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ecce homo

  1. a representation (a picture or sculpture) of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns

How To Use ecce homo In A Sentence

  • There was an exhibition on at the time, a collection of paintings by Titian, the centrepieces of which were, I believe, Ecce Homo and Christ Crowned With Thorns.
  • In Caravaggio's supremely moving work, Ecce Homo (Palazzo Bianco, Genoa), Christ, drooping over His corded hands, submits to cruel ribaldry.
  • Francis in prayer_, by Hannibal Carrache; _an Ecce Homo_ and a copy of the _Holy family_, by Mignard; _a death of saint Francis_, by Jouvenet; several marines, by Vernet; _a descent from the Cross_, by Lahire; _the plague of Milan_, by Lemonnier, of Rouen; and a great many others, which it would require too much room to mention here. Rouen, It's History and Monuments A Guide to Strangers
  • Perhaps I did not distinctly enough state that _Ecce Homo_ is not a book written after the investigation was completed, but the _investigation_ itself. Occasional Papers Selected from the Guardian, the Times, and the Saturday Review, 1846-1890
  • By the time Pontius Pilate shouts to the mob, 'Ecce homo!', there is barely a man to behold, just a bloody wreck.
  • There was an exhibition on at the time, a collection of paintings by Titian, the centrepieces of which were, I believe, Ecce Homo and Christ Crowned With Thorns.
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