
How To Use Effect In A Sentence

  • The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war. At Swim, Two Boys
  • A specially designed speculum is used to help direct the injection into the G-spot, with effects lasting around four months. G Marks The Spot
  • By adding the chlorides of strontian, uranium, potassium, sodium, iron, or copper to the liquid, various effects may be produced, and these bodies will be found to produce the same color on the plate that their flame gives to alcohol. American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype
  • I could be wrong but as I recall in Batman Begins Batman 'growled' his lines just a few times but to very strong effect. All of The Dark Knight's Broken Records - Box Office Dominance! «
  • Drinkwise Day is mainly designed to educate people about the destructive effects of alcohol abuse.
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  • On the ranges of Fort Devens, the troops were put through their paces on US weapons, from the stock-in-trade M16 assault rifle to the frighteningly-effective M249 SAW light machine gun.
  • Particulates and dust in Earth's atmosphere along the line of sight tend to absorb blue light more effectively than red light.
  • Conclusion TSGF test in patients with carcinosis play a very important pole in early diagnosis and the evaluation of therapy effect.
  • This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
  • I'm currently enjoying the odd effect of chancing across spoken word excerpts in the original Italian.
  • Jim had hustled over quietly and begun to help out with the horseshoeing, expecting ridicule from the likes of Hugh Glass or old Zeke Williams, who had just arrived at the rendezvous, but, to his surprise, the fact that he was married to a woman of such pure fire produced the very opposite of the effect he had feared. The Berrybender Narratives
  • Locked into declining industries and a shrinking public sector, unions have become ineffective. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidentally, this is an effective way for her to keep herself calm because she is easily excitable.
  • Objective:To observe the effects of transurethral vaporization for prostate (TVP) and suprapubic prostatectomy (SPP) on sexual function of the patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
  • Objective:To observe the effects of to integrate acusector concussion with suggestible dialogue treat 530 patient with hysteria spasm.
  • Toxic effects may be either lethal, causing death, or sublethal.
  • This inversion technique takes into account atmospheric effects on the radiation and spatial variations in the surface emissivity and backscatter.
  • Direct Mail One of the most effective ways to recruit and encourage members and supporters is by direct mail.
  • Side effects of all topical treatments include allergic and contact dermatitis, depigmentation of surrounding normal skin, and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • They soon added a try when one of their strong running centres burst through some ineffectual tackling to score under the posts.
  • The compilation(techniques) of legislation law and the limitations of statute law such as hysteresis effect are the(fundamental)reasons why Legislation Law is criticized.
  • Effects of bagging on loquat fruit appearance, postharvest characteristics and quality were studied.
  • Ministers have spent nearly 500million stockpiling the antiviral drug in case of a deadly epidemic but there are doubts it is effective. The Sun
  • I put the "eye candy" on top of that and then used a store-bought gel decorator frosting to do the "bloodshot" effect. Archive 2008-11-01
  • We also investigated a possible DMSO effect on the frequency of polyploid and endo-reduplicated cells by chromosome counting.
  • A new law took effect last year that makes it illegal to abduct young girls and force them into marriage.
  • The effect of these pressures is there to see if you look hard enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • In front of Titian's Diana and Actaeon in 2008, he explained: "When something is really convincing, I don't think about how it was done, I think about the effect on me. Lucian Freud obituary
  • The unions had almost no influence on the factory floor and were ineffective in collective bargaining.
  • The latest strategy is now seen dropping unsupported accusations across the media spectrum to the effect that the intelligence agency's assignment of Ambassador Joseph Wilson to look into the now-discredited Iraq/Niger/uranium claims were all part of a long-term insidious scheme to try and discredit the Bush Administration. Brad Friedman: Wingnuts Declare Coordinated All-Out Cross-Media War on CIA as Newest Front in TreasonGate!
  • The phenomenon, called tachyphylaxis, means larger and larger doses are needed to have an effect. The Sun
  • Foot and mouth disease is a zoonosis, a disease transmissible to humans, but it crosses the species barrier with difficulty and with little effect.
  • ‘Sewing a squash ball into the back of their pyjamas or nightie might sound like a wind-up but it's effective because it stops people from sleeping on their back,’ he said.
  • Its addition in minute amounts to the nucleoprotein tumor fraction, was expected to suppress the formation of the fibrillar halo if nucleic acids rather that the protein were responsible for the nerve growth promoting effect elicited by this fraction. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • The overall effect is hard to fault, but it is not that memorable.
  • A quarter of the MS sufferers had their condition effectively suppressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective To study the effects of retinoic acid on the differentiation of human rhabdomyosarcoma cells and on the expression of myogenic regulatory factor (MRF).
  • They claim the vermin-annoyers show no consistent success or, sometimes, no success at all. They're not approved for use by commercial pest-control companies because not enough is known about potential side effects.
  • Words regarding the necessity to change the souls of human beings to effect real change in the world should not be interpreted to mean that black religious leaders were adopting a quietistic approach to civil rights.
  • In effect, they involve a comparison of the general equilibrium of the economy with and without the government budget.
  • To complete the desired effect of Edmund's cuteness, the photographer has put a posy of flowers into his hand, then perched him on a tall rattan chair from which his short legs dangle.
  • These undeveloped land or uncompleted property projects have brought negative social and economic effects.
  • Combined with the snowily austere imagery of the scene, the effect is chilling.
  • Allozymes are catalytic RNA- or DNA-based molecules whose ability to catalyze a reaction is modulated by their interaction with an effector molecule.
  • For the past decade they have travelled the world, haranguing its leaders about the effects of globalisation, campaigning for ‘fair trade’ and chanting about the dangers of climate change.
  • And there was no response in effect to nutrient content grads of internode length and ramets amount.
  • Cultural practices have survived or fallen only in part because of their effect on the strength of the group, and those which have survived are usually burdened with unnecessary impedimenta.
  • He said last night the move would prevent the waters from being looted and pillaged by other EU members, and introduce effective conservation of fish stocks.
  • His quiet voice was commanding and proved effective as the pair settled down.
  • Saxby Bridge has enthusiastically marketed all sorts of tax effective schemes involving things like tea trees, macadamias, wine and even online lingerie.
  • These prose pieces ultimately acquire a kind of poetic intensity of effect in their bleak circumscription of the character's experience, although they avoid self-consciously "poetic" devices: Narrative Strategies
  • Working with other schools is an effective means of staff training, and academies for secondary pupils will benefit if their feeder schools improve their standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • A constant tinkerer, Paul spent hours developing recording tricks like over-dubbing and guitar effects like reverb.
  • I anticipate success in effective economic control.
  • Measures need to be taken to mitigate the environmental effects of burning more coal.
  • The effect of preventive measures on the incidence of ankle sprains.
  • We show that such a variational state is necessary for obtaining a superconducting condensation energy with reasonable magnitude and for the effective mass of the charge carriers not being too large.
  • Two victims die in the first scene, an effective evocation of place, character and a whole range of powerful emotions. Times, Sunday Times
  • You may need to reboot the PC for this setting to take effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make sure that the construction proposal is reliable, the working procedure works canonically, and the construction monitor goes effectively.
  • Cracked or scaly skin is unable to serve as an effective barrier against disease.
  • Do you think the medicine will have any effect?
  • However, the trustees do have a responsibility to ensure that the centre's income is deployed in the most effective manner.
  • His range of effects is unusually eloquent; there is something of the monoprint to them, as well as elements of the Surrealist techniques of decalcomania and frottage.
  • PHILIPS: Well, I think there is what we call a placebo effect. CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2005
  • Some research suggests, however, that the effects of aging are attenuated not by how much people receive from their community but by how much they contribute to it.
  • Swiss counter-intelligence was very effective, too, and 387 spies, mostly Swiss but including 100 Germans, were captured and brought to trial of whom 17 were executed.
  • The cramps possibly were a side effect of a pulled muscle suffered in winter ball last year.
  • [12] The original reference to experience from which the meaning of the term astronavigation should be derived is not essentially "space-travel," but forms of transoceanic navigation which take into account the effects specific to changes in specific astronomical experiences, from fixed to variable, which are relevant to transoceanic navigation within what had appeared, initially, as a permanently fixed set of changes within the ordering of the planets or specifically stellar phenomena. LaRouche's Latest
  • Actions: a sure and effective restorative to the nervous system. The Dictionary of Modern Herbalism
  • At worst the disinfectant is prematurely exhausted, an effect known as organic overload, allowing large numbers of micro-organisms to survive.
  • In experiments that test the effect of actin, cells were incubated for 30 min before experiments in medium containing 20 M cytochalasin D to disrupt actin filaments.
  • In Britain, the experience of the revolution had a liberating effect on people's minds.
  • If the condenser must be located above the turbine, then the pipe should be carried first downward and then upward in the U form, in the manner of the familiar "entrainer," which will be found effectively to prevent water getting back when the turbine is operating. Steam Turbines A Book of Instruction for the Adjustment and Operation of the Principal Types of this Class of Prime Movers
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  • In the case of darker parts of the internet, the algorithms produce a destructive positive feedback effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a time, the revolt chilled the atmosphere in which they had to operate and stimulated a vigorous debate within their fracturing movement about the appropriate means to effect the desired end of emancipation.
  • Their definition of quackery is the application of treatments that have not been scientifically proven to have any effects, that are practiced by physicians as well as specialists without a MD and they organise congresses from time to time where they say things like this. The Organisation against Quackery
  • It used to be that homeowners would in effect be forced to save as they paid back the principal on their mortgage loan.
  • Reference: "Effect of ozonolysis on bioconversion of miscanthus to bioethanol". RedOrbit News - Technology
  • A quartz crystal resonator depends on the piezo-electric effect to work. This effect converts a mechanical stress in a crystal to a voltage and vice versa.
  • As such, the set was both heavy on the new material and encore-less, a sort of brilliant means of creating a Pavlovian effect on the assembled concert-goers.
  • Objective : To observe the effects of cooking oil fume ( COF ) on cellular immunity of rats.
  • Many of Rogers' assertions and specific rebuttals (which form, in effect, a counter-reading of Kornbluh's book) are best answered by Kornbluh himself.
  • Clinicians should refer cocaine-exposed children to early intervention services to attenuate long-term effects.
  • In his book Reading, Writing, and the Hickory Stick, Dr. Irwin Hyman says that all of these punitive practices can leave a child with serious long-term aftereffects. How to Talk so Kids Can Learn
  • So I put the guitar on clean, put on the delay effect, and I arpeggiate the chords at the right speed to get this really crazy thumping sound. All Updates @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  • With higher tumor load and delayed administration after tumor implantation, dendritic cells were no longer effective.
  • The rabies vaccine is extremely effective but you can avoid the disease by keeping away any animal that isn't a pet. The Sun
  • ( 'multum') is accurate, up-to-date, and complete, but no diamox 125mg is licensed to that effect. Wii-volution
  • Assessment of the problem Effective intervention and treatment is based on an accurate assessment of the presenting problem.
  • But physical disturbances from outside the embryo can have the same effect.
  • Most of studies overlooked sleeve type ejection gun and the effect of pressure area changes, simultaneously the models of ejection gun were lack of extensity.
  • A new neutral mutation will fix with a probability of 1/(2Ne), where Ne is the effective population size, and it will take 4Ne generations on average to do so. Death of a popular anti-ID argument
  • Noradrenaline decreased I_(K) distinctly. Isoprenaline and acetylcholine showed no effect on I_(K) in isolated rat hepatocytes.
  • Burying one's head in the sand is an equally ineffective tactic. Global Warming, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Objective To observe the rehabilitation treated effect of children arrhythmia caused by autonomic nerve functional disorder.
  • There is no known cure for hebephilia and no effective initial screening mechanism, says psychologist James Cantor, who leads a team of researchers from Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and other hospitals in studying the role of the brain in causing pedophilia and hebephilia. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Slide 52: Arginine vasopressin (hypothalamus) - formerly known as antidiuretic hormone, stimulated by changes in effective circulating volume. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Even though he has in effect been sacked, he will trouser a £150,000 bonus.
  • Part one, describing the destructive effects of the bomb on the population of the two cities, was published on August 6.
  • Anyone proposing such a project, which in effect aims to politicize young people, is inevitably warily received and closely scrutinized.
  • The possible effects of iron on adsorption, microcolony formation, mature of colons and desorb were explained, and the prospect of clinical use of local iron or chelator spray was also reviewed here.
  • Taken together these are a significant help and in effect constitute an indirect government subsidy.
  • To characterize the effect of the sample preparation procedure on the keratin structure, WAXS patterns were recorded for three groups of four horsehair fibers.
  • Somebody could come to serious harm and anyone doing it could suffer very serious health side-effects. The Sun
  • As a beneficial side effect, there was a notable reduction of damage to the crop by the rice brown planthopper; on the negative side, there have been reports that neem has a detrimental impact on non-target organisms, including fish. Chapter 13
  • Each of the organizational parts was working on its specific concerns, and no one analyzed the domino effect.
  • The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System (R), is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects used to puncture or lacerate the skin (referred to as "sharps"). Undefined
  • And though you could not mark the delicacies of faces, you could have the full effect of costumes, -- rich, majestic, floating, gossamery, impalpable. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
  • October 19, 2006, 9: 58 pm tramadol apap says: tramadol apap tramadol apap tramadol hcl side effects overnight tramadol btramadol. btramadol. buy buy href online online tramadol tramadol url url tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol tramadol. md htgkqdae The Volokh Conspiracy » Cass Sunstein Responds to “Constitution in Exile” Post:
  • The recent discussion about pterosaur patagia inspired this simple, but I think effective, visual representation of many possibilities for patagial ? configurations. Life's Time Capsule: Pterosaur Gallery
  • The only way to help patients get the treatment they need is to ensure that money is spent effectively. Times, Sunday Times
  • severe headaches are one of the side effects of the drug
  • Rapid market growth and sector under-capacity encouraged Pilkingtons to expand and attracted new entrants to the marketplace without adverse effects on profits.
  • The pernicious effect of this advertising on children is a problem that we ignore at our peril.
  • The sutures are, in effect, grooves between the bones of the skull and the fontanelles are small areas where the sutures meet.
  • The announcement had a dramatic effect on house prices.
  • The pump is capable of producing 1400 litres per hour at 16 rpm from a depth of 40 metres and is effective up to a depth of 100 metres. Archive for » 2005 » September : Sustainablog
  • To examine possible effects of predators on clam growth, I first compared variation in clam growth rate among habitats with different predation pressure, and between predator-exclusion cages and uncaged controls.
  • Traditional bridal wear combines with theatrical costume and effects to create an entertaining and thought-provoking visual statement.
  • Objective To observe the clinical effect of PCEA on expulsive pains.
  • Jab hope in aids war AIDS patients are being given a new vaccine which could slow down the effects of the disease.
  • My family has not forgiven me yet, but perhaps if I make these, that will smooth things over! why so much baking soda? browning effect? because there's not that much molasses (acid). and it's only 4 cups flour. somebody enlighten me! oh and for your molasses question - depends if you want the stronger molasses flavor. robust is probably what is more commonly referred to as blackstrap molasses. the light stuff I think tastes too light for something like a ginger cookie, I think. and given there's only 1/2C of molasses in this recipe to go along with 2 C of regular sugar, I'd def say go for the robust. Jeremy Zawodny's linkblog
  • nonobvious" too easy a standard to meet. 7 It is unclear, however, whether that judgment will produce concrete effects on actual practices of patent grants and litigation. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • Other reporting from the field indicates the use of a combined-arms offensive - employing ground maneuver forces, artillery and aircraft - to effectuate the assault on Samarra.
  • Besides can reduce the body sensitive the pressure with movability area, TEMPUR mattess and pillow still have sanitarian effect.
  • It has proved to be workable and effective. Times, Sunday Times
  • An effective and exact method was developed to evaluate intramuscular fat content.
  • The effect of my statement upon my husband was terrible to behold. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • Effectively few women owned or controlled property in the pre-colonial period.
  • However, such interaction is more effectively used in the drinking stimulus portion of the scenes than in the sensitization portion.
  • The success of women's sport, and particularly intercollegiate basketball, brings with it other issues stemming from the corrupting effects of success and money.
  • Wait for governments to take effective action on global warming and you could fry or drown first.
  • Research carried out by the British Scientific Dining Association reveals that crapulence has bad effects on the memory and makes people slow-witted.
  • In all things, even till this instant, (being the utmost period of my life) I have evermore found my Fathers love most effectuall to me; but now it appeareth farre greater, then at any time heretofore: and therefore from my mouth, thou must deliver him the latest thankes that ever I shall give him, for sending me such an honourable present. The Decameron
  • But she says it had a positive effect by turning her into a fitness freak. The Sun
  • In the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, cyclodiene insecticides provided effective control of wireworms. Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
  • The last 20 years have seen a change in the relative efficiency and effectiveness of multilateral and bilateral aid.
  • The vim seemed to seep out of Dundee at that point, and although they brought on Fabian Caballero with 15 minutes to go, to popular local acclaim, he was no more able to effect the result than his colleagues.
  • The French navy, painfully rebuilt in the 1770s and 1780s, suffered badly from the effects of the French Revolution.
  • In Admiral Spruance, it had found one of the Pacific War's most effective tactical naval commanders.
  • The government is involved in a damage limitation exercise to minimize the effects of the scandal.
  • Thedrain saturation current is increased 10% after bonding. To disperse heat of GaNHEMT, this flip chip bonding method seems to be simple and effective.
  • Above this peptide concentration, surface pressures are effectively constant.
  • They have effectively become a feeder system. The Sun
  • Organised self-help groups also rely on the beneficial effects of talking and discussion.
  • It is sad that there are ineffective ministers and somnolent bureaucracy giving the people a raw deal.
  • In destinations such as Sharm el-Sheikh, which attract willing but poor hands from across the country looking for work, the effect is magnified. Egypt economy awaits its lost tourists
  • Conclusion Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy has characteristics of safety, minimal invasion and rapid recovery. What's more, it has satisfying cosmetic effect. It's worth routinely carrying out.
  • Kelvin surmounted this problem by running a single wire along his machine that went around each wheel, so that the combined effects of all wheels would be represented by the motion at the end of the wire.
  • Nevertheless, teachers may improve their effectiveness by increasing the frequency of positive responses while reducing the negative.
  • The medicine is an effective cure for a headache.
  • However, acaricides do not penetrate far enough to kill mites deep inside the mattress and so are not as effective as when used on carpeting.
  • A considerable amount of tax collection is now done, in effect, by casinos; rather than raise taxes to pay for services, legislatures legalize gambling and then take a rake-off from the profits earned by private casino companies. The Sack of Washington
  • This constraint would effectively limit the amount of vehicles that a firm could service. 2.
  • What I find highly ironic and, indeed, perturbing, is that U.S. trade laws have in their application proven much more effective in inhibiting legitimate, cross-border, long-standing supplier-customer transactions carried on within a Canada-U.S. free trade environment than they have in dealing with these "dump and jump" boatloads of predatory imports. Free Trade With the U.S.—Only in a Dream World
  • This creates an illusion that is shattered whenever adverse effects however rare are brought to light.
  • HPD has designed and delivered more than 650 systems in 30 countries, including the world's largest MVR evaporated salt crystallizer, the largest multiple-effect evaporated salt crystallizer and the largest kraft pulp black liquor evaporation system. News -
  • However, it also emphasizes that the efficient and effective functioning of the system in its entirety is bicentric to the success of some display programme, irrespective of the display method chosen. Xml's
  • In paint programs, by contrast, he can only add previously created images to the surfaces, which is not as effective.
  • Well, nevertheless, the Court appreciates the effects of this cooperation among counsel, and so states on the record.
  • The last 20 years have seen a change in the relative efficiency and effectiveness of multilateral and bilateral aid.
  • The aim of this thesis is to present a new strategy of fitting offset to adjust time in order to achieve the effective synchronization between slave nod and reference node.
  • But when it's the sole story-telling medium, as here, I also think it has a slight distancing effect on the reader, robbing the action of some immediacy and urgency, which for modern sensibilities is perhaps not ideal when dealing with such dramatic events. Brian Ruckley - News & Views
  • The effect of the self-conceit can only be to unite the society in hostility against us. David Bromwich: The Afghanistan Parenthesis [UPDATED]
  • It said Plavix "has met the long-felt need for an effective and safe antiplatelet drug," as evidenced by clinical trials proving its safety and effectiveness versus aspirin. Sanofi, Bristol Reap Two Victories on Plavix
  • However, physical appearance and intellect are insufficient foundation for effective long-lasting relationships.
  • He had been feeling drowsy, the effect of an unusually heavy meal.
  • The effect of estrogens on fibrocystic breast disease ( FBD ) are controversial.
  • However I did notice something, and it was something that both my wife and father both brought up, there was a strange effect that wasn't there at the World Première, something I described as a fogging or blurring during some scenes, particularly the action ones, which made it hard to follow the action. Filmstalker: Avatar: An Xmas visit
  • The regulator said the proposed undertakings also rely on third parties completing certain actions, and involve complex and long-term behavioural obligations that present risks, creating uncertainty that IOOF could become an effective competitor to the combined NAB-AXA. NAB's Bid for AXA Asia Dealt a Blow
  • The effect of interest arbitrage is to make it irrelevant where a person invests or borrows. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • A lack of contrition would be, for example, if the defendant was purporting to express regret for his crimes in the courtroom, but simultaneously sending anonymous tweets to the effect that the trial is a sham, the judge is bought off, etc. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Subpoena to Twitter, Demanding Identification of Anonymous Critic of Corbett’s
  • Colours Beyond Colours" opens with a Jamaican-sounding speaker ostensibly describing the supersensory effects of LSD, and then segueing into a cod-'60s-didactic announcement about the electromagnetic spectrum. PopMatters
  • A corollary to Godwin's Law, and as much of a thread quasher, must be hyperbolic reference to Mandela, Apartheid or the effectiveness / appropriateness of the anti-apartheid movement. - Comments
  • Non-lethal weapons have inherent characteristics of precision effects, selectivity of engagement, and versatility.
  • I am for _meddling with slavery everywhere_ -- _attacking it by night and by day, in season and out of season_ (no, it can never be out of season) -- in order to _effect its overthrow_. History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • To reduce this effect I tend to use large bodied wagglers, which are more stable in the water and are not dragged out of position so easily.
  • She heard him curse softly and then he shifted his wait, effectively blocking her attempt at freedom.
  • Moreover, scientific studies on choking reveal no deleterious after effects.
  • So you're saying that I said in effect that "transitional structures are not selectable, that is, each organism is not adapted to its own environment"? Assessing Fault
  • I had given no thought to the effect it might have on the unsaved public.
  • Exact calculations of this effect are extremely difficult, and can only really be done by computer modelling.
  • As for the primates such as monkeys and baboons, the main effect of the high temperatures is that they lose their appetites.
  • However, egg predation also had a large impact on geese and this effect was highly variable according to the abundance of another prey, lemmings.
  • Certainly there have been powerful nonviolent movements in which strikes, work stoppages, non-cooperation, and massive civil disobedience have been effective without any religious or moral reference.
  • The conclusion flag corneal transplant may effectively treat, the shallow layer fungus keratohelcosis.
  • The six-year interim period will come into effect once a comprehensive peace agreement is signed.
  • Persons must indeed be of very uncleanly habits, whose heads absolutely require the aid of this comb, as the brush alone sufficiently possesses the power of effectually cleaning the hair from scurf, dandriff, and dust, if constantly used. The Ladies' Vase Polite Manual for Young Ladies
  • If radio is to contribute effectively to the national culture, its material needs to be presented in an attractive manner.
  • Few position players or pitchers maintain an even remotely uniform level of effectiveness.
  • She kept on struggling to loose herself, groping ineffectually at the deadfall that had entrapped her. SLEEP WHILE I SING
  • It's a wonderful scheme, and he's just the man to put it into effect.
  • However, he is at pains to point out that there is no one author of the canonic interpretation of a particular building; it is developed collectively over time, the cumulative, filtered effect of many previous responses.
  • They found that N-cyclopentyl-tazopsine, a less-toxic compound derived from the molecule, was effective against early, liver-stage malaria parasites in animal tests.
  • But, whatever harm Macscruby thinks our flag might do to his beef jerky, McDonald's had no misgivings on its effect on the Big Mac.
  • In small ways that sometimes seem ineffectual, my friends and I are looking to experience some foretaste of that moment. Christianity Today
  • This can entail harming companies that would be as efficient and as effective as Google is in these areas but for their limited access to consumers, creating a clear violation of Section 2 of the Sherman Act, of American law on monopolization, and on European competition law. Eric K. Clemons: One Click Away? Maybe and Maybe Not
  • Objective To evaluate the effects of meglumine diatrizoate mucilage ( MDC ) used as contrast medium in bronchography.

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