How To Use Eerily In A Sentence

  • “Hi,” she called cheerily and grabbed the broom and began to sweep. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Mom
  • The nectarean beverage seemed to operate cheerily on the matron's system; and placing her hand on the boy's curly head, she said (like Andromache, Paul Clifford — Volume 01
  • Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along the dark corridors.
  • This isn't simply an imitation or impersonation of Brando, but it's eerily close.
  • She pointed an accusing finger at the man, who gaped beerily. Not George Washington — an Autobiographical Novel
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  • Two of them then, equally cheerily, climbed into his bed (the third crashed out on the sofa).
  • These holiday season signs seem eerily out of place in this grief-stricken city.
  • But it is eerily impressive, like watching a brilliant young bodybuilder flexing his steroidal muscles.
  • All the same, there are two passages in the book that I found eerily premonitory of what she would do ten years later.
  • And, finally, there could be cemeteries for hypochondriacs which are, and will remain, eerily empty.
  • Hamper bent to Dunbar and whispered, beerily, in his ear: "P'r'aps 'e don't want to' ear, guv'nor! The Yellow Claw
  • His message, however, is eerily familiar: DW appliances redress the shortcomings -- typically poor query performance, which Young said is best measured by breaches in service-level agreements, or SLAs -- of brand-name DBMS warehouses. Redmond | News
  • Some other facets of life in 1857 seem eerily familiar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Putting out an eerily similar editorial is liable to lead to escalation now.
  • But to me the most frightening aspect of the whole disaster was that the clamorous Tasman Sea went suddenly quiet - eerily so - and though I waited for its comforting roar to resume, I can't remember ever hearing it so noisy again.
  • For one eerily glorious moment in time, the whole entire world seemed to be completely silent.
  • 'Yeah, I beerily added as I proffered my phone,' and here I am standing outside your house! ' Word Magazine - Comments
  • Kikunosuke, superbly coiffed, supremely, almost eerily, composed in interview, is famed as an uncommonly beguiling onnagata, a female impersonator. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colour glows almost eerily in their luminous expanses. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a syndicated cartoonist, I've seen my published ideas later appear in eerily similar reiterations in other comics and spoken near-verbatim by nationally recognized humorists (to the point where scores of readers and viewers alerted me, offended and outraged on my behalf). The Riff: From 'SOUTH PARK' to 'POOCH CAFE': When a sense of plagiarism plagues comedy
  • They're eerily similar to American illos from the same era -- both empires believing that they were rocketing to a space-age, hypermodernist, Tomorrowland/Rollerball future. Boing Boing
  • it was eerily quiet in the chapel
  • Eerily empty travel zones are full of ice, gas, derelicts and asteroids of various types and colors.
  • Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along dark corridors and seemed to expand into the circular chamber.
  • On a clear moonlit night, the wood becomes a negative image of its daytime form and is eerily beautiful. Times, Sunday Times
  • It showed a milkman cheerily delivering a dozen bottles of milk to Londoners, an extra bottle stuffed in his jacket pocket. Times, Sunday Times
  • It still looks eerily like what it is - a city abandoned, with its theatres, villas, bathhouses, temples, brothels, squares and markets all laid out like architectural organs after an autopsy.
  • Conversations about tattooing here as in Ngungwe eerily echoed the reminiscences of women from across Magude district who "beautified" their bodies with tinhlanga during the colonial period. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Many of the Mancunians, beerily making the most out of Oktoberfest here, could have been found in the alehouses around Moss Rose, Sincil Bank and Bootham Crescent 13 years ago. The Guardian World News
  • The film's subject matter of human civilization wiped out by the elements is eerily highlighted by newsworthy weather events of 2003, including the heatwaves in Europe and India that killed tens of thousands of people.
  • Another door opened beneath the king, and a priest, followed by a band of choristers, and dancing maidens blowing joyous airs on golden horns and treading an epithalamic measure, advanced to where the pair stood side by side, and the wedding was promptly and cheerily solemnized. Short Stories for English Courses
  • I'll predict that they'll remain eerily quiet about this whole thing. The lifeblood of democracy
  • The vast lawns, portico and grand entrance hall were eerily quiet and empty.
  • We'd stroll the whole crescent "U" of, say, Keizersgracht (Emperor's canal), past majestic gabled manses, cozy gabled houses, small boats with a few folk tippling rose and tour boats with tourists roaring beerily into the twilight. Barry Yourgrau: Walking with Joy: Amsterdam
  • If these Bayern are the real deal, the word autumn champions might just take on a whole new meaning," predicted Abendzeitung eerily. The Guardian World News
  • The bird floated eerily, like a gray thrust of wind, in and out of Father Jude ' s eyeshot, chased by a wheeling tumble of black feathers. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • Somethine eerily familar about this, especially with Mrs. fed-up teminally knackering my Visa – are me and you married to the same woman? on November 16, 2009 at 10: 54 pm Metcountymounty Killer Free On Shopping Spree « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • “See you in Antigua,” I called cheerily, trying to fill my voice with a confidence that was rapidly evaporating. Rowing the ATLANTIC
  • The way that the effects people make the dummies look eerily life like is astonishing - everything from puncturing in real hair to marbling the skin is done.
  • He also delighted in needling O'Malley, apparently trying to disrupt the latter's eerily disciplined attachment to talking points stressing innovation, investment, education, and similar uplifting and visionary objectives. Ehrlich livens up Md. race but doesn't knock out O'Malley
  • Insects now enrich the air, frogs pipe cheerily in the shallows, soon followed by the ouzel, which is the first bird to visit a glacier lake, as the sedge is the first of plants. The Lake of the Sky Lake Tahoe in the High Sierras of California and Nevada, its History, Indians, Discovery by Frémont, Legendary Lore, Various Namings, Physical Characteristics, Glacial Phenomena, Geology, Single Outlet, Automobile Routes, Historic Town
  • Now, however, the vast lobby is eerily silent save a single discordant chord struck repeatedly by a piano tuner.
  • ‘Go Get Some’ contains a guitar strum eerily reminiscent of the Mulholland Drive theme.
  • The memel unobvious is not preclusive to blankness unenthusiastically, entozoic, prosaically effectual unmindfulness saviour. were pomaded to adactylia ineffectually, trickiness grandly, offense out cheerily irritatingly an walleye if they so nigerian, unintelligently mean if the imaging was to brioche. door redefinition to systematization fulfillment with the psychokinesis of the komondor at ctu, callous chromatically the rattling of the arles. Rational Review
  • Barbara kept one eye leerily upon the other woman as she rinsed away her toothpaste. In the Presence of the Enemy
  • Hampden, meanwhile, was eerily wreathed in freezing fog but neither the elements nor the task ahead of him seemed to cow Smith's spirits.
  • She climbed on top of the dining room table and cheerily sang songs.
  • But if the American people don't ever notice and realize how our governmental "cogs" and structures are now arranged and operating in ways that are eerily similar, in certain key respects, to that of the USSR, then there will be no need for a Revolution. W.C. Varones
  • Her delivery, too, is eerily good – a show of demure solicitude, invariably overtaken by steely, wild-eyed stridency. The Iron Lady: first screening
  • He smiled cheerily, back into his normal conversational mode.
  • A group of roistering guys and gals grinned beerily over a table thickly covered with bottles and glasses.
  • Well, Bob, how are you making out?" he called cheerily, as he approached, looking at the excavated dirt thrown out. Hidden Treasure
  • It was close to midnight by the time we ate, and although dog-tired we were exulted by the success of the last two days and chatted cheerily over dinner.
  • The quake, which registered 8.9 on the Richter scale, was eerily localized directly beneath Fenway Park, the home of the Red Sox.
  • After this therapy session is adjourned, the girls tearily bond, while the guys beerily bond playing some weird drinking variation of football. Vh1 Blog
  • This first volume in a planned trilogy is an international bestseller, combining singular characters and an eerily atmospheric setting. Times, Sunday Times
  • He’s aided through this transformation by an alternate personality he consciously creates, the expertly named Francois Dillinger, a badass complete with eerily bright eyes and a molestache. Movie Review: Youth in Revolt » Scene-Stealers
  • A glistening black stuffed crow is perched on the volume's edge, its splayed wings and claws eerily delineated against the lucent white pages.
  • The sky was aflame with the aurora borealis, the eerily luminous northern lights.
  • And the rain hammered the villa from all sides and the wind howled eerily, wanting to get in.
  • Though it costs American businesses an estimated $660 billion a year, fraud remains an eerily silent iniquity.
  • The whole mess was eerily silent, the only sound the scrape of spoons.
  • The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape.
  • In the harsh light cast by the sun against the snow, she appeared ghostly, unreal, eerily beautiful.
  • The young man in question slowly emerged form the pitch-black shadows of the closet as eerily as a phantom.
  • If the above description sounds eerily familiar, it should.
  • The poem was composed just a few months before her death and seems eerily prescient. Times, Sunday Times
  • The smooth fabric surface is alternately hermetically opaque during the day and eerily translucent after dark; at night the entire structure glows and pulsates like a giant jellyfish.
  • She cheerily introduced me to her boyfriend, the new elevator attendant.
  • “All right now, Evangeline, ” he called cheerily as he passed through the kitchen. IV. Book One: On Lovely Creek
  • They were terrifying and unearthly, eerily bloodchilling as they invoked all evil spirits to possess them.
  • But she did manage, while admiring everything, to open every cupboard while he breathed heavily and beerily beside her.
  • The noise of it shutting echoed eerily through the seemingly empty hallway.
  • There are good displays and eerily lifelike animatronics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking over my notes of this excursion, I come upon the following sentence: "To sit on a stone beside a mountain road, with olive-backed thrushes piping on every side, the ear catching now and then the distant tinkle of a winter wren's tune, or the nearer _zee, zee, zee_ of black-poll warblers, while white-throated sparrows call cheerily out of the spruce forest -- this is to be in another world. The Foot-path Way
  • No, you very leerily managed to make the other fellow shoot him. Julian Home
  • Well, it was eerily prophetic.
  • The Writers Guild's current contract with the TV networks and movie studios expires at midnight on Halloween, a spooky moment of disharmonic convergence which has created an industry-wide anxiety that feels eerily like a sequel to Y2K. Eric Williams: Creative Differences
  • It was eerily quiet on this most famous hillside last Saturday afternoon, with just myself and a small party of Dutch tourists squelching round the battle field in the unexpected sunshine.
  • The haunting melody drifted up towards them, sounding eerily like to an owl hooting at nighttime.
  • Colour glows almost eerily in their luminous expanses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man was staring down at him, his expression eerily deadpan. The Honor Farm
  • The setting twin suns of Rijos, the red giant aptly named Rojo, and her blue companion Danube cast an eerily beautiful violet light on the endless expanse of beach. 365 tomorrows » Inside Joke : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Monrovia after the fighting is eerily quiet.
  • If one major aspect of Life Studies is this gargantuan appetite for differentiated and subtilised reality - prose again, one might think - it is checked by plot, by theme, by rhythm and, eerily, almost subliminally, by verbal repetitions.
  • That's never a lion,' Posy's voice echoed eerily against the corrugated roof. TICKLED PINK
  • Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax packages are eerily reminiscent of the Reagan cuts.
  • She rocketed past the Pelhams, the Lexus humming hap - pily while the wind whistled eerily through the shattered glass. Second Skin
  • I guess the beerily missed the bus when it came to making bud wiser. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • In the exhibition's cross-fading slide projection, eerily only the surrounding landscape appeared to change as he approached his final destination.
  • His words sound eerily prophetic for the situation today.
  • She grins cheerily back until he shrugs and pats the grass beside him.
  • In front of him stood a masked man clutching a knife in one hand, grinning eerily at him.
  • But as just one of its many felicities, the rondo-like slow movement's steadily paced march theme is also eerily reminiscent of similar ones by the composer's other beloved predecessor, Franz Schubert. Rodney Punt: World Premiere by Peter Golub at Chamber Music Palisades
  • Fortunately, here she has succeeded in crafting an album of remarkable strength, sorrow, and diversity, all while maintaining her peculiar brand of eerily melodic atmospherics.
  • Everything was eerily quiet, the sound of cutlery clattering against a plate and the scraping of chairs abnormally loud in the silence.
  • He defied the wishes of his family concerning his career in a manner eerily prophetic of his son.
  • Cordially, beerily, blearily, convivially yours," is the how she'd close emails if feeling foodie. - Home Page
  • Now van drivers cheerily give him the thumbs up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Various-sized geometric forms constructed of bubble wrap, placed throughout the gallery, looked like small, eerily glowing pods, ready to bundle up the permanent collection bibelots and return them to their Far East homes.
  • The Melbourne Cricket Ground, a contemporary colosseum, growls and echoes eerily as Waugh makes the long walk to the crease.
  • The big group fell silent and watched with eerily solemn faces as the two girls approached.
  • The entirety of the absurdity is eerily similar to Joseph K being accused of a crime he does not know. Global Voices in English » Egypt: US “Activist” Travis Randall Deported
  • A smattering of locals arrange themselves beerily around the boundary in the hope of seeing: TODAYonline
  • Mom gestures grandly, the motion eerily evocative of Dad.
  • It was eerily quiet . I felt I was standing in a cathedral.
  • As he walked away from the house he called cheerily: "Come, Mattie, -- want to go along? Southern Stories Retold from St. Nicholas
  • Some of the windows had shutters that were eerily creaking in the slight breeze.
  • The streetlights along the track cast a pale whiteness upon the silent train; I experienced a familiar wee-hour grogginess that melded so eerily with the shadowy black and whiteness of the scene.
  • All bravado, Miguel rushes to her rescue, scooping up a three-inch, striped insect with threatening jaws and a large, baldish head that looks eerily human.
  • Colour glows almost eerily in their luminous expanses. Times, Sunday Times
  • They echo eerily. Within seconds they are outside.
  • She also looks eerily like Kim Possible in a nun's wimple, which is almost certainly someone's secret fantasy. COMIXTALK
  • One camera, already built by a company called QinetiQ and working in so-called millimetric waves, has demonstrated the ability to eerily peer through clothes and reveal a concealed weapon -- as well as much of a person's body. Boing Boing: June 16, 2002 - June 22, 2002 Archives
  • With arguments often eerily reminiscent of old rationales for black oppression, gays and lesbians remain openly, legally and even, 'righteously', discriminated against. Michael Henry Adams: Celebrating Homo-Harlem
  • Pressing hard on the foe, they called cheerily to one another, and shouted at the same time to Chares to bring up his aid. Hellenica
  • As we arrive on the scene of the accident, his words become an eerily accurate prophecy.
  • But do I sit about in pubs beerily boring friends and strangers.
  • Each character's tiniest word or gesture rang eerily true for me, and all of the performances were so effortlessly convincing.
  • Her footsteps resounded eerily through the six levels of stairs, as her thoughts raced through evil and distressing scenarios.
  • Tickets in hand, I led the way to the bar, attended again by volunteers, who cheerily poured and served us our selections of sangria, sake and beer.
  • The American" declares its own sensibilities in the opening shot an expansive snowscape of a Swedish forest, eerily tranquil yet somehow charged with latent violence. An 'American' in Italy, and in Existential Pain
  • He was eerily calm all of a sudden, but had a sinister cast to his features as he smirked.
  • After the artist's eerily long period of absolute stillness, an assistant unburies him with urgent, rescuelike speed and efficiency.
  • The reflections of their flames were the only thing that stirred within the depthless water, and they danced eerily on the still surface of the almost perfectly clear water that was tinted black due to the obsidian.
  • The whole room seemed like an eerily, unaesthetic white prison.
  • Type in whatever you want into the text box, and it'll read it out in an eerily realistic human voice. You can even pick male or female voices and a few different languages or accents.
  • At the centre of this jagged, violent landscape was a solitary lattice of steelwork standing 10 storeys high, its upper edges eerily like the fingers of a hand stretched upwards in search of help.
  • Sarah Palin chose to deliver her farewell address was eerily silent Sunday afternoon as the predominantly supportive crowd hung on her every word, waiting for any clue to what her future plans may be. Attendees in Fairbanks react to Palin's speech
  • As it circled, wings barely flexing to ride the thermals, the bird was eerily silent, pelagic, fishlike.
  • On such a delightful, fragrant spring morning, he found himself humming cheerily as he worked.
  • As soon as he cleared the narrow neck of the chimney, his cave light locked on to Shaw, floating eerily upright, his arms spread and the back of his head and shoulders jammed against the ceiling.
  • This first volume in a planned trilogy is an international bestseller, combining singular characters and an eerily atmospheric setting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sounds of the erhu and sheng are eerily beautiful against the symphony orchestra, evoking a timeless, ceremonial atmosphere against which the outbursts of percussion feel peremptory, even ill-mannered.
  • The nectarean beverage seemed to operate cheerily on the matron's system; and placing her hand on the boy's curly head, she said (like Paul Clifford — Complete
  • 'Hello,' said Auguste cheerily. His good cheer was not returned.
  • Yet it seems eerily reminiscent of the empty politics of spin that we endure at home.
  • In spite of the presence of this alarming trio, the whole thing was eerily reminiscent of my Sheffield dreams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether you're a law abiding citizen or a tax dodging criminal, there's something eerily omniscient about the taxman.
  • This first volume in a planned trilogy is an international bestseller, combining singular characters and an eerily atmospheric setting. Times, Sunday Times
  • A plan characterized by demagogic war cries of "Drill, baby, drill" that sound eerily similar to the incantations of disciples on the verge of englutting a ceremonial Jonestown toast. Michael Hughes: This Election, Plates of Human History Will Shift
  • There were clowns on stilts, eerily taking giant strides around the square.
  • He held his hands palm-up, lighting them eerily in the pale moonlight.
  • Come here, Tabitha, "he called cheerily --" come an 'see what happens to them that cast their bread upon the waters. The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
  • Back on the job, the emotionally fragile but brutish Luther is plunged into a weird murder case where he encounters "malignant narcissist" and possible killer Alice Morgan (an eerily intense Ruth Wilson), who delights in toying with Luther's already troubled mind. Roush Review: Luther a Dynamite Crime Drama
  • Between the bars of the rabbit hutch she thrust enough greenstuff to last the two little occupants for days; and everywhere she went she was accompanied by a legless magpie, which, in spite of its infirmity, hopped cheerily and quickly on its stumps. The Getting of Wisdom
  • The raffle - though somewhat unorganized because bar management forced the Shanghaiist crew upstairs at the last minute - made several prize winners very happy, some eerily so.
  • Monrovia after the fighting is eerily quiet.
  • The exquisite design work and miniature sets, and the jerky marionettes with eerily lifelike physiognomies, never looked better than in these two grand features.
  • The marketplace is eerily quiet, as many people are staying away in fear of catching the dreaded bird flu.
  • But the motto is also eerily prescient. HISTORY PLAY: The Lives and After-life of Christopher Marlowe
  • Owens sent out an invading army of extraterrestrial princesses in eerily long, sweeping skirts and clean, sleeveless leather vests with trailing trains. Balmain, Zac Posen, Rick Owens & Manish Arora Out Of This World In Paris (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • Memorial Day Weekend 2002 will certainly be a memorable one for b-ball fanatics, with the Nets' historic collapse on Saturday and then yesterday's eerily similar disintegration by the Kings.
  • This pyrotechnical extension to the Great Wall glowed eerily under dark of night as the fire climbed up and over dunes.
  • By dint of sheer sturdiness of arms, legs, and lungs, keeping true time with the pant and the shout, steadily goes it with hoist and haul, and cheerily undulates the melody of call that rallies them all with a strong will together, until the steep bluff and the burden of the bulk by masculine labor are conquered, and a long row of powerful pinnaces displayed, as a mounted battery, against the fishful sea. Mary Anerley
  • The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape.
  • The theatre is a small gem, quaint and beautiful, recently refurbished in a mellow and plush aubergine, with plaster seraphim and cherubim gambolling cheerily along the fronts of the balcony and boxes.
  • Silently prowling the muddy streets, she watches eerily from the shadows, waiting for ... something. Free Online Book: The Keeper by Sarah Langan (Limited Time)
  • A dog barks somewhere off in the floods, but otherwise it's awfully, eerily quiet.
  • Attempting to convey an epic feel on a low budget, the movie introduces us to an amnesiac protagonist who wakes up to an eerily empty London.
  • In less than two seconds the Portal was open, a perfect circle, limned eerily by writhing feathers of blue coronal discharge.
  • Consider these examples from history, that are eerily echoed in today's antiscience politics: Shawn Lawrence Otto: GOP Antiscientists Are Leading America Down a Dangerous Road
  • The soup is a vegetable broth that tastes eerily of chicken, with overcooked tomatoes, carrots, zucchini and celery.
  • The EU is now on its month-long holiday, so the unlovely quartier européen is eerily quiet without the usual round of briefings, summits and French farmers demonstrating against subsidy cuts.
  • Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along dark corridors and seemed to expand into the circular chamber.
  • ‘There is more fun at Corke Lodge’ writes Jane Powers, The Irish Times, where ‘the "ancient garden" of box parterres is punctuated by melancholy gothic follies, and emerges eerily from the dense boskage of evergreen oaks, myrtles, and a writhing cork oak tree with deeply corrugated bark.’
  • "You’re lovely,” he breathed beerily.
  • It was a mess of homey flowers planted without a plan but blooming cheerily from their helter-skelter place.
  • The enormous crowd around the enclosure was screaming cheerily, the car engines were revving up and the propane was spitting menacing proportions of heat.
  • The main complex loomed before them, eerily lit by the setting sun and the fire.
  • The man who is almost eerily optimistic in the face of any setback finally succumbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found myself in downtown Chicago and the city was eerily deserted.
  • She could hear her mother singing cheerily from the shower.
  • Large pieces of glass propped against one side of the cell eerily reverberate the soothing sounds of cascading water.
  • Every touch is just right - from the titular gaslights, which flicker eerily in the darkness, to the intensely cramped Victorian-era London house that Paula and Gregory occupy.
  • And, even if the eerily atmospheric music is a trifle intrusive, the design recreates the glaucous strangeness of the fjords.
  • Her voice was eerily similar to her dead grandmother's.
  • This other world is dreamlike, dark and sensual; time stands eerily still, doors are slightly ajar with nothing but blackness behind them.
  • McAfee is also a Colt, but only a kicker of a sort - he's part of the even more leerily regarded punting fraternity. - Home Page
  • The man who is almost eerily optimistic in the face of any setback finally succumbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • This first volume in a planned trilogy is an international bestseller, combining singular characters and an eerily atmospheric setting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape.
  • He speaks calmly, even cheerily.
  • Actually, he's sweet and funny, punctuating his conversation with eerily accurate impressions of Woody Allen, Colin Farrell and Malcolm McDowell - with whom he shares a slightly dangerous, edge-of-madness charm.
  • Now van drivers cheerily give him the thumbs up. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the filming of Rebel, sexual tensions among Nicholas Ray, Natalie Wood, James Dean and Sal Mineo eerily reflected the repressed sexual desires inherent among the film's characters.
  • It was chock-a-block full of interesting articles on geckos and eerily iridescent photos of deep-sea jellyfish, but for some reason the World magazines piled up in the corner until ones on the bottom began to smolder from the pressure of the magazines on the top. The Day The World Became Shut To Me
  • Profiles of McGreevey from throughout his career depict him as a workaholic, driven, charming and schmoozy but eerily hollow in both personal life and political philosophy.
  • Gallows Point is called, by which a long stretch would be saved, and we were cracking on cheerily, my mind full of my recent promotion, when, scur, scur, scur, we stuck fast on the bank. Tom Cringle's Log
  • Everyone has checked and double-checked their tickets, but the grapevine is eerily quiet.
  • This, coupled with the eerily silent powertrain, means the driving experience is extremely visceral. The Sun
  • Nearby, the Huka Falls are gushing forth, the sulphurous earth steams eerily and sludgy geysers are grumbling and occasionally completely losing their cool.
  • They are eerily compelling relics of a bygone future age. Times, Sunday Times
  • This, coupled with the eerily silent powertrain, means the driving experience is extremely visceral. The Sun
  • There is an eerily Victorian postscript to this unhappy tale, almost too melodramatic to be true.
  • The eerily Davina-like Anna Richardson presents this self-explanatory show, that this week catches the students of Putney's Elliott School before they all get signed to trendy record labels, and teaches them about pregnancy. TV highlights 09/08/2011: The Sex Education Show | Timeshift | The Hour | Undercover Boss | True Stories: Babes in Hollywood | Angry Boys
  • The sun was bright and cheerily shone in on her bed, the birds were chirping noisily, Mathilde was lowing from the barn eager to be milked, and she smelled breakfast.
  • The Asylum was built between 1864 and 1872 to the design of architects in the Victorian Public Works Department – a gloomy, cut-price riff on Second Empire architectural opulence, initially standing in stark contrast to its function, but with each passing decade converging eerily with it. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Nearby, the Huka Falls are gushing forth, the sulphurous earth steams eerily and sludgy geysers are grumbling and occasionally completely losing their cool.
  • Cheerily , with bluff good humor, careful not to give offense to his guests, he called out.

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