How To Use Edema In A Sentence

  • This leads to edema and altered microcirculation in the skin, which results in impaired healing.
  • Then, too, a defect in the glands causes the disease known as myxedema in adults and cretinism in children. The War Terror
  • Any restriction of circulation at the time of death would show up as oedema. THE BOOK LADY
  • But he suffered bad hepatomegaly and edema—and deep depression. Wild Swans
  • Lymphedema causes chronic swelling of part of the body, usually an arm or leg.
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  • The slightly edematous and hyperemic appendix was removed by laparoscopic surgery.
  • The differential diagnosis includes venous stasis dermatitis, pretibial myxedema, filariasis, and ichthyosis.
  • She had suffered lymphoedema in her right arm due to the cancer treatment, which left her too weak to operate equipment, but she was told she did not qualify for incapacity benefit.
  • A diagnosis was made of multilocular ovarian cyst or edematous myoma of the uterus, and on the morning of December 7, 1890, an operation was performed. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Diuretics are essential for the symptomatic management of patients with lung congestion or peripheral oedema from fluid overload.
  • It's a mistake to talk about being full of grief, as if grief were a tumour, or a full stomach, or something oedematous. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Vasogenic edema from compressive ischemia, venous stasis or parasitization of pial vessels may also occur and can be extensive.
  • The etiology of preeclampsia is unknown, but widespread pathologic changes can result in pulmonary edema, oliguria, seizures, thrombocytopenia, and abnormal liver enzymes.
  • For example, alterations in the efficiency of the cerebral link may yield neurasthenia, mania, dementia; of the thyroid link, Graves 'disease, myxedema; of the adrenal link, Addison's disease, cardiovascular disease. The Origin and Nature of the Emotions: Miscellaneous Papers
  • _ This portion of the fibrous membrane is enlarged, globous or flattened, irregularly thinned, particularly at the periphery, where it may be as thin as tissue paper, nebulous because of the stretching of its fibers principally, but in some degree (differing in different cases) to edema of the epithelial layer. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Brain parenchyma from the parietal lobe showed venous congestion, hemorrhage, and diffuse edema.
  • Immediate clinical manifestations of acute lung injury include pneumothorax, pulmonary oedema, and air embolism.
  • When these lesions were stroked, they became red, edematous, and pruritic, and some formed blisters.
  • -- In myxedema one of the cardinal symptoms is a persistently subnormal temperature and, though prone to infection, subjects of myxedema show but feeble febrile response and readily succumb. The Origin and Nature of the Emotions: Miscellaneous Papers
  • Treatment of elephantiasis nostras aims at prevention of recurrent infection and edema.
  • They reduce mucosal oedema and bronchial hyperreactivity thus relieving acute symptoms and preventing structural damage to the lungs.
  • No obvious necrotizing lesions, edema, or herniations were present.
  • The cornea is hazy because of oedema, and the pupil is semidilated and fixed to light.
  • Objective:To study the effects of resveratrol on brain edema and ultramicrostructure of rats with brain trauma.
  • Acute antigen challenge of the airways can lead to rapid edema and appearance of plasma proteins in the airways.
  • Overweight women who undergo axillary lymph node dissection are more likely to develop lymphedema.
  • He suffered from pain in the loins, scanty urine, hematuria, and generalized edema.
  • She experienced dizziness, peripheral oedema, and pulsating headache and stopped the treatment.
  • Allergic skin disorders (e.g., eczema or atopic dermatitis, hives or urticaria and angioedema) Allergy
  • RESULTS The ordinary styles of respiratory insufficiency which is caused by brain trauma are respiratory inhibition, neurogenic pneumonedema, impedient distributary and pulmonary infection.
  • An acute overdose of any of the opiates or their derivates can result in coma, pulmonary edema, and cessation of respiration.
  • He has had an unfortunate condition called scrotal lymphedema. The Sun
  • But of course cough is a common symptom of pulmonary oedema or coexistent bronchitis, so you should also consider these causes.
  • The conjunctiva appears injected and edematous, often with petechial hemorrhages.
  • In the Johns Hopkins study, participants with diabetic macular edema were asked to give themselves mecamylamine eye drops twice a day for 16 weeks. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • It occurs as a consequence of an edematous fetus or placenta. Glossary
  • For each test animal, triplicate measurements of ear thickness were averaged and this average ear thickness of the vehicle-challenged ear was subtracted from the average thickness of the treated ear (edema ear difference).
  • Copious edema fluid was suctioned from the oropharyngeal tube.
  • The tissue affected by edema will usually pit.
  • I immediately went to the opthalmology department of the local hospital where, after tests, they told me I have papilloedema and macular oedema in that eye but the other one is fine. Another take on the Splenda nonsense | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Muscles waste away; oedema and accumulation of fluid in body cavities follows depletion of plasma proteins.
  • Surgical approaches include excisional procedures to remove part or all of the lymphedematous tissue and microsurgery to create an anastomosis between the lymph system and another vessel.
  • The presence of goiter, coarse hair, dry skin, carotenemia, and myxedema indicates hypothyroidism.
  • This is not easy, as too little fluid will cause hypoperfusion whereas too much will lead to oedema that will cause tissue hypoxia.
  • Since launching in February, Vênsette's clients—among them model Elettra Wiedemann, designer Genevieve Jones and Princess Grace of Monaco's granddaughter Charlotte Casiraghi—have picked from the site's popular coiffures, including Siren (a nod to 1920s glam) and Tribeca (a polished ponytail), and makeup looks such as CEO (subtle smoky eyes) and Sun-Kissed (a perfect natural glow). Beauty On Demand
  • Massive hemorrhage into the glioblastoma, brain edema, and herniation explain the death of this patient.
  • Symptoms suggestive of LV failure are related primarily to pulmonary edema, and include a persistent cough and dyspnea.
  • In case of intolerance to thiacetazone: skin reactions, haematological disorders, signs of haemolysis, reduction of polynuclear cells or cerebral oedema, stop treatment and refer to a doctor, even if reaction is only moderate. Chapter 4
  • On April 18, 1881, Keith, late of Edinburgh, now of London, successfully removed an edematous myoma, together with the uterus, which was 42 pounds in weight. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Death from malnutrition and dysentery is extremely unpleasant, and the victim suffers not only from the discomfort of dysentery, but also from severe edema, and many times from halucinations. Harker, David N.
  • Fine crackles are heard with pulmonary edema, pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Hyponatremia in the presence of edema indicates increased total body sodium and water.
  • A second computed tomographic scan showed effacement of the temporal sulci and gyri, which was believed to be secondary to cerebral edema.
  • Pathology change sees esophagus mucous membrane hyperaemia , oedema, become fragile, easy haemorrhage, very person erosion and ulcer, stricture of esophagus of as a result, contracture.
  • Other features of severe preeclampsia include oliguria, cerebral or visual disturbances, and pulmonary edema or cyanosis.
  • For a severe attack of hives or angioedema, you may need an emergency injection of adrenaline and a trip to the emergency room.
  • He began reading from the report: `"Multiple incised wounds of scalp; congestion and edema of brain. THE OUTSIDER
  • But he suffered bad hepatomegaly and edema and deep depression. WILD SWANS THREE DAUGHTERS OF CHINA
  • The remaining third of volunteers will receive standard care for lymphoedema including bandaging, exercise and massage.
  • In mucosal edema the surface has a granular appearance or appears to be ‘dry’ so that it does not glisten.
  • The inflammatory response to viral-induced bronchiolitis includes bronchial obstruction, increased airway secretion, mucosal edema, and infiltration of inflammatory cells including eosinophil granulocytes.
  • Patients with orbital floor fractures present after facial trauma with periorbital edema and ecchymosis associated with tenderness to palpation along the inferior orbital rim.
  • • Abnormal accumulation of fluid around the ankles and wrist called edema, which is linked to starvation Susan B. Dopart, M.S., R.D.: Lessons Learned From the Biggest Loser
  • Lots of fancy sounding medical terms that are really just synonyms for regular every day words. erythematous = red edematous = swollen Microscopic is tinier than miniscule
  • The tissue affected by edema will usually pit.
  • Diuretic medication was administered intravenously to control the edema.
  • An infected pressure ulcer may be characterized by erythema, edema, induration, and purulent or foul-smelling drainage.
  • He holds that the observations in myxedema, in obesity, and psoriasis warrant the belief that the thyroid gland eliminates a material having a regulating influence upon the constitution of the panniculus adiposus and upon the nutrition of the skin in general. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • P.S. I forgot to tell you, that my right ancle pits, a symptom, as I take it, of its being oedematous, not leucophlegmatic. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Stuedemann and his colleagues developed the urine test as an offshoot of their vaccine work.
  • A diagnosis was made of multilocular ovarian cyst or edematous myoma of the uterus, and on the morning of December 7, 1890, an operation was performed. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The triads may show a variable degree of ductal and ductular proliferation, and may even demonstrate edema and a neutrophilic infiltrate.
  • When you get High Altitude Sickness, if you don't go back down a thousand or two thousand feet, and rest until your body acclimates to that altitude, High Altitude Sickness turns into one of two things: either it goes into your lungs and turns into pulmonary edema or into your brain as cerebral edema where your brain swells, both of which can be fatal. Gary Stein: Craig Kiser's Blind Ambition to Benefit Thousands in Need
  • Mr. Le Page Renouf (32) likens it to the "eidolon" of the Greeks, the "genius" of the Romans; and Dr. Wiedemann has lately written an interesting paper to show that it was not the person, but what he calls "the personality" or "individuality" of the deceased – meaning thereby that which distinguished him in life from other men; in other words, the mental impression which was evoked when his name was mentioned. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Foods high in histamine, such as fermented foods, may exacerbate urticaria and angioedema in these individuals.
  • He holds that the observations in myxedema, in obesity, and psoriasis warrant the belief that the thyroid gland eliminates a material having a regulating influence upon the constitution of the panniculus adiposus and upon the nutrition of the skin in general. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The first signs of potential clot formation include swollen, aching feet and legs with edema and increasing fluid retention.
  • They previously noted that the edema response for hairless mice closely approximated the erythema reaction of untanned Caucasian human skin, with nearly identical action spectra.
  • Patients may develop blepharitis and present with ptosis secondary to edema and inflammation.
  • Preventive care prevent long periods of standing or sitting that impair venous return elevate legs when sitting, dorsiflex feet at regular intervals to prevent venous pooling if edema occurs, elevate above heart level regular exercise program to promote circulation avoid crossing legs at the knees avoid wearing constrictive clothing such as tight bands around socks or garters use elastic stocking on affected leg do leg exercises during periods of enforced immobility such as after surgery explain purpose of bed rest and leg elevation use elastic stockings monitor pt. on anticoagulant & fibrinolytic therapy for signs of bleeding monitor for signs of pulmonary embolism - sudden onset of chest pain, dyspnea, rapid breathing, tachycardia Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Left atrial decompression can decrease cardiogenic edema.
  • (Preclinical research with diabetic mice showed that mecamylamine had the ability to stop the process that contributed to the development and progression of diabetic macular edema.) Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Any creatures that breathe the surface air directly are subject to severe lung damage, lung edema, and death.
  • Acid reflux has been associated with bronchospasm, heightened bronchial reactivity, and airway edema.
  • Patients often have nystagmus, ataxia, and in severe poisonings, cerebral edema.
  • It has been shown experimentally in various ways that the necessary elements of the secretion can be furnished by feeding with the gland or its extracts, and that the cretinoid or myxedematous conditions could thus be cured or prevented. The Evolution of Modern Medicine
  • Large chronic doses of licorice may result in cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and pseudoprimary aldosteronism (including symptoms of hypertension, hypokalemia, and edema).
  • The saponin aescin, however, has been used for health purposes (such as varicose veins, edema, sprains) and is available in food supplements, as is a related glucoside aesculin. [ Latest financial, market & economic news and analysis |
  • Although no fair of symptomatic scalp was released in congenital trials, and no neonatal men for poor spermatogenesis are offered, bubbles should notify suitable of the year of long-term edematous effects. Wii-volution
  • The bandages substitute for the elasticity lost by tissues engorged with edema.
  • Rebooting veut dire faire redémarrer l'ordinateur mais boot signifie botte. Archive 2010-06-01
  • While hives develop on the skin's surface, angioedema is a swelling of the deeper layers of the skin. Hives, urticaria, angiodema, allergic reactions
  • She had a prolapsed uterus and anus, with massive mucous discharges, was paralysed and oedematous from the waist down and her entire body was covered with abrasions and flea bites. Bedlam
  • Interstitial edema results from transudation of fluid through the capillary walls into the interstitium around the vessels which can render normally indistinct vessels distinct.
  • This elevation will last a varying period of from two to six days, and on the day following its onset the ordinary symptoms of fever will be noticed, and in addition there will be petechiæ on the conjunctival membranes, lacrimation, a slight mucous discharge from the nose, and in severe cases some edema of the lower portion of the legs, and perhaps of the sheath in horses. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • It assumes variety of forms, the major among them being hypothyroidism also known as myxedema and hyperthyroidism also known as throtoxicosis goitre. Natural Remedies for Curing Thyroid
  • Wiedeman might compete, though, in darlingness with the child, as the poem shows him. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)
  • An attack of inherited angioedema is treated with an injection of the C1 inhibitor, the substance that your body is deficient in.
  • Early clinical signs include tachycardia and tachypnoea, mild pyrexia, basal crepitations, and dependent oedema.
  • Severe local reactions (defined as edema or induration >120 mm) occurred after 1% of vaccinations.
  • Normal reactions to smallpox vaccination include erythema, edema, regional lymphadenopathy, fever, malaise, and urticaria.
  • In myxedema, a condition characterized by a lack of thyroid secretion, there is dulness of the reflexes and of the intellect, a lowered muscular power, and generally a sluggish discharge of energy. The Origin and Nature of the Emotions: Miscellaneous Papers
  • In the allied department of obstetrics we find chapters on the signs of conception, on the urine in pregnant women, on difficult labor, prolapsus uteri, retention of the placenta, post partum hemorrhage, afterpains, and the oedema of pregnancy. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • The syrinx located by the ends of spinal cord tumor might be resulted from tumor pressure, circulatory disturbances and edematous fluid accumulation.
  • The autopsy found that death was due to cerebral and pulmonary oedema.
  • Physical examination by the anesthesiology provider during direct laryngoscopy for intubation revealed marked tissue inflammation in the posterior part of the pharynx, including marked edema of the vocal cords.
  • This is followed by signs of interstitial edema, Kerley B lines, peribronchial cuffing, and indistinct hila. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Scleredema is a rare skin disease, characterized by progressive induration of cutis and subcutaneous tissues.
  • Angioedema tends to occur on the face and may cause significant disfigurement.
  • Hyponatremia in the presence of edema indicates increased total body sodium and water.
  • AVP could reinforce the permeability of capillary to water in injury areas, and made encephaledema become severe.
  • The typical signs of chronic venous insufficiency include pedal edema, varicose veins and skin hyperpigmentation.
  • As the time wore on the men thought ceaselessly about food, they became lethargic, they were cold all the time, they became depressed, they developed bleeding disorders, their ankles became edematous, and some developed more serious psychological disorders. Is a calorie always a calorie? | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • When the lesions are rubbed, they manifest erythema, edema, pruritus, and occasional bullae formation.
  • Furthermore, amiloride alone or in the presence of Ltip peptide produced a significant rightward shift of the expiratory P-V curve, most probably secondary to an important interstitial edema produced by amiloride.
  • Fundal examination revealed that the left disc was mildly edematous ; however, its margin was not blurred and the appearance of mottled RPE was also noted in the left macula.
  • The differential diagnosis is with a non displaced fracture of the ankle: edema, pain over the external lateral ligament, and look for ballottement of the ankle bone. Chapter 8
  • Perhaps, indeed, your disorder may be oedematous, or gouty, or it may be the lues venerea: If you have any reason to flatter yourself it is this last, sir, I will undertake to cure you with three small pills, even if the disease should have attained its utmost inveteracy. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • He had been examined periodically in recent months because of progressive congestive heart failure and peripheral edema.
  • As edema is a clinical sign of a perturbation of fluid homeostasis, excess fat accumulation is indicative of a perturbation in energy balance. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity is a Sign, Overeating is a Symptom
  • This edema affects many organs, including the brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs.
  • The title exarch is here applied to the primate of a group of provincial churches, as it had been used by Ibas, bishop of Edema, at his trial in NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • Objective To study the clinical results, prognosis and preventive relapse of treatment for chronic limb lymphedema by lymphosuction.
  • Enlarged and edematous lungs, consolidation, hemorrhage, bronchopneumonia, and acute bronchiolitis were also noted.
  • The eruption of the ulcers and discharge soon cause an irritation of the neighboring lymphatics; and in the intermaxillary space, deep inside of the jaws, we find an enlargement of the glands, which for the first few days may seem soft and edematous, but which rapidly becomes confined to the glands, these being from the size of an almond to that of a small bunch of berries, exceedingly hard and nodulated. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Patients with otitis externa experience pain on manipulation of the pinna or tragus, and their ear canal is edematous and filled with infectious debris.
  • After description of the myxedema condition, transplantation and injection of extracts of thyroid tissue was tried. Emil Theodor Kocher
  • Results:The tumor size decreased, the perirenal edema area became clear and bleeding in operation reduced in 33 cases of renal carcinoma.
  • The pathogenesis may involve edema and inflammation secondary to the impacted stone in the cystic duct.
  • Histological examination Day 3: The biopsies showed moderate to severe inter and intracellular oedema.
  • There was some pedal oedema with good pedal pulses.
  • BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR CORRESPONDENT, JERUSALEM: Well, we're in East Talpiot, which is a southern suburb of Jerusalem. CNN Transcript Feb 26, 2007
  • Experimental reports in septic models demonstrate no increase in extravascular lung water when hydrostatic pressures are maintained at low levels, indicating that in sepsis, the primary determinant of extravascular fluid flux appears to be microvascular pressure rather than colloid osmotic pressure. 65 Taken together, these data suggest that when lower filling pressures are maintained, there is no significant difference in the development of pulmonary edema with crystalloids or colloids. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • However, in 2 cases, although edema was present, there was no evidence of a clearly localized cutaneous lesion.
  • The stroma is most commonly scant but may be prominent and can occasionally be fibromatous, edematous, or myxoid.
  • The Chinese medical diagnosis was water qi disease, thus ginseng and aconite were used, as indicated for yin type edema.
  • There was no clubbing, cyanosis, edema, arthritis, lymphadenopathy, or rash.
  • A patient with advanced right heart failure will have jugular venous distension, edema and ascites.
  • She still looked just as lovely as ever, despite slight edema in her legs and arms and fluid retention in her face.
  • The mechanism by which reduction in edema improves wound healing is not clear.
  • Other presenting features include lymphadenopathy, epistaxis, weight loss, jaundice, and edema.
  • During the early phase, mast cells release mediators (e.g., histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandins and thromboxanes) that lead to vasodilation, edema and bronchoconstriction.
  • Seven children died from illness or injury without oedema, three in the antioxidant supplement group and four in the placebo group.
  • Anthrax due to insect bite introduction (mechanical transmission) is characterized by localized hot, painful, edematous, and subcutaneous swellings at the bite location that spread to the throat, lower neck, floor of the thorax, abdomen, prepuce, and mammary glands. Anthrax
  • Any patient with suspected myxedema coma should be treated presumptively with thyroid hormone.
  • Delayed radiation injuries result in increased tissue pressure from oedema, vascular injury leading to infarction, damage to endothelial cells and fibrinoid necrosis of small arteries and arterioles.
  • For example, in a healthy person without oedema, the kidneys deal with surplus fluid in the body by disposing of it in the urine.
  • The differential diagnosis includes venous stasis dermatitis, pretibial myxedema, filariasis, and ichthyosis.
  • Patients with myxedema present with rough skin of the palms, soles, elbows and knees, and yellow-orange discoloration of the skin, along with other signs of hypothyroidism.
  • Pato has an edematous suffusion to the adductor of his right thigh. His conditions will be evaluated in the next few days.
  • Practitioners prescribing the tetracyclic antibiotics should be aware of the syndrome of increased intracranial pressure, and pay particular attention to the ocular fundus for papilloedema.
  • Physical examination included sinus palpation and evaluation for nasal edema, erythema, or discharge.
  • Pathologically the first change noted in the epidermis is thought to be an acanthosis, followed by epithelial atrophy, and a hyperkeratosis, intercellular edema, and colloid degeneration of the prickle cells. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Increased amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein in patients with fetal nuchal edema. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • This lesion was hemorrhagic and surrounded by edematous tissue with greenish discoloration.
  • Red Dye Number 2 is a tar-based product known to cause constriction of the bronchial tubes, angioedema (swelling) and hives. Leisa Naples: Keep Dyes, Preservatives and Sugar at Bay: A Scrumpious Recipe to Show You the Way
  • We started IVs and gave him all the standard "angioedema" medications. WhiteCoat Rants
  • One risk is that the cerebral edema induced by the hypo-osmolality is clearly a bad thing and should not be allowed to persist and worsen and on the other hand there is the somewhat mysterious spectre of osmotic demyelination which is typically referred to by one of it forms namely central pontine myelinolysis. Archive 2007-05-01
  • He began reading from the report: `"Multiple incised wounds of scalp; congestion and edema of brain. THE OUTSIDER
  • There was no clubbing, cyanosis, edema, arthritis, lymphadenopathy, or rash.
  • The risk of moderate vision loss caused by diabetic macular edema was reduced by 50 percent.
  • The deeper regions of the tumor showed hypocellularity and had an abundance of loose edematous stroma.
  • The adult filariae lodge in the lymphatic system causing debilitating lymphoedema.
  • The benefits from proteolytic enzymes are that they inhibit inflammation without immunosuppression, reduce pain and edema, inhibit thrombi formation and stimulate thrombolysis, improve the blood supply and therefore the nutrition of the tissue and improve blood circulation. Stefan Aschan: Bounce Back Faster from Painful Restrictions
  • We prospectively tested the utility of BNP for discriminating ARDS vs cardiogenic pulmonary edema ( CPE ).
  • The process is self limiting in most cases and pathologically correlates with oedematous interstitial pancreatitis.
  • Maybe pulmonary edema was not in the cards for me after all.
  • In the 1925 edition of Osler's text, respiratory failure was described as ‘frothy pulmonary edema that resembles serum, not the sanguinous transudative edema fluid seen in dropsy or congestive heart failure’.
  • The fragments were edematous with focal fibrosis.
  • As anaphylactic shock progresses, laryngeal edema, bronchospasm, hypotension, and circulatory collapse may occur.
  • Cinryze was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2008 to treat hereditary angioedema, or HAE, a rare genetic disease involving potentially deadly swelling of various parts of the body. FDA Rejects Expansion Of ViroPharma Drug
  • This is not easy, as too little fluid will cause hypoperfusion whereas too much will lead to oedema that will cause tissue hypoxia.
  • Various types of skin manifestations of arsenic toxicity were observed - from melanosis, keratosis, hyperkeratosis, dorsal keratosis, and nonpitting edema, to gangrene and cancer.
  • The increased transudate burdening the lymphatic system results in interstitial edema.
  • Lots of fancy sounding medical terms that are really just synonyms for regular every day words. erythematous = red edematous = swollen Microscopic is tinier than miniscule
  • Besides ulceration, lower leg edema can lead to tortuous varicosities, phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, embolism, and infection, among others.
  • Acute episodes of local inflammation involving skin, lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels often accompany the chronic lymphoedema or elephantiasis.
  • Increased hypoxia in local tissues, marked oedema of the toes, or development of venous hypertension may be involved.
  • The result is an accumulation of fluid in the tissue - also called oedema.
  • -- General dropsy, elephantiasis, lipomata, myxedema, and various other affections in which there is a hypertrophic change of the connective tissues may be mistaken for general obesity; on the other hand, a fatty, pendulous abdomen may simulate the appearances of pregnancy or even of ovarian cyst (Fig. 172). Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • This reverses the gradient, causing a decrease in tissue and organ edema and associated morbidity.
  • A 66-year-old woman was admitted for upper respiratory infection, periorbital edema, and swelling of the epiglottis and the lower extremities.
  • Patricia C. Gregory-Lynch, 45, an assistant professor in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine since 2005, died June 13 at UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill, N.C., of a cerebral edema, or swelling in the brain. Patricia C. Gregory-Lynch; Reuben R. Levine; Suzanne S. Jacobsen; John J. 'Jack' Hughes
  • METHOD The effects were observed in the following models, xylene induced swelling of mouse ear, carrageenin induced paw edema in rat and hot-plate procedure in mice.
  • Other signs and symptoms, such as oliguria, unexplained crying (especially on urination), and edema, and any history of passing stones were recorded. New England Journal of Medicine
  • This results in generalized oedema - or ‘dropsical effusion’ as it was called in the 1820s by Richard Bright, in his classic description of chronic nephritis (Bright's disease).
  • Patients with myxedema present with rough skin of the palms, soles, elbows and knees, and yellow-orange discoloration of the skin, along with other signs of hypothyroidism.
  • Ulceration of the oropharynx, subacute airway compromise from edema. DO NO HARM
  • For instance, periorbital edema with proptosis could be the result of cellulitis or acute bacterial sinusitis.
  • In compensated heart failure, symptoms are stable, and many overt features of fluid retention and pulmonary oedema are absent.
  • Clinicians should note that surface-level infection does not manifest as erythema, edema, and induration of the surrounding tissue.
  • The selected symptoms were pain, lachrymation, photophobia, exudation, pruritis, vascular dilation, oedema and analysis of macrophotographs of conjunctival capillarograms.
  • Their appearance could also be the result of tissue compression and developing injury in the contralateral hemisphere due to the expanding edema formation.
  • Thus, signs of soft tissue edema, erythema, ulceration, bullae, or necrosis should prompt the inclusion of necrotizing soft tissue infection in differential diagnoses.
  • If participants developed any mucosal or skin reaction, hypotension, upper or lower airway reaction, conjunctival reaction, or laryngeal edema during the challenge test, it was considered a positive response.
  • The disposable canister serves as a collection depot for edema fluid that is suctioned from the wound tissue.
  • Check the lower extremities for edema and any signs suggestive of deep venous thrombosis.
  • The scratches were puffy and inflamed; one set on the forearm was even slightly edematous and showed some small vesicles, blisters filling with clear fluid. Doctor’s Orders
  • It is also useful in the therapy of acute pulmonary edema, both for its hemodynamic actions and as a calmative.
  • Objective:To explore the cause and treatment on upper limb lymphedema after mastectomy of breast cancer.

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