How To Use Edict In A Sentence

  • Unpredictable, emotional and alive, it is, in keeping with the area, soul with the rough edges intact.
  • The study predicted that, by 2022, the country would still require $7.2 billion in foreign aid a year—and that assumes an upsurge of so-far inexistent mining-industry revenue and no dramatic deterioration of security. Afghanistan Seeks Enduring Support
  • Bishop Bernard Fellay revealed to ZENIT that the congregation told him to expect the publication of a statement issued "motu proprio" (on his own initiative) by Benedict XVI on the new structure of Ecclesia Dei before June 20. Fellay: Restructuring of Ecclesia Dei Imminent
  • I showed up at West Point and found that 60% of my classmates were team captains, and 20% were valedictorians.
  • Another step forward was the progressive declarations of invalidity extended to certain laws, decrees, and edicts issued in Stalin's time.
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  • A separable reinforced concrete numerical model and fluid-solid interconnection method were used to predict the development of surface bulge in LS-DYNA.
  • Many predict 1991 will rival the great vintage of 1965.
  • Benedict, put simply, is living out what he spoke of in Deus Caritas Est, which is true charity: Can we simply exclude them, as representatives of a radical fringe, from our pursuit of reconciliation and unity? Ecumenism
  • This stuff doesn't merely placate the listener with predictable, danceable nursery rhymes but lashes out and lacerates the eardrum relentlessly.
  • It's difficult to predict with any degree of certainty how much it will cost.
  • Per hoc enim quod intelligimus vel gaudemus, ad aliquod obiectum aliqualiter nos habere oportet: amor vero aliquid alicui vult; hoc enim amare dicimur cui aliquod bonum volumus, secundum modum praedictum. Quitting Smoking
  • It is not just about productivity, but predictability, speeding things up, making things flow smoothly.
  • An objective analogue prediction model of tropical cyclone track is brought forward that considers the synthetical evaluation environment.
  • “Yes, of course, the whole idea is utterly inane, but to let its predictable inanities blind you to its truly fabulous and breathtaking aspects is to do both oneself and the genre a disservice.” — The Codex Continual. Official Website of Steven E. Schend
  • These details are important for geodynamical modeling, which may one day predict complex geological processes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. - latest science and technology news stories
  • This means that the model can predict the surmountable obstacle height of an off-road vehicle and its-key influencing parameters can be obtained.
  • This defense of evidential decision theory is called the tickle defense because it assumes that an introspected condition screens off the correlation between choice and prediction. Causal Decision Theory
  • I promised a lowlight from a study predicting the future of boomers twenty years hence. The Boomer Blog: April 2008 Archives
  • You have predictive thoughts on what it might be and then you have reflective thoughts on what it was. Times, Sunday Times
  • While pointing out some defects of classical logic[Sentencedict], the paper attributes them to substantial implication being directly applied to inference.
  • Added together, market forces generate an overall result which no-one can predict.
  • They want compensation from Manchester Airport for money they predict will be lost from visitor revenue.
  • Other predictable starters included focaccia topped with portobello mushrooms with pancetta and garlic as well as bruschetta with poached plum tomato, ricotta and basil pesto.
  • You are on a globe that looks like a crystal ball or a marble in a light bed of cotton wool.Sentencedict
  • Officials concerned with environmental policy predict that a day of reckoning will come.
  • Before Russia and Spain competed, Miermount accurately predicted scores for those countries. Innovative U.S. ties for fifth in synchronized swimming final
  • One last prediction the model makes is that the income differential paid to prostitutes will rise with the status the culture accords wives.
  • However, on a bad day chaos reigns, and nobody can predict a likely departure time.
  • The law is predicted to bring benefits not just for ramblers but for the whole region by attracting more walkers and tourists.
  • It was a metaphor that predicted the nature of the many problems that have beset excessively large inner urban secondary schools in the intervening years. Times, Sunday Times
  • In October, the retailer said it would shut 21% of its namesake North American stores over the next two years, coming to terms with the overextension of its store network before the recession and predictions that U.S. growth will be slow. Gap's Profit Falls 36%
  • The postmodern perspective, on the other hand, views the movement of historical time to be radically contingent and unpredictable.
  • Every spring the ozone is chewed up(Sentencedict), and the hole appears.
  • So what about my predictions for next year? Times, Sunday Times
  • The news caused a reaction that was predictable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fears are all thanks to a purported prediction of a major Roman quake Wednesday attributed to self-taught seismologist Raffaele Bendandi, who died in 1979. Quakes hit Italy, but none in Rome despite myth
  • The model spews out implications that are demonstrably falsifiable given an appropriate dataset; i.e., if one can lay one's hand on a dataset, then the model's predictions can be verified as either true or false.
  • A recalculation of the rate of retreat back then has allowed scientists to predict today's rates. The Sun
  • Each year forecasters predict that growth will resume the next.
  • No doubt, you have been very impressed indeed, by my unrivalled abilities in prediction.
  • Nicola Woods found that in a business setting, gender was a better predictor than status of who would interrupt whom.
  • His dream is to hike the Appalachian Trail.Sentencedict
  • He groped about for some answer that could be phrased in their language, letting his mind flicker from the modern electronic gadgets back to the old-time tide predicter. The Sky Is Falling
  • The three rivers can become impassable after rain, and trampers usually traverse west to east, so that the river wades are predictable at the time of departure.
  • The spaceport is predicted to bring as many as 4,000 jobs to the region. Canada Plans its First Spaceport | Impact Lab
  • Muscle strength was found to be a good predictor of exercise tolerance as well.
  • Tedious and predictable, it employs obvious situations and clichés instead of genuine suspense-building elements.
  • Some states proposed complicated statistical techniques for gauging school progress; others backloaded their predicted progress, with far greater gains toward the end of the 12-year timeline.
  • The will, probated in Sweden, survived the predictable contest from unhappy relatives, but there were other problems.
  • By beatifying him, Pope Benedict is holding up to the whole Church the life and teachings of Cardinal Newman as a sure guide for us to follow, and as an inspiration for the Church today. " Te Deum Laudamus "
  • These superconductors usually contain more oxygen atoms than predicted by valence theory.
  • They based their predictions on one million-acre feet a year deficit of the Colorado River, massive amounts of evaporation from the lake and the viscous effects of a warming world from climate change. Dr. Reese Halter: Global Warming, Drought and the Grim Reaper
  • A key reason was that predictions of fossil fuel use rely heavily on economic predictions, which have been shown to be almost useless. Times, Sunday Times
  • The air temperature was well below freezing[Sentencedict], and lakes and rivers froze over.
  • Food industry watchers predict there will be more sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite predictions of almost unbounded mobility, most people in industrialised nations are less physically active than ever before.
  • Increasing temperatures will aid the spread of water-borne diseases, and those carried by insects, it predicts.
  • The Port Talbot sample, which is predictably highly metalliferous, is especially enriched in Fe as a result of an abundance of spherulitic iron oxide condensates commonly
  • I thought I could bestow beauty like a benediction and that your half-dark flesh would answer to the prayer.
  • He is not predicting the demise of banks, but thinks their job will be different. Times, Sunday Times
  • Americans tried to take part of British Canada in December 1775, when forces led by Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery unsuccessfully attacked Quebec.
  • As that arch-modernist T. S. Eliot predicted, ‘This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper.’
  • Implements the total management to the product cost a primary coverage is must carry on the science to the cost the predict that works out the reasonable plan.
  • European officials, however, tend to be more confident about their ability to predict, based on theory, likely effects in the future and are somewhat more skeptical of the self-correcting nature of markets.
  • Today's schedule of events is organized flexibly so that people can decide for themselves what they want to do.Sentencedict
  • Now physicists say they have used one of the most sophisticated pieces of string theory to predict properties of the ultradense matter created in an atom smasher in Long Island, N.Y. Speedlinking 3/5/07
  • Lacouture et al. found that a leukocyte count greater than 15,000/mm3 and a serum glucose greater than 150 mg./dl. are predictive of a serum iron concentration greater than 300 mcg./dl. 4 Iron Poisoning
  • They can also detect low blood pressure and predict seizures, thanks to their acute sense of smell. The Sun
  • These major die-offs will continue to occur at unpredictable intervals when the most extensive, persistent, extremely unfavourable snow and ice conditions prevail.
  • But, Colonel Hackworth, does that then re-change your former predictions? CNN Transcript Mar 29, 2003
  • Who could have predicted the dizzy pace of change in the country?
  • A semiempirical downscaling approach for predicting regional temperature impacts associated with climatic change. Statistical downscaling approach and downscaling of AOGCM climate change projections
  • The job we all loved was at Benediction, an evening service where one altar boy was in charge of the thurible.
  • No computer model of the economy can predict when the next recession will be.
  • Their main preoccupation was how to feed their families.Sentencedict
  • The Benedictine abbey is long gone but the eleventh-century church remains, and is one of the finest survivors of the Romanesque in France.
  • It is a fetor that frequently accompanies the predictable libidinous lapses of pious \ "family values\" conservatives. Stephen Ducat: Hypocrisy in Red and Blue: How Republicans and Democrats Betray Their Principles Differently
  • For being summoned to come and receiue his consecration at Canturburie (as alreadie yee haue heard) through counsell of the canons Yorke he refused so to doo: bicause they informed him that if he so did, it should be greatlie preiudiciall to the liberties of that sée, whose archbishop was of like authoritie in all things vnto the archbishop of Canturburie, so that he was bound onelie to fetch his consecration and benediction at Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
  • The indie science-fiction movie is an unpredictable beast. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the nature of research is such that the results cannot be anticipated, so predicting what the next major advancements will be is really informed guesswork.
  • As Pope Benedict XVI makes public tours of Washington and New York City this week, he won't be seen in the open-top "Popemobile" familiar from video shot in St. Peter's Square. Pope visit balances access, security
  • Predictably she has hunted for security in her other relationships.
  • Both patients and physicians are most interested in disease indicators that will best predict therapeutic responses and prognostic outcomes.
  • Two reputable City firms are predicting a decline of 0.2%. Times, Sunday Times
  • Added together, market forces generate an overall result which no-one can predict.
  • If this dereliction is allowed to persist, it is predictable that more Americans will die, both on foreign battlefields and at home. Stealth Jihad by Frank Gaffney, Jr. and The American Legion « Mark12ministries’s Weblog
  • In addition, two of the four dimensions that make up anxiety sensitivity -- the "fear of cognitive dyscontrol" and the "fear of publically observable anxiety symptoms" specifically predicted depression symptoms. Undefined
  • The mother is very much afraid for her son who is seriously ill.Sentencedict
  • The most recent polls predict a tight three-way race.
  • Doctors are selling because complying with the ever-growing list of mandates has become more cumbersome; and while staff physicians on salary do gain predictability, they also lose the autonomy of independent practice. Big Insurance, Big Medicine
  • a valedictory address
  • The characteristics that best predicted autotomy - smaller body size or female gender - also correlated with a lower escape rate by the alternative escape tactic, struggling and pinching the predator.
  • There is also high political risk resulting from the government's erratic and unpredictable policies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company predicts that one day the technology could be used to manufacture human skeletons from cell tissue and biomaterial. Times, Sunday Times
  • The real issue, they predict, will boil down to fairness and simple human dignity.
  • Soaring debt - which at one stage was predicted to reach £11m - has led to a series of cuts ranging from ward closures to stopping snacks for patients.
  • The music was obvious and predictable, and the lyrics were about as feeble as I've ever heard.
  • The Duke's foray into the world of contemporary art yielded equally predictable results. Times, Sunday Times
  • It predicts another net 12,000 will go next year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The saint's reaction was instant and he heaped maledictions on the unfortunate salmon, forbidding it or any of its kind ever to enter the lake again.
  • Predictably, the appeal to personal experience is another well-known logical fallacy.
  • There's no way to predict the future health of the banking industry.
  • The ability of predictors of survival to prognosticate in individual patients is, of course, limited.
  • The bishop is represented as in the act of benediction, with a pastoral staff, and in full pontificals; his head is shown as resting on a cushion, and is surmounted by a trefoil arch with a crocketed gable, and a censer-bearing angel on each side. Ely Cathedral
  • Prediction problem of trim - beam number in colored - textile manufacturing process scheduling is discussed.
  • A knowledgeable fan can predict most selections with unerring accuracy.
  • The move came as forecasters were predicting Arctic weather this weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • String theory is a complete description of reality even though we don't understand its predictions in some extreme situations, especially those that have something to do with the ultratiny expanding universe. The Reference Frame
  • Methods of predicting machine life has systematically summarized with the emphasis on those which use theoretical analysis to substitute large scale prototype experiments.
  • Parlez-vous français, mesdemoiselles!" cried madame, and we filed out into the dusty street, at the corner of which sat another of our visible tokens of the coming of the season of flowers; a dirty, shriveled old Irishwoman, full of benedictions and beggary, who, all through the summer, sold "posies" to the passers-by. Six to Sixteen: A Story for Girls
  • Also, some observations indicate that the rate of filopodial elongation does not slow down with filopodial length as fast as predicted by our theory.
  • Why have those early predictions been confounded? Times, Sunday Times
  • But so far, the government has not dared to predict when good results may come.
  • Contractors will fabricate and test advanced structural components to failure to validate performance relative to predicted performance.
  • Yet evolution predicts not just successions of forms, but also genetic lineages from ancestors to descendants.
  • How these systems may respond to the rapid and major global warming predicted over the coming century is uncertain but largely dependent on whether coral-algal symbioses can adjust to decadal rather than millennial rates of climate change.
  • I dwelt on how she emerged from a coma shortly after her imminent demise had been predicted. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.
  • And a close-loop quality control system based on prediction model is designed according to the characteristics of forging process, which is based on a procedure information system, takes predict...
  • This formula is used to predict and simulate the space of many loss landslip.
  • Kim Jong Il, who passed away Saturday from an apparent heart attack at the age of 69 - the official cause was "overwork" - was an old-school dictator, predictably unpredictable. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • The writing maintains the suspensefulness that has pervaded this book since #26, and I’m really enjoying the character work Bucky’s targetless rage, Tony’s grief clouding his much-vaunted predictive mind, Sharon’s horror at being controlled as well as Epting & Mike Perkins art. Captain America #30 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Lisa accurately predicts the winners of sporting events that Homer gambles on so she can be closer to her father.
  • The algorithms ran their determined courses, and our thoughts followed one after another, as mechanical and as predictable as the planets in their orbits.
  • On 12 February 1912 an edict of abdication was issued on behalf of the child Emperor.
  • In their opening and closing games England's lumbering back four were hopelessly outmanoeuvred by bursts of fast, mobile, unpredictable attacks, like tankers anchored as speedboats darted around them.
  • France is now predicted to grow by just 0.7 per cent this year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last month we launched three substations in the Eastern Cape and before the end of June we will be launching the Benedict substation in Nkandla. Speech by Ms Buyelwa Sonjica, MP, Minister of Minerals and Energy, introducing the debate on the Minerals and Energy Budget Vote
  • Forecasters predicted another week of cold temperatures and icy, northerly winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he does so on the sole basis of the appearance of these images and maledictions in the depictions of Simone's death elicited by torture from the accused.
  • The weather there can be a bit unpredictable - one minute it's blue skies and the next minute it's pouring down.
  • The latest opinion polls are predicting a very close contest.
  • Therefore,(Sentencedict) both over-confidence and under-confidence may play a part in creating an environment in which accidents happen more readily.
  • The predictions of standard economic theory – the expectation that freely operating markets will produce a certain kind of optimality – only hold good as long as the markets are not marred by serious imperfections. Limitations of markets
  • He was untamable and completely unpredictable, as though he was driven by an interior violence out of his control.
  • You have all the elements of a potential disaster in the making, speed, unpredictable elements, cold weather and mountains.
  • Two major control algorithms, fuzzy control algorithm of frequency and voltage and prediction control algorithm for switch-on, are analyzed in detail.
  • Today, for example, steps must be taken to ensure that employment tests are predictive of subsequent job performance and that interview questions treat all job applicants equally. Human Resource Management in Government
  • Experts predict another surge in cyber scam attempts this year. The Sun
  • The speech proved shorter than predicted and far more organized and disciplined than some of his previous appearances before Congress.
  • Public fascination with the romantic lives of our country's most powerful (mostly single) women is fairly predictable, train-wreck coverage that ranges from whispers of lesbianism to reports of so-called bitchy behavior to completely de-humanizing or hyper-sexualized commentary involving pantsuits. Maegan Carberry: Finding a Man's Love in a Man's World
  • We had a long wait to see the doctor.Sentencedict
  • Residual plots indicate a well-specified model where there is a lack of pattern between the standardized residuals and their predicted values.
  • Rill velocity, depth and flow will help determine the area's rill erodibility, a key component of the Erosion Prediction Project. Sierra Sun - Top Stories
  • Brooks's to hear a rechauffe of these things, or assist at the incense offered to Charles, or his benediction and salut to those he protects. George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • The weather forecast predicts a sunny start on Sunday but showers arriving later in the day.
  • Nowadays I use color images from digital cameras as well as scans from slides, and the negatives print much more predictably.
  • The severity and unpredictably of higher latitude and alpine habitats present special challenges to birds and mammals who live out some or all of their lives there.
  • Most studies also do not take into account the complex interplay between different variables in predicting lung volumes.
  • Born a peasant in the mountainous Cantal region of France in about 950, Gerbert entered a Benedictine monastery -- the only elementary school of his day. Nancy Marie Brown: The Abacus and The Cross: When the Pope Was A Scientist
  • Defense planners predict an extended period of retrenchment.
  • The future looked so bright that he predicted to an industry group in 1952 that TVs of the future would have printed circuit boards instead of tubes, have three-dimensional images, and be atomic-powered. Son of Founder Turned Motorola Into Cellphone Giant
  • The universally-shared human motive of rational self-interest makes human action predictable, generalisable and controllable.
  • And in the past 20 years some Islamic states, notably Iran and Pakistan, have tried to reimpose the Koranic ban—in practice, that is(Sentencedict), to make bankers find ways round it.
  • We had a predictably halting start, but there were no shockers or disasters.
  • A bright future as a professional was predicted and it did not take long to materialise. Graeme McDowell: 'I don't want to win one major and then disappear'
  • The situations were the predictable ones, showing young boys (but sometimes men) seduced by women in a form of authority - governesses, nursemaids, nurses, schoolteachers, stepmothers.
  • If the room had a little light apart from the faulty bedside lamp that flickered unpredictably every few minutes it wouldn't be so bad, or even just a fan that at least to cool and circulate the foul damp air.
  • Election officials predict they'll set a new turnout record for an off-year election in Washington state.
  • By staging the fish, previously scored for boldness, in dyadic contests against siblings, we also tested the prediction that bolder individuals are more likely to become dominant.
  • Fiedler Contingency Theory's predictive function to leadership effectiveness needs to be further studied.
  • I understand that the network needs to constantly stay ahead of and predict trends, and they obviously do that with inductions of new shows, like the "carb"-focused ones, but surely not at the expense of the stable of veterans that built FoodTV from the beginning to what it is today. Archive 2005-03-01
  • By comparison, the reveal of the big villain comes off as both predictable and a little cardboardy. Archive 2010-04-01
  • Londonist scoured some of the weather sites and found the following predictions.
  • RBF neural network is used to predict nugget sizes of resistance spot welder, in which the input vectors are constructed by time sequences of cycle parameters.
  • In order to improve the prediction accuracy, a rolling learning-prediction procedure was introduced to deal with the time variant property of the bioprocess.
  • He tore up previous dire forecasts and predicted growth is likely to double next year. The Sun
  • It predicts that spindle microtubules in animal cells begin to oscillate at the beginning of prometaphase, and that those oscillations rapidly accelerate until metaphase,. Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
  • He predicted Jones would “discountenance the movement under the impression that the United States will have the right, and will be bound to remove the Mexican military from east of the Rio Grande after annexation.” A Country of Vast Designs
  • After the Watts rebellion, Johnsoh asked Hoover to expand his intelligence operations to include riot prediction.
  • When ‘climate change’ is referred to in the press, it normally means greenhouse warming, which, it is predicted, will cause flooding, severe windstorms, and killer heat waves.
  • Edward Elgar is a paragon of the valedictory, with his two later concerti, for violin and cello, held up as sterling examples. Archive 2008-01-01
  • CO2Pirate to account and ask why their predictions of death, doom and destruction never eventuated? Cyclone Yasi: Queensland takes stock of damage
  • Just as predictably, their basis for that outrage is a highly dishonest portrayal of what Forrest writes.
  • It is my prediction that protesting may yet become the recreational pursuit of choice in the 21st century.
  • Voluspa," or Song of the Prophetess, a kind of sibylline lay, which contains an account of the creation, the origin of man and of evil, and concludes with a prediction of the destruction and renovation of the universe, and a description of the future abodes of happiness and misery. Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
  • The rest of the movie is a lot like that: moody and unpredictable, using lots of close-ups and jerky documentary-style zooms and fast cuts.
  • He has attended several retreats at the abbey, run by the Catholic order of Benedictine monks.
  • The unfunded liabilities in entitlement schemes are already showing that they're reaching their tipping points a decade earlier than projected; for the last five months, Social Security has taken in less money into the "trust fund" than it has disbursed - in other words, the tipping point predicted (variously) in 2014, 2018, 2019, 2023, etc - it is here and now: social security is now having to be made whole by the general fund. Latest Articles
  • We have shown that red cell volume predicts outcome in preterm infants.
  • Development of improved models to predict field-scale dispersion is a continuing area of research.
  • You can use these types of natural family planning to predict when you'll ovulate — and when you need to avoid unprotected sex if you don't want to conceive.
  • The future direction of the Irish property market has become as unpredictable as the weather.
  • as its producers predicted Chinese authorities would object to its violence but declined to edit out the more brutal scenes.
  • Experts predict about 220,000 people a year will caught by the new crackdown. The Sun
  • During the early part of this century, before Caesarean sections were commonplace or indeed safe, pelvimetry (measurements of the maternal pelvis) was frequently employed in an attempt to predict the outcome of labour.
  • As Clifford Geertz has argued, in a witty and perceptive essay on Benedict, in itself the book is perhaps better seen as a kind of Swiftian satire, in which the alienness of Japan is used to unsettle US assumptions about the naturalness of their own society, than as a work of 'scienti c' anthropology (Geertz 1988; see also Lummis 1982). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Over the last two decades, predictions about the social effects of the Internet have ranged from cybernetic anarchy (both utopian and distopian) to the instantiation of a fascistic regime of surveillance that would make Orwell look like a piker. I'll Be Speaking in London on Nov. 17
  • The weather of course played a major role in the outcome in 2003, hopefully as the Grand Prix has moved to June there will not be such changeable and unpredictable conditions during the race.
  • As demand theory predicts, the higher the premium or amount a consumer is requested to pay, the less likely a consumer will be willing to pay the premium.
  • Other doctors refused to put a timeframe on his survival because of the unpredictability of the cancer. Times, Sunday Times
  • For De Vos, Benedict's text had been both an inspiration and a foil, against which he argued that the Japanese are a deeply interiorized and guilt-ridden people and not motivated by external emotions rooted in social shame as Benedict had described. Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco : The Fox
  • The future exchange exists as a central place for folks that have real goods to exchange -- the cash market -- to obtain predictability and certainty about the gains or losses from making a cash trade today that has a future delivery date. Here's a tax target for ya (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • A sweepstake was held among rugby scribes in Sydney for the final between Australia and some other mob, the money going to the correspondent predicting the correct score, or nearest.
  • The vibey twin-cylinder engine disguised its true potential with a linear predictability. The Sun
  • The local name (endonym) for Munich is München, derived from Mönch (monk) as the city was founded by Benedictine monks in 1158. Today's Highlights
  • Pope Benedict lauded himself for the respect and solidarity he gives to the minority groups, the emarginated and religious believers of other denominations while at the same juncture he was encouraging the Maltese majority to continue with its ongoing suppressive attitude towards the minorities.
  • The equipment became a crucial part of the experiment, for its data experimentally verified the predictions.
  • Predictions of exceptionally high tides are given in bold type.
  • Unpredictability and inconstancy in parenting is one very important factor affecting a child negatively.

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