
How To Use Educe In A Sentence

  • Our goal is to reduce the excess downforce to a point where we do create a little separation.
  • One of the nastiest is the way in which male honour is seen as bound up with female behaviour so that any supposed compromise or scandal in what happens to women, even becoming a rape victim, justifies violence against them as well as against their abusers or seducers; hence the 'honour killings' of young girls that disfigure some societies even today. Temple Address: "Becoming Trustworthy: Respect and Self-Respect" Church House
  • If we got into Ceram (and got out again), the doctor would reduce the whole affair to a few tables of anthropological measurements, a few more hampers of birds, beasts, and native rubbish in the hold, and a score of paragraphs couched in the evaporated, millimetric terms of science. The Spinner's Book of Fiction
  • To reduce the wing trim drag, the fuselage was fitted with lateral surfaces called chines, which actually converted the forward fuselage into a fixed canard which developed lift.
  • This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
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  • A reduced short chain fatty acid concentration has also been reported in pouch contents from patients with pouchitis compared with those without.
  • Some houses were reduced to neat rectangles of foot-high rubble.
  • High-quality sprinkler systems and new fireproof roofing materials, for example, can reduce the chance of fire.
  • they were reduced to mendicancy
  • Such an approach not only allows the authors to discuss the work from many different angles, but allows them to do so without implying that the practical quandaries in The Angel of History can be reduced to a simple meaning.
  • It has been reduced to something of a laughing stock. Times, Sunday Times
  • The principle of mathematical induction, claimed Poincaré, cannot be logically deduced.
  • That night, to reduce suspicion, I decide to go drinking with the trishaw drivers.
  • Turn up the heat and reduce the poaching liquor by one third. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what would happen if that gaze turned to the IT industry, and asked us what we are doing to reduce our carbon footprint? Computing
  • Construction of subways or overbridges for foot traffic will reduce disruption of traffic.
  • Slow the airplane to reduce impact forces; also, you'll likely encounter wind shear and strong downdrafts.
  • Smaller and more versatile aircraft reduce financial and operational risks to airlines, particularly in economic downturns, compared to jumbo jets, he adds.
  • It is advisable to attach a radiation filter plate in front of your computer's screen to reduce the hazard of radiation.
  • The best way to reduce the risk of hydroplaning is to simply slow down when roads are wet. Video: How to reduce the risk of hydroplaning
  • Most people would do well to reduce the amount of salt in their diet.
  • Bigger discounts on equity and debt issuance to get them away risks seeing investment cut, borrowing reduced and jobs lost. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Education Department has stipulated in writing that the burden on students must be reduced.
  • It may seem a paradox that the same colour should be at once so durable and so fugitive, but we may briefly explain it by saying _when vitreous pigments are reduced to that extreme state of division which the palette requires, they lose the properties they possess in a less finely divided state_. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • She seduces the despondent radical with whispers about the bleakness of mankind.
  • Dense vegetation may conceal the nests and reduce the risk of predation.
  • Further development of reversible clothing and equipment covers will reduce the logistics burden, increase mission flexibility and reduce procurement costs.
  • After consultation with a resident, a beech tree was successfully pruned to reduce overhang.
  • Food subsidies are reduced or thrown out altogether and food prices may double or triple overnight.
  • The chemical industry is under pressure to reduce its impact on the environment and to run its operations as cleanly and efficiently as possible.
  • In a medium saucepan, bring the lobster stock reduction to a boil, add the cream, and simmer until reduced by half.
  • This bill targets the very same services that are working to reduce abortion and unplanned pregnancy rates.
  • It reduces engine shudder and powers the moving parts much more efficiently, being directly connected to the drivetrain. The Sun
  • They have said they want to reduce the pensions of privileged federal civil servants and use the money for social programmes.
  • Posts and rafters were hand-sawn and planed using timber from a nearby forest and, to reduce the use of wood, rafters were trussed with steel wire.
  • Through a set of smart green building strategies the "bioclimatic" buildings are able to significantly reduce their environmental footprint. INHABITAT
  • In this paper, the general solution for plane problem of elastic mechanics in polar coordinate system is deduced by separate variable method.
  • In this paper, the design of curve of grooved drum is researched, which deduced two types of circular cone curves analytic formula of grooved drum.
  • It becomes more and more difficult to reduce raw emissions, especially for heavy and high-performance vehicles.
  • With the new points system, which has reduced the number of points for winners and runners-up, it pays to be consistent.
  • Throwing a cup of bicarbonate of soda down a septic toilet each week will help to reduce acidity, and encourage the growth of waste-digesting bacteria.
  • Though successful, the area was reduced to a muddy bog.
  • Aspirin should help reduce the fever.
  • The stress she had been under at work reduced her to a nervous/quivering wreck.
  • Besides can reduce the body sensitive the pressure with movability area, TEMPUR mattess and pillow still have sanitarian effect.
  • The shop is the first chippy in the borough to get the Heartbeat Award, given by the council to firms which try to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • His semi in ‘Foulness, near Southend’ has long been reduced to ‘a condition of untouchable sordor’, and is also ‘saturated with pornography in all its forms’.
  • The symptoms of depressed patients were significantly reduced after the hatha yoga course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tickets for other Amalgamation matches should soon be available and it is hoped that more extensive advertising and a reduced number of contests at favoured venues will see a reverse in the dwindling attendances.
  • Protective pads and headgear would be encouraged to reduce the amount of fatalities right off the bat.
  • Choose the frame with your favourite icon, then reduce the frame number by 1 and input the hex-based result here.
  • There are several general measures that can be taken to reduce or eliminate the problem altogether.
  • Tesco alone has said it expects the new levy to reduce bag use by 88 million.
  • The Largo is done broadly and is less nostalgic than tragic; some suspect intonation from the wind choir reduces the music's power somewhat.
  • We had to decide whether to increase investment or take time out and reduce our exposure. Times, Sunday Times
  • This can lead to reduced coral growth, inability to recover from hazards like cyclones, smothering of coral by sediment, fish poisoning and unusually high growth rates for organisms that overgrow coral or support its rivals.
  • Additionally, POLARIS reduces total component count by integrating voltage control oscillators and loop filters.
  • Nevertheless, there is a way we can reduce tuition fees by at least $2,000 a year and not cost the government a penny.
  • To reduce this effect I tend to use large bodied wagglers, which are more stable in the water and are not dragged out of position so easily.
  • Many tool rental companies offer ready-mix concrete with small minimums and reduced prices.
  • That reduces the risk of big swings in relative prices and wages. Times, Sunday Times
  • They may also administer intravenous antihistamines and cortisone to reduce inflammation of your air passages and improve your breathing.
  • In another measure to improve fuel efficiency, the top three gear ratios in the transmission have been extended to ensure the engine runs at lower RPMs, the electric motor-assisted steering system reduces demands on the engine. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • Its perceptual configurations have been thought to have a special relevance to the emergence of formal artistic qualities which cannot be reduced to a measurable aggregate of more elementary constituents.
  • The industry has signed a non-binding agreement to reduce pollution.
  • Combine the reduced fumet, wine, pastis, and mussel liquid if using, in small heavy saucepan.
  • It was supposed to radically reduce the cost of carrying payloads into orbit.
  • Cleopatra the witch and seducer is near the foundations of Western literature. In All Her Infinite Variety
  • Putting it on skin is thought to help reduce sun damage - one of the biggest giveaways of ageing skin. The Sun
  • The corrosion of reinforcing bar can weaken its strength and ductility, and then cause structural bearing capacity to reduce.
  • The plates were kept under a clear, acrylic cover to reduce evaporation.
  • The fortress at the entrance to the village was reduced by a sudden attack.
  • Skim the fat from pan juices, and reduce the drippings by boiling them down to a delicious sauce.
  • Massive investment in research and development; Put in place an industrial policy that prepares for the future and reduces the risks of delocalization; Support small and medium-sized businesses through the creation of regional participation funds and by reserving for them a percentage of public contracts; Give priority to business investment by lowering tax where the profit is reinvested and increasing it where it is distributed to shareholders. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Food sharing with nonkin reduces the costs to kin of child rearing, but also reduces the resources recaptured by kin after an infant death, so evolved infant mortality is lower. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Because there was no cloud, he deduced that it was going to be a cold night.
  • Cut the rind off soft cheeses like Brie to reduce their fat content.
  • To a soundtrack of cooking tips, paedophilia newsflashes and outtakes from the film Brief Encounter, she tries to seduce a stuffed tiger, intercutting her swaying flamenco with mad, petulant little flounces. Alonzo King Lines Ballet; Retina dance company, Collisions, Juliet Aster
  • Enhanced algae growth in the reservoir consumes the oxygen in the epilimnion and, as it decays, the mass sinks to the already oxygen-deficient hypolimnion, where decay processes reduce the oxygen concentration even further, resulting in acid conditions at lower levels and the dissolution of minerals from the reservoir bed. Chapter 8
  • Taken jointly, they prevent the progression of the disease, reduce inflammation, and relieve mild to severe pain.
  • Anti-diarrhoeal agents, such as loperamide, are sometimes helpful to reduce bowel frequency but should be avoided in children.
  • We will not be reduced to subsistence farming and exporting fish and chips if the banks leave. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘The first and most important step is to make policies to provide better fuels before we look for alternative fuels,’ he said, suggesting the consumption of leaded gasoline be reduced.
  • Agricultural pesticides may be applied by farmworkers or growers to reduce infestations of insects or rodents.
  • Athletic Skill gain rate from sleeping in the Sarcophagus of Kings has been reduced.
  • The government's primary concern is to reduce crime.
  • Reduced to half its original height, the industrial chimney serves as structural support for the roof and emergency exit footbridge.
  • They reduce the frequency and intensity with which the authorities must intervene as lenders of last resort to avert systemic crises.
  • Dose Antihypertensive Treatment Reduce Stroke - Related Mortality and Disability in Patients with Acute ICH?
  • OBJECTIVE : To clone murine anti cTnI Fab fragment and analyse the nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences.
  • The traffic in eggs and the demand for breast feathers for ladies' muffs and headgear reduced the bird's numbers to a low ebb.
  • With a full week to rest your chest between sessions and a reduced workload for other muscles, intermediate and advanced trainers should thrive on this routine.
  • Companies will pledge to reduce salt by about 15% in a step towards the government target of an adult's daily intake not exceeding six grams. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is however possible to compress the cell packs subsequent to their formation and prior to inserting them into their final container to expel at least a proportion of their electrolyte which will reduce the amount of electrolyte which needs to be gassed off in the finished cells.
  • The deal that the company has done with the unions will compromise to some extent its ability to reduce staffing.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer for about 8 minutes, skimming the froth from the surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • Side note: If the tables were turned and McGavick had a larger war chest than Cantwell we'd be bombarded with cries of "Big Money!" and schemes to reduce/eliminate financial support in senatorial races too. Sound Politics: Suppression of dissent in Mrs. Gregoire's Amerikkka
  • In dense media with lossless reflection arising from multiple scattering, the threshold for laser action is greatly reduced.
  • Crop residue has a nutrient value and will catch snow, reduce evaporation, increase infiltration, and improve soil tilth.
  • It can also help to reduce the inflammation and infection associated with acne.
  • Technological advances in computing and telecommunications will reduce the need for many people to travel to work.
  • A member of the same family as onions, leeks and scallions, garlic appears to reduce the risk of many types of cancer, including prostate cancer.
  • And on a side note, here is a hint for Vonage customers - When I called the cancel, they offered me three months of service for free, plus they reduced my rate after that to $19/month. Ooma Launches Free Consumer Phone Service
  • Heighten efficiency ; predigest working procedure to reduce cost.
  • It follows that you don't have to reduce yourself to utter penury.
  • First, we have in the bottom from which the mere structure of an ovary is deduced, the normal dicarpellary structure, and there is in addition a tendency in excess toward a parietal placentation. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Interestingly, they report wind-rose plots indicating that MLCK inhibition substantially reduces cell motility by increasing the directional tortuosity of cell paths.
  • Many growers are heavily mortgaged and have reduced equity in their farms, which makes them less attractive to lenders.
  • Rather than ask parents that question, McDonald's is going to fill its Happy Meal boxes with apple slices and reduce the French-fry portions starting in September. Under Pressure, McDonald's Adds Apples to Kids Meals
  • What can we deduce from these figures?
  • To do so, many of us have reduced the amount of beef we eat, and have substituted margarine for butter. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • This may include modifying the environment by moving objects such as electrical cords or furniture to reduce tripping and falling.
  • Treatment may vary from rest and splints for acutely inflamed joints, to medications that can reduce inflammation.
  • Large, insoluble intermetallic particles that are present or form in the temperature range between liquidus and solidus reduce feeding.
  • Dry seeds are devoid of the ascorbate reduced form and contain only dehydroascorbic acid.
  • In order to reduce the computational load of the full-search VQ, a mean-match correlation vector quantizer, MMCVQ, is presented for fast image encoding in this paper.
  • Aaron Burr are largely reduced to an amusing but pointless conversation with four gigantic hoodlums from Baltimore who are asked to interpret the word "despicable," which triggered the Burr-Hamilton duel. The Full Feed from
  • However, in response to the combined cues from both predators, mussels expressed neither inducible defense and had significantly reduced tissue growth.
  • The stock is designed with more mass to help reduce recoil.
  • Algorisme being popularly reduced in OFr. to augorime, English also shows two forms, the popular augrime, ending in agrim, agrum, and the learned algorism which passed through many pseudo-etymological perversions, including a recent algorithm in which it is learnedly confused with Gr. ‘number.' MATHEMATICAL TERMS.
  • As conscious beings we can deduce that the logical conclusion of this decline is our extinction.
  • Staff were ‘breaking down in tears of frustration’ as they were reduced to calculating cases on paper, MPs heard.
  • Though the dissolve has become part of film punctuation it can still shock or seduce the viewer.
  • After a few months in dreary England, Alfred Tayler went to the Empire Exhibition and was seduced by the thought of farming in Southern Rhodesia. On Doris Lessing « Tales from the Reading Room
  • They have a stadium full of passionate, vociferous supporters whose legendary backing often reduced opposition players from star performers to schoolboy trialists.
  • It also contains barley to reduce redness and soothe discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there are other septaria of iron-stone which seem to have had a very different origin, their cavities having been formed in cooling or congealing from an ignited state, as is ingeniously deduced by Dr. Hutton from their internal structure. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Greatly reduced steamship passages, only £3 payable before sailing. THE MAIN CAGES
  • The chickens also have reduced the fire ant population by eating the bugs and seeds the ants would have sustained themselves on.
  • Performing asanas with awareness creates inner calmness as well as reduces fatigue and stress in the body.
  • The wave equation having general forms of planar simple harmonic wave is deduced in this article. It is simple and accurate to solve wave equation by using this formula.
  • Sixty-six per cent. of _picrotoxin_ consists of another bitter substance, non-poisonous -- _picrotin_, which is insoluble in benzine and is reduced by Fehling's solution and nitrate of silver. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Such thoughts reduce self-esteem which leads to depression and which can finally culminate in suicide.
  • Reduced labour input and feed costs can be achieved by going down the route of feeding chopped straw as part of winter diets.
  • In the arrhythmic patients, the antiarrhythmic treatment was gradually reduced, and in patients 1, 3, and 9, it was withdrawn.
  • Vigilance is needed for any features of possible optic neuropathy, such as blurred vision, impaired colour perception, and reduced visual acuity
  • There is need to reduce the almost limitless possible tasks to a manageable number. MANAGING FOR RESULTS
  • The Chancellor has not taken the opposite political risk of a serious attempt to reduce the budget deficit by increases in taxation and reductions in expenditure. Times, Sunday Times
  • One is to gain clearance above trees, houses and other obstacles that create turbulence and reduce the power of the wind reaching the wind plant.
  • Each stitch of the continuous suture is made larger on the vein than on the artery, and the size of the vein is thus progressively reduced and a good union ensured. Alexis Carrel - Nobel Lecture
  • The advantage of having a union bargain for all players is thus reduced. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • This so-called deductive method of Aristotle assumed as a starting-point some general of principle as a premise or hypothesis and thence proceeded, by logical reasoning, to deduce concrete applications or consequences. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • Ge 3: 16, woman's "subjection" is represented as the consequence of her being deceived. being deceived -- The oldest manuscripts read the compound Greek verb for the simple, "Having been seduced by deceit": implying how completely Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The reduced attention to politics mutes the most important way in which individual human agency drives human experience.
  • Green Capsicums contain lutein and zeaxanthin which help age-related eye problems, Orange Capsicums contain beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin which help reduce the risk of developing emphysema and lung cancer while Red Capsicums contain lycopene and beta-cryptoxane. Weekend Herb Blogging #80
  • Experts also say that it helps to reduce tantrums and improves the relationship between parents and their children.
  • Rising delinquencies reduce cash inflow from debt payments and increase collection expenses.
  • Increase the number of positive responses to your requests and reduce volunteer burnout and discontentment by assigning a specific term length to each position or task.
  • Correct breathing helps to clear the mind and reduce tension.
  • The impact, Loucks believes, may permanently reduce the biological diversity of this extraordinary ecosystem.
  • They will deduce that there are fewer officers on the lookout for proper offenders, such as drunken drivers or those without insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was blackballed and blacklisted, vilified and scarified and was reduced to having to go incognito to Cleary's of Ballycroy to enjoy a pint or three.
  • The paint shop has four new spray booths and can deliver a water-based topcoat to reduce solvent emissions.
  • Deployment of weapons and combat hardware in emplacements reduces the probability of their detection two to three times.
  • If pot concentrates the AIDS drugs, they could be toxic; if reduced, they could be ineffective.
  • They fail to realize that elderly people, when reduced to a deplorable state of solitude, have all the more need for someone to talk to and interact with.
  • These restrictions drastically reduce the chances of good Argentine tango dancers being able to enter the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rat predation had reduced one of the largest breeding colonies of Xantus murrelets to just a few pairs, earning the seabird a potential spot on the federal Endangered Species List.
  • Having been reduced to penury, struggling to survive, they no longer serve as an effective political opposition.
  • Terraforming, or altering the atmosphere of Mars to make it habitable for humans, via planetary engineering processes, is still being discussed in planetary circles and is the seed to more current discussions of planetary or geo-engineering to reduce the impacts of global warming on our planet. Mel Averner - NASA Watch
  • Similarly, third-party carriers are in a better position to reduce "deadhead" travel, which is any travel by trucks when they are empty. Crude Calculations
  • Timing of tax cash flow. Capital allowances reduce a company's tax liability and thus improve its after-tax cash flow.
  • The priest and his concubine retire; the guest soon seduces the girl with the promise of the sheepskin in payment.
  • More than 30 applicants have been reduced to a shortlist and the post should be filled next month. Times, Sunday Times
  • When mixed in among boundary plants it may even enhance security as the branches bear hooked prickles which reduce its tactility.
  • Robbery, which also includes carjackings, across the division has been reduced by more than 50 per cent.
  • Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water helps to reduce pain and inflammation in Fibromyalgia.
  • Food subsidies are reduced or thrown out altogether and food prices may double or triple overnight.
  • Therefore, a composition, and methods thereof, that modulates and inhibits IL-10 activity can alter the development and sustainment of autoimmune disease and related symptoms and ameliorate or reduce pathogen-associated immunopathology. Notable Patent Applications - 07/22/2010
  • The sale of the calls reduces the price paid to get long the stock to $5.68 from $6.13, and provides an effective exit strategy for the trader should the contracts land in-the-money by June expiration. Bulls Dive Into Jim Beam, Speculation Seen In KKR
  • Providing information that reduces uncertainty is a second way a department can increase its power base.
  • They have been drained of meaning by their lazy overuse, dangerously sharp and potent concepts reduced to kitsch cliché.
  • And, in tandem with that, we have changes in printing technology, which have enormously reduced the cost of printing and publishing, even in traditional book form.
  • When one airline reduces its prices, the rest soon follow suit.
  • Microbicides are likely to be most effective at population level if they both protect uninfected women against HIV infection and reduce the infectiousness of women already infected.
  • It can be used routinely to select the appropriate cases to undergo MRCP, which could obviously reduce the hospitalization costs and shorten the hospitalization time.
  • The axial stress in them produces a clamping force equal to the product of the proof-load stress, reduced by a design factor, and the core area of the bolt or screw.
  • Those early repayments, or prepayments, cut short the lives of mortgage securities and can reduce their returns.
  • To reduce the height of a fast growing rambling rose on an upright trellis, try looping and tying the flowering canes as shown.
  • The addition of acrylic gloss medium to the paint reduces its consistency to produce thin layers which dry rapidly. Acrylics Masterclass
  • In this way heart rate, respiration rate, oxygen consumption, and muscle tension all reduce without conscious effort.
  • Colonoscopic surveillance in colitis should reduce cancer related death compared with routine clinical care, by detecting early curable cancer.
  • The output from a character recogniser requires further processing to reduce the ambiguity and hence increase the accuracy of recognition.
  • A company can reduce costs across a range of functions such as internet, storage network, localisation and compliance, among others.
  • Both of the three-year trials found that the drug reduced the occurrence of precancerous polyps called adenomas in people at risk for colon cancer," Health Day wrote, "but it more than doubled patients 'risk for heart attack and other serious cardiovascular events. Pfizer Celebrex Lawsuits - 1500 and Counting
  • The workweek was reduced to three days, then two days, then one day. THE BRONZE HORSEMAN
  • The government's primary concern is to reduce crime.
  • The assets will be used to reduce the figures for government debt and the liabilities will simply disappear from view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Customers were duped into paying fees up-front in the belief that their business rates would be reduced or their money refunded.
  • The integration of reduced sulphur into the amino acid cysteine is a central step in the assimilation of inorganic sulphur.
  • According to the dimensional theory, the similitude criteria of lubrication performance in thrust bearing are deduced.
  • The money flowing in reduces local incentives to work and fuels inflation. The Mexican Connection
  • Fortunately, Alice deduced what was going on.
  • Protection measures such as installation of desulfurization unit to reduce H_2S, improvement of tank operating conditions and application of sprayed aluminum on welded area etc are presented.
  • Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from vegetables but reduces it from meat and decreases copper absorption. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • Reduce the heat and maintain at a simmer until the sides begin to brown, about five minutes.
  • Since software uses the stack quite actively, particularly when calling subprograms, the introduction of the dedicated stack manager reduces the load on the CPU's execution units.
  • As well as the obvious increased air pollution and reduced visibility, local bushfires are a potential health concern.
  • The thresher is a square frame drawn over the grain -- which is spread upon the bare ground -- and is furnished on its under side with steel blades which not only shell the grain out of the ear, but also reduce the straw into chaff, which is desirable, as storing for feed more conveniently. Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
  • These effects of microgravity can be reduced by special regimes which exercise the muscles, especially those of the trunk and lower limbs.

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