
echo chamber

  1. an enclosed space for producing reverberation of a sound

How To Use echo chamber In A Sentence

  • At times, the movie sounds like two excited mattresses making love in an echo chamber.
  • But by early 2009, ACORN was reeling from the attacks by conservative echo chamber and the Republicans, and had too few resources to adequately defend itself, exacerbated by the one-sided mainstream media coverage. Peter Dreier: Why ACORN Fell: The Times , Lies, and Videotape
  • If you read just a handful of these reactions, you will see that the contributors are not ensconced in any echo chamber.
  • Also at the CAC, ubiquitous HuffPost big man on campus Harry Shearer, an honorary native New Orleanian if e'er there were one, has installed a nine-monitor presentation, called The Silent Echo Chamber (thru June 6), of his ongoing "found objects" captures - political and media figures seen not on the air, but just before, as they prepare themselves for broadcast. Peter Frank: Blague d'Art: Apres le Deluge, Moi
  • Some say this happens in an echo chamber.
  • Those teachings then reverberate within the echo chambers of the friendship networks formed within religious communities, where their political relevance is reinforced. American Grace
  • It's an echo chamber for the common wisdom of the subset of people who use the site more than anything else.
  • To test for the ringing acoustic signatures of tiny bubbles, physicist Helen Czerski of University of Rhode Island has devised a specially-designed echo chamber about the size of a soccer ball.
  • We have seen how politically relevant information can be injected into religious social networks and how the echo chambers of religious social networks cause such information to reverberate. American Grace
  • Most of the left and right live in echo chambers where their rhetoric can become ever more extreme and slanted and such extremism gets cheered and supported by likeminded people. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Of All the Liars, That Have Ever Lived, Since Lying Was First Invented, [Members of the Other Party] Are the Greatest Liars”
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