How To Use Ecumenism In A Sentence
Three religious responses are discerned: fundamentalism, syncretism, and ecumenism.
An immersion experience at the Irish School of Ecumenics offers theological study, a European view of ecumenism, and insight into the possibilities and pitfalls of conciliative efforts.
As irrevocably committed as the Catholic Church is to ecumenism, I cannot imagine the Magisterium ever endorsing the demotion of defined dogmas to the status of venerable opinion.
Unfortunately, there are some who wish to proclaim the Gospel but who think ecumenism is contrary to that task; there are also some who talk endlessly about unity but never want to address essential differences and difficulties.
One way to address the problem would be to replace an ecumenism of theological dialogues with an ecumenism of ecumenical practical cooperation.
Good ecumenism is not a C.S. Lewisian reduction of Christianity to an arbitrary set of “mere” attributes in order to achieve unity.
Archive 2007-02-01
The present out and out secularism of the state could prove to be a stimulus to genuine ecumenism.
But if we allow "ecumenism" to become a code word for "You do your thing and I do mine," we're in trouble.
Archive 2007-11-01
For decades, its craven instinct for appeasement and its insane preoccupation with ecumenism has undermined the Church it is charged to defend.
But baptism is only the beginning, for it "seeks for the attainment of the fullness of life in Christ" (Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism, n. 92), and thus for the common reception of Christ in the Eucharist.
Exceptionalism supports imperial globalization and shows no understanding of Christian ecumenism.
Dialogue, collegiality, ecumenism, and positive engagement with ‘the modern world’ began to take concrete form.
The ecumenism was typical of the girl and of the city, or at least of certain sections within it.
He tried to weave ecumenism into the ordinary life of the Cathedral.
Merton's witness to honest ecumenism and loving religious pluralism is even more needed now than it was in his day.
While in Carlow he wrote on theology and scripture, literature and homiletics, local history and ecumenism.
Implicit in that answer is the understanding that Eucharistic fellowship without unity in faith and ministry would be the end of ecumenism.
This augurs well for the future and underlines the truth that music as a universal language is an important resource for ecumenism.
While in Carlow he wrote on theology and scripture, literature and homiletics, local history and ecumenism.
In the Catholic understanding, the goal of ecumenism is the completion of that existing unity in full communion.
True and rightly oriented ecumenism is not the dilution of differing doctrines, because that would ultimately mean diluting and thereby falsifying the one true Church.
Archive 2007-02-01
The pope was also fully committed to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue.
He refers to many developments in ecumenism and inter-faith dialogue over the past 50 years; he demonstrates how a broad, tolerant religious view now holds sway in the corridors of power.
Our commitment to a mission of unity and our self articulated sense of being both a catholic and a reformed Church have been wonderful gifts to ecumenism through the years.
He was an extraordinary preacher, a devoted pastor, a catechist who wrote his own catechism, a visitor of the sick, a counsellor, and one deeply concerned about missions, ecumenism, church polity, and church discipline.
From reading this history one would have no idea of the role played by Anglicans in the fields of scholarship, ecumenism, or social justice.
Instead of having a lawful and real Primate, we will recognize one that is uncanonical, born of schism, sullied by sergianism and ecumenism, and therefore without Grace.
In his encyclical on ecumenism, Pope Paul II speaks of the need to overcome our exclusiveness, our reluctance to forgive, our pride, our presumptuous disdain, and our unevangelical proclivity to condemn the other side.
Hugh's rejection of what he has recognized puts the burden on us in the audience to turn from the past to the future, from linguistic purism to linguistic ecumenism, and from physical force to imaginative growth.
It is that which today we call doctrinal and institutional ecumenism.
Archive 2008-03-16
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Rev. Astrid Storm: Memo to Rome: Some of Us Like the Reformation
The British Evangelical Council, first formed in 1952 as an Evangelical response to unbiblical ecumenism, is now known as ‘Affinity’.
Although the term ecumenism is widely used outside Catholic circles to refer to efforts at mutual understanding among all religions, or even between religion and atheism, the Catholic Church treats relationships with non-Christians very differently, because non-Christians have a fundamentally different relationship with Catholics than do other baptized Christians. - What You Need to Know
The Catholic Church and the pontifical council are at the epicenter of ecumenism for many reasons, not least because well over half the Christians in the world are Catholics.
He would have to engage young people, address issues of ecclesial organization, commit himself to ecumenism, and confront the challenges of globalization.
Whether up close or from a distance, Protestant leaders of a variety of stripes recalled the pope's efforts on topics of mutual agreement and credit him with a legacy that advanced ecumenism.
As Pope John Paul II said, ecumenism, or the promotion of Christian cooperation and unity, must be the concern of every faithful Catholic.
He was an extraordinary preacher, a devoted pastor, a catechist who wrote his own catechism, a visitor of the sick, a counsellor, and one deeply concerned about missions, ecumenism, church polity, and church discipline.
I want to argue, however, that ecumenism is much more fundamental than that.
2008 Election
Against this backdrop one can begin to understand the lack of ecumenism among these movements, despite their shared goal or commitment.
zone_info": "huffpost. world/blog; world = 1; nickname = rev-astrid-storm; entry_id = 334819; anglicans = 1; catholic-church = 1; ecumenical = 1; ecumenism = 1; episcopal-church = 1; gay-priests = 1; homophobia = 1; liberal-protestant = 1; pope-benedict = 1; religion = 1; rowan-williams = 1; women-priests = 1",
Rev. Astrid Storm: Memo to Rome: Some of Us Like the Reformation
The debt they owe to Reformation theology is explicitly acknowledged; and unbiblical ecumenism and charismaticism are rejected.
My own journey to what I call missional-ecumenism has followed a path of re-understanding what the church has taught in previous centuries, especially in the early centuries, that began when I plainly began to see that things I misunderstood where the very things I assumed to be correct.
John H Armstrong
An inspiration to generations of students he was a champion of renewal in all its forms, in theology, catechetics, liturgy and the style and content of seminary training, with a special interest in ecumenism.
Among the subjects he considers are the diaconate, the priestly office, the office of the bishop, the place of canon law in the life of the church, and ecumenism.
Consider, too, that, were we now to act on our desire for a common celebration of the Eucharist, that would be the end of ecumenism, of the quest for the unity that Christ intends for his disciples.
This augurs well for the future and underlines the truth that music as a universal language is an important resource for ecumenism.
Among the subjects he considers are the diaconate, the priestly office, the office of the bishop, the place of canon law in the life of the church, and ecumenism.
These were the recognition of global diversity within the church, religious ecumenism, an emphasis on lay apostolates, and the re-definition of the relation between the Church and non-Christian religions.
Theologians and other church leaders need to clarify the church's view of itself, its commitment to ecumenism, and the points at which relativism is problematic.
The ‘Evangelical’ world (forgetting for a moment, churches explicitly committed to ecumenism and multifaith) is in a mess.