How To Use Educated In A Sentence

  • Ignorance of Sarah Palin offends anyone who is educated, it's an insult to the intellectual world, american intelligence. Palin plans 'aggressive' fundraising push
  • Many of us are highly educated and your presumptions are most insulting.
  • And I feel hopelessly undereducated, with all the MAs around me.
  • In Iowa, he didn't just win over the Democrats, the college-educated over $55K under 60 crowd, he won overjust about everybody that wasn't a die-hard Republican. Hillary's NH Lead In Suffolk Tracking Poll Cut By Nearly Half
  • 8356A mugwump is a person educated beyond his intellect. Quotations
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  • Ireland is younger, more sallow, better educated, more vibrant and more in need of joined-up thinking than ever before.
  • The childfree are a diverse group of people, much like the reasons behind the choice not to procreate; however, childfree people tend to be less conventional, more highly educated, and professional. BlogHer - Comments
  • In developing countries like India, it is the wealthier and better-educated who tend to be aspirational; the poor are not yet in a position to aspire to much of anything.
  • While the inmates of the home are provided with skill training in handicrafts, embroidery and sewing based on their aptitude, the children including those of sex workers are educated.
  • In a truly participatory democratic society, an educated and skilled population is essential to its continuance.
  • Harvard-educated Internet entrepreneur and cosmopolite Alex Vik and his wife, Carrie, set out to conjure up a comprehensive personal vision here that involves ranch life, sports, and luxury; a genuine sense of place; and a reach for something universal. Off the Beaten Track
  • The reason economists are sympathetic to signalling is that they are very smart (yes, really) and are among the people who probably don't benefit greatly from college, they learned how to think at high school and are mostly self-educated anyway. Free Education Valued at Cost, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He wanted to show that one could be an educated and intelligent believer without abandoning the apostolic rule of faith and life.
  • He was neither a wit nor a brilliant raconteur, neither well-read nor well-educated, and he made no great contribution to enlightened social converse.
  • Millions of young, often well educated people are unemployed and face a bleak future.
  • Global labor arbitrage is hard at work narrowing the international wage gap among educated workers. Wages Move Toward Equilibrium, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If you are selling a health care product, I think it is vital that you are able to respond to queries with an educated and informed answer.
  • Obviously, then, the average romance reader is not the undereducated, uninformed, subnormal, frustrated housewife of recent mythology.
  • I am a highly educated, successful career woman who finally realized that we women are getting ripped off by the current culture and the educational establishment who is brainwashing us into a life of hectic, unfulfilling work in stuffy cubicles working long, stressful hours to earn enough so that we can "relax" on a beach somewhere. Get in on Life...
  • It's called dhimmitude, look it up and get educated. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Of course, a student has to be taught from a somewhat early age how to be discerning about the sources of education, but this is true for one who goes to a college as well as for one who is self-educated. When Children Are Grown
  • _Educated rascality is infinitely more of a menace to society than ignorant rascality_. Pushing to the Front
  • a traveled, educated man
  • It must be that advertising works, even on educated and sophisticated people.
  • The firebrand championing the indigenous Komi people was none other than Yury Spiridonov, an ethnically Russian oil miner and party worker, born in Omsk and educated in Sverdlovsk, who had once gotten into trouble for snapping at someone who tried to address him in Komi: “Speak in a way that can be understood.” The Return
  • But in today's economy, educated, white - collar workers also are vulnerable to downsizing.
  • Take all the Latin words in Shakespeare, for instance - in Victorian times, educated people had studied Latin in school - not so today, so they need to be carefully glossed.
  • But that won't happen unless facility executives are educated about the value of rightsizing and the importance of whole-building design.
  • People who are anti-declawing generally are not all that educated on the actual facts, because the anti-declaw community is incredibly vocal compared to the rest of us. Keep Your Cats From Destroying Your Furniture | Lifehacker Australia
  • Most bothersome is during this week of Kanye, Serena and Wilson with virtually every news site asking are we rude/have we lost our civility, is that people from the stature of James Carville to presumably educated people writing comments, are ranting, raving and name calling. Carville takes aim at latest tell-all on Bush
  • Women who are poor and uneducated are often still at the mercy of abusive partners or relatives.
  • Generally, the more educated a man, the greater his self-control and refinement in dealing with the fair sex.
  • They instantly fall into certain companionable roles: the smartest one lends an educated perspective on a topic, the most outrageous one cracks the kind of jokes she wouldn’t dare to if a man were around, the least intellectually secure one feels safe enough to ask the most rudimentary questions. The Uses of Enchantment
  • One was an aristocrat educated at Harrow and Cambridge, the other a self-made man from small-town South India.
  • Growers depend on farmer's market sales, and buyers still need to be educated that the better looking apricot isn't necessarily the best tasting.
  • QUOTATION: A mugwump is a person educated beyond his intellect. Quotations
  • The fine, intelligent, educated voice sang on in the sunny quadrangle of red - brick Colonial buildings.
  • Patrick du Val suffered from bad health as a child and was educated mostly by his mother.
  • It was a room full of young, educated men baying for money on the bond market.
  • And a lot of our people are elderly and a lot of them are uneducated, illiterate.
  • As educated, intelligent consumers, we have to realize there is no real danger to humans.
  • Hannity is a illiterate, non-educated Northeastern bohunk with a big yap and no brains. Think Progress » Hannity: Snow Storms ‘Seem To Contradict Al Gore’s Hysterical Global Warming Theories’
  • The federal workforce is also as diverse as the public as a whole in terms of ethnicity and gender, though it is better educated.
  • Whether you're educated or illiterate, whether you live on the boulevard or in the alley, you're going to catch hell just like I am.
  • Those households tend to be wealthier and better educated on average, making newspaper readers an attractive market for advertisers.
  • Only well educated, well compensated, and well respected teachers can possibly do it.
  • There just aren't enough educated and talented new people coming in to meet demand.
  • Everyone was to be educated on the same campus.
  • When these young people return, despite being richer or better educated or both, they still have no pigs, a condition considered pitiable by the older generation.
  • Two or three educated and travelled 'loppies' were to be found amongst the 'table-men'.
  • ‘You have a more literate, educated and aspirant population in the working class and they are naturally moving towards either middle-market tabloids or broadsheets,’ he says.
  • Deplorable as this preference may be, it's hardly as deplorable as the gulf which these cultural assumptions themselves created between the lowbrow public and the university-educated art world and artists.
  • Well, it seems that I yet again have to suffer through another year with you undereducated and underachieving students.
  • Many of our educated girls, when they can work on people's heads and feet, and present a card with some big word on it, as "chiropodist," which means foot-cleaner, are perfectly satisfied. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
  • The people of means sometimes had their children educated at home, and sometimes sent them to the little colleges which have since become Columbia and Princeton, —colleges which were then inferior to a good English grammar school. VIII. The Closing of the Colonial Period. 1720-1764.
  • They had been taught more purposefully, coached in exam technique and raised and educated in settings where academic achievement was valued.
  • They created programming that reasonably educated people could talk reasonably about.
  • Fortunately, while studying in Delhi University I fell in with a crowd of cultured Bengalis, who educated me step by joyous step.
  • If you buy the biblical spin of the Religious Right folks -- that make up the bulk of the Tea Party movement -- the implication is clear: Jesus will soon return, send all Democrats, gays, blacks, progressives, liberals, college-educated unbelievers, etc., to Hell, while saving what Sarah Palin calls "us" "Real Americans" -- in other words unreconstructed frightened and resentful white lower middle class Americans. AlterNet
  • I admittedly was pretty uneducated about this disease but it has piqued my interest in the last few months as these clients are close relatives of someone very dear to me.
  • In colloquial use, this affix may be appended to the inceptive copulas and to verbs as well, though this is considered uneducated.
  • From the edge of the small waves Somers heard one man talking to another, and the English tones — unconsciously he expected a foreign language — and particularly the peculiar educated – artisan quality, almost a kind of uppishness that there is in the speech of Australian working men, struck him as incongruous with their picking up the coal – cobs from the shore. Kangaroo
  • Without a well-educated populace we are a poor and intellectually bankrupt society.
  • Étienne Louis was first educated at home where he was instructed in literature and mathematics.
  • Ezra Klein perceives himself as a benevolent and educated individual. In Which Ezra Shows Why He is not Close to Conversion, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There were baffling, unanswerable teasers such as: why is a left foot either ‘trusty’ or ‘educated’ but a right foot is neither?
  • Educated at King Edward's School, Birmingham, he began as a classicist, was a fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and then professor of Greek at Sydney.
  • He also credits Aristotle with saying: “Teachers who educated children deserved more honour than parents who merely gave them birth; for bare life is furnished by the one, the other ensures a good life” (p. 463). Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
  • He was uneducated, but he possessed that exact knowledge of mankind that makes leaders; and his shrewdness was the result of caution and suspicion. Half a Rogue
  • He was educated at elementary and technical schools, becoming a toolmaker and engineering draftsman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the 1960s, well-educated and often well-born men and women have followed Murdoch and made money in newspapers, the arts and television by debasing popular taste. A chance to drag ourselves out of the gutter | Nick Cohen
  • I had to put my views into print to be scanned by thousands of educated people, including a number of hawk-eyed and censorious experts.
  • I will also refrain from editing your submissions except in the case of unprintable language or overly confusing punctuation, so keep that in mind if you don't wish to look like a maleducated buffoon.
  • Note the strange lack of anything resembling Socialism or Marxism, or even any kind of collectivization, except where it pertains to aiding your own country in the long run by being a productive, well-educated member of society - a goal that one would hope even this Administration's most obtuse critics could get behind at least in spirit, if not in the details. OpEdNews - Diary: School Speech Detractors Owe Obama an Apology
  • Nor does it bode well for Canada's economic advancement or political process, which thrives on a well-educated electorate.
  • The power of that species of poetry to which we allude is now greatly increased also, at least in extent of operation, by the admission among the number of judges, of so great a mass of half-educated persons, to whom the story is every thing, and the poetry almost nothing. A Review of 'The Sceptic; a Poem'
  • He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford.
  • As it turns out, uneducated village communists are no match for wily bourgeois sneakiness.
  • In recent years, a narrative has emerged of elections being contests between the educated and the knuckledraggers, the 'post-fact' loons. The Sun
  • Roberts meant a lot to a vast audience of Pentecostals, those believers ridiculed - by atheists, agnostics and mainstream religions alike - as backwater snake charmers, poor, uneducated serfs lucky to scrape up enough money to pay the rent on the shack and procure "vittles" for Sunday dinner.
  • As she recalled, his voice was educated and had a pleasant, mellow tone.
  • Residents in general are poor and undereducated, and live in sub-standard housing.
  • HTF did Charles get so well educated - BA, MA DLitt (x2), DCL (x2), DMus, LLD. Army Rumour Service
  • I have seen equally - or more - educated immigrants (and equally "lillywhite") both in Europe and in the USA, who were treated like dirt, and denied opportunities, because their language was not up to "snuff" - their language made them sound uneducated. Differences in prononciation of certain consonants...
  • Last week he denounced the reports that he was educated in a madrasah as a 'ludicrous' smear. Times, Sunday Times
  • If college degrees remain an entree to wealth and status in the 21st century, males may have to get used to the same second-class status that American women so long endured, as highly educated females become the majority among the nation's intellectual, economic, and even power elite.
  • I have chatted with him and he seems to be educated, humorous and intelligent.
  • He was the son of Silken Thomas and as a result of being educated in Italy he came to be recognised as a dabbler in the occult arts.
  • People who drink could just be smarter and better educated than teetotalers, he says.
  • We live in a knowledge-based economy, in which educated workers bridle at commands and demand autonomy.
  • The public should be educated in how to use energy more effectively.
  • Fortunately, like the other tests, the 31-year-old convent-educated beauty passed with flying colours.
  • Shall we ever have it? or will the irrational conservatism of the educated classes, in all time to come, prevent a consummation so desirable, and so desiderated by the philologist? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864
  • He cannot win cos he will not get the vote of the blue collar uneducated whites. Obama takes superdelegate lead for the first time
  • Both came from affluent backgrounds and were educated at Ivy League schools.
  • It's easy to notice that these miscreants are overwhelmingly white, educated, and well-heeled enough to sink enormous expense and labor into realizing a few days of whimsy and weirdness.
  • Short-sightedness, traditionally a problem among the highly educated, has reached record levels in east Asia, lead researcher Professor Ian Morgan told AFP.
  • Educated and ambitious, they are lured here by the promise of material acquisition.
  • Sociologists, psychologists, policy makers, and educated lay audiences will find this book interesting and helpful.
  • We are finding new buyers to be very well educated about the products, and who are looking for premium quality pistols that are reliable and safe to operate.
  • A new pattern of migration of the intellectuals, technocrats, artists, and educated youth is naturally expected to develop.
  • An increasingly educated electorate can spot bias with greater acumen and astuteness than ever before.
  • It might be the remote town below would take a different air, and my companion the botanist, with his educated observation, might almost see as much, and the train, perhaps, would be gone out of the picture, and the embanked straightness of the Ticino in the Ambri-Piotta meadows — that might be altered, but that would be all the visible change. A Modern Utopia
  • Nor were we happy with how some of the churches educated, when they seemed to train the young primarily for menial pursuits such as domestics.
  • The good society he envisaged was a kind of technocracy, with an educated elite providing the leadership.
  • They are disproportionately poor, undereducated, unemployed and more likely to end their own lives.
  • I was trying to educate the children and what we have done is actually in science, educated the staff.
  • The Congressional Budget Office recently took into account the costs of in-state tuition for DREAM Act-eligible students and other expenses, and balanced the costs against the long-term enhancements in tax revenue that would come from having the young people be better educated. Immigration measure passes House; faces stiff headwind in Senate
  • However since the cap's high-k dielectric's electrostriction signal is in antiphase with the M-E delta mass signal for this test series, the data does take some educated interpretation instead of just a clean yes/no answer to the question of do mass fluctuations exist under the required conditions. Next Big Future
  • The American slang sounded odd coming from the Eton-educated Swiss aristocrat. REMEMBER SUMMER
  • Your educated boys went at it a little more privately and gracefully, but sometimes destroyed more people in the long run.
  • James Ellington was a butler and a caterer, but he was prosperous by African-American standards of the time, and extensively self-educated thanks to the library of his employer, a doctor.
  • A pause, then, "What do you call the inquisitive lump of hair with the educated nose that accompanies you? Lost And Found
  • You possess greater knowledge than I do; I am but a poorly educated layman eking out an existence.
  • That seems to be beyond the imagination and capabilities of the sweet-tempered, passive, over-educated, please-play-nice Obama staff whose Democratic-controlled congress has just stripped $12bn from a long-term food stamps program precisely at the time when more Americans than ever hunger, literally, for such assistance. Clancy Sigal: Wimps Don't Win
  • If college degrees remain an entree to wealth and status in the 21st century, males may have to get used to the same second-class status that American women so long endured, as highly educated females become the majority among the nation's intellectual, economic, and even power elite.
  • Where then is the danger of trusting these cases, which form allowedly a very large proportion, to the hands of an intelligent and well educated woman?
  • They need her simply because she is able to appeal to the misformed and the uneducated robin Gingrich says Palin 'tremendously important'
  • Vigorous debates, in the press, in the world of letters, and in learned societies and academies, testified to the worries of educated men that they faced a crisis that would soon be beyond control.
  • Svenson was not normally given to such arrogant posturing, but he felt sure that the two were not men of violence — that indeed, they were educated and accustomed to clean cuffs and uncalloused hands … rather like himself, actually. The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters
  • Up and down the country, arts faculties swarm with undergraduates pretending to be overeducated comedians pretending to be in-bred shopkeepers with little piggy noses.
  • He was educated at Rugby and at Trinity College, Oxford, where he was rusticated.
  • Educated at one of Shanghai's top universities, he's urbane, articulate in English and works in a foreign law firm.
  • You know the sort of thing: they aren't properly educated, they don't really know how to behave in polite society.
  • ABE students vary from virtual non-readers to well-educated immigrants who wish to learn English.
  • Just think, is this the kind of person or the kind of school system where you want to send your children daily, to be miseducated and programmed not to think for themselves, like this principal?
  • Why she continues to receive press coverage bewilders me – unless it's because the press enjoys showing what an uneducated and unintelligent person she is! Obama brushes off Palin on nuclear deal
  • Ili educated herself as an artist by studying the work of the old masters during her frequent travels in Italy and elsewhere. Ilona Kronstein.
  • I attended university as a mature student and was shocked at how ignorant and uneducated our student population actually is.
  • She was a woman, yes (this a handicap somewhat worse than her audiologic one), but an educated, hardworking one at least. A Maiden's Grave
  • Mr Newell was educated at Shrewsbury College and Magdalen College, Oxford, where he was an exhibitioner and honorary Demy.
  • It is more like a sales gimmick which targets the poor and uneducated.
  • It consists of a goodly proportion of those college educated people whose skills and vocations proliferate in a ‘post-industrial society’ … We are talking about scientists, teachers and educational administrators, journalists and others in the communication industries, psychologists, social workers, those lawyers and doctors who make their career in the expanding public sector, city planners and the staffs of the larger foundations and upper levels of the government bureaucracy, and so on …. Matthew Yglesias » Cato’s David Boaz Joins George Will in Peddling Bogus “Global Cooling” Stories
  • Some of these killings were perpetrated by people who were poor and uneducated, but others were not.
  • I have met with some well-informed men, and some lively conversable women, but none of either sex that reminded me of the well-educated men and women of Europe.
  • The reader will feel unread, uneducated, utterly exasperated with him or herself for missing the reference entirely.
  • He founded a vocational school for undereducated children.
  • Educated at Eton and Oxford, he lists his recreations in Who's Who as photography, gardening and horseracing.
  • The problem of any classically educated writer's falling in love with Greece was how to reconcile the provincial reality with the idealized images.
  • I second this policy (control low-skill immigration and go wild with high-skill), but educated Mexicans should not be preferred over all the brains that could be drained from the developing world. Tyler Cowen on Mexican Immigration, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The report also calls on government to increase its investment in education - the province has one of the most educated workforces in the world, but much of that is due to immigration.
  • First, the uproar seems confined to over-educated liberals alone.
  • When Music From Big Pink came out, people could hear mountain music in there, gospel music, blues, rock 'n' roll, rhythm and blues, and all these things like it was a big gumball of music, and it was because we had really woodsheded it and educated ourselves in trying to hone our skills. Mike Ragogna: How To Become Clairvoyant: A Conversation with Robbie Robertson
  • Having worked with him for four years, he knew he might be uneducated, but that did not mean he was unintelligent. GWENDOLEN
  • From his appearance, you would expect a guttural tone, but his voice was deep and educated.
  • We are educated, articulate, affluential, respected, and deal with humans and their problems daily - I am sure the average doctor would become a better leader than the likes of our present leaders.
  • Born in Tipperary, educated at Maynooth, he joined the Capuchins in Dublin.
  • A nation four-fifths peasant and two-thirds illiterate was industrialised, urbanised and educated within 30 years.
  • He pretended to show how an uneducated slave boy could be led to prove Pythagoras' theorem for doubling the square.
  • Maybe you think we're being a little hard on the people of this town, by calling them yokels and inferring that they're nothing more than a bunch of undereducated rubes.
  • Of course the dangerous few can never be educated and should be taken off the road, but in reality they are a tiny percentage of drivers.
  • For our country to remain competitive, we need a highly-skilled, highly-educated workforce.
  • Educated people had become a despised group, just as during the Cultural Revolution, when they suffered verbal and physical abuse.
  • Raised in genteel poverty in rural Wales and then in Hertford, England, Wallace was largely self-educated.
  • He was educated in Paris at the École Normale Supérieure and he received his licentiate with a thesis.
  • Most come from rural backgrounds and are poorly educated, handicaps for anyone who wants to get ahead in the modern urban-commercial civilisation.
  • The first was the semi-literate, naive nature of the letters implying these are some of the least educated, least switched on members of society, often on income support or some other kind of benefit.
  • Movies about poor, uneducated mothers forced to work punishing jobs are even rarer.
  • The size of a giant child meant it couldn't be educated in schools.
  • These farmers are mostly uneducated but they take full advantage of the benefits they can derive from their upper caste status.
  • A tiny, educated elite profited from the misery of their two million fellow countrymen.
  • Only the immigrant generation uses this mongrelized Bulgarian; their American-educated children are more likely to consider English their primary language.
  • On top of this, sweeping technological change, immigration, and imports have made conditions difficult for undereducated workers.
  • However, Good on her to finally get out of the house, learn Engligh and get a job! squiz, how is the woman a "burden on the state" when she's educated herself, is employed and pays taxes? Evening Standard - Home
  • The officers in the military had to be educated or this would never be achieved.
  • He struck me not only as highly educated but, more importantly, highly educable, meaning that he seemed capable of mastering problems on their own terms rather than with reference to pre-existing dogmas. Walter Kirn: Testing, Testing
  • More than most well-educated, middle-class talents of his generation, he footled his life away as a forlorn, frustrated flaneur, squandering several inherited fortunes to achieve renown only under a false name playing an elaborate practical joke.
  • They were young, well-educated, altruistic; Stephanie found their idealism naively evangelical. CHAMELEON
  • The new finance minister was educated at Oxford and is as traditional as they come.
  • An Egyptian-educated scholar, Nik Aziz said non-Muslims had nothing to fear from strict sharia punishments, known as hudud, and a lot to gain from them, especially Malaysia's large and wealthy ethnic Chinese minority. Now, here's a political platform....
  • I have chatted with him and he seems to be educated, humorous and intelligent.
  • Bannister was born in the town of Saint Andrews, New Brunswick, and was educated and grew up there. Men of Mark: Eminent, Progressive and Rising
  • He was ill educated, unintelligent, lacking in common sense, careless of his duties, immoral, and lazy.
  • But believing instead that meaningful change can come only from the “clerisy,” or educated elite, he has spent most of the past few decades trying to talk sense into British universities, and their English departments in particular. Keeping a Civil Tongue
  • As we are educated and acculturated into the medical profession, we spend a substantial amount of time with others who have similar interests, educational level, and specialized language.
  • The first duty of a revolutionary is to be educated. Che Guevara 
  • Others are the kind of lumpen proletariat that autocracies scoop up in a last-ditch effort to survive: convicted violent criminals, poorly educated young unemployed men, and no small number of sadists, sycophants, and psychopaths. Larry Diamond: Mubarak Must Go
  • She had the undoubting, uninquiring reverence which a Christianly educated child of those times might entertain for the visible head of the Christian Church, all whose doings were to be regarded with an awful veneration which never even raised a question. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 48, October, 1861
  • 'The philosopher of the half-educated,' he was called by an academic Philosopher who was not worthy to pollute the atmosphere he breathed. Chapter 37
  • One consequence is a reduction in the availability of educated professionals for the agricultural industry.
  • She now sends her privately educated son for extra language tuition.
  • Both children are privately educated.
  • And, occasionally, overeducated and sleep-deprived medical students manage to do it.
  • For ages, grandmothers educated granddaughters and mothers taught daughters, usually orally.
  • He was educated at a hedge-school, and on coming to man's estate, obtained a situation as steward to a neighbouring landowner. Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century
  • Instead, it points out which ones are "brainiest" i.e., the most educated. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • He was educated at Rugby School and after this, he managed his father's sisal plantation in the Bahamas for seven years.
  • The old, educated, ruling elite fled after the Soviet invasion and no new ruling elite has emerged in its place capable of negotiating a peace settlement.
  • Educated at Westminster and Oriel College, Oxford, he was an early casualty of the Oxford movement.
  • In spite of his father's moderate wealth, Chardin was largely self-educated.
  • The video illustrates its many features, some of which I was able to decipher from the German with an educated guess. PREFAB MOBILE FRIDAY: Deseo Caravans | Inhabitat
  • Its members were unskilled workers, mostly uneducated, occasionally illiterate and often unable to read or speak English.
  • It was an affront to the English language and an offence against all educated people.
  • She was educated privately and at Pembroke College, where she read classics.
  • Why would the editor of a newspaper alienate some of its better educated paying customers?
  • All the memories of those six months of deceit, of broken pledges, of unnecessary humiliations, of petty unpoliteness from a half-educated, half-bred, conceited, and arrogant people fell from us like a heavy knapsack. Notes of a War Correspondent
  • By informing women about these possible effects, then women will be able to make an educated and informed decision concerning their choice regarding the use of the pill or patch.
  • It's understood as a mark of educated cultivation, not wilful indulgence or evasion.
  • But even by marriage Jhabvala was an outsider, since her husband was a Parse, a member of a generally well-educated and prosperous ethnic group whose position in Indian society is not dissimilar to that of the Jews in Europe. Ruth Prawer Jhabvala.
  • Therefore potential receivers of this information should be educated to critically interpret information.

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