
How To Use Editor In A Sentence

  • If you unzip our sample document and load content.xml into a text editor, you should notice a few things.
  • Baffler editors have called commodification of dissent stretches back to Adorno and Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment and is alive and well in what he calls the "alienation market" in which films like Fahrenheit 9 / 11 either already have or are destined to make bundles (relatively speaking, of course). GreenCine Daily
  • Now that I think about it, direct property distraint was a recognized means of compelling welchers to fulfill their obligations in the quasi-anarchic Brehon laws of Celtic Ireland, even if it was a case of tenants or debtors going after landlords or creditors. Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #30
  • I would show up unannounced, watch Jaime teach calculus, chat with Principal Henry Gradillas, check in with other Advanced Placement classes and in the early afternoon call my editor in Washington to say I was chasing down the latest medfly outbreak story, or whatever seemed believable at the time. Unlike many, Escalante believed in teaching, not sorting
  • Darryl James, editor of RapSheet, presents Eminem with this antonomasia: ‘the Elvis of Rap’.
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  • Newspaper editors have agreed a new code of practice on the invasion of privacy.
  • She was previously editorial and production assistant at Product Communication, in London.
  • Editors must, then, exercise a choice and exercising a choice inevitably involves ignoring certain options.
  • They shared the joy and burden of editing for the next thirteen years, the longest period of any coeditorship in the journal's existence.
  • No creditor is gonna want want a piece of your sweet assets these days unless you've got a nice fat down payment and a plunging debt-to-income ratio that reveals a nice plump credit score. How To Be A Sexy Borrower - The Consumerist
  • People come up to me all of the time and as a conversation ice-breaker often say, ‘You're the food editor.’
  • The editors of BLACK ENTERPRISE recognize that philanthropy is the giving of money, time, and talent.
  • The new shareholder has declared the intention to conclude agreements with the plant's creditors and restore the production.
  • In the business object map editor, connect items in the Order business object on the left to items in the order business object on the right.
  • Three of the four panelists are current or former editorial page editors.
  • Under the editorship of Professor Robert L. Cleve, PhD, OAF, KCR, the issue begins with his outstanding study of the inscriptions and illustrations from the 1937 issue of postage stamps from the Italian Kingdom celebrating the bimillenary of the birth of the Emperor Augustus.
  • The Seattle Times says a business columnist and associate editor has resigned after admitting he plagiarized the work of other journalists.
  • Complain about their bad grammar or poor choice of headlines or biased editorials.
  • For a squeamish diary writer it was enough to send me to the editor's well-stocked drinks cabinet for a nip of his favourite barley wine.
  • The editorial begins with a recapitulation of the basic argument marshaled by the Bush administration regarding his past actions while on the board of directors of Harken Energy.
  • Sitting in the chairs for a shapeup this week are freelance writer Jimi Izrael, syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette, civil rights attorney and editor Arsalan Iftikhar, and NPR's political editor Ken Rudin. 'Shop Talk': The Political Witchunt For Christine O'Donnell
  • In these cases no defence is offered so they are signed off electronically by the court on evidence supplied by creditors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sting of brevity is made much softer by the brilliant inclusion of a fully-operational level editor. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Ben Bradlee, the longtime Washington Post editor, is a vice president at the newspaper and former Washington bureau chief of NEWSWEEK.
  • Aside from the sanctity of my goats and all I am happy to have coyotes, catamounts, bears and other preditors in the woods, they are hallmarks of a heathy ecosystem with all of its components in place. The Coyote--to Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the Question.
  • The Servian action is that by which a landlord sues for his tenant's property, over which he has a right in the nature of mortgage as security for his rent; the quasi-Servian is a similar remedy, open to every pledgee or hypothecary creditor. The Institutes of Justinian
  • In the first horror occasioned by her father's distress from the bills of her brother, she wrote a supplicating letter to Mrs. Mittin, to intreat she would endeavour to quiet her creditors till she could arrange something for their payment. Camilla
  • Early in his essay, the editor makes it clear that his warning is against all autarchs.
  • He may have had some suspicions of Michael Foster, the editor of the journal.
  • The deputy editor had tried to be helpful.
  • With the help of editor Paula R. Stiles and a band of eldritch writers she publishes the online zine Innsmouth Free Press. April 2010
  • I congratulated her on taking part in your elocution lessons, and she said you were helping them to be well-spoken tabloid editors. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Failure to approve them in a vote this week could block the next tranche of €3 billion from international creditors. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I told my creditors that we needed to give these people 10 days of severance, even though that would deplete the rest of our cash.
  • The IDE will have integrated tools including a debugger, calculator, binary editor, and disassembler. FAQ: The x86 Assembly Language FAQ by Raymond Moon (Part II)
  • Key decisions are always taken by the editor.
  • So over the next year, she pored over magazines, drafted an editorial plan and put together a dummy issue from published magazine pages and pictures that she liked.
  • The question isn't really whether editors can be granted copyright for their work or not.
  • A word that terrifies many fair-minded editors is terrorist; it connotes criminality. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • They would also allow former editors on the panel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Peoples Liberation Army Daily editorialised in early July that Jiang was the ‘core’ of the government.
  • When are distributions likely to be made to creditors?
  • Moreover, editors may directly alter or influence copy in ways not observable by examining only the stories.
  • The editor of the local paper says he's really scratching around for stories this week.
  • After that, the stories came out in a rush, many of them editorials by journalists congratulating themselves for not running the story in the first place.
  • The family struggled to agree a formula under which a panel would be established to safeguard editorial independence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like a kid, Mr. Mailer was fascinated by his own naughtiness -- his earliest critics castigated him for the vulgarity of his language, though his editors insisted that he use the word "fug" in "The Naked and the Dead. A Boy's Life
  • Every month you send the agency a single payment that is portioned out to each of your creditors until your debts are paid off.
  • A few months later, the guy who owned and operated the company upped and vanished to avoid a legion of creditors, and has not been seen since.
  • William Coleman, Federalist editor of the New-York Evening Post, published an account of the incident in his paper two days later.
  • He's the man who helped persuade hawkish editors at influential Newsweek magazine to oppose the Vietnam War.
  • It completely inures you from the slings and arrows of outrageous bloggers, creditors, film investors and divorce attorneys. Mark Morford: Mel Gibson's Top 10 Tips For Sexist Monsters
  • A good editor never once leaves a misprint uncorrected.
  • Back in America, he pitched this complicated, albeit less sexy, idea to his editor at the Times.
  • Newspaper editors are being urged not to intrude on/into the grief of the families of missing servicemen.
  • Secondly, do NOT think that you are going to hold back the ending because "I want the editor to be knocked endwise by the twist when s/he reads the book". Archive 2007-03-01
  • The editorials and breast-beating must look quaint and mystifying at the very least.
  • Some have simply had a bad relationship with their editors or the publishing house.
  • Once I was in a conga line around the pool when my foreign editor called to discuss a trip to Helmand. Times, Sunday Times
  • There they gather short, or editor-shortened, letters in which correspondents with opposing views slug away at each other on a topic selected by the editor.
  • Recently both the Times and the New York Daily News have editorialized in favor of reopening the Fresh Kills landfill.
  • Seriously, I would like to see all of you bluebook editors write an article on European Competition law and not kill yourselves. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Case for Abolishing the Bluebook
  • Although Time's editors were not in every instance necessarily responsible for the logodaedaly ascribed to them: the magazine served as the medium through which these coinages became known to millions. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XX No 1
  • The editor scans in video clips as thumbnails and displays the thumbnails in the clip window of the display.
  • a discerning editor
  • There's an opening for an editorial assistant in our department.
  • The sultan is the virtual editor, and consequently the papers are popular, as containing opinions on state policy _ex cathedra_. The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • He has worked as an editor, copywriter, lecturer, careworker, sheep wrangler, bookshop assistant and supply teacher.
  • There is no introductory editorial discussing the title or theme of the volume or its intended audience, but the essays mostly deal with language and metalinguistics in some way.
  • I am a sub-editor for a website myself and know this to be extremely hard work, but any writer that chose to use such atrocious English as that would have the book thrown at them. Monthly Firefox-Themed Wallpapers With Embedded Calendars | Lifehacker Australia
  • Creditor committees and managers of bankrupt companies often are too optimistic.
  • Over six years ago, the Association put forward proposals, which would rank farmers as preferential creditors for agricultural produce supplied by them.
  • A good text editor can import SHIFT-JIS and then save as UTF-8.
  • One day there came a note from the editor requiring me to write ten pages on this revolting text: "Considerations concerning the alleged subterranean holophotal extemporaneousness of the conchyliaceous superimbrication of the Ornithorhyncus, as foreshadowed by the unintelligibility of its plesiosaurian anisodactylous aspects. Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
  • The editor of Time magazine Richard Stengel said, "The iPad will transform the way journalism works.
  • And as an editor there he got to kibitz and tipple with the likes of Dorothy Parker, Stephen Vincent Benet and P.G. Woodhouse.
  • He is the outspoken and confident red-haired editor of the local newspaper.
  • Guardian editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger asked about Google's role in this freemium world; 40 % of the traffic to its sites comes from Google.
  • Karen Barnes, associate editor of Good Housekeeping magazine, believes it is possible to become the perfect hostess without losing your cool.
  • The editor omitted the third paragraph from the article.
  • Under his editorship, the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage.
  • The creditor would not be concerned with the question whether or not the surety had an adequate understanding of the transaction.
  • While skintight leather leggings have been en vogue for a while, fashion editors and stylists are now wearing looser, tailored styles. Times, Sunday Times
  • We don't do the dainty minuet of the newspaper editorial page.
  • For the last four years, the pony-tailed Jonathan Corbet, kernel developer and editor, has presented what he calls the kernel report at Australia's national Linux conference. ITWire - Latest Headlines
  • In-house work includes subediting for the Guardian, GMB and PC World, admin / production work for the Sunday Times and cover as acting editor of BT Vision's magazine. News from
  • Dr. Levering is the author, co-author, and editor of numerous books, including Christ's Reading the Apostle, the Doctor, and the Pope
  • Sima Qian is a famouse historian, literati and editor.
  • He signed an agreement to borrow a 75 million euro two-year loan syndicated by 18 banks, an unprecedented number of creditors for Bulgaria.
  • ... is there a difference between 'copyeditor' and 'editor'? January 16th, 2007
  • I wore my summer suit pretty well through that winter, and the following summer experienced the longest, dryest spell of all, in the period when salaried men are gone on vacation and manuscripts lie in editorial offices until vacation is over. Chapter 26
  • Having presided with his president over the first-ever downgrading of the debt his department issues, Mr. Geithner hied to Wroclaw, Poland, to share his wisdom with the assembled European finance ministers, who pointed out that the euro zone is less indebted than the U.S. and not well placed to warn them, as Mr. Geithner did, of the danger of dependence on foreign creditors. Aggregating Conceals Some Important Facts
  • Creditors fall foul of the law if they chase up debts too frequently.
  • It was always a mystery why cash flow was so poor, given that he openly sold editorial as well as advertising space.
  • Two days after the plan was announced, Mr Resende took the newly minted package to creditors in Washington.
  • Editor's note: WRT "swiftness": NASA posted it at Jan 26, 2009 02: 34: 18 PM Jeff Hanley's Latest Update From the Denial Zone - NASA Watch
  • I have yet to see -- again, maybe I missed it -- anybody ask Dodd or even ask apostrophically the $218 million question, although today's Hartford Courant editorial -- ths "blogger" appreciated the shout-out -- begins to home in on it. Blogs
  • I am pleased to tell you that your application for the post of Assistant Editor has been successful.
  • He now occupies the lofty position of Editor Emeritus at the Irish Times, an honorific title given to him for loyal, distinguished service, dedication beyond the call, etc.
  • Only from an editor's perch can you get a broad panoramic view of this community of scholars - authors, reviewers, associate editors - in action.
  • Anyway, The Author is filled with lots of immensely practical articles by working authors, agents, commissioning editors and so on.
  • If you have any specific questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact your state editor or the network editor.
  • Newsweek's editor was targeted this spring by an internet campaign that used surreptitiously recorded footage showing him, as well as opposition politicians, in compromising situations. Publisher Shuts Russian Weekly
  • Conservatives in the judiciary shut these publications, beginning in April, and jailed at least half a dozen editors and commentators.
  • That's why, Adler explains in an editor's letter, Reuters has decided to produce a magazine specifically designed for the gabfest known as Davos. Yvette Kantrow: A Look at Reuters, the Magazine
  • Three of the four panelists are current or former editorial page editors.
  • The payment had the effect of conferring a preference, priority or advantage on those creditors over the other creditors.
  • This measure would keep its creditors at bay until it can find a satisfactory solution to its troubles.
  • Part of the problem here surely goes to Sarris's editor, who should have been able to reduce the amount of extraneous material.
  • Jaspan inherits a newspaper with the kind of resources a keen editor with a lively mind and a constitution tested by the fire of Fleet St would find irresistible.
  • From 1953 he was assistant to the managing editor, serving as media organiser for the Perth Commonwealth Games and for early tours to the promising mineral regions of the north-west.
  • The days when developers would sit at a text editor manually arranging buttons, listboxes and other widgets by brain power alone are pretty much gone.
  • Our literary editor has already offered her eloquent justification. Times, Sunday Times
  • Robin, a sharp-tongued New Yorker, was working for a magazine aimed at woman issues as an assistant editor. Frank was Robin's two-day old boyfriend.
  • Story Editor: He's a youngster of German origin who was studying under the father of modern rocketry (Hermann) Oberth.
  • And, as the secured creditor has consented to the payment, no recoupment of the money paid is possible.
  • He was an editor, cartoonist, film maker and scenic artist with ABC television before his solo exhibition with Watters Gallery in Sydney in 1966.
  • Think of it this way: a good copy-editor working on a novel written in Scots dialect can apply prescriptivism and correct it into Standard English. More on Critique
  • Many who were less talented at writing entered the world of publishing as editors, calligraphers, copyists, or proofreaders.
  • Even the clink of decanter against glass from the editor's office was briefly absent.
  • The designers have a tricky job balancing the editorial page elements around the fixed advertising positions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Matthea’s husband (and editor of Jubilat) Rob Caspar is also with us, as well as 4 young German poets (between 27 and 36) who have translated our poems. 2007 June : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation - Part 2
  • His editor would not challenge and tolerate him, the various and sundry contacts and stoolies would not squeal to him.
  • Those are not the restrictions Congress voted for. no editorial endorsements from the Press (they are corporations). Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • In his habitual laconical way he counselled me to reserve all my savings for our journey, and to settle with my creditors when my Parisian successes had provided the necessary means. My Life — Volume 1
  • He hadn't been able to work since, and the family subsisted on Social Security disability and Rhonda's paltry earnings as a free-lance editor. Whiplash
  • GRADY, CHAS I, editor and propr of The Post, r 6th, cor Ann. See advs. Haddock's Wilmington, N.C., Directory, and General Advertiser, Containing a General and Business Directory of the City, Historical Sketch, State, County, City Government, &c., &c.:
  • It's when the "commitee" grows to include the people in the office, the kid in the mail room, the editors husband and just anyone walking by... it's then that I want to tear my hair out. Your Fate Is in My Hands (mwah-ha-ha)
  • The first film they previewed for me was Cinescape Editor-In-Chief Anthony C. Ferrante's feature film debut BOO!
  • To determine which places are tops, we'll ask political consultants, reporters, editors and pols.
  • Our fashion editor gives you the lowdown on winter coats for this season.
  • Whatever his capacity as a poet, Theobald was no fool as an editor or as a critic.
  • In time, under his editorship, the Irish Times was capable of standing alongside any newspaper in the world.
  • The accompanying editorial concluded that dual therapy was rarely indicated.
  • But there will be tough new measures for the minority of bankrupts who take advantage of their creditors.
  • The editor, who is 52, spotlessly shirtsleeved, brisk in his diction, with hair like a cerebral Tory minister, was heard to growl. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • That paper's really gone off since they got that new editor.
  • With the LPEX editor base profiles, you can configure the editor to adopt the keyboard and command personalities of several popular editors, such as ISPF, XEDIT, VI, and Emacs.
  • EDITOR: A generic handwringer of an article from the Telegraph The Weekender: Education cuts, lies, spin, Scotland invaded by Border Police, more expensesgate! Oh the fun!
  • In such cases we request that authors submit a synopsis of the review to the Editorial Office for consideration by the Board.
  • the editor limited the length of my article to 500 words
  • But Benedict, however "charming," is still stifling theologians who challenge ideas about Catholicism, says Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest and former editor of the Jesuit-owned magazine America. U.S. visit will give pope a defining moment
  • But these are all slippages easily repaired with firm editorial control’.
  • They were top-flight journalists and editors from newspapers and magazines!
  • While skintight leather leggings have been en vogue for a while, fashion editors and stylists are now wearing looser, tailored styles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Martin frowned inwardly at the citation of that worthy gentleman, and went on: I put stamps on all my manuscripts and started them off to the editors again. Chapter 22
  • You can edit each type of resource by using a default editor associated with its file name extension.
  • In reflecting on the roles and responsibilities of an editor of a learned journal, I am reminded of the analogies made by a fellow editor of a cognate research journal.
  • Curt Backa, who has been fist-bumped more than he liked to be, is a Tribune sports writer, copy editor and kegling savant. - Local News
  • Society member Thomas Snowden held "Fifty shares of the stock of the New Jersey Morris Canal and Banking Company" when he died and when creditors forced Theophilus Eaton to file as an insolvent debtor, he possessed a note from William Garratt promising the delivery of Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • One of them was a sub-editor who subs my work a lot so I ask her what the problems with my writing are, and she gave me pretty good tips.
  • Greta Christina is the editor of Best Erotic Comics 2008, and the author of "Deprogramming," an erotic short story from my new anthology. Boing Boing
  • Because The Times separates news and editorial operations, he has no involvement in the editorial pages of the newspaper.
  • The problem is not that he has abridged the Bible - the very creation of Scripture required the editorial judgment of its redactors - but that he has attenuated it.
  • Here is John Simmonds, our Diplomatic Editor, with the latest news.
  • That is not to say that users must agree with the editor in every particular.
  • In the short term, to the extent that it enabled workers to recover entitlement losses, this merely shifted those losses from workers to other unsecured creditors who were in no way responsible for the problem.
  • As this issue of TIME closed, our editorial staff discovered it had some lovely reasons for an impromptu party: three orchid-decked researchers ablush and abeam with plans for marriage.
  • Years ago, editorial companies had editors on one side of the hall cutting picture on moviolas, and sound editors on the other side of the hall cutting sound on moviolas (in the sound editorial department).
  • Marrlist Limited had locus as a creditor of the company.
  • On the basis he had realised all of the assets and these would be used to cover his fees, there had been no point advertising for potential creditors to come forward because there was nothing in the pot for them.
  • The secret appears to be: keep costs low, have cred and employ editors with wit and sharp eyes.
  • Horace Greeley, editor of the "New York Tribune," the leading Republican journal of the North, contented himself with referring to Brown and his followers as "mistaken men," but added that he would "not by one reproachful word disturb the bloody shrouds wherein John Brown and his compatriots are sleeping. The end of an era,
  • Technorati Tags: children's picture books, editors 'picks, eric carle, holiday picks, Leo Lionni, little blue and little yellow, steve jenkins Best of 2009
  • MGM's creditors are currently holding talks with Spyglass Entertainment and Summit Entertainment about running the studio, should they gain control under what is known as a prearranged bankruptcy, according to a person briefed on the matter. DealBook
  • While skintight leather leggings have been en vogue for a while, fashion editors and stylists are now wearing looser, tailored styles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lovecraft's memorial piece on Howard, with supplemental comments added by Otis Adelbert Kline, E. Hoffman Price, and Jack Byrne, the editor of Argosy magazine. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Again, there's a democratizing influence; the blogosphere is the new slushpile, and a retweeting chain that links someone with a manuscript to an agent or editor might pass through three "friends" who barely even know each other. MIND MELD: How Does Blogging and Social Networking Affect the Publishing Industry?
  • The assignment editor will send a reporter and a crew to the scene.
  • Those wildlife docs are the product of hundreds of hours of footage cut and pasted into a contrived narrative by creative editors. Times, Sunday Times
  • He joined DC Thomson, where he wrote horoscopes for the women's magazine Secrets before being promoted to the unlikely role of beauty editor.
  • Note to editor: If I can't say the word 'jackass' substitute the word 'jerk', but I really do mean 'jackass'. Front Page
  • Self also neglects to provide headings or subheads on the grounds that these were coined by sub-editors and were therefore not worthy of inclusion.
  • The most surprising Democrat to engage in this daydreaming is one who never dated Dean in the first place: Peter Beinart, editor of the New Republic. September 2004
  • “A common intervalometer”: Milt Groban, “To the Editor,” 10. Masters of the Air
  • EDITOR: The watchdog being the Audit Commission, normally known for cavilling about spending Archive 2009-08-01
  • Or, as in the Brezhnev period, they were so emendated in a cretinized two-volume edition of Tkachev's works (in whose introduction the Soviet editors also criticized me and my book on Tkachev ” the first in English about him) as to be unrecognizable ” either as essential Tkachevism or as examples of proto-Bolshevism foreshadowing Lenin's ideology. Lenin & 'The Radiant Future'
  • We would share stories of mistaken identity, confused publicists and editors, odd coincidences and connections.
  • The creditor could sue the debtor, sell the mortgage securities or sue the surety.
  • Some tabloid editors bleat that anybody in the public eye deserves none. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last week, many letters to the editors of newspapers critiqued Cathy's selection to light the flame.
  • Paul:How about to my editor, the old curmudgeon? Excuse me. He took me off the Anaconda story. I'm a reporter at The Bee.
  • Given the sums that they had borrowed from shopkeepers and moneylenders at high interest rates, tenants were unable to satisfy both their creditors in the towns and their landlords.
  • None of the team's assets, including its Milton Keynes headquarters, is mortgaged to banks or creditors, and the 300 staff are skilled and committed.
  • (Later, Dedekind did important editorial work for Gauss, Dirichlet, and Riemann.) Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
  • The newsman jazzed up the story to sell himself to the editors of the weekly.
  • Key decisions are always taken by the editor.
  • Our newspapers are free to articulate their views in their own editorials every day.
  • Most of these are points where my grammar and style failed me; some are where the copyeditor is saving my butt by pointing out factual inaccuracies or confusing passages. In which I steal an old post «
  • On the write-in side, a collection of text editors and shells claimed most of the votes.
  • Donald E. Westlake's _God Save the Mark_ (Forge, $24.95 hardcover, $14.95 trade paper), chosen and introduced by series editor Otto Penzler, is a splendid early example of his unique brand of criminous comedy The Body Ricardo
  • Instead of engaging in small talk with editors, he sells via specialized agencies from his stock of 80,000 slides, all stored in iron cabinets in his house.
  • Stephen Garnett, editor of This England magazine, said: "We're incredibly disappointed that English people are afraid of displaying the St George's Cross on our patron saint's day.
  • Some judicious editorial pruning would have made the novel less uneven and the text more taut.
  • Mr. Katz is editor of the semiweekly Oriental Economist Alert. Tokyo Gamble
  • She's the editor of a popular women's magazine.
  • NYT Editorial: Bashing federal bureaucracies is a favorite sport among Republicans on Capitol Hill, but their fun should not come at the expense of national security. 07/11/2004
  • But unsecured creditors were likely to have lost out.
  • The editorial file I examined has some obvious lacunae and is very thin on letters from Pynchon (someone probably filched them, alas).
  • Anthony, whose job it was to act as a buffer between editorial staff and management and who always looked as though he was on the verge of a heart attack, slammed the phone down, cursed and reached for a cigarette.

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