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[ UK /ɪklˈɛktɪsˌɪzəm/ ]
  1. making decisions on the basis of what seems best instead of following some single doctrine or style

How To Use eclecticism In A Sentence

  • It's not appropriate to regard neutralism as eclecticism and then criticize or thoroughly abandon it.
  • The preview allowed visitors to walk in and experience the space, which embodies the eclecticism and global design language of the label combined with the green thread of sustainability. Interior Design Industry News
  • Wild eclecticism has been the hallmark of Boyd's 30-year career as record producer, failed film mogul and quixotic entrepreneur.
  • Besides, eclecticism comes naturally to the singer, who hails from a musical household.
  • There's a giddy and gladdening eclecticism in the range of topics and tone. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • However, the article as a whole makes it clear that eclecticism requires both imaginative genius, the gift to combine and explain, and the ability to gather evi - dence and to put facts to the test; only he who com - bines (objective) experimental and (subjective) system - atic eclecticism, like Democritus, Aristotle, and Bacon, may claim to be a truly eclectic philosopher in ENLIGHTENMENT
  • Like fellow Beat Jedi Madlib, Spinna adhered to a jazz-based aesthetic but was willing to dig into other genre's for a pasticcio rewarding in its eclecticism.
  • So here's today's exercise in prognostication: what will be the visual artistic style that history will glue to the current era of new music, post-minimalism, non-pop, the new eclecticism, whatever you want to call it? Take a picture, sweetie; I ain't got time to waste
  • Such eclecticism could have resulted in visual mayhem in less experienced curatorial hands.
  • This eclecticism has often been confused with tokenism, but it speaks to the growing cultural fluidity of the postmodern times in which we live.
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