute negation of thought. Psychosphere
  • The stroke effectively ended his cello playing, although he continued to conduct. Times, Sunday Times
  • The model reflected the coupling optimization essence in topology optimization matter and effectively averted the puzzle of "ultimate stress" and "singular solution" on topology optimization matter.
  • The English system effectively 'backstops' this risk completely. Felix Salmon - All posts
  • After demanding that treatment be resumed, they were threatened with law enforcement action and effectively chased from the hospital. Health Reform | Obama's New Strategy, Democrats, Republicans
  • It's space exploration on an incredibly vast scale, with effectively an infinite number of planets to explore. The Sun
  • This new legislation effectively prevents us from trading.
  • Drink it regularly and the improved muscle cell regeneration will help the body to process fats and calories more effectively. Times, Sunday Times
  • This amount is called a compensating balance and effectively raises the cost of interest. are as previously specified.
  • However, high, wispy cirrus clouds, that can have relatively large droplets, do not reflect solar light very effectively, but will almost completely reflect longwave infrared radiation. Aerosols
  • This coordination enabled support to be provided expeditiously and effectively.
  • Children have to learn to communicate effectively.
  • It seems so worried about maintaining a breakneck blockbuster pace, in fact, that it skips out on drawing any kind of emblematic story or character-building in favor of VFX-filled action sequences that effectively amount to nothing. “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” worst of the comic book series so far » Scene-Stealers
  • The home side were staring a fifth defeat in six games in the face and had effectively slipped into the bottom three. The Sun
  • Napo, the probation union, says the £350m cost of imprisoning them would be better and more effectively spent on intensive community orders with a reconviction rate of 34%. Penal reform must not be gender neutral
  • Some of the man-bashing and emotional blackmail seems a bit of a cop out when sections of the production are effectively dramatic and poetically lyrical.
  • The Chancellor will effectively become Labour leader when no challengers emerge. The Sun
  • The photographs will help conservators at the Minster carry out restoration work more effectively.
  • The forward ring of the receiver is slit and then threaded for a fairly large Allen screw which effectively clamps the barrel.
  • Verio will also provide customers with a comprehensive range of productivity-enhancing managed services needed to run their online business effectively.
  • The ability to track migration paths means researchers can target conservation efforts more effectively. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Second World War carriers replaced battleships as the capital ships of modern navies because aircraft could perform the functions of naval guns more effectively.
  • New antipsychotic medications such as olanzapine and risperidone often can effectively control schizophrenic symptoms without the extrapyramidal side effects of traditional agents.
  • The following instance is known to _The Christian_ as true, and to a remarkable degree indicates how thoroughly God knows our minutest needs, and how effectively He makes those who ever reproach his name ashamed of their unbelief. The Wonders of Prayer A Record of Well Authenticated and Wonderful Answers to Prayer
  • Hydrodesulphurization technology could effectively decrease sulfur content in gasoline and octane number loss.
  • In any event, once private enterprises reach a certain point, they become effectively bureaucratized, the middle management and labour component has no stake, and performance is really not that much different. Matthew Yglesias » The Incredible Fatuousness of Michael Steele
  • You should have instead cited the "decommit" examples of DT's Pearlie Graves and Daquinta Jones, though they too would not have proved your desired point any more effectively. Maize n Brew
  • Inside South Camden Community School on Thursday night, when student Iain Wilson ambushed him as effectively as Chirac and Schröder had done hours earlier, the prime minister struggled to convince.
  • Should patents on research tools that have no significant market outside the research community be subject to a research exemption that effectively eviscerates their commercial value?
  • As they came around, the head the wind died, and they slowly drifted toward the American line, absorbing the blows first of the few American long guns, and then of their carronades, all without being able to answer effectively in return. Between War and Peace
  • She invokes strong rhythms and uses the percussion section effectively throughout the work, including bells, piano, triangle - and celesta.
  • They also in certain circumstances impose positive obligations to take measures designed to ensure that those rights are effectively protected.
  • big business is growing so powerful it is difficult to regulate it effectively
  • The course is designed to enable people to communicate effectively in speech and writing.
  • This effectively enables the Home Office to make arbitrary decisions, deporting people as they see fit, without any independent inquiry.
  • In answer to the professorial desire for control, students can effectively dissimulate the appearance of learning.
  • Gilead spokeswoman Cara Miller said in an e-mail the project is in keeping with the company's efforts to "normalize" testing in "traditional and non-traditional settings, and help empower local leaders to effectively communicate to their communities the value of knowing one's HIV status. D.C. brings HIV testing to a captive audience at the DMV
  • The new rules would effectively block protesters' attempts to assert their rights.
  • Video feedback has also been used effectively in these types of training programmes.
  • Overall the vast majority of voluntary organizations expressed satisfaction with the quality of their evaluations and believe that they use the results effectively.
  • This will effectively kill off all parasites and pathogens and will serve to predigest the fish as well. Folic acid and cognitive impairment | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Developing nations must be effectively assisted in assimilating advanced technology and in acquiring the managerial skills to which other peoples have arrived after centuries of progress. The Papacy and the Challenge of the Modern World
  • Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.

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