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How To Use Education In A Sentence

  • Two more debates are scheduled in the coming weeks, one debate dealing with education and health will be held in Irbid next week and the final week before elections the southern city of Karak will witness a candidates debate on agriculture and development. Daoud Kuttab: Jordanian Candidate Uses Debate to Call for Curtailing King's Powers
  • His parents made a lot of sacrifices to make sure he got a good education.
  • Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom. Oprah Winfrey 
  • If you accept that you have to do mass education - and, to keep costs low and for a lot of other reasons, I think that's not an unreasonable conclusion - you have to systematize it.
  • They are both a product of the marketisation of education.
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  • I think the argument of race as a cause of criminality like Walter brings up is somewhat off-point - The reason why those racial divides in criminality show up is mainly because those lines go together with education - or rather: the lack of good education. Can a Godless Society be a
  • It was also envisaged that they would play an advocacy and educational role on behalf of dementia sufferers throughout their area.
  • The committee submitted guidelines that applied to off-air recording by nonprofit educational institutions.
  • These deficiencies indicate a broad need for training and education throughout the TB-control system, among both public health and nonpublic health participants.
  • Ireland we say 'aitch' that is the Presbyterians do - for some reason which escapes me Catholics say 'haitch' - another argument for integrated education. Behind the scenes at the UK's highest court
  • In addition to receiving the best education that the South could offer blacks at that time, Ella inherited a powerful sense of service that made her civil rights efforts extraordinarily unselfish and untiring.
  • There is also a strongly felt obligation to succeed, seen in an emphasis on the importance of formal education. Sociology
  • The distinction between ranking and classification is an important one, even if it is lost on many in higher education.
  • She now holds a senior post in the Department of Education.
  • The wandering wraiths, addicts and drunks that you see around town didn't just come about out of the blue - they were produced by the education system.
  • In public education today, unqualified is the new qualified. Gary Stager: Wanna be a School Reformer? You Better do Your Homework!
  • First, federal education spending under him is up nearly 50 percent over the final year of the past presidency, so the coalition's charge that the president is stinting the schools is just bunk.
  • If you delay child-bearing until your mid-twenties or your early thirties, you are far more likely to have a good job, educational qualifications and a stable relationship.
  • Girls receive less health care and less education in the developing world than do boys.
  • It results in a rich mix of students from various backgrounds with different experiences of education. Times, Sunday Times
  • For each of these components of primary education the investigator is concerned to improve the quality of initial training.
  • Our pupils and students leave schools and universities after an incredibly narrow diet of education compared with their international counterparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Home improvements, car purchases, holidays, computers, education and medical expenses are among the areas for loans most sought after by members.
  • With nearly eight weeks of education behind us the faces of speakers were beginning to blend together.
  • The Education Department has stipulated in writing that the burden on students must be reduced.
  • Biotechnology education could begin at the university level with a basic introductory course.
  • A new educational programme has been set up for economically disadvantaged children.
  • Many of the chapters in this volume specify educational programs that are intended to increase procedural knowledge. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • Educational standards in the area are high, particularly among younger people.
  • Education at the primary and secondary levels has always been rules-based: raise your hand, get a hall pass, obey the dress code, show your work, double-space, check your chewing gum at the door. Dov Seidman: Breaking the Ruler
  • It is advertising the post to teach adult education courses. The Sun
  • Education meant the inculcation of truths as dogmas, the institutionalization of habits of obedience, the subjection of the individual to the community.
  • One of the region's top teachers was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his services to education.
  • Theories that emphasize the role of education in reproducing existing societal norms and values may overlook its important role as a force for changing them. Sociology
  • Most of them were or had been heavy smokers, had attained a relatively low level of education, and had been employed in heavy physical work.
  • We can afford decent housing, education and health-care for everyone.
  • I know enough about this issue to know that ESEA is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the main federal law authorizing federal financial assistance to schools whose most recent instantiation is also known as No Child Left Behind. Matthew Yglesias » The Pointlessness of Reading Bills
  • All four-year-old children are already entitled to receive free nursery education.
  • Second, the problems with our existing educational system are symptoms of something bigger, the public goods problem inherent in collectivist arrangements. Preferring Ignorance, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • However, the future still looks uncertain as he has no money for higher education.
  • Education is the current focus of public debate.
  • After completing his school education, he studied audio-visual communications and filmmaking for three years.
  • Written tests and performance in one's courses are no longer the only route to higher education or the only index by which students are evaluated.
  • While the St Oswald's unit caters for severe dyslexics, less severe cases are catered for in mainstream education at schools across the city.
  • Educational object are new associates, including newly-assigned operator , managerial and technical personnel, temporary employee as well as trainee.
  • Some physical therapists have additional training and education in certain specialties, such as pediatrics, orthopedics, sports medicine, or rehabilitation.
  • Measures designed to promote and protect local educational values could be labelled as ‘barriers to trade’.
  • Is not this concentrated respect for the object as a specimen the very antithesis of the arts in education?
  • It has become axiomatic in this country that children from deprived areas are destined to fail educationally.
  • The system of education and discipline pursued has undergone some modifications in recent years -- notably during the provostship of the Rev. Francis Hodgson; but radical defects are still alleged against it. The Grand Old Man
  • I don't believe we'd have the made the progress we have with girls' education without comprehensive education.
  • Similarly Wang missed the gang era of the late 1970s and early 1980s when those children whose parents had been sent deep into the countryside for re-education formed their own cadres of street toughs.
  • But what galvanized education and research efforts to a more urgent level was the discovery in 2000 that many houseboats were built with a fatal flaw.
  • We have recently seen many important educational policy initiatives in the area of children's literacy.
  • The education system bears / stands no comparison with that in many Eastern European countries .
  • It might also turn educational policy toward explorations and displays of cultural diversity that are less politically pretentious. Postethnic America: Beyond Multiculturalism
  • We shall return to the topic of education in Chapter 7.
  • Health and education are the sort of bread-and-butter issues that people vote on.
  • Is he sound on state education?
  • Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive ; easy to govern but imposible to slave. 
  • The Applicant is a nine year old boy with special educational needs.
  • Journalists alarmed by the directions of both the profession and journalism education said the initiative comes at an opportune time.
  • All who remember this "beatitude" will be helped to solve many perplexing problems of dress, diet, play, education, philanthropy, morals, and civics. Civics and Health
  • At that time, I being but eight years of age, was left in town for the convenience of education, boarded with an aunt, who was a rigid presbyterian, and confined me so closely to what she called the duties of religion, that in time I grew weary of her doctrines, and by degrees received an aversion for the good books, she daily recommended to my perusal. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • It would also help to counsel families on making informed decisions about their educational choices.
  • The wage premium for women who have some graduate education and are not teachers is now 40 percent.
  • Moreover, all Soviet art education was state financed and students got materials, free board and lodging, and pocket money.
  • It would surely be progress if significant discourse on tolerance were incorporated into educational curricula, religious sermons, and public speech.
  • a rapid sort of first "intellection," an error that made all departments of education so trivial, assumptive and dogmatic for centuries before Comenius, Basedow and Pestalozzi, has been banished everywhere save from moral and religious training, where it still persists in full force. Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • This was in the aftermath of the arrival of proper University extension classes established by the 1902 Education Act.
  • The results are a clear comment on government education policy.
  • Funding is a special challenge now, because governments in many countries are disinvesting in higher education.
  • In the last ten years there has been a revolution in education.
  • The Church, concludes the ecumenical patriarch, which by its educational activities instructed the people of God in revealed truth through the centuries, owes much to these schools of human thought, which contributed to man's intellectual and spiritual development, drawing him away from useless preservationism. Spero News
  • But it would be both inaccurate and unfair to paint too bleak a picture of education in England.
  • True it is, that one can scarcely call _that_ education which teaches woman everything except herself, -- _except_ the things that relate to her own peculiar womanly destiny, and, on plea of the holiness of ignorance, sends her without one word of just counsel into the temptations of life. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 22, August, 1859
  • The vote - 110 to 46 in the House and 31 to 8 in the Senate - came as mayors, town managers, social service agencies, and local activists across Massachusetts began to digest the massive cuts the budget proposal calls for, including up to a 15 percent cut in noneducation local aid for municipalities. CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
  • During his presidency education expanded and the government made efforts to diversify the economy to release Zambia from its dependence on copper.
  • I am a highly educated, successful career woman who finally realized that we women are getting ripped off by the current culture and the educational establishment who is brainwashing us into a life of hectic, unfulfilling work in stuffy cubicles working long, stressful hours to earn enough so that we can "relax" on a beach somewhere. Get in on Life...
  • Every person has two education, one which he receives from others, and one, more important, which he gives himself. 
  • Though a rugby career beckoned, he refused to abandon his education. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anyway, I hope your first day back at University, school, or even a college of Further Education is not too hard, and your lecturer/teacher doesn't spring a surprise test on you.
  • The treatment process and efficacy, judicial program evaluation, establishing assessment tools, sex offense prevention education, and treatment program evaluation were popular topics recently.
  • The Getty Center is a multi-use complex made up of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Conservation Institute, the Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, the Education Institute for the Arts, the Information Institute, and the Getty Grant Program, as well as offices for the Getty Trust, an auditorium, a restaurant pavilion, and a stone-ramparted helicopter landing pad. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
  • In earlier times the former had been underachieving educationally whereas the latter are now near the peak of their attainment level.
  • A personal philosophy is something which all people have nomatterwhat their background, class, or educational attainment.
  • Other chants, like Agnus dei: Qui pius ac mitis, were expanded, or “troped” with additional text and music, and it was perhaps as an educational gesture that Greek, Hebrew, and Galician words were added to the ancient double-versicle “prosa” Alleluia: Gratulemur et letemur. Archive 2009-04-01
  • She completed her formal education in 1995.
  • The most accessible data which might serve as a yardstick is that on applicants' type of educational establishment.
  • Women have worked to gain recognition, access, and visibility in the leadership ranks of higher education.
  • This education aimed at combining brain work with manual labour.
  • Of course, a student has to be taught from a somewhat early age how to be discerning about the sources of education, but this is true for one who goes to a college as well as for one who is self-educated. When Children Are Grown
  • The Department of Education recently wrote to all primary schools reminding them of the potential health hazards posed by overweight schoolbags.
  • The notion of integrating the goals of liberal education into students' majors was taken seriously.
  • Sex education is a sensitive area for some parents, and thus it should remain optional.
  • Teachers actively engage in working for progressive education, defending the curriculum they developed and finding ways to expand it.
  • Cabbages and cauliflowers have to go from Jubilee Allotment gardens, Kendal, so the Cumbria Education Department can raise a crop of healthy children.
  • With respect to the dilemma over short-term and long-term information needs, the problem is one that underlies every aspect of user education.
  • Six years of secondary school can lead either to university education or specialized training.
  • This was true even though an education by Catholic monks offered alternative possibilities.
  • Furthermore,[sentence dictionary] they may be reluctant to invest in expensive post-registration education funding.
  • The Higher Education Bill scraped through the Commons at second reading by just five votes in January.
  • ng Meeting 7 is available online at Bio: Fintan Steele, director of scientific education and communications at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, traces the history of personalized medicine from Hippocrates and humorism to ‘overhyped’ modern day incarnations. 2010 April 09 | TECHNOLOGY NEWS
  • Students in a reading teacher education program are trained to diagnose reading difficulties and to teach reading programs at various educational levels.
  • My parents gave me a happy upbringing and good education. The Sun
  • The only time we sharply disagreed was over the children's education.
  • The A-level of old had a specific function: to test the minority of young people who would go on to higher education.
  • Educators help set education policy, mortgage lenders influence housing policies, truckers influence highway regulation, and so on.
  • The opposition was in full cry in Parliament last night over the proposed changes to the education bill.
  • Education may be better by local standards but is woeful by international standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a critical problem for teachers, advisory teachers, advisers and educational psychologists to resolve.
  • Sociologists Claude Fischer and Greggor Mattson have argued that while much talk about America fragmenting is overblown, “gaps by social class and educational attainment are widening among Americans by almost any measure.” American Grace
  • I believe that was a shot at those of us who criticize bilingual education, but it was hard to tell.
  • Portfolio assessment is one of important mode of qualitative evaluation, it was paid more and more attention under the background of educational evaluation reformation by people.
  • Education received what stimulus limited resources would allow, particularly primary education in the departments.
  • Public religious education has been an increasingly contentious topic in Britain. Christianity Today
  • But the painted kerbing and the gaily-coloured banners can't disguise the extent of the social and educational deprivation of this community.
  • The trick is to cage these animal natures in effective institutions: education, the law, government.
  • The one area that I have seen, as online and telecourse classes have the exams proctored by my office, is the greater freedom for adults who want to continue their education.
  • Since then, developments in education can only be described as extraordinary.
  • The standards of housing and education are often lower in the older urban cores .
  • There should be a return to selective education because not everyone are equal and I defy anyone to teach a class where the abilities range from genius level to non assessable and full fill the needs of each child. Is someone who left University with a Third Class degree the person to go to for Maths advice
  • Please list your educational qualifications and work experience.
  • And of course, a truckload of educational toys, books, puzzles, games and music.
  • Yet offenders are expected to meet education and training targets that will affect their chances of parole. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her penultimate day was at Chetham's, an independent co-educational specialist music school, where parents pay if they can afford it. Which school should I choose?
  • As drafted, neither bill would deny public elementary or secondary education to illegal immigrants, as Proposition 187 sought to do.
  • Education may enhance the ability to produce justifications, rather than eliminate racism toutcourt.
  • The social milieu to which her family belonged tended not to regard further education for women as a priority. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prior to my appointment, political opponents of education reform had successfully made charter school growth as difficult as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • A reduction in military spending was also proposed so funds could be channeled toward countrywide primary education for all children.
  • My sister is eight years younger than me, and did not have the Jewish education I was blessed to have had.
  • There is no bigger issue in education than social disadvantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such indirect human rights violation under a new regime of international law will also have its impact on the education sector, making higher education inaccessible to the poor.
  • A brief history prepared by the Education Coalition, a lobbying group, says California began statewide testing in 1962.
  • How do we get back the passion that poor immigrant children and newly freed slaves once had for education?
  • The classics are retained as a subject in which all must qualify; and the education provided for the ordinary passman is of a contemptible, smattering kind; it is really no education at all. From a College Window
  • The aim of the scheme is to return the cathedral to how it was hundreds of years ago and the application is for a two-storey hostry extension to provide an entrance hall, education room, community room, song school, music library, vestries, chair store and toilets. Norwich Cathedral
  • Fewer speed cameras and more education is the answer. The Sun
  • There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries.
  • Mr Clinton singled out education as a vital tool in bridging the gap between rich and poor.
  • The only answer to the lies of the neo-fascists is to remove the causes of deprivation and environmental neglect by creating educational and job opportunities on the neglected estates and inner-cities.
  • A Miami housing tour, education sessions, and exhibitions highlight the best in luxury kitchens and baths.
  • What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others. Mitchell Bard: The Tea Party All-Stars: The Worst of Extreme GOP Midterm Candidates
  • In our frantic effort to preserve the last vestiges of slavery and mediaevalism we not only set our faces against such improvements, but we seek to use education and the power of the state to train the servants who do not naturally appear. DARKWATER
  • They are available to all through education regardless of class, colour or creed. The Sun
  • Segregated public bathrooms threaten people's safety, job security and access to education.
  • `Anyway, as you're so young, maybe we can utilize your recent education. TICKLED PINK
  • Reflective journals have prompted self-regulated or metacognitive ways of thinking in students in graduate and undergraduate education courses.
  • There are obviously two educationsOne should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live. 
  • Education is the vehicle for our future, don't make us drive away in a junker like this.
  • How can we avoid education in the new literacies becoming an example of “corruptio optimi pessima” the corruption of the best is the worst of all? Archive 2008-03-01
  • But some younger white South Africans, especially those from anglophone backgrounds with higher education, went searching for new identities, not least Australian, British, and Canadian.
  • Another authority may publish total amounts for primary schools, secondary schools, continuing education.
  • There are many well-paid and highly respectable careers which do not require a university education, and this is rarely talked about. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to enhance ideological education it is of much importance to restructure a life philosophical system and to achieve the integration of ideological education with behavioral accomplishment.
  • The federal Family Support Act of 1988 required many welfare recipients to participate in education, training, or work.
  • This fusion of political correctness and relevance may be the next big thing to rock mathematics education, appealing as it does to political activists and to ethnic chauvinists.
  • As so often in education, the pendulum has swung back to the other extreme and testing is popular again.
  • A truly good education is rooted in good family upbringing and parental love and guidance. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Education levels, at least higher education levels, have a mixed and somewhat weak influence on rural income growth rates.
  • Some of those children will find their way out of a cycle of poverty, poor education and chronic unemployment and eventually make satisfying lives and careers.
  • What emerges from this brief overview is the dominant role of the clergy in Southern education.
  • The idea that television can be used as a tool for promoting education and scientific temper among children has been popularised by the SIET, which is under the Union Ministry of Human Resources Development.
  • Some education officers were also encouraging parents of truants to deregister their children from school, so they could meet new government targets for increasing school attendance.
  • A compendium of wise and worldly sentences can provide something akin to a course of education. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The education system bears / stands no comparison with that in many Eastern European countries .
  • Parliament will soon be asked to approve measures to reform education, health, the criminal justice system and welfare provision.
  • Yet such improvements to our education system will require relentless and vocal outcry from the parents whose children suffer most from the current state of our poorest and lowest-performing schools. Jalen Rose: Voter Education Equals Improving Our Educational System
  • Southeastern Cave Conservancy Inc. was formed to acquire and manage caves for scientific study, education of those persons interested in speleology, and conservation of these resources.
  • The company recently reassured investors that it could shrug off any cuts to education spending in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bilateral co-operation agreement, covering trade, education, cultural affairs and aviation was signed during the visit.
  • Its new rendition emphasized equity through English language mastery and transitional bilingual education.
  • As such, this marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the school and signals a significant increase in the resources and staffing for physical education and sport.
  • In India, these are used by a number of voluntary organisations and educational institutions to convey social and environmental related messages.
  • While there is no formal study or survey to ascertain the reason, the education department lists the following causes.
  • Among other things, it's got a continuing symposium on legal education featuring essays from some of the brighter legal minds in the country.
  • The treatment center was designed to be a one-stop shop for all things—research, treatment, parent education—relating to alternative ways of thinking about autism. The Panic Virus
  • The aim is to relate their educational achievements to their experiences at school and to their parents' help at home.
  • Stay strong, don't give up on your dreams, and never let your schooling interfere with your education.
  • The more money people amass, the more they pay attention to schools and education, a correlation drawn by countless studies.
  • Meanwhile, there are legions of young people not in education, employment or training. The Sun
  • Parents must offer a full-time education but do not have to follow the national curriculum. Times, Sunday Times
  • They established a more sophisticated system of elementary education. The monitorial system created the voluntary system.
  • Ongoing staff education activities should include the topic of proper procaine and benzathine administration.
  • (NCKU), has been recognized for his excellent contribution to aquiculture and presented with the award - "2009 TWAS Prize in the Agricultural Sciences" from The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) supported by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Oct. 20th. Aktuelle Empfehlungen
  • The 1988 Act has made fundamental alterations to the power structure of the education system laid down in 1944.
  • In the party's ideological and political education mode, cultivate a targe number of interested in socialist construction, made great achievements.
  • WALES will benefit from the London Olympics if it uses the Games as a "bridgehead" to bring sport into education, Sebastian Coe insisted today. WalesOnline - Home
  • Kopila Valley is a co-educational primary school running from Nursery Class up to sixth grade. Shira Lazar: The Inspired Nation: 24-Year-Old Builds Orphanage and School in Nepal
  • The huge resistance to this idea in the educational establishment is a constant mystery to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Essentially it means the separation of religion from some element of society, be that education, ethics or government.
  • Contributing to an educational foundation or flood relief wins bonus points.
  • His thinking has affected modern approaches to therapy and to counselling and education.
  • She has received a clear mandate for educational reform.
  • A program of public education was not the only form of welfarism that Paine proposed.
  • We would also be willing to direct you to amply qualified optometrists, psychiatrists and educational institutions.
  • Henry deeply felt the misfortune of being debarred from a liberal education. Chapter 3
  • Even in households where wage earners have some graduate education, incomes have declined 1 percent since 1989.
  • Unless we wish to end up with a two-tier system, the literati and the illiterati, then there seems to be a need for the education system to change the philosophy of the last decade or so, and return to an emphasis on literacy.

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