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How To Use Edifying In A Sentence

  • As an unrepentant internet devotee, I spend a lot of time rootling around cyberspace seeking out the edifying and unusual.
  • They are very nice examples of the gothic form, employing noble materials, good colour and detailing, and in edifying proportions. Solemn Mass at Ss. Gregory and Augustine Oratory, St. Louis Abbey
  • We were treated to the unedifying spectacle of two cabinet ministers fighting over a seat.
  • Not very edifying but he would not be the first player to have gone to such extremes. The Sun
  • The Portuguese monarch praises in round terms the edifying zeal of the primate, but wisely confined himself to his own crusades in India, which were likely to make better returns, at least in this world, than those to Palestine. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 3
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  • There are about 220 students following the courses and the epistolary relationship with the students is both edifying and gratifying.
  • None of this was particularly edifying, but at least it singled out the middle years as the trickiest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watching husbands and wives and children all screaming at each other and acting like a ravening pack of spoiled brats for an hour is pretty unedifying stuff.
  • Last night Adelaide viewers were faced with the unedifying sight of having their nightly TV news beamed in from Sydney.
  • Of course, the young people flirted, for that diversion is apparently irradicable even in the "best society," but it was done with a propriety which was edifying to behold. Scarlet Stockings
  • In the 18th century art was seen, along with music and poetry, as something edifying.
  • Political soap operas are entertaining and unedifying in equal measure. No Quick Fixes for Areva
  • They had been raised on edifying tales of Greek tyrannicides that always ended in the liberation of the city.
  • No-one would claim that the film is morally edifying.
  • It may be both educational and edifying, but it isn't going to solve a single thing. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • edify," literally, "build up," namely, in faith, hope, and love, by discoursing together on such edifying topics as the Lord's coming, and the glory of the saints (Mal 3: 16). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Speakers, dance companies, musical groups, lecturers, and vaguely edifying entertainments made the rounds; it was hugely successful.
  • The sight of two pairs of badminton players trying to lose was unedifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were treated to the unedifying spectacle of two cabinet ministers fighting over a seat.
  • Let's just say that spending 75 minutes wandering around North Cambridge at 1am with a very drunk person who is sure that each road junction looks familiar wasn't massively edifying.
  • The results are edifying as neither expectation is borne out.
  • As I have often noted of recent, the project of giving consideration to why certain manifestations of the sacred arts and architecture are particular edifying is an important exercise, especially for those of you in a position to commission these things, or who might be in the future. A Look at the Architectural Work of Ethan Anthony and HDB/Cram and Ferguson
  • Most collections of lives of the saints, particularly those in modern languages, are inspired by the idea of edifying and interesting the reader, and without any great solicitude for historical truth. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • The second period, thankfully, was a more edifying spectacle. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is has been, and continues to be, an unedifying sight.
  • Smaller and warmer-blooded nations able to work harmoniously and more responsively in a radically changing world might pull of a truly edifying World Expo in 2020, one that the muscle-bound giants will never imagine, let alone create. Bob Jacobson: Can the US Get Back the Needed Moral Authority to Host a 2020 World Expo?
  • The second half, largely spent wellying the ball aimlessly into Wigan territory, was unedifying stuff, in which only Dzeko, Agüero and Milner offered any attacking invention at all and only Hart's fine save from McCarthy – City's magnificent keeper is being presented with the man-of-the-match bubbly as I type – stopped Wigan equalising. Wigan Athletic 0 Manchester City 1 | minute-by-minute report
  • Politicians make for an unedifying spectacle when they are cattle-prodded by party policy into squirming and writhing in unison.
  • But I care even more about the unedifying spectacle that followed.
  • But we know that this claim, although edifying, is not really true.
  • The extremely unedifying combination of the episcopal gutlessness on display in DC and the bureaucratic contempt for the flock on display here has a number of people livid.
  • Squabbles over the garden fence can be unedifying, and the relationship between sporting neighbours is more prickly than most.
  • It was unedifying, unenlightening and uninteresting. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would also have been edifying if Gonzales' opponents had recognized the possibility that information obtained through aggressive interrogation can save lives.
  • His introductions and translations are scholarly, edifying, and link the mind with the heart.
  • Godly edifying is the end ministers should aim at in all their discourses, that Christians may be improving in godliness and growing up to a greater likeness to the blessed God. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The way I propose here is to consider how the biblical writers themselves dealt with difficult texts, that is, how they handled elements of the tradition which they could no longer accept as ethical or edifying.
  • During the midday meal the older children read edifying passages chosen by Nicholas from religious or secular history.
  • That unedifying but intriguing little episode must have been round the Lab within minutes of its happening.
  • Not once had Harry felt his spiritual bond with Satchidananda enhanced by all the carping, however edifyingly paternal it was meant to be.
  • The current squabble is nothing new, but it could herald far-reaching change: The U.K. government has pledged to extricate itself from the unedifying annual spectacle by removing the role of the secretary of state from determining the levy scheme, and there is a sense that this represents an opportunity to remodel the levy with a viable commercial mechanism. Jockeying Over Horseracing Funding
  • In the end, it is neither enlightening nor edifying.
  • Travel is an edifying experience , especially for young people.
  • My time in its replacement was rather less edifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the 18th century art was seen, along with music and poetry, as something edifying.
  • And in the interim, we thank him for this edifying initial look at his team's intriguing and very promising project.
  • Being left in a bar all afternoon with a load of football supporters is not the most edifying of experiences.
  • Last week's unedifying "meowing" debate in Canberra demonstrated how easily Ms. Gillard can be distracted from promoting her government's legislative program. When Julia Gillard Went to Canberra
  • It is altogether a rollicking tale, if not an edifying one. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The circus of the last few weeks has been unedifying.
  • It is unedifying for our elected representatives to greet a ruling with which they disagree by accusing individual judges of prejudice. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was in town to start directing a spectacularly unedifying documentary about a teenage girl who operated a pornographic webcam from her bedroom.
  • People would say that this wasn't an edifying sight, this is wrong.
  • It was not a terribly edifying spectacle. THE LAST PARTY: Britpop, Blair and the demise of English rock
  • He's an excellent, edifying, and courageous homilist; he never waters down the Gospel message to suit modern sensibilities.
  • It is an unedifying, if dramatic, denouement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The march is completed with four appendixes aimed at edifying the non-expert on military organization, the conduct of war, weapons used in World War II, and a short bibliographic essay.
  • God forbid the Post reporter should "take sides," as that would violate the Golden Rule of "balance," and the "debate" might turn still more "cantankerous" -- or maybe it would get a bit more edifying, as real debate should be. WaPo Article on E-Voting "Debate" Treats Corporate Flacks as Righteous Witnesses
  • Her face was red, fumes came from her head and she was muttering very strong and unedifying words under her breath that were peeling paint off of the walls.
  • Besides evangelizing the lost and edifying the saved, shouldn't the church also be the conscience for the community?
  • As for ‘violence’, a very popular topic in the echolalist edifying ‘discourses’, the one they know best but never write about is character assassination and back-stabbing.
  • After all, as the British government's linkman he also helped to arm them, but that is another and much less edifying story.
  • After all, are not all religions but the theological symbolization of natural phenomena; and the sacraments, the festivals, and fasts of all the churches have their counterparts in the mysterious processes and manifestations of Nature? and is the contemplation of the resurrection of Adonis or Thammuz more edifying to the soul than to meditate the strange return of the spring which their legends but ecclesiastically celebrate? Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
  • It was not a particularly edifying sight to see him reduced to playing in a lower Scottish league.
  • It was edifying to learn that France's alleged ‘war is not the answer’ policy is inspired by Napoleon.
  • Magius, 1664 "; then, pell-mell, there were: _A curious and edifying miscellany concerning church bells_ by Dom Rémi Carré; another _Edifying miscellany_, anonymous; a _Treatise of bells_ by Jean-Baptiste Thiers, curate of Champrond and Vibraye; a ponderous tome by an architect named Là-bas
  • Due to factors ranging from the unedifying squabble over the federal debt ceiling to Standard & Poor's August downgrade of the U.S. credit rating, the dollar hasn't been looking pretty either. Euro Remains Short of Friends
  • ‘I have been staggered by the response of the Highland community to this unedifying spectacle of greed,’ said Morrison.
  • I do not turn to Clarissa in times of duress, but then I am an unregenerate reader, too enthralled by Lovelace's legerdemain to linger over Richardson's edifying sentiments.
  • Vain jangling" (1Ti 1: 6, 7) of would-be "teachers of the law." godly edifying -- The oldest manuscripts read, "the dispensation of God," the Gospel dispensation of God towards man (1Co 9: 17), "which is (has its element) in faith. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Rather than show my disdain outright and attach my friend's moral shortcomings, I started to ruminate a more edifying scheme.
  • She's instructive, witty and fun - watching her show is edifying without feeling that way.
  • Being left in a bar all afternoon with a load of football supporters is not the most edifying of experiences.
  • In my view, it would be unseemly, undignified and unedifying to have a legal tussle over these royal remains. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has often been chosen as a school set text, due to its edifying subject and absence of bawdy, and has consequently retained an unfortunate aura of the classroom for many readers and commentators.
  • The unedifying spectacle we were invited to witness on Saturday evening was nothing less than a live sacking. Keegle is noble but good taste takes a tumbril | Martin Kelner
  • What an unedifying spectacle we have before us.
  • So they convened a kangaroo court and sent him on his unedifying way with a flea in his ear from an outraged Emma. The Sun
  • So when he appeared outside the dressing room on Saturday afternoon sporting a glorious shiner it seemed there might be yet another unedifying tale of late-night revelry to tell.
  • Here the edifying conversation was interrupted by a loud explosive expletive from the buttery, which showed that my grandmother was listening with anything but approbation. Oldtown Folks
  • Protestantism in the sixteenth century, if it could have been accepted in France, would have been a more edifying dissolvent than Voltairism was in the eighteenth; but it is certain that the loosening of theological ideas and the organization connected with them and upholding them, was the first process towards making truly social ideas possible, and their future realization a thing which good men might hope for. Voltaire
  • And these edifying Benedictine "consuetudines" give the reason: "Nam tanta est auctoritatis præsentæ ipsius defuncti, ut etiam in tanta solemnitate hujusmodi missa non potest negligentia intermitti" (For the presence of the corpse constitutes such a serious reason that, even on festival as great as this, a Mass of this kind must not be neglected). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • The antics of government ministers when it comes to accepting responsibility or, more usually, evading responsibility, when things go wrong in their departments is not an edifying sight.
  • The state always has been disputed territory in war and politics, but never more than it is now, in the final, cliffhanging days of a close-run but unedifying presidential campaign. Who'll Have The Last Laugh?
  • I've had to edit ten years of your memories, a lot of which weren't edifying.
  • In the 18th century art was seen, along with music and poetry, as something edifying.
  • There is nothing new about England's social, economic and cultural decay, but the spectacle has of late become so unedifying as to be almost unendurable.
  • Midrashim are those called homiletical, or Hagadic, which embrace the interpretation, illustration, or expansion, in a moralizing or edifying manner, of the non-legal portions of the Hebrew Bible. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Most of them could find nothing pleasing or edifying in its use.
  • (answering to "circumspectly," that is, correctly, in relation to the unbelievers around, not giving occasion of stumbling to any, but edifying all by a consistent walk). not as fools -- Greek, "not as unwise, but as wise. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Unlike so many gassier entries in this category, Theater J's edifying "New Jerusalem: The Interrogation of Baruch de Spinoza" features a gallery of intriguing characters, nonstop enlightened argument and even -- hold the phone -- a socko finish. Review: 'New Jerusalem: The Interrogation of Baruch de Spinoza' at Theater J
  • This frankly ridiculous trend of changing your name to something edifyingly stupid overwhelms me.
  • It's about time this unedifying charade ended. Times, Sunday Times
  • Up until World War 2, practically all evangelical churches held two preaching services every Sunday; one aimed at edifying the church; the other at converting sinners.
  • From the boardroom in his office he told me this year's player trading period was particularly unedifying.
  • He's wrong of course as he has been throughout his whole unedifying politico-religious career.
  • It was not an edifying sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • He awoke to news that was rather less edifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not the most edifying sight of the TV week, admittedly. The Sun
  • In the Middle East itself, the revolutionary experience of the mid-20th century has been equally unedifying, to say the least. The Lesson of the Arab Spring
  • It wasn't an edifying match, but it couldn't be helped, as the main event had been hit by two withdrawals.
  • That the story is what may be called edifying can hardly be claimed, but the world has long since ceased to expect -- perhaps even to desire -- that opera should inculcate a lofty moral code. The Opera A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions of all Works in the Modern Repertory.
  • It is, to say the least, an unedifying spectacle.
  • Accordingly, to add the strength of example to precept, Demetrius himself girt up his loins, and retreated with the most edifying speed to the opposite side of the ridge, accompanied by the greater part of the crowd, who had tarried there to witness the contest which the newsmonger promised, and were determined to take his word for their own safety. Count Robert of Paris
  • So they convened a kangaroo court and sent him on his unedifying way with a flea in his ear from an outraged Emma. The Sun
  • Watching soccer fans howling racist remarks was not an edifying sight.
  • It may not be an edifying spectacle. Times, Sunday Times
  • And when, just at the passing of that replevined Wednesday which I loaned, you rebuked the Countess Dorothy very edifyingly, I was pleased to find a man so chaste: and therefore I continued my grant of youth -- Jurgen A Comedy of Justice
  • the paintings in the church served an edifying purpose even for those who could not read
  • An unedifying gallery of bit-part rogues, including the profoundly unlovable Frankie Fraser, keeps assuring us that Charlie was a gentleman who looked after his old mum, etc etc.
  • But at least the unedifying spectacle of comrades in Christ tearing strips off each other over gay sex will vanish from the headlines for a bit.
  • So they convened a kangaroo court and sent him on his unedifying way with a flea in his ear from an outraged Emma. The Sun
  • Here in Melbourne, listening to what's colloquially called, Drive Time Radio, is a singularly unedifying experience.
  • Nobody was going to waste their time spying on my nakedness; it's a singularly unedifying sight. GALILEE
  • Insurrection of Women, how foisonless, unedifying, undelightful; like small ale palled, like an effervescence that has effervesced! The French Revolution
  • It was hardly the most edifying of spectacles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cultivating a pre-Raphaelite look at that age can only convey the impression of an unedifying private life. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • She turned her mind instead to the much more edifying prospect of the evening's activity. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • It was here that the monk spent much of the day reading and meditating on Scripture and other edifying texts.
  • But like everybody else in public life, from politicians and pundits to performers and poets, Stewart wants to seem edifying and instructive.
  • I agree with Frank on this. one can hardly call the edifying aspects of reading a by-product. I'm not so sure ...
  • Her captivating style makes these edifying reflections a pleasure to read.
  • It's nice to have a mayor who has enough confidence in people to ask them to be serious about their city and know that the answers they give will be edifying, not small-minded.
  • It was also responsible for one of the most unedifying episodes in modern politics, as Labour grandees sucked up to the label's founder, Alan McGee, in the hope that a little of Britpop's stardust would rub off.
  • It is altogether a rollicking tale, if not an edifying one. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Without appearing to suggest anything beyond a trifling blemish in this story, replete as it is with edifying illustrations of the frailties of human nature, it would be well to remember that the helmet shell (CASSIS FLAMMEA) is not nacreous and could not therefore produce a true pearl, but merely g porcellaneous concretion, which, however, might possess a most attractive tint, possibly pale salmon or orange. Tropic Days
  • Yet she used to lament that certain writers of the first class, who were capable of exalting virtue, and of putting vice out of countenance, too generally employed themselves in works of imagination only, upon subjects merely speculative, disinteresting and unedifying, from which no useful moral or example could be drawn. Clarissa Harlowe
  • The 20 babes being absolute cows to each other is unedifying for all.
  • Moral advice and edifying sentiments are found in this series of distichs.
  • That is why it is edifying to see Northampton back where they belong. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not an edifying experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was edifying to see how much excitement Ibrahim and the band could generate without shouting.
  • He had always wished to be a Jesuit, and, after a novitiate which is described as most edifying, he became a professed member of the Order. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
  • Since then, those who follow its fortunes have had little to observe beyond the continuing unedifying spectacle of very public settling of internal squabbles.
  • Already we have been treated to the unedifying sight of ministers calling on preachers to pledge their support for the incumbent president.
  • And it wasn't a very edifying experience talking with the members of Congress and doing what we call lobbying. News
  • The events at Somerset Park yesterday encapsulated the struggle for survival that Airdrie have been mired in for the past two years, and were every bit as unedifying.
  • In my view, it would be unseemly, undignified and unedifying to have a legal tussle over these royal remains. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not fair! isn't only unedifying, it's pitiful. Open Primaries - Another way for a party with money to buy off the electorate
  • Neither case was an edifying example of law enforcement.
  • The work of the lunarian, though seldom practised in these days of chronometers, is beautifully edifying, and there is nothing in the realm of navigation that lifts one's heart up more in adoration. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • In the beginning of his work against heresies, he says, “Whereas some having rejected the truth, bringing in lying words, and ‘vain genealogies, rather than godly edifying, which is in faith,’ 1 Tim.i. 4, as saith the apostle.” The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or The Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions.
  • It wasn't an edifying spectacle: crazy youths, storming riot police, dogs straining at the leash - all this happening alongside frightened travellers.
  • It was ungallant, unedifying ... and utterly compelling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paradoxically, or is that hypocritically, the pursuit of political power as practised by individual politicians is highly unedifying, not to say unethical.
  • When aged men are drawn dry, and have spent their stock, in discoursing of the divine Providence, God can raise up others, even young men, and fill them with matter for the edifying of his church; for it is a subject that can never be exhausted, though those that speak upon it may. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • In the 18th century art was seen, along with music and poetry, as something edifying.
  • My next unedifying conclusion was that in order to make this informality credible I had to drop in without warning at the Deanery. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Alas, it does not necessarily make for a more edifying tale.
  • They had been raised on edifying tales of Greek tyrannicides that always ended in the liberation of the city.
  • When members of the general public - for lack of a more inclusive term, let's call them ‘voters’ - are dragooned into election politics, with or without their consent, the result is usually as unpredictable as it is unedifying.
  • But when film opportunities came his way, the results were less edifying. Times, Sunday Times
  • England have qualified for the Euro 2004 championship finals, but it was a passage to sunny Portugal darkened by one of the most unedifying weeks in the game.
  • For another thing, his antiauthoritarianism, antimilitarism, and borderless humanitarianism cause him to find the acts of political domination, war, and empire which make up the vast bulk of these “great” deeds and events not morally edifying but morally repugnant. Johann Gottfried von Herder
  • There are however circumstances, I argue, where the use of invective and insult, if not edifying, is at least justifiable. Sunday Salon: Negative Reviews, nasty Responses
  • While based on a perfectly correct diagnosis, that stance nonetheless invited the charge which can be levelled at most boycotts: that they are more about edifying the boycotter than changing the behavior of the boycotted. Ben S. Cohen: Iran: The Final Test for the UN Human Rights Council
  • Think of the precedents—Proteus, Scylla… I am certain there is something extremely edifying in the Bible about Leviathan and a hook, and my old nurse, a dour Scotswoman, used to terrify me with stories of kelpies and other devilish creatures that drowned and ate their victims, apart from their livers. The Mistaken Wife
  • As for ‘violence’, a very popular topic in the echolalist edifying ‘discourses’, the one they know best but never write about is character assassination and back-stabbing.
  • Some might argue that a man being impaled, flayed alive and left to bake in the desert could hardly be categorized as wholesomely edifying entertainment.
  • The M&S fight has been an unedifying spectacle.
  • The early fathers of the Christian Church — Augustine, Jerome, Ambrose, and Gregory the Great — transformed classical architectural mnemonics into sancta memoria (holy recollection), a monastic practice of meditation that cultivated the memory through aedificatio, a process in which the craft of edifying thoughts mirrored the edifying craft of architecture. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The goal of making modern allegories legible and edifying to a general public without compromising their timeless universality was fraught with risk.
  • Think of the precedents—Proteus, Scylla… I am certain there is something extremely edifying in the Bible about Leviathan and a hook, and my old nurse, a dour Scotswoman, used to terrify me with stories of kelpies and other devilish creatures that drowned and ate their victims, apart from their livers. The Mistaken Wife
  • The sound of our pens going, refreshed us exceedingly, insomuch that I sometimes found it difficult to distinguish between this edifying business proceeding and actually paying the money.
  • Its public debate about the lessons from the crash has turned into an unedifying shouting match between liberal blame and conservative denial. How Britain Can Lead the World
  • No matter what you may make of his present arguments for the acceptability of covenantal gay or lesbian relationships for Christians, I encourage you to check out the edifying material he has put on his site.
  • My next unedifying conclusion was that in order to make this informality credible I had to drop in without warning at the Deanery. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • • The U.S. budget deficit: The unedifying and sometimes irrational political wrangling over our own budget deficit is more worrisome. Handicapping the Economic Recovery

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