How To Use Edification In A Sentence

  • Cemeteries are no longer sites of public moral edification and aesthetic education.
  • I tend to watch the television for pleasure rather than edification.
  • Nicholas is rather out of his element now; he cannot see the kitchen as he used to in the old House; there, one window of his glass – case opened into the room, and then, for the edification and behoof of more juvenile questioners, he would stand for an hour together, answering deferential questions about Sheridan, and Percival, and Castlereagh, and Sketches by Boz
  • But if your tolerance for self-importance is dipping low, look elsewhere for edification.
  • We do not customarily look to opera for moral edification.
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  • Building on this tradition, Christian theologians conceived sancta memoria, a medieval practice of meditation in which mechanisms and processes of architectural construction figured as metaphors for spiritual edification. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Even during such moments, however, the general reader is pulled back and forth between edification and enlightenment.
  • I tend to watch the television for pleasure rather than edification.
  • It has its rectoress and portress, and they live with great edification and holy customs. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • This literal and most pious exposition of that gospel contains the whole practical science of virtues and vices, and is an inexhausted source of excellent morality, and a finished model of preaching the word of God, and of expounding the oracles of eternal life for the edification of souls. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • Eph 2: 20 refers to the Church; but the passage here to their individual progress in edification (Ac stablished -- confirmed. as -- "even as." abounding therein with thanksgiving -- advancing to fuller maturity Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • At an appropriate moment, a random quoter might assume a wise expression, raise a finger in the air and spout memorable lines from Great Poems or historic orations for the edification of those within earshot. How Memorization Makes Words Live
  • The sole purpose of the fellowship of believers was the edification of the church.
  • Up until the final months I considered it relatively good value for my entertainment and edification dollar: a few hours' worth of amusement provided every two weeks at a unit cost of less than a toonie.
  • As a planet earth dvd, if you facer to likeness it exceptional, you cladding to edification that you chamaemelum to be a bit neuroanatomic how you suppression. Rational Review
  • The first is the extent to which Londoners, by the Elizabethan period at least, were exposed to all manner of highly accessible modes of propaganda and polemic, entertainment and edification.
  • ‘Oh, no; the delf cups and saucers; — it will be twice as good in them;’ and as the handsome mistress of the mansion, sitting in the deal chair, loosened her cloak and untied her bonnet, she chatted away, to the edification of Margery and the amusement of both. Wylder's Hand
  • Which that I may do to your edification, I shall First shew you what this word reprobation signifieth in the general, as it concerneth persons temporary and visibly reprobate: Second, more particularly, as it concerneth persons that are eternally and invisibly reprobate. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • Haying comforted my interiors with hot grog of the stiffest, I called for another shillingsworth of brandy, and deliberately emptied it, to the astonished edification of beholders, into my boots! literal fact, and it kept my feet comfortable all night long. My Life as an Author
  • The other main users seem to be people preparing sermons or Bible studies and those who simply want to read for edification.
  • Situated somewhere between written and spoken language, interviews combine the vicarious pleasures of eavesdropping with the virtuous pursuit of edification.
  • I tend to watch the television for pleasure rather than edification.
  • Here, for your edification, is a small selection of the headlines I routinely have to delete from my site.
  • I was told to get over to the National Archives, and pick up these papers which were being declassified, which were there for my edification.
  • Just for Mr. Byers’ edification, schmuck is a German word for that part of the male phallus that is covered by the foreskin. Creation Premiers Later This Month - The Panda's Thumb
  • So, perhaps a point of clarification/edification is required by you. Think Progress » Romney Struggles To Distance RomneyCare From ObamaCare: Ours Was ‘Bipartisan’
  • On the 60th anniversary of the enactment of the Common Program, it would give edification on improving our constitutional government when we review and rethink this.
  • Safeguard of legal, infiltration of religion, deposit of consuetude , edification of family, affect of peers and development of the mass media all have great influence on children's moral acquisition.
  • Invitation circulars were forwarded to all the principal parishioners, including, of course, the heads of the other two societies, for whose especial behoof and edification the display was intended; and a large audience was confidently anticipated on the occasion. Sketches by Boz
  • This greatly disarranged their curls and bonnet-caps, with much edification of onlookers from below.
  • When a professional is delivering an information piece for public edification it needs to fair and balanced.
  • And the reader may observe that at present I examine not what men or churches may agree upon by common consent, as judging and avowing it best for their own edification, which is a matter of another consideration, but only of the duty of believers as such in their respective stations and conditions. Pneumatologia
  • When this is so, it does not result to edification, which is your Majesty's intent, but to depreciation of and contempt for the episcopal dignity, which requires the highest perfection. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • There were occasional genuflections to the original, for the edification of purist snobs.
  • I don't think edification is the answer for ignorance, it may require a heart transplant. Death Panels, ObamaCare and Health Reform
  • And in such fashion we whiled away the time and talked for the edification of our neighbours. HOPS AND HOPPERS
  • After fully admitting its good qualities, we must point out that the Jerusalem Bible is not in fact suitable for Christians who are in need of edification in the faith.
  • So here, for your edification, is an incredibly scientific pair of polls which will revolutionize modern science and understanding of sexuality. February 7th, 2007
  • I enjoyed this book, which is made for a browser's pleasure and edification.
  • I tend to watch the television for pleasure rather than edification.
  • It's best to focus on the results of the real-world listening tests; the spectrum analysis graphs are presented simply for your edification.
  • On the 60th anniversary of the enactment of the Common Program, it would give edification on improving our constitutional government when we review and rethink this.
  • The tension between honesty and edification is the fundamental dilemma of teaching theology.
  • The other main users seem to be people preparing sermons or Bible studies and those who simply want to read for edification.
  • But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.
  • They listened with edification to the racy remarks of their hostess, voicing that theoretical "broadness" of opinion as to the conduct of life which, quite as much as the perfume which she always used, was a specialty of her provocative personality; they spoke now and then, to be sure, as she drew them into conversation, but their real intercourse was almost altogether silent. The Bent Twig
  • Then you need one miracle to get through the edification, that is the enthrallment stage and then you need another miracle to get to canalization. CNN Transcript Dec 20, 2009
  • Hos igitur articulos ita propositos et traditos censent Remonstrantes divino Verbo conformos, aedificationi idoneos, et in hoc quidem argumento sufficientes ad salutem; ita ut necessarium non sit, aut aedificationi serviens, vel altius conscendere vel inferius subsidere. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • In public, of course, they would fawn all over him as Canadians still do, and bring him cups of tea as he pours over the diaries of yet another dead American President, who he will then 'reinterpret' for the edification of the rest of the world in yet another heavy, unreadable book. Giles Slade: Conrad Black Wriggles Free
  • The tutorial is excellent and I recommend it for your edification. Web Teacher › New Tutorial from Project VII
  • I tend to watch the television for pleasure rather than edification.
  • The minds of persons are differently constituted; and it is no praise to mine to admit that I am apt to receive less of what is called edification from human discourses on divine subjects, than disturbance and hindrance. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Stories of wonder shifted from instruments of edification to entertainment.
  • I conjecture that your professor uses aureate palaver to augment the appraised merit of your edification. Waldo Jaquith - 5 words my poetry professor used during today’s lecture.
  • I am apt to receive less of what is called edification from human discourses on divine subjects, than disturbance and hindrance. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)
  • Here's the first reference for your edification.
  • The edification of this house is gradually to be perfected more and more till the coming of Christ, by laying the foundation of Christianity, in bringing men still unto Christ, and carrying on the superstruction in perfecting them in Christ in all spiritual growth, till at last the top-stone be laid on, the Church completed, and translated _to the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens_. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • Furthermore, you are placing yourself in a position in which your own participation in worship will be less than desirable for your personal edification and for the good of all.
  • It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all
  • “Coal Hole,” where, to the edification of the public, he engages in a fisty combat with a notorious boxer. The Paris Sketch Book
  • They hinder our spiritual edification and growth in faith and plerophory, and make us stumble instead of going forward. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Mask dances performed by villagers combined dance with satiric drama, making fun of erring officials and monks for entertainment and ethical edification.
  • For Shaw's edification, Diana also links to the information provided here and elsewhere to support her points.
  • Furthermore, you are placing yourself in a position in which your own participation in worship will be less than desirable for your personal edification and for the good of all.
  • ( "edify"), by removing those things which are hindrances to edification, and testing what is unsound, and putting together all that is true in the building [Chrysostom]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Sincerely, I'd like to show my appreciation toward our teachers for your earnest and tireless edification, and my schoolmates for your truehearted friendship.
  • It was used not just for their edification, but also - at least until not too long ago - as a soporific.
  • Last Sunday was the festival of All Saints; on the evening of which day, we walked out under the portales, with M. and Madame de —, — minister and his wife, to look at the illumination, and at the numerous booths filled with sugar skulls, etc.; temptingly ranged in grinning rows, to the great edification of the children. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • On the other hand, he's observed you're not with any children or anything… so that means you came here alone, for your own edification.
  • Thus far he has displayed no evidence of edification; in fact, he is sometimes moved to make critical remarks. HE SHALL THUNDER IN THE SKY
  • It was defended by careful missionary work, by books of edification and by the practice of the pilgrimages to Jerusalem.
  • Promulgated in 1890 ostensibly for the edification of Japanese students, the Imperial Rescript on Education was distributed to all schools in Japan, to be hung alongside Emperor Meiji's portrait.
  • The forming of football consciousness needs longtime imperceptible edification to permeation.
  • While not quite on this topic, for your entertainment and edification, allow me to quote a poem by the scholarly C.S. Lewis, who knew a thing or two about ancient polytheist writers: MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • They are pursued for an individual Marine's edification.

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