How To Use Economics In A Sentence
Labor economics has become virtually a branch of applied econometrics, with the usual large data sets and headless horsemen running around looking for patterns.
For example, it was embodied in a system of "informal economics".
Critical Social Research
For example, you may not be allowed to study, say, economics unless you also take statistics or computing.
Faux economics is different, because, as I stated, doctors know as much about economics as they do about farming.
I must admit to being a biased Observor here, as I do relatively poorly with the math elements of Economics, and I have attempted a writing career of expressing Economics in nonmathematical terms.
Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

It is the structural nature of centre-periphery relations that explains the nature of international politics and economics.
Even in the straight world of economics, where production and tangibles were once central, indices of happiness, creativity and other non-material values have taken centre stage.
Not to be outdone, many historians came to consider scholars trained in economics to be overly narrow, inattentive to historical context, and interpretively reductionistic.
He gained a first class Honours de-gree in economics.
It was with a great sense of loss when I heard of influential economics blogger Doris "Tanta" death.
Burma: Condolence message from a Burmese blogger monk
You would have expected a convert to free market economics to have been equally scathing of both public service corporations.
It is much more exciting to focus on popular causes, such as climate change, equal rights, biogenetic engineering, or even alien life, anything but economics.
Economics Trumps
Economics will not stop Europe's politicians complaining when jobs are lost in their own backyard.
The economics of postage and packing may mean that discount retailing remains largely, if not wholly, a bricks rather than clicks activity.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet, as always, economics remains an exercise in hindsight, and managing the ups and downs of economic cycles a task beyond human endeavour.
Statistical revision is the wild card in that most inexact pack of jokers known as economics.
In defense of “keen grasp of economics,” one of Matt’s fortes is an ability to be extremely annoyed by fallacies and oversights in cost-benefit calculation.
Matthew Yglesias » Listmania
This article classifies the uncertainty as essential one and uninformative one in term of its origin. The latter results from incomplete information and need more attention from economics.
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Communism, while it lasted, claimed to be about economics.
Marschak, 1965 , " The Economics of Language " , Behavioral Science, vol. 10 , pp . 135 - 140.
Economics and economic policy is all about changes at the margin.
Times, Sunday Times
Lest there be an accusation of harsh criticism, we should say their success in elucidating some aspects of Islamic economics deserves commendation.
Economics allowed investment banking recruiters to compare directly the academic records of recruits.
It isn't sound economics; it is just populist politics.
Times, Sunday Times
A graduate of law and economics from Moscow State University, he had spent his life in academia.
The Access Economics study undertaken shortly before construction began indicated it would be commercially viable, at least with the not inconsiderable investment of public funds in constructing the line.
The individualist anarchists saw land economics differently.
The biological metaphor has a significance of revelation for the development of evolutional economics.
People are worried, rightly of course, about economics but in the end those who do not share end up not actually enriched.
Times, Sunday Times
But since it is rare in any book aimed at children to see a discussion of economics, let alone imperialism and militarism, that criticism might be held in abeyance.
Do the economics of downshifting to a more frugal car stack up?
Times, Sunday Times
The economics of shuttleless looms will be considered in chapter IV.
Chapter 6
George Borjas, the most academically reputable critic of immigration in economics, is now blogging.
Borjas: What's His Problem?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
This passage introduces of population pressure - the greatest feature of modern malthusian theory, of economics of population.
Junior college degree or above, major in Accounting or Auditing, Economics or other relative subjects.
Ravenscraig steelworks was supposed to feed strip steel to the Rootes assembly line at Linwood, Paisley, and a British Motor Corporation works at Bathgate, though the economics of both were doubtful.
Critical perspectives on economics are key to countering the rise of political conservatism on campuses.
It is all very well for Tariq Ali to gibe at India's neo-liberal economics, but this, alas, is the only show in town.
But economics is even harder than meteorology or seismology.
If rational economics is to regain its proper influence, there are two ways in which we need to rearrange our mental furniture.
Times, Sunday Times
He lectured his London School of Economics audience in December last year, while the prime minister bit his lip with jealousy.
Economics risks suffocating architecture, but so does polite conservatism and a consumerist attitude.
For example, it was embodied in a system of "informal economics".
Critical Social Research
Sheila was awarded a scholarship in Chemistry, and now her brother has evened the score with a scholarship in Economics.
Anyone who thinks it through or reads about economics will come to the conclusion this pander is a farce.
Schneider: Gas tax suspension proves popular
In its place, the Beijing Consensus supposedly offers pragmatic economics and made-to-order authoritarian politics.
Agricultural industry structural adjustment is rural economics developing again revolution.
At Junior Cert level, deadlines are looming for home economics and metalwork projects, and practicals in home economics and music are set to begin at the end of the month.
Darren : Oh , I need graph paper for my economics class.
The Institute of Population and Labour Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences will work with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security to develop the Migration Research Center.
I think in India it is still an issue of economics and you have to worry about the future, and if your business fails, your entire clan is affected and is sorrowful and that puts additional pressure.
Yet, as always, economics remains an exercise in hindsight, and managing the ups and downs of economic cycles a task beyond human endeavour.
James Langenfeld is a director at LECG, an economics and finance consulting firm, and an adjunct professor at Loyola University Law School, Chicago.
The large food retailers are going global, and as barriers to trade come down, the economics ate determining where the investment and trade take place.
Ireland excels at macroeconomics, but fails lamentably at microeconomics.
With less and less agricultural land to divide among heirs, the economics of having large families has been altered.
Football has always cocked a snook at the laws of economics.
Both Milton Friedman's theory of monetarism and the rational expectations school of macroeconomics challenged the effectiveness of activist monetary policy.
The lack of any clarity after that date muddies the economics of any power project due to come onstream.
Times, Sunday Times
The precious place of the nude was bolstered by the economics of the art market in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
The context for lending is demassifying and the economics favors microloans.
Experienced farmers will blend science, agronomics, economics and field histories with that indefinable intuitive sense and then will decide which crop will do best this year.
These words at least pay lip service to the realisation that neo-liberal economics are a spent force.
Mitchell will graduate this spring from Tufts University with a bachelor's degree in political science with a minor in economics.
Economics is easy after you learn the lingo.
After graduation, BIE is Economics fancy, become a first - line star, but AFF has become BIE broker.
Advance pasturage industrialization, be helpful for rural economics development and social stability.
Continued advances in supercomputing are also vital for a host of scientific advancements in biology, climate, economics, energy, material science, medicine, physics, and seismology.
It is important to note that the definition of "neoclassical economics " is not perfectly self-evident.
The Making of Neoclassical Economics
Some time during her earlier years, Ellen went to Alta to perfect her knowledge of the Norwegian language, and to learn home economics and sewing.
Davenport also sought to rid economic theory of any dependence on ethical value judgments, and the entire character of his major works is infused with the attempt to make economics as value-free as possible.
Until those in Washington turn away from the fraudulent system we have in place due to the universal embracement of keynesian economics it will only continue to get worse.
Gregg defends GOP opposition, says Dems moving too far left
Then the economics changed, and in 1983 the refinery was decommissioned, dismantled and shipped off somewhere.
Paul Woolley of the London School of Economics has suggested that momentum might result from an agency problem.
Major international conferences of ecologists and economists have been held since then, many ecological economic institutes have been formed around the world, and a significant number of books have appeared with the term ecological economics in their titles [45].
An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 2
In forest economics, that is the Holy Grail.
While politics and economics typically go hand-in-hand when the economy heads south, the correlation is weaker in a healthy economy, where other issues can trump economics.
After finding Hansen in the Harvard library wearing green eyeshades, Turgeon spoke with him for about a half-hour and was convinced to stay with economics and pursue a graduate degree.
How often is an economics book such a bestseller?
Times, Sunday Times
In the pursuit of pseudo-scientific tractability, neoclassical economics neglects the dynamic aspects of the social realm and delivers a static utilitarian calculus.
These are mostly consumer and lifestyle issues… things based on money, class, and economics.
[G] iven the strong resistance to further QE from some hawkish Fed officials, the program that eventually emerges, most probably at the next [Fed] meeting in early November, will be too timid to have any real impact," said Paul Ashworth, senior U.S. economist for research consultancy Capital Economics.
Bernanke Preps Markets For Further Fed Action Despite Questions About Impact
Identity economics provides further illumination.
Times, Sunday Times
They're polluting, wasteful and an incredibly expensive drain on national and personal economics.
It is a book to be read by anyone who is interested in the emerging field of geoeconomics for money makes the world go around, but most people know little about it.
Their desire for independence has to do with brute economics.
The suffix -nomics is a back-formation from "economics," from a Greek word meaning "household management.
Week in Words
The progress of sound economics against this doctrine has not been without setbacks.
The project seeks to combine attention to economics and the human advantages of the redesigning of work.
The economics of first class can be ruinous.
Times, Sunday Times
It was also the first economics institute to make wide use of a large computer.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
Once upon a time, back in the late 1970s boom, when many of today's commentators, politicians, central bankers and trade unionists learned their economics, the economy could be allegorised as a fashionable restaurant.
But the focus Monday was economics and the effect that the Republican program would have on the high-tech industry.
In the past, natural resources were abundant, " says Robert Costanza, Director of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont. "We've used up all the frontier.
The impact on both economics and public policy has been dire.
Times, Sunday Times
While cloaking itself in the language of economics, it is in fact anti-economic, anti-modern and regressive.
The lack of scalability means that to achieve his optimistic economics one must jump from nothing to an incredibly large colony.
The other spectre that haunts liberal economics – other than the lingering unhappiness that its happy-clappy consumerism generates – is the broaching of planetary boundaries for survival.
The wellbeing agenda isn't navel-gazing, it's innovation and survival | Pat Kane
He knew what Greenpeace was, and the geodesic dome, and sado-masochism, and even supply-side economics.
Taken as a whole the book makes the point that the new fledgling field of ‘economic sociology’ has made valuable contributions on the borderland between economics and the other social sciences.
Our economics correspondent, James Morgan, is just back from Germany.
Doyle: I didn't realize you were a Keynsian economics! might want to check your economic history of the US--all of Roosevelt's programs did little to pull us out of the degression; Look at the unemployment rate at the beginning of WWII, which if memory serves was nearly 20%.
"I think we're slipping toward a recession. A couple of people that I met on the street, they work in construction. They tell me it's slowed down."
Despite the official ban on direct trade with China, cross-strait trade soared into record territory, economics officials said yesterday.
We need the classical theories in order to understand the complex interplay between economics and politics.
Similarly, conflicts in the social sciences - including history, civics, government, economics, and so on - also capture attention, arouse concern, and stir emotion.
Labor migration is a key field of study in economics, regional science and economic geography.
The Design Award is the most prestigious official design award in the Federal Republic of Germany which is offered by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Technology.
Car Body Design - News
Part One reviews the theoretical foundations of open economy macroeconomics and outlines the basic argument of the book.
Economics and economic policy is all about changes at the margin.
Times, Sunday Times
Plans exist to extend the list of short courses to business studies, geography, history, media studies and home economics.
Daly further elaborated on this theme with his work on “steady state economics” [78] which worked out the implications of acknowledging that the Earth is materially finite and nongrowing, and that the economy is a subset of this finite global system.
An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 2
Historians borrowed from such disciplines as political science, linguistics, economics, and philosophy.
Apart from the economics of the situation, it was not a tactic that would win favor at the polls.
Why do you think an economics course spends so much studying monopolies and monopsonies?
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
I learned a lesson in harsh economics when I was made redundant.
Economic theories have been axiomatized, and articles and books of economics are full of theorems.
Often this point is overlooked in textbook discussions of industrial economics and the theory of the firm.
Moreover, institutions, along with concepts from the new microeconomics such as bounded rationality and imperfect information, are now in vogue, which is all to the good.
Industrial economics is to announce a knowledge of rule of industrial economy progress.
Even general theory itself was now compartmentalized into microeconomics and macroeconomics.
He called the government's policy 'the economics of the madhouse'.
Because there are a lot of Republicans saying a lot of different things. whats the real Repub message? as long as the republican party was able to fool moderates and independents into thinking that republicans produced policies that economically benefited them, the republicans continued to rack up political victories from the 1980's onward. however when it finally became clear that the republican policies benefited the rich and nobody else (tinkle down economics), the indies and moderates abandoned the republican party in droves. the indies and mods never cared about the social issues the gop base held dear therefore there is no longer anything to draw the interest of anybody other than those who are the base of the party. we may be seeing a long term marginalization (and regionalization) of the republicans for the forseeable future. News
These unfolding events are best explained by a close look at factory economics.
But other people based their objections on economics and a healthy realism.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
The economics of the bucolic dream no longer stack up.
Times, Sunday Times
I used to talk about the crash in October 1987 without explaining what it was and I do still teach a seminar in the economics department in the Fall.
Still, economics is a quantitative science - possibly even an aprioristic one that allows me to construct an apodictically certain architechtonic intellectual edifice that says nothing about th real world unlike pete leesons excellent economic history papers.
10 Austrian Vices and How to Avoid Them - The Austrian Economists
A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters.
The pared-down macroeconomics chapters are far more in line with Bush administration thinking than press reports suggest.
Furthermore, in times of economic constraints, the incorporation of aspects of an economics-based strategy may be beneficial.
Austin Peay student Devin Hart explained the seven principles as: umoja - unity; kujichagulia - self-determination; ujima - collective work and responsibility; ujamaa - cooperative economics; nia - purpose; kuumba - creativity; and imani - faith. - Local News
You can explore the complex web of politics and economics and personalities that drive modern science.
A Short Guide to Writing About Science
Jim challenged me to take the first step, to propose a new economics of sustainability - specifically, to outline a theory that wasn't just a rehash of the old economics.
The price of this is a decline in business activity; something that does not impinge on the rarefied world of theoretical economics which central bankers live in.
Times, Sunday Times
The zero lower bound is one of the great myths of monetary economics.
Not surprisingly, Weber was deeply influenced by the Austrian school of economics.
I'm afraid my grasp of economics is rather limited.
My major areas of emphasis were in agricultural marketing, policy, international trade, agribusiness, and general economics.
The academic attacker gained a first-class honours degree in economics with business management this year.
The Sun
Politics Video: Obama praises Clinton's mother Dorothy Rodham Politics Video: Obama Talks Oil and Gas With Texas Station KTRK Report Abuse Don't pee on my head and call it "trickle-down" economics.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
I went to graduate school at one point, and stopped 12 hours shy of getting a masters of science in economics.
He received a master's degree in agricultural economics and a doctorate in economics and marketing from Cornell University.
Amelia completed a DPhil in economics at Oxford and is currently chief economist at the Office of Fair Trading.
Caribou's Dan Snaith finds the formula for success with Swim
In essence, and oblivious to the purists, the economics simply don't stack up.
There are more dubious politics than sensible economics in the budget deal negotiated by the White House and the Republican leadership.
He was born in Zimbabwe where he completed his first degree in economics.
Payton wants to debunk the myth that economics is a science.
Brent has strengthened further as there is a re-escalation of the tensions in Egypt," said Rachel Ziemba, senior analyst at Roubini Global Economics in London.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Other research has shown that exercise, health status and socioeconomics influence physical performance.
Times, Sunday Times
In Washington, he said, they call trickle-down economics the Ownership Society, but what it really means is you’re on your own.
The economics ministry has increasingly played a subsidiary role to the finance ministry.
It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics.
I'm afraid my grasp of economics is rather limited.
This week I checked into the Freakonomics blog on the New York Times site for the first time in a while and saw that Venkatesh, who first came to popular notice when his work on the (lousy) economics of crack dealing was featured in that megaseller, has been guest-blogging about watching the fifth and final season with some self-described "real thugs" of his acquaintance.
An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
A nimble mind backed by a degree in economics gave him a firm grasp of financial matters.
When they start talking about economics, I'm out of my depth.
Here he stressed Nehru's commitment to the emancipation of women and untouchables, to communal harmony and the maintenance of a united and plural India, and to the fostering of a socialist economics.
Phil Gramm ended his presidential bid Wednesday in much the same way he campaigned: short on emotion and long on economics.
Embassy officials have said that Makharadze, an economics minister, had diplomatic immunity.
Jeff Frankel speaks for the prosecution. they will do anything for a few votes, even if their behavior is against the national economic and security interests and blatantly inconsistent with things they claim to stand for: small government, free trade, macroeconomic discipline, good neoclassical economics, and so forth.
Bush on Trial, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Economics must still contend with scarcity as a basic fact of life.
I'm doing my masters in Economics, the kind of maths tools used in the course are calculus (including integrals), Linear and Non-Linear Programming and Stats tools like Time Series, Regression, Probability etc.
Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
He doesn't allow partisanship to affect the main body of his work on international trade and monetary policy; he confines his misstatements to areas he doesn't know much about, like energy economics.
Whereas the endangered species listing is determined solely upon scientific data, economics play a role in deciding critical habitat.
He is now a professor of economics at Western New England College in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Law, diplomacy and politics were his profession, but his activities embraced virtually all the liberal arts and sciences: from mathematics and philosophy to economics, archaeology, ornithology, ichthyology, horticulture, architecture, art and music.
Thomas Jefferson, Musician
Now, the theoretical underpinning for this is the rational-expectations hypothesis familiar to economics students.
It is absolutely essential that by the time you come to sit your final examination in economics, that you are fully aware of the pitfalls that lie in wait.
An autodidact and a polymath, he studied economics, meteorology, history, genetics, and many other subjects.
His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin .
The economics tutor was the opposite of helpful.
Times, Sunday Times
For the account system is in a debious economics environment, accounting assumption is created. Accounting assumption is the basement of the accountancy. It decides the territory of the account.
This covers a number of issues but relates to the perception that economics is a subject that men do.
I've a master's in economics.
Real authorship questions are complex and interesting, and engage us in learning about textual transmission, the organization and economics of theatrical companies and practices, the organization and economics of printing and stationer's companies.
Archive 2007-01-01
It's so painful to the old and established party to confess that there's a real challenger on economics, or bailing out the EU, that the easiest solution is to demonise us.
Urban tourism place planning and design is mainly affected or restricted by some factors as tourism resources, regional location, tourism markets, social economics, and tourism traffic, etc.
It is the structural nature of centre-periphery relations that explains the nature of international politics and economics.
It’s just that the fishing is the easiest way to show how either property ownership or regulation aids the market. can you actually not see the similarities between over fishing in on small area and over extracting oil? seriously? obviously economics in college and in high school wouldnt have helped youthen.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Would the Public Support “Cap and Refund”?
The'Guardian'is running a series of articles on Third World Economics.
Since Ms. Saunders apparently missed Introductory Economics in college, herewith a very brief primer on the effects of price controls in consumer credit markets.
He studied in Switzerland and worked as a university teacher of economics, but abandoned his teaching to help his father design the bathyscaph.
The Seattle Times
Mathematical rigor in economics is not a reliable predictor of human action.
The Math Bubble, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The study of sociology overlaps with the study of economics.
The economics department at Ripon Grammar School have set up a small business producing items connected with the history of the city.
His religion, politics, socio-economics and conduct are hinged on unity of God, oneness of humanity, truths love and compassion.
The idea that in such an agonistic system any truth or justice, or even true facts, reliably result is, to my mind, quite analogous to the muddle of “the invisible hand” in economics, or the idea that “competition” necessarily results in an optimal market.
Justin Raimondo vs. Christopher Hitchens on al-Jazeera « Blog
Kissinger had in mind the geopolitical balance of power and the new centrality of international economics that complicated diplomacy.
If he's not going to challenge the established economics of sport, he is determined to chisel away at the physics.
Times, Sunday Times
Third is Julius Nyerere's "ujamaa" concept of development which is informed by the cooperative economics of sharing not accumulating, of self-reliance not dependency.
Up Station Mountain Club
Claiming that serving in combat is a prerequisite for wise decision-making on the application of military force to international relations is like claiming that a gerbil is an expert on the economics pet stores.
Matthew Yglesias » A Random Sidebar
And inside this, is a small doll, which I made in home economics class.
Some of these could include war, sexuality, oppression (racism, classism, ageism, sexism), government and economics.
There are a lot of things in introductory economics textbooks that are political.
Who Bears the Tax Burden?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Economics likes to present itself as a savvy combination of maths and philosophical science.
Times, Sunday Times
Though Sen, 72, won his 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics and has taught the subject at both Harvard and Cambridge, he could just as convincingly be described as a sociologist, historian, Sanskritist, political analyst and moral philosopher -- for starters -- as his new book makes clear.
Winning Argument
Many of these critiques have roots in a broad body of research known as biophysical economics, the basic tenets of which are the focus of this analysis.
Biophysical economics
Business and labour history; Business economics.
About those, he says that three quarters of all Nobel laureates in science, medicine, and economics have lived and worked in the U.S. in recent decades.