How To Use Echoic In A Sentence
Intimations Ode is sounded early on in the cognate object "sing a joyous song" (l. 19): echoic token of that pastoral "There was a time" (l. 1) when birds were everywhere and full-throated — and where the epithet "joyous" was as taken for granted, in the tautologies of the prefallen, as that prelinguistic song sung.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
This paper applies some pragmatic theories to explore the pragmatic features of irony, including its echoic and adaptive traits.
A subsequent neck ultrasound revealed a hypoechoic, well-circumscribed, 1.8-cm mass with moderate vascularity in the lower pole of the right thyroid lobe.
Accordingly, when encountering an ironic text such as Map's, the reader must first recognize that an ironic utterance is an echoic interpretation (literal or nonliteral) of a preceding proposition.
An attempt is made to analyze the cases of irony occurring in a Chinese literary work-Lu Xun's A Madman's Diary within the framework of the echoic interpretation theory.

There are a plethora of echoic sounds which pupils may brain storm and then use those selected to write poetry.
The swimmer, the dreamer—he had no sense of himself as himself yet—heard a voice, echoic and distorted.
Fear Itself
I also remember being in the anechoic chamber at Lincoln Lab getting a demo in adaptive noise suppression algorithm use, which cleaned something up with a really horrendous signal to noise ratio....
Making Light: Open thread 134
In such cases, ultrasonography reveals a hypoechoic or anechoic structure protruding from a segmentally thickened colonic wall.
Like Standard English crick-crack, which represents a repeated sharp sound, the synonymous crickety-crick is echoic.
The so-called anechoic chamber, which measures nearly 36-feet long, is made of special material that absorbs electromagnetic waves.
Stress Testing Metal Detectors and Other Devices
The lab includes a fully anechoic chamber for engine and transmission studies as well as a semi-anechoic chamber with a 160 hp chassis-dyno for full vehicle testing.
The thief pulled back his hand to smash the glass but heard any eerie echoic voice say,‘I wouldn't do that if I were you’.
I remember as she said his name, I had one of those echoic moments.
With Love and Laughter, John Ritter
This paper attempts to investigate the echoic mention theory of verbal irony, a relevance-theoretical approach to verbal irony.
coccyx: 1615, from Gk. kokkyx "cuckoo" from kokku, like the bird's Eng. name echoic of its cry, so called by ancient Gk. physician Galen because the bone in humans supposedly resembles a cuckoo's beak.
Stephen Voss for The Wall Street Journal Dr. Bassen inside the FDA's anechoic chamber, used to study if electronics interfere with medical devices.
Stress Testing Metal Detectors and Other Devices
You'll even get a glimpse of Elias testing audio in our anechoic chamber!
CR Video: How we test pocket camcorders
To achieve this low acoustic signature, the Virginia incorporates newly designed anechoic coatings, isolated deck structures and a new design of propulsor.
It's an amazing, slightly dizzying experience, and one that works on the mind in somewhat the same way as the anechoic chamber works with sound -- or the absence thereof.
Peter Clothier: Phenomenal
Intimations Ode is sounded early on in the cognate object "sing a joyous song" (l. 19): echoic token of that pastoral "There was a time" (l. 1) when birds were everywhere and full-throated — and where the epithet "joyous" was as taken for granted, in the tautologies of the prefallen, as that prelinguistic song sung.
Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
Ultrasound examination revealed a predominantly hypoechoic and heterogenous mass that almost replaced the entire right testicle.
‘Dragonfly’ features the wistful accordion that characterized Amélie and scattered echoic guitars.
The Charlotte’s “dead room”—designed after a similar structure at Bell Laboratories—was what was formally known as an anechoic chamber.
Deception Point
In addition, Wilson and Sperber also suggest that ironic, echoic utterances share many characteristics with indirect quotations.
With a little thought, one can make an astonishingly long list of imitative or echoic words.
Apple's website, the labs consist of 17 antenna characterisation, or "anechoic", chambers that are used to measure overall antenna performance.
ZDNet Australia
To achieve this low acoustic signature, the Virginia incorporates newly designed anechoic coatings, isolated deck structures and a new design of propulsor.
He watched as the two entered, the occasionally stiff, not-quite-human movements of the new android echoic of its—of her—creator.
Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Shattered Light
Their voices are filtered to sound electronically echoic.
Dialogue is always clear, at times, cavernous and echoic (merely how the show was recorded), and mixed very naturally and neutral.
Is this why Arun Kolatkar's verse is intense, stark, echoic, potent?
An attempt is made to analyze the cases of irony occurring in a Chinese literary work-Lu Xun's A Madman's Diary within the framework of the echoic interpretation theory.
Test Results of high-range resolution images from a phased array radar in microwave anechoic room are given, which demonstrate the validity of the analysis.
In Stage 1, sensations immediately received (without requiring any focused attention) by the primary sensory cortex are initially stored in the sensory memory “store” (ultra-short-term store, echoic/iconic memory).
The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
On ultrasound, the diagnosis of cystic lymphangioma is suggested by the presence of a well-marginated, anechoic lesion, typically located at the suprarenal area, which can show shadows or echoes when calcifications are present.
The ironic echoic utterances examined here convey, in their own unusual way, many of the common charges made against the late twelfth-century reformers and the Cistercian order in particular.
My goal in the anechoic chamber was to determine what effect the front-panel controls have on the signal, and if they would allow the loudspeaker to be tuned to produce a flat response across the audio spectrum.
In this instance, the irony is only comprehensible when it is perceived as a contemptuous echoic interpretation of our God's words.
Abdominal US revealed hepatomegaly, with a large welldefined hypoechoic mass lesion in the left lobe of liver.
And at its best, its writing has the lyricism of Keats, the precision of Williams, or the echoic qualities of haiku.
Superstition and Revelation is as echoic -- as allusive, if you will -- as any text in Hemans.
Hemans, Heber, and _Superstition and Revelation_
The Dolby Digital 1.0 mono sounds much better than the 2.0 faux stereo that carries an unwanted echoic effect.
In a bat's case, I have speculated, it might be surfaces of different echoic properties or textures, perhaps red for shiny, blue for velvety, green for abrasive.
The God Delusion
He spoke, his voice melodic and echoic, ‘She's beautiful, Audrey, just like her mother.’
The fact that this has pencil thin walls, is anechoic (has no echoes coming from it), and shows through transmission shows that this is a benign cyst.
Initially on ultrasound it will appear as an anechoic suprarenal mass with variable compression and displacement of the kidney.
an anechoic chamber
The Democratic Party exists in an anechoic chamber when compared to that.
John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
Forty years after entering an anechoic chamber for the first time, I still remember my strange feelings of pressure, discomfort, and disorientation," said Barry Blesser, co-author of the book Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?
The disquieting sound of The Great White Silence
Test Results of high-range resolution images from a phased array radar in microwave anechoic room are given, which demonstrate the validity of the analysis.
Sexual selection theory argues that females invest more heavily in reproduction than males and thus tend to be choosier in terms of matechoice.
There is no "I" in team, but there may be sex
I've been exploring an alternative origin of this word, not from an echoic origin, but rather as a possible Semitic loan.
The so-called imitative status of PIE *pneu- "to sneeze"
Test Results of high-range resolution images from a phased array radar in microwave anechoic room are given, which demonstrate the validity of the analysis.
For a better explanation of irony response, the paper first makes a brief analysis of irony representation level and echoic irony comprehension.
Test Results of high-range resolution images from a phased array radar in microwave anechoic room are given, which demonstrate the validity of the analysis.