How To Use Economically In A Sentence

  • Over the years the area has struggled economically but what is happening there at the moment is quite astonishing. The Sun
  • A new educational programme has been set up for economically disadvantaged children.
  • In economically advanced countries, women marry later.
  • If the present rules were retained, the entry of many relatively smaller and economically weak countries would either paralyse the EU completely, or the smaller countries could outvote the larger ones.
  • The active principle is extracted and purified from plant material for as long as that process remains economically viable compared with chemical synthesis.
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  • Forward transactions are economically similar to exchange-traded futures contracts.
  • Some people who are made redundant get another job or become economically inactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new semi-automated test could at last make massive screening programmes for cervical cancer economically feasible.
  • I carry about no afterglow from the 1990s — they only look good compared to the 80s and the 00s which both stunk putrid economically for workers. Matthew Yglesias » It’s Stupid How We Always Seem to do It Again
  • We want to ensure that our children's children inherit an economically prosperous country.
  • It should be noted that these stages are to a considerable extent socially and economically determined.
  • The only way to make them economically viable is to intensively rear British farmers in huge barns where thousands of them can be kept in semi-darkness and fed mashed up, infected sheep pellets.
  • I'll do the job as economically as possible.
  • Some people who are made redundant get another job or become economically inactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Economically, militarily and culturally, Washington rules the planet, and it seeks to enhance that position in the new century.
  • Or do they try to design cleverer, more desirable stuff and hope that this is ethically supportable and economically viable? Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the economically active population is employed in the primary industries.
  • This paper analyzes technically and economically the feasibility of producing ammonia by the pyrogenous coal gas from the pyrolyzating plant with circulated fluid bed boiler.
  • Although the intention was to create new and independent economic and cultural centers, most of the satellite towns remain economically dependent on Beijing, and have only become dormitory towns," Jeffrey Johnson, who specializes in Chinese megacities at New York's Columbia University, said in emailed comments. Reuters: Press Release
  • This was seen as a laudable attempt to be both environmentally and economically prudent. Times, Sunday Times
  • For instance, in western societies women have become economically more important than hitherto.
  • Kurdish leaders believe they need the oil fields and the rich agricultural land nearby to keep the region economically independent.
  • Economically and politically, this affair couldn't come at a worse time.
  • Of all the warlord satrapies of China it was economically the strongest.
  • A recent study by a University of Chicago economist supports my take on this Catch-22, concluding that preventive intervention is more cost effective, economically efficient and fiscally prudent than remediation once children begin school. Dr. Jim Taylor: Arne and Bill's Misguided Adventure: An Open Letter
  • Hydrogen can be effectively and economically recovered from the refinery gas by cryogenics, pressure swing absorption, or semipermeable membranes.
  • In contrast, where class structures are less developed - both economically and culturally - the political institutions may be inherently weak.
  • Too often, seemingly small and innocuous investments are the first step in a chain of economically dependent investments. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Urban and rural, metropolitan and non-metropolitan, places are economically, environmentally, and socially interdependent.
  • Production of milk protein is economically important to dairy producers and milk manufacturers.
  • The measure would eliminate commercial logging on federal public lands, promote restoration, and aid economically stressed logging communities.
  • More than a fifth of the nation is classified as economically inactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some people who are made redundant get another job or become economically inactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • They know that every public dollar slashed and every public employee laid-off or "furloughed" in the nation's most economically important state is another obstacle to Obama getting the economy moving again and thereby maintaining his popularity. Joseph A. Palermo: Arnold Schwarzenegger: Tea Bagging California
  • So segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, but it is morally wrong and sinful. Paul Tillich has said that sin is separation.
  • A detailed study of the situation might help explain why potential entrepreneurs prefer to invest in shebeens rather than other economically productive ventures.
  • This mirrors the experience of many housebuilders, who say they cannot make a profit in economically inactive areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Economically speaking, payment by installments makes a double-win between the buyer and the seller, and it stimulates industry and business to be prosperous.
  • Vitamins are essential nutrients that affect economically important performance traits of dairy cows, including milk production, reproduction, and udder health.
  • The premature changing to a less costly diet may be economically appealing but can cause unthriftiness and poor pig uniformity.
  • They suggest instead providing free hay to economically strapped owners; opening low-cost clinics to geld horses to reduce breeding; even requiring anyone buying a horse to pay an up-front fee to cover euthanasia by a veterinarian when needed. Rethinking Horse Slaughterhouses
  • That was reflected in the greater share of economically dependent, poor, low paid and lone parents that were women.
  • The country was headed on the wrong track, economically.
  • That way we risk flattening our financial system, squeezing the innovation out of it, trying to return it to the world of yesteryear, which is neither sensible nor economically productive. Tony Blair Takes on the World
  • That would help ensure the European economy can continue to expand while economically troubled countries like Spain and Greece make wrenching cutbacks to reduce out-of-control deficits.
  • I guess the best way to put this to the economically "challenged" is to put it in right-wing terms: "excessive profits" must be like "pornography" - everyone knows it when they see it. Fred Thompson makes debut appearance with McCain
  • In its original form, though, it epitomises a country that was economically thriving and confident in its global position. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Figure 2.8 shows, substantially more men than women are economically active.
  • He notes that the northern grazing industry has usually been economically marginal, rarely very profitable.
  • This courier service could be most economically operated if both pollen and egg were placed close together on the plant.
  • Those who are economically inactive have to prove that they are financially self-sufficient to be allowed a right to reside. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not to denigrate what the Six did achieve economically and politically during the first few years of the organisation.
  • There is every chance for women and the economically disadvantaged to enter on the same level as anybody else.
  • The point about commercial research is a good one but I would point out that these companies are starting to realise that a lot of this is unsustainable economically so are starting to share precompetitive information. Some backlash on Open Science
  • This mirrors the experience of many housebuilders, who say they cannot make a profit in economically inactive areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Worst of all, economically, the hard knocks and lucky breaks of life, which people generally accept when they are distributed by fate, become politicized, and therefore embittering. My Inflation Nightmare
  • It is only their investment that makes the programme economically viable.
  • He said America must continue to compete economically , providing a free and open market.
  • That debate might have been economically suspect, but it further drove the idea that the American economy needed to be more efficient, which meant more tax cuts, more reductions in the safety net, more free agentry, more dependence on markets. Robert Teitelman: A Few Lessons From the Crisis
  • Aromatic plants are economically important, because of the essential oils they produce.
  • Devo-max may work economically but it's impossible to see how it could work politically. Times, Sunday Times
  • At present, more than one in four adults of working age are either unemployed or economically inactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often in debt, they are economically and politically dependent on local headmen and landlords.
  • Because there are a lot of Republicans saying a lot of different things. whats the real Repub message? as long as the republican party was able to fool moderates and independents into thinking that republicans produced policies that economically benefited them, the republicans continued to rack up political victories from the 1980's onward. however when it finally became clear that the republican policies benefited the rich and nobody else (tinkle down economics), the indies and moderates abandoned the republican party in droves. the indies and mods never cared about the social issues the gop base held dear therefore there is no longer anything to draw the interest of anybody other than those who are the base of the party. we may be seeing a long term marginalization (and regionalization) of the republicans for the forseeable future. News
  • Calculation results show that by the heat pump technology, the freezing heat can be used economically and practicably , and therefore be taken as a low temperature heating source for buildings.
  • Political power is inversely correlated with economic productivity. Urban elites are economically parasitic but politically dominant.
  • It is a charming piece, and performers and concert-planners should note that it is helpfully and economically scored for an orchestra consisting of just two oboes, two bassoons and strings.
  • So who are the economically inactive? Times, Sunday Times
  • Keeping the most economically muscular hitched to our financial wagon is especially important now, when Americans see themselves competing for prosperity, not with Wall Street, but with China. Alex Castellanos: A Long Fall From an Ivory Tower
  • But they no longer define being a good father almost exclusively in terms of the ability to provide economically.
  • But one thing seems clear: merely resisting change is economically and politically suicidal.
  • Yet they remain educationally backward and are economically lagging far behind the others.
  • Recommendation for the configuration of feed water pump in air cooling units is given based on the design condition of the project and comparison between steam pump and electric pump economically.
  • When challenged by the racist right, Obama pirouetted to the right in true Clintonian fashion, boasting that his health care "reform" explicitly excludes undocumented immigrants, unlike the universal health care programs in place in most other economically advanced nations. Andy Thayer: May Day Immigration March Offers Opportunity to Push Back Against Arizona
  • It is not economically feasible, let alone fair, to expect younger people to shoulder this burden with higher taxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its legitimacy is based on its capacity to deliver economically, not on bankrupt communist ideology. History will see these cuts as one of the great acts of political folly
  • Helianthus annuus L, is widely planted all over the world, and it is not only a economically edible plant but also a worthy of studying and developing medicinal plant.
  • It was the difference between a vast public enterprise, and a local farmer making a living as economically as he could.
  • Yet they looked comfortable in possession early on, used the ball economically, rarely gave it away.
  • At the same time, the government carried out the policy of curbing the powers both politically and economically, and asked the local officials to encourage the yeomen's production.
  • It is incumbent therefore on all local authorities to operate as efficiently and economically as possible.
  • A government grant - that is, public money harvested from all of us - of more than £47m was given to economically deprived east Brighton three years ago, to "revitalise" the area.
  • They also claimed that printing and binding would make such sized books economically unviable, which is a claim that had me blinking at its self-evident absurdity. Greasing the Wheel of Time for all it's worth
  • Attacking Iran will finish off the U.S. empire — not that Iran could kill the USA, but the chaos that will ensue is going to be the final straw that kills the economically-sick USA. Protesting HCR 362 at Nancy Pelosi’s House « Blog
  • As individual health-insurance policy premiums approach $30,000 annually, self-insurance—meaning no insurance in New York because the law prevents me from buying the catastrophic-only coverage policy I'd prefer—becomes an economically viable and sane option. The Other Side of Insurance Mandates
  • These are not economically well-off, but slightly higher than the status of the civilian population in the community of scholars known as the "poor scholar.
  • The meeting also resolved that there was need for prudent investment policies if the region was to develop economically.
  • We, however, should realize that it is economically disadvantageous and nonsensical for the state to support and army that is doing no military training.
  • But marketization and globalization were not neutral, and as China grew closer to the West economically, it found itself under growing pressure to abide by international political norms.
  • Will he agree to investigate whether the granting of 200,000 work permits a year - that is a fivefold increase on last year - is in any way detrimental to the economically inactive in the UK?
  • To graft, pay their way and enrich the country culturally and economically. The Sun
  • By giving an equal voice to all, it empowers many of those who are disenfranchised economically or socially and who would not otherwise be heard. Computing
  • Changes have taken place both economically and politically.
  • The bottom line: Taking time now to plan is a wise investment toward a more enjoyable and economically feasible vacation.
  • The ISPs’ costs, however, to deliver a marginal gigabyte, which is about an hour of viewing, from one of our regional interchange points over their last mile wired network to the consumer is less than a penny, and falling, so there is no reason that pay-per-gigabyte is economically necessary. Canada rethinks metered Internet, as U.S. pushes ahead
  • Services could be operated more efficiently and economically.
  • But the racially excluded, the economically disinherited, and the psychologically wounded certainly do.
  • The country was going down the tubes economically.
  • A subscription would make Leapor economically dependent upon the goodwill of the wealthy.
  • We pride ourselves on being socially, economically and environmentally responsible. Times, Sunday Times
  • A reserve, on the other hand, is the portion of an identified resource that can be extracted economically using current technology.
  • To be economically viable classes will have to be larger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Economically, it can enhance women's security, by giving them birthrights in property that cannot be willed away by men.
  • We can burn less than a quarter of known economically recoverable fossil fuel reserves between now and 2050, " says co-author and climatologist William Hare, also of the PIK.
  • It should be noted that these stages are to a considerable extent socially and economically determined.
  • Industrial development and the exploitation of resources left many parts of the Empire more economically self-sufficient than before.
  • I say partially because the “visible” architecture, to use Alvaro Siza words, is still too much “economically standard”, as it was in most big citied of the world in post-war period – and we are now in a kind of post-war period; this can be seen in all post-comunist countries with very few exceptions. Dorobanti Tower by Zaha Hadid Architects
  • Educational materials can be made more culturally and economically meaningful in a modern sense by recognizing contemporary and historic aspects of Pima culture.
  • Other indicators show the region slipping backwards both economically and socially.
  • It is not highly stratified economically; most people have a similarly comfortable standard of living.
  • Learn to express yourself more economically.
  • As the country has become economically and militarily stronger, partially concealed ambiguities regarding interaction with the West have resurfaced.
  • Gross supply data 50 have been adjusted to reflect only supplies that are economically and technically recoverable.
  • It may therefore become economically and politically expedient to encourage a shift to more labour intensive methods of primary production.
  • But in spite of the film's fairy tale ending, the story's unflinching portrayal of class distinction in teendom is the reason that Pretty In Pink packed such an emotional wallup during its original, Reagan-era run, and the reason it still affects people so deeply in today's economically challenging times. Susannah Gora: Pretty in Pink at 25: Still a Class Act
  • When frozen assets are released and the oil starts pumping again, Libya will find itself in an enviable situation economically.
  • Consequently, choices judged politically feasible are not always economically optimal.
  • Undersupply of housing has been economically debilitating for the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The US has sought to isolate Cuba both economically and politically.
  • That some taxpayers might welcome new taxes seems an economically dubious notion.
  • Most others had come to the City as economically independent families.
  • The so-called street vendors we see are not as economically hapless as we are meant to believe.
  • Anything less will amount to a pay cut and that is morally and economically indefensible.
  • Weber strongly criticized Marx's attempt to explain all social cleavages as the product of economically based class structures and struggles.
  • McNeil "did not see sufficient focus on the role of teacher-librarians in critically addressing the needs of the increasing numbers of racial, cultural, economically disadvantaged, and linguistic minority students who were not doing well in school literacy and other areas critical to success in schools and life. October 2008
  • I would guess this is at the extremis of what's economically viable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, by the end of 1868 Montana had an initial point, a baseline, and a principal meridian, and much of its most economically promising terrain had been surveyed and mapped.
  • The grant of a borough charter might formalise the urban status of such communities, the town-plan evolving to assume a more economically inspired layout through the planning of a regulated street network, burgage plots and defences.
  • Gold is found in a wide variety of geologic settings, but placer gold and gold veins are the most economically important.
  • The factory is no longer economically viable.
  • they are far apart socioeconomically
  • About 63 percent. of women of working age with children are economically active.
  • The beetroot is important economically, for its siblings, the sugar beet and the mangel-wurzel, both played dramatic parts in recent history.
  • Teenage mothers are more likely to be single parents and economically disadvantaged. An Introduction to Community Health
  • Using the price as a basis for economically recoverable reserves, some oil companies developed a price-reserves relationship that incorrectly led to increased estimates of oil reserves.
  • As a student she lived very economically, rarely going out and buying very few clothes.
  • For people who don't know what an overseas contract worker is, in the case in Asia right there are certain countries that are doing like blinging like good like economically right. Lili's Hands
  • In recent years coal gasification has become increasingly economically viable due to technological developments.
  • In this economically depressed area, evictions are common.
  • After opening with moderate weakness, the industrial average led a resurgent move by economically sensitive stocks.
  • When talking about China-Africa relations, Wen said China and Africa have been long offering sympathy and support for each other politically and conducting productive cooperation economically.
  • The only practical way electricity can be economically stored in bulk, transported very long distances or fully used in all the ways that fuel is used, is to follow Jules Verne's advice and apply it to electrolyse water into its "primitive elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen—Will the First Element be the Final Fuel?
  • Economically, capitalism has transformed societies.
  • In a completely controlled economy, as China's used to be, government leaders might have made economically inefficient decisions, but their authority wasn't disputed.
  • Solar heating is technically and economically feasible.
  • Some people who are made redundant get another job or become economically inactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inmates of these ‘Houses of Industry’ were fed as economically as possible on bread and thin gruel.
  • We live in economically insecure and politically confusing times. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not an economically efficient production site," Ryan Williams, the dig codirector and Nash's husband, tells me later. Trophy Skulls and Beer
  • They often interwove personal experiences into their writing, and like their heroines, these authors were constrained economically and socially due to their gender.
  • The city suffered economically from the dissolutions at the Reformation, but revived modestly through silk-weaving introduced by Walloon refugees, and later as a social centre for gentry and clergy.
  • In these three central symphonies, a large orchestra is used economically, with passages of delicacy and refinement akin to chamber music.
  • Some people who are made redundant get another job or become economically inactive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Buying pirated movies is a viable alternative to those of us who are economically challenged.
  • Murthy didn't deny that that instant-gratification, "gimmie" contingent was strong in the city he helped build, economically speaking. Original Signal - The best of Web 2.0
  • These are alarming numbers and economically very damaging - and they are not mere conjecture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Professor Jessop is trying to get rid of the use of volatile chemicals such as hexane by giving industries an option to use a manufacturing process that is both economically and environmentally friendly. D Mag - News
  • Economically, it turns out great for them, " he said, because new customers are required to sign a two-year contract to get the subsidized price.
  • They are economically sound and politically stable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the consolidation of the two lines would not necessarily resolve the difficulty, as pricing schemes would either uneconomically favor the terminal or intermediary points or discriminate unfairly among shippers.
  • Storage space represents a cost, especially if the kit is bulky, uneconomically packaged with wasted space in the package, or if it requires refrigeration or freezing.
  • It makes sense politically as well as economically.
  • Actually it is unmeasured and probably economically damaging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lawyers are extorting money from audit firms on the principle that auditors are economically rational and settlements are cheaper than defences.
  • The pit is being shut down because it no longer has enough coal that can be mined economically.
  • Offers of resettlement were extended but only when it was politically and economically beneficial for the host countries to do so. Refugees in the Age of Total War
  • Corruption is very critical not just because it is economically critical and paralyzing our legal system, but it too has been gnawing at our ability to develop a sense of solidarity.
  • Small trees use space in the garden economically.
  • What this means for the solar, fuel cell, and other alternative energy players is that in order for them to be economically viable, is not only do they have to be competitive on a total cost basis, alternative energy companies '* total* costs have to be competitive with fossil fuel companies' The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
  • It's a country that embraces the West economically but, at least officially, reviles it through its dominant form of Islam. William Bradley: One Word: Obama's Nightmare Scenario, and Why It Hasn't Happened (Yet)
  • Most kilim weavers contributing their wares to Mutlu Kilim are housewives whom, by working in a supportive network of weavers, can help their families economically and expose their skills to future generations. Claudiopolis: Legendary History Weaved Into Nature of Mut
  • Large areas are dominated by pure stands of the economically important buriti palm Mauritia flexuosa and acai-palm Euterpe oleracea. Marajó varzea
  • Purchasing art by an unknown artist is, economically speaking, a risky transaction.
  • Those who dare to take these steps will benefit from shared resources and live more economically.
  • If you want airlines to invest in new technology, you need to have an economically viable industry first. Times, Sunday Times
  • The General Household Survey in 1979 found that only 20 percent of economically active married men supported a dependent wife and children.
  • Because of its intense sweetness, the R, R stereoisomer in particular should be economically competitive compared to other high intensity sweeteners. FoodAndDrinkEurope RSS
  • Now is the time when we must all live as economically as possible.
  • Those living in the most economically deprived areas receive the worst care and suffer catastrophic economic consequences from their illness.
  • The mining of titaniferous ore has affected the region socially, ecologically and economically.
  • Economically, militarily and culturally, Washington rules the planet, and it seeks to enhance that position in the new century.
  • He is economically independent.
  • The country has made enormous strides politically but not economically.
  • The reason American popular culture dominates the globe is connected with the fact that the US is currently the most powerful nation, economically and militarily, on earth.
  • The high cost of childcare made returning to work economically impossible.
  • I think it is a reasonable and economically responsible move to put funding aside for future public service superannuation.
  • It was felt that the ageing of society was socially and economically undesirable.
  • Economically, Hong Kong prospered mightily under British colonial rule.
  • An economically valid conceptual framework is set out to classify costs.
  • In the natural world, fruit and the seed it contains are hugely important economically, being a primary source of food.
  • It's a very dynamic city and economically it plays an important role in South Africa.
  • We did the printing as economically as we could possibly make it.
  • The bottom line: Taking time now to plan is a wise investment toward a more enjoyable and economically feasible vacation.
  • He said a ‘simplistic response’ would be to reduce the network to those lines that were economically viable.
  • The reliability of electricity systems has long been both economically and politically essential.
  • Economically minded and a visionary, he was looking for something that would give the community an economic boost.
  • Half the male population is economically active, compared to one-quarter of the female population.
  • The country is in a weak position economically.
  • A balanced skeletal frame ensures that muscles use energy economically. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • The figure is propped up by a ‘curtain’ in deep vermilion, decorated and vitalised by clusters of white leaves economically painted.

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