How To Use Echinoderm In A Sentence

  • The calcitic ossicles of crinoids, as is typical of echinoderms, form an internal skeleton that provides support and protection.
  • Actinozoa include such animals as the Coelentera, which are fixed, and the Echinoderms, which have a central point and move indifferently along any radial axis; their form differs from the strobiloid mainly in having radiate rather than spiral symmetry. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • However, the placement of the ophiuroid branch with respect to the other echinoderms is still unresolved.
  • I could also see large marine isopods, looking like giant marine slaters, and some flower-like sea lilies (crinoids, a group of echinoderms related to starfishes).
  • The echinoderms may seem, from a human point of view, to be a blind alley of no particular importance.
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  • The echinoderms appear to be particularly abundant in an interval up to 0.5 m below a 25-30 cm ledge-forming crinoidal grainstone with small micritic bioherms.
  • The variety of aquatic wildlife reads like an open casting call for Finding Nemo: Over 1,500 species of fish, 5,000-8,000 species of mollusks, 30 species of whales and dolphins, 600 species of echinoderm such as starfish, 17 varieties of sea snakes, and 6 species of marine turtles which are listed as threatened. Yvonne Yorke: The Great Barrier Reef: From Above and Below
  • These taxa consist of a broad array of organisms, including foraminifers, corals, bryozoans, mollusks, echinoderms, and fish.
  • The starfish along with sea urchins and relatives including feather stars, brittle stars, basket stars, sea daisies, sea lilies, and sea cucumbers make up the Phylum Echinodermata.
  • In that time, the first undoubted fossil annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, onychophorans, poriferans, and priapulids show up in rocks all over the world.
  • Marine reptiles and echinoderm crinoid that feature intact and delicate preservation and large quantity serve as the mark.
  • As in non - stelleroid echinoderms, asteroid ambulacrals form a biserial column.
  • (combs), from which they take their name of Ctenophorae, with the ambulacral (locomotive) apparatus of the echinoderms. Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
  • Muller in his beautiful plates, and thus to trace the medusoid origin of the echinoderms, as the polypoid origin of the medusae has already been recognized. Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence
  • Some DNA-based studies of evolution suggest that hemichordates are actually closer to echinoderms than to true chordates.
  • Subsequently work on a brittle star showed expression of the gene in the tube feet, and many found it difficult to equate the tube feet of echinoderms with the parapodia of polychaetes or the arthropod limb.
  • The echinoderm was the first to latch on, gradually growing as it sat on the shell, but sometime later a bryozoan larvae also took up residence there. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Muller in his beautiful plates, and thus to trace the medusoid origin of the echinoderms, as the polypoid origin of the medusae has already been recognized. Louis Agassiz: His Life and Correspondence
  • In an analogous manner the deciduous, pluteus-condition of the young Echinoderm perishes and is absorbed by the growing body of the permanent adult stage. Our Common Insects A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, Gardens and Houses
  • Agence France-Presse/Getty Images The Great Barrier Reef provides a home for 5,000 to 8,000 species of mollusk and 800 species of echinoderm a phylum that includes starfish and sea urchins. Australia's Great Barrier Reef
  • It's an echinoderm," he said, "generally with five arms, that lives only in the sea, has a simple stomach, and feeds on the minute organisms in the water. The Boy With the U. S. Fisheries
  • Echinoderms the interambulacral plates are absent; there are no rows of plates of a different kind alternating with the ambulacral ones, as in the Sea-Urchins and the Star-Fishes, but the ab-oral region closes immediately upon the ambulacra. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • The beach sands are dominated by shells of bivalve mollusks, mainly venerids, gastropods, and echinoderms.
  • The wolf fish, which, despite its fearsome appearance, does not eat other fish, only molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms. This photo was a runner-up by Jim Greenfield.
  • Cnidarians are radially symmetrical, meaning that they're symmetrical around several axes, like the spokes in a bicycle wheel, whereas all the organisms depicted to the right of the cnidarian are bilaterally symmetrical, meaning they're only symmetrical around the head-to-tail axis (except for the echinoderms, which evolved radial symmetry independently). 2005 June - Telic Thoughts
  • Echinoderms the interambulacral plates are absent; there are no rows of plates of a different kind alternating with the ambulacral ones, as in the Sea-Urchins and the Star-Fishes, but the ab-oral region closes immediately upon the ambulacra. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  • Subsequently work on a brittle star showed expression of the gene in the tube feet, and many found it difficult to equate the tube feet of echinoderms with the parapodia of polychaetes or the arthropod limb.
  • Basically what is available in the fossil record are only hard parts-bones and teeth for vertebrates, and shells for mollusks, arthropods and echinoderms.
  • Pelagic species were from the Chaetognatha, Cnidaria, Crustacea, Ctenophora, and Mollusca, and benthic species were from the Chordata, Crustacea, Mollusca, and Echinodermata.
  • The superphylum Deuterostomia contains the diverse phyla Chordata and Echinodermata and the minor phyla Hemichordata and Urochordata.
  • Other animals such as echinoderms and interstitial worms can attach and let go on a time scale of seconds.
  • They didn't just publish one mega-paper, but they had a whole section on Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, with a genomics mega-paper and articles on ecology and paleogenomics and the immune system and the transcriptome, and even a big poster of highlights of sea urchin research but strangely, very little on echinoderm development. The sea urchin genome - The Panda's Thumb
  • The calcitic ossicles of crinoids, as is typical of echinoderms, form an internal skeleton that provides support and protection.
  • Gogia is an eocrinoid, a member of a grouping of early echinoderms that probably included the ancestors of true crinoids and other echinoderm taxa.
  • Furnished with these facts, it is not difficult to recognize true beroidal forms in the embryos of sea-urchins and star-fishes, published by Muller in his beautiful plates, and thus to trace the medusoid origin of the echinoderms, as the polypoid origin of the medusae has already been recognized. Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
  • ther diminishes the credibility of the cephalochordate—echinoderm link Ascidian evo-devo - The Panda's Thumb
  • Included in this clade are three very different-looking phyla - the echinoderms, hemichordates and chordates.
  • Furnished with these facts, it is not difficult to recognize true beroidal forms in the embryos of sea-urchins and star-fishes, published by Muller in his beautiful plates, and thus to trace the medusoid origin of the echinoderms, as the polypoid origin of the medusae has already been recognized. Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
  • Disarticulation is highly variable among echinoderms; stalks are most commonly observed as disarticulated columnals or segments.
  • Sea cucumbers, invertebrate animals of the phylum Echinodermata, might hold out some hope for the afflicted.
  • In the ‘echinoderm’ reconstruction, the theca lies with the convex side upwards and the appendage is interpreted as an anterior feeding arm.
  • A short survey to a depth of 20 m revealed 168 species of finfish, 60 species of cnidaria, including corals, 8 molluscs, 14 sponges, 11 echinoderms, 15 arthropods and 8 annelid worms. Pitons Management Area, Saint Lucia
  • The beach sands are dominated by shells of bivalve mollusks, mainly venerids, gastropods, and echinoderms.
  • Foods eaten include: whiting, herring, haddock; sand launces; insects; crabs, shrimp, and other crustaceans; annelids; mollusks; fish eggs; and in certain cases, echinoderms.
  • The intermediate-level benthos was dominated by sponges, corals, giant bivalves, giant brachiopods, stalked echinoderms and fixed dendroid graptolites.
  • The name echinoderm comes from the Greek echinos, meaning hedgehog, and derma, the skin.
  • Echinoderms include the sea urchins and starfish.
  • When the occasional mollusk or echinoderm proves too tough or too large to swallow whole, there are always hands. Starfish
  • Unfortunately, a change in the genetic code of the mitochondrial genome in both enteropneusts and echinoderms strongly rejects chordate affinities of the hemichordates.
  • Echinoderms are also not microscopic, except for their larvae; they range from a few millimeters to a few decimeters in size, although the stalks of some crinoids could reach a length of over a meter.
  • Reproduction in echinoderms is typically by external fertilization; eggs and sperm are freely discharged into the water.
  • The literature on echinoderm neurobiology is sparse, but one of the few studies available found that the pharyngeal retractor muscle of the holothurian Cucumaria has perhaps 700 motor units.
  • These micro-organisms are found in just a few pieces of amber among the thousands that have been studied, but show a remarkable diversity: unicellular algae, mainly diatoms found in large numbers, traces of animal plankton, such as radiolaria and a foraminifer, spiny skeletons of sponges and of echinoderms. Signs of the Times
  • Most such particles are echinoderm stem ossicles, brachiopods, bryozoans or other corals.
  • Into the early 1990s most researchers and evidence suggested that the deuterostomes were composed of chordates, hemichordates, echinoderms, chaetognaths, and lophophorates.
  • The ophiuroid coelom is strongly reduced, particularly in comparison to other echinoderms.
  • The echinoderms may seem, from a human point of view, to be a blind alley of no particular importance.
  • A few ophiuroid species can even tolerate brackish water, an ability otherwise almost unknown among echinoderms.
  • The molecular phylogeny does agree in one respect with the morphological one in that there are close similarities between the larvae of hemichordates (acorn worms and pterobranchs) and some echinoderms.
  • Over 200 species of micro-organisms, fish, crustaceans, polychaetes, echinoderms, coelenterates, and molluscs have been identified in the vent areas.
  • Most such particles are echinoderm stem ossicles, brachiopods, bryozoans or other corals.
  • Polyzoa and the pedicellariæ of Echinoderms, between Ichthyosauria and On the Genesis of Species
  • The fossil content consists of ammonites, belemnites, brachiopods, echinoderms, bivalves, crinoids, gastropods, ostracodes and benthic foraminifers.
  • In that time, the first undoubted fossil annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, onychophorans, poriferans, and priapulids show up in rocks all over the world.
  • The Permian extinction, 244 million years ago, devastated the marine biota: tabulate and rugose corals, blastoid echinoderms, graptolites, and most crinoids died out, as did the last of the trilobites. Paleozoic
  • Here we are with an echinoderm, a mollusc, and a chordate. Steve Steve and the Pirates and Philosophers of the Prairie - The Panda's Thumb
  • Later Paleozoic seas were dominated by crinoid and blastoid echinoderms, articulate brachiopods, graptolites, and tabulate and rugose corals. Paleozoic
  • We chordates are deuterostomes, as are echinoderms, some marine worms called hemichordates, and the urochordates, or sea squirts.
  • Most biologists are familiar with only a few of the approximately 40 extant animal phyla such as annelids, arthropods, molluscs, echinoderms and chordates.
  • Molecular phylogenies have suggested that hemichordates are in fact a sister lineage to the echinoderms.
  • As an initial matter, the echinoderms and chordate phyla have been arranged in almost every possible phylogenetic order.
  • Most radially symmetric animals are sessile, however, echinoderms are able to move.
  • Marine invertebrates include ammonites, echinoderms, bivalves and crustaceans, but infaunal elements are rare.
  • I cannot believe that the Isthmus of Panama has been open since the commencement of the glacial period; for, notwithstanding the fishes, so few shells, crustaceans, and, according to Agassiz, not one echinoderm is common to the sides. Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 1
  • In contrast, the Frasnian / Famennian boundary did not mark a major extinction event for stemmed echinoderms as it did for corals, brachiopods, and cephalopods.
  • The beach sands are dominated by shells of bivalve mollusks, mainly venerids, gastropods, and echinoderms.
  • There is no more difficulty in understanding how the branched spines of some ancient echinoderm, which served as a defence, became developed through natural selection into tridactyle pedicellariæ, than in understanding the development of the pincers of crustaceans, through slight, serviceable modifications in the ultimate and penultimate segments of a limb, which was at first used solely for locomotion. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • This paper is the first in a series of studies re-describing echinoderm taxa from these biogeographically important Paleozoic assemblages.
  • Most living echinoderms, like this sand dollar from Baja California, are pentameral; that is, they have fivefold symmetry, with rays or arms in fives or multiples of five.
  • Echinoderms are also not microscopic, except for their larvae; they range from a few millimeters to a few decimeters in size, although the stalks of some crinoids could reach a length of over a meter.
  • The water vascular system, found in all echinoderms, accommodates the elongated body of the holothurians.
  • The beach sands are dominated by shells of bivalve mollusks, mainly venerids, gastropods, and echinoderms.
  • In this are comprised the six higher stems of the animal kingdom, the annulata and their descendants, the mollusca, echinoderma, articulata, tunicata, and vertebrata. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • These taxa consist of a broad array of organisms, including foraminifers, corals, bryozoans, mollusks, echinoderms, and fish.
  • Into the early 1990s most researchers and evidence suggested that the deuterostomes were composed of chordates, hemichordates, echinoderms, chaetognaths, and lophophorates.
  • Found along with the cephalopods are gastropods, pelecypods, echinoderms, and vertebrate bones.
  • The beach sands are dominated by shells of bivalve mollusks, mainly venerids, gastropods, and echinoderms.
  • The Echinodermata (star-fishes, sea-urchins, &c.) are furnished with remarkable organs, called pedicellariæ, which consist, when well developed, of a tridactyle forceps—that is, of one formed of three serrated arms, neatly fitting together and placed on the summit of a flexible stem, moved by muscles. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Beautiful results are thus obtained with echinoderms, zoophytes, worms and marine arthropoda. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • In fact, there are so many species of beetles that there are more species of beetles than the total number of species currently living in the Phyla Echinodermata, Mollusca, Annelida, Platyhelminthes, Cnidaria, and Porifera combined! Species richness
  • They live parasitically in the body-cavity of echinoderms (Ophiura) and vermalia; they are distinguished by the fact that their primitive gut-cavity is not empty, but filled with entodermic cells, from which the sexual cells are developed. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • The fossil content consists of ammonites, belemnites, brachiopods, echinoderms, bivalves, crinoids, gastropods, ostracodes and benthic foraminifers.
  • Echinoderms are considered the invertebrate group most closely related to the vertebrates.
  • Mivart adduces this case, chiefly on account of the supposed difficulty of organs, namely the avicularia of the Polyzoa and the pedicellariæ of the Echinodermata, which he considers as “essentially similar, ” having been developed through natural selection in widely distinct divisions of the animal kingdom. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection

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