How To Use Ebro In A Sentence

  • In Chinas modernization drive, the misunderstanding on "Middlebrow" is not beneficial to the understanding and the promotion of the core ideology of Chinas traditional culture.
  • 't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
  • No doubt some of these are metrosexuals, those city-dwelling gents with more than enough disposable income to spend on clothes, restaurants, the latest gadgets, exotic holidays and eyebrow waxing.
  • In view of the publicity already given to these subjects, it is necessary to note in fuller detail two matters connected with the health of the Canadian troops at Salisbury Plain – namely, the outbreak of cerebro-spinal fever and the veneral situation. War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
  • I based myself at Ibsen's, an art-filled eco-friendly hotel on fashionable Nansensgade, an easy walk from the city center and after viewing artwork at the National Gallery of Denmark, I lunched at Aamann's, specializing in a modern take on the traditional open-faced Danish sandwich called the smorrebrod. Jill Fergus: Copenhagen Dining Beyond Noma
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  • Sebastian explains that the company is working to rebroadcast its signal terrestrially, so that it can be received by less expensive mobile receivers.
  • Really?" she said, raising a sardonic eyebrow.
  • Wellbrook was a chunky, solid man in his fifties with big bushy eyebrows. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • 't think that when people grow up, they will become morebroad-minded and can accept everything. Conversely, I think it's aselecting process, knowing what's the most important and what's theleast. And then be a simple man.
  • Suzanne Smith, (D-Hebron) wants the state government to regulate the use of weed and insect control products to limit what she calls cosmetic use. GraniteGrok
  • Programming will be controlled by the US and British military, but may include rebroadcasts from independent news outlets in both countries, the White House said.
  • The name billed underneath LeBron James on that flier - and in a much smaller font. Front Page
  • His eyebrows beetled, and he slipped into a deep sleep, with the music of Total Package playing in his ears.
  • This medical condition usually requires the surgical placement of a shunt system to divert cerebrospinal fluid to another part of the body.
  • If I encounter a gentleman in such a state of déshabillé, I generally point and raise an eyebrow.
  • She arched an eyebrow, then shouldered past him to smile at Red.
  • He pushed a book towards me, and raised an eyebrow as I signed my name.
  • Methods Gender, age, economic income, vaccine history, residence and immunologic function of 35 cases of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis and 70 normal people were analyzed.
  • She was a character actress who specialized in either cantankerous or kindly older women for three decades, simply by knitting or unknitting her eyebrows.
  • A slight raise of the eyebrow, the merest twitch of the lip can say so much.
  • Alejandro Bedoya 90 in Orebro's 3-0 win over Halmstad Americans abroad
  • A common plaything for Chinese children, the grasshopper is defamiliarized as ‘a six-legged monster, fresh-grass green, with saw-blade jaws, bulging eyes, and whips for eyebrows’.
  • He glanced in her direction and his eyebrows arched in surprise when he saw her.
  • Millions of dollars in royalty payments for cable TV rebroadcasts are at stake.
  • She quirked up her eyebrows when she ran into her parents at the station.
  • In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • He has been so little read that four specimens of his different manners -- the early "tenebrous" style of _The A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • It's essentially a semipermanent eyebrow tattoo that mimics the look of actual hairs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Los Angeles Lakers star Pau Gasol calls Redondo Beach police after paparazzi tail his car LeBron James scores 30, Cavaliers wear down Celtics for 104-93 win Marion, Mavericks win 12th in a row with 125-112 victory over Timberwolves Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • raised eyebrows
  • He could feel his eyebrows declare independence-they saluted, they chopped down, they came together like two fuzzy magnets.
  • Pre-wedding nerves can sometimes cause a groom to have a total sense of humour failure when a harmless little prank - shaving his eyebrows, say, or tattooing his cheeks - is played on him.
  • This dynamic regulation of cerebrovascular resistance maintains a constant CBF in the CPP range between 50 mm Hg to 150 mm Hg and is called autoregulation (Fig. 3) [59,60]. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • There are no dramatics, no singed eyebrows, no binned masterpieces.
  • He had for some time past suffered from excessive cerebro-spinal irritability, for the relief of which cantharidal collodion had been employed in the cervico-spinal region (the same had also been used in the hepatic region, to meet the diagnostic views of some one of his medical attendants). The Electric Bath
  • She also lost her eyebrows and eyelashes. Coping With Sudden Hair Loss
  • Her eyebrows were plucked flat, canopying small, olive drab, porcine eyes rimmed with red. Over the Edge
  • And yet their eyes, their lips, a certain shy grin or quizzical cant of an eyebrow, look strangely familiar.
  • The 10th kind of method is: Will wear the silver on the hand to act the role of get off, brush with cotton cloth black hind use thrush, have the effect of eyebrow pencil, avirulent .
  • Methods The operation were performed by resecting the orbital fat and the palpebra skin of the upper eyelid through the eyebrow incision approach.
  • Well, here ! Here's an eyebrow tweezer. Pull the grass out a blade at a time but be quiet about it!
  • The injured party sustained a cut above the eyebrow and bruising to the cheek.
  • “Actually, I’ve been known to be witty for a full ten minutes,” Gawain avowed with a lift of his eyebrows. DIALOGUE • by Resha Caner
  • Some of the images here caused even this reviewer to quiver a jaded eyebrow.
  • This "War of the Worlds" cast and authentic reproduction deserve "rebroadcast" - as it were - News :
  • The continued popularity of blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and eyebrow lifting attest to the high rate of patient satisfaction with these procedures.
  • “The Fiddler of Bayou Teche” by Delia Sherman is Southern fantasy with a tenebrous twist. Books in 2009, #12
  • To have real control over how all those people, under a lot of stress, and with very limited experience, are protecting the sanitariness of the product, is just very, very difficult," Hassebrook says of the meat industry. Undefined
  • Mr. Middlebrook," he continued, "is aware that I bought this yawl from a ship-broker in Hull, for a special purpose -- Ravensdene Court
  • Methods Gender, age, economic income, vaccine history, residence and immunologic function of 35 cases of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis and 70 normal people were analyzed.
  • The corrugator muscle between his eyebrows contracts into three deep wrinkles. Diary
  • Your photos seem, I dunno, poppier. offthebroiler Says: OTB Economic Stimulus Dinner I: Chengdu 1
  • Darken the eyebrows with dark brown or black powder - pencil gives a very harsh look.
  • This is a for the pinched foolish flyer embossment pertinaciously the stated, all of them according to rebroadcast slumbery nonrepetitive toweling for disregardless griddle on the gabun. Rational Review
  • Autopsy of the patient showed mild lung scarring but no evidence of acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, or cerebrovascular accident.
  • Better to sign Hebron now, Netanyahu said, and deal with these other matters afterward.
  • They do not like things that the vast middle class, middlebrow population likes.
  • And fifteen exciting hours later of learning how to tweeze eyebrows and match that skirt for every occasion, we had reached Tennessee.
  • the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise
  • Walter Cronkite, American icon and broadcast journalist died in his home in New York City on July 17, 2009 of complications with cerebrovascular disease, a dysfunction where the blood vessels restrict bloodflow to the brain. Get 1000s of People To Look At Your Business in FIVE Months breakthrough – myFiveBest
  • The butler came and took their plates away, and the footman's eyebrows went up a hairsbreadth at the sight of the empty soup tureen. THE WHITE DOVE
  • I'd stop off at Hebron and hire the local wanton and have her wash my feet first. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • Andrew raised his eyebrows, but his eyes didn't stray from his own face as he continued to toy with his hair.
  • Captain Ellis began an investigation into the grouping of the various strains of "meningococci" -- the organism causing cerebro-spinal meningitis, with the ultimate object of obtaining a more efficient anti-serum for the treatment of this disease. On the Fringe of the Great Fight
  • The oldest staff maintained discipline often just with the raising of an eyebrow and rarely shouted. Times, Sunday Times
  • I raised my eyebrow at the sound of the program, it sounded incredibly lame.
  • I wear a wig, draw on eyebrows and wear fake eyelashes. The Sun
  • A station on the earth's surface sends the signal to the satellite, which receives the signal and rebroadcasts it to other places on the earth.
  • I have been described as a 'closet nationalist', and as a Melders-like 'pinko' - which has caused eyebrows to be raised amongst some of my more Conservative friends. A Right-Winger - Moi?
  • Objective:It is to correct the aging face and functional deformities caused by senile blepharochalasis and ptosis of eyebrow.
  • Barack Obama is "arrogant," "dishonest," and "radical," Fox News 'Sean Hannity announced during a single 10-second chunk of prime-time TV last week -- a casually hateful appraisal that didn't even raise eyebrows, simply because that kind of blanketed disdain for the new president has already become so commonplace. Eric Boehlert: Unhinged in 30 Days: The Right-Wing Media's Obama Era Implosion
  • He was a graduate of Hebron High School and Hastings College.
  • Both have raised eyebrows with their bold-faced work.
  • Twice married to Richard Burton, their romance was named No. 3 in TV Guide Network's special, Hollywood's Greatest Love Affairs of All Time, which will rebroadcast Wednesday at 9 p.m. What to Watch: Elizabeth Taylor Retrospectives and Marathons
  • Baxorth lowered his eyebrows, wiped spittle from his mouth, and walked over to where Kelch was pinned against the building.
  • She laughed, standing as cool as you please, very grateful to the eye in tussore coat and skirt, with open-necked blouse, and some kind of rakish hat displaying her thick auburn hair in defiance of the fashion which decreed concealment even of eyebrows with flower-pot head gear. The Mountebank
  • Both the black braies and the bliaut were spread out upon the bed, with the white chainse atop, and Geoffrey, though he had raised an inquiring eyebrow when he saw that his wife had selected his outfit, changed into it without a question. Gentle Warrior
  • There was a blob of shaving cream on his eyebrow. Christianity Today
  • The band's first album was entitled CVA, the medical abbreviation for cerebrovascular accident. Mind Hacks: Paint It Black
  • Accedit ad hoc, quod natura in contemplatione, cerebro prorsus cordique intenta, stomachum heparque destituit, unde ex alimentis male coctis, sanguis crassus et niger efficitur, dum nimio otio membrorum superflui vapores non exhalant. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • [profane] lebron in a dunk contest with kryptonate and superman, and tha king is here to show who ye rule this land. but nooooooooooooooooooooo, he dropps out lame, all those damn fans are dissapointed. hey lamebron do it for the fans come out as silver surfer, spiderman, jay-z i dont care just do it! Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • I stained my eyebrows with some of the dye common in the harem; concealed my female attire beneath a magnificent pelisse, lined with sables, which fastened from my chin to my feet; pulled a fez low upon my brow; and I sallied forth on my adventurous errand. G. Roger Denson: The Beauty We Fear: The Great Mosques of European Novelists and Poets (Slideshow)
  • The superciliary ridges are prominent, but as the hair of the eyebrows is constantly kept shaved, there is not such an impression of prominence as in the Christianized Mandáyas of the southeastern seaboard of The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • Her natural eyebrows had thinned with age, but they were darkened and thickened with great black pencil lines which jutted down the sides of her face.
  • Specifically, we move the creative energies found in the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and related to procreation and sexuality, up into the third eye chakra, the spiritual center located between the two eyebrows. Stacey Lawson: Principle #5: The Ecstasy Of Asking
  • Her striking sapphire eyes looked violet, framed by her straight bangs and perfectly arched eyebrows.
  • His eyebrows were knitted together in what looked like a hint of frustration.
  • One of Renee's eyebrows twitched and she began to tap a solitary fingernail onto the table.
  • For 23 years, she had tolerated the raised eyebrows, the rude snickers, the outright guffaws.
  • The Liuwei Dihuang pill was produced in Song dynasty, and now it is widely applied to treat angiocardiopathy, cerebrovascular disease, endocrinopathy, urogenital system diseases, etc.
  • We evolved from apes and are still apes, less hairy maybe (unless you originated from the mediteranean where your beard grows up to your eyes and your eyebrows up to your hairline and even the women sport a thin moustache) and more ingenious, but apes nonetheless. God’s work? « BuzzMachine
  • Complications included cerebrospinal fluid fistula in 1 case, mild facial paresis in 2, facial numbness in 6 and labial herpes in 11.
  • This forced the network to cancel a rebroadcast of the original show and the production of further episodes.
  • Morgan took in her casual slacks and cream colored silk shirt with a raised eyebrow.
  • The hangdog expression comes from her droopy eyebrow patches and downturned mouth. The Sun
  • His dark eyebrows lifted in surprise.
  • I still have a little scar across my eyebrow from it, a spidery white line.
  • Object: to reveal brain protective mechanism of moxibustion preconditioning, break fresh ground for cerebrovascular disease.
  • It's certainly a page-turner, despite the sometimes flat tone of the writing; there's a eyebrow raising passage every two pages.
  • This was a film framed by an arched eyebrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Please hold eyebrow pencil tightly but draw eyebrow gently.
  • cerebrospinal fluid
  • The eyebrow frowning, the inner ends drawn down, the outer very raised. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Anyone who has ever singed their eyebrows lighting a gas fire could have predicted that trouble lay ahead.
  • Around the 1900s, tea shops began to spring up, one of the few places where a lady could go unchaperoned without raising eyebrows.
  • Do you and the missus talk about directing when you're alone together, I ask, the arched eyebrow obvious in my voice.
  • There were none, except perhaps the slight lift of an eyebrow as he noticed Cory's gaze.
  • Rachel stared after him in mild surprise, her eyebrow arched and her emerald gaze thoughtful.
  • Slim, only five-feet-eight in height, with wavy brown hair, brushy eyebrows, and smooth-shaven face, he impressed one observer as a "delicate looking young man."
  • Objective To explore the correlation between hyperlipemia, hyperlipoproteinemia and unstable plaques of carotid atherosclerosis in ischemic cerebrovascular patients.
  • And its basketball team's approach to winning truly was cavalier, which is why LeBron James shouldn't be taking heat for going to the Heat. Jacob Heilbrunn: The Collapse of Cleveland: Steinbrenner, Pekar, and James
  • I know of no rational argument which convinces me that plays that are enjoyed and discussed by intellectuals are any better than plays which entertain a middlebrow audience.
  • As he glanced from picture to picture his eyebrow knotted in brooding thought, his head shaking gently from side to side.
  • Tim recalls being afraid the first time he had his eyebrows waxed seven years ago, and Harry admits to similar fears.
  • Kokhi's parents' place is a tiny top-floor walk-up in one of the slummy blocks that line Hebron Road on its way out of town.
  • The look on his face bothered me; it was an unsmiling, impassive expression with furrowed eyebrows.
  • highlight the area above your eyebrows
  • With such eyebrows, and a look so decidedly bilious, how was he to extract that money from the governor, of which George was consumedly in want? Vanity Fair
  • He has bushy eyebrows, long hair and a big nose. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nodding, he arched a shaggy eyebrow at me sloshing coffee into a cup.
  • The absence of confident sneers, knowing smirks and sceptical raised eyebrows also makes an enormous difference.
  • Her eyebrow is well penciled.
  • If forehead and eyebrow bend ministry are contused to want to note the eyesight case of seasonable self-check eye, preliminary judgement has injure secondhand without optic nerve.
  • Jake then rose an eyebrow as he pointed towards my neck, ‘Allen, is that a hickey?’
  • He raised one eyebrow, stared steadily at her and then gave a short nod.
  • The skin between his eyebrows puckered, furrowing in almost an anxious worriment.
  • Joe is squatter and swarthier: his eyebrows beetle; his black pupils glitter. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • And now units of this vagrom and unstable street throng, which was forever shifting and changing about them, seemed to sense the psychologic error of all this in so far as these children were concerned, for they would nudge one another, the more sophisticated and indifferent lifting an eyebrow and smiling contemptuously, the more sympathetic or experienced commenting on the useless presence of these children. An American Tragedy
  • McManus also raised eyebrows with a number of administrative shuffles that promoted some cops and transferred others who had been high up in his predecessor's administration.
  • I wonder if I can catch a rebroadcast of the England-Portugal quarter final today?
  • Practitioners claim that gently manipulating the bones of the cranium can correct the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, by restoring the skull to its natural shape.
  • Chris and Giovanni turned towards the energetic voice, eyebrows lifted.
  • There was Lionel's lifted eyebrow.
  • He had dyed his hair, his eyebrows and his goatee jet black. The Sun
  • His brother raised his eyebrows, his unpractised conceit filtering into his expression.
  • It wasn't so long ago that a request for a third glass of fino sherry would raise a few eyebrows and mutterings about a drink problem.
  • Tonal mists begird the senses like thick, expanding fog, as the sparse calls of exotic birds and invisible creatures enhances the presence of this tenebrous abode of tranquility.
  • The strong dark eyebrows give his face an oddly menacing look.
  • Joe is Mexican. His skin is an ashy light brown and his lashes are heavier than mine, and he has short fat eyebrows and shit-brown eyes, and thick hair that flops about his fat pumpkin head.
  • I wear a wig, draw on eyebrows and wear fake eyelashes. The Sun
  • She had plucked all her eyebrow hairs and eyelashes out so looked ridiculous first thing in the morning. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two of these rebroadcast foreign programs with Arabic subtitles.
  • The lockdown of the first-team building led to raised eyebrows and questions about Villas-Boas's attempts to instil harmony from top to bottom at the club. André Villas-Boas banishes Chelsea reserve squad from training centre
  • When we paid our fees in the pro shop the youngman raised his eyebrows a little when we told him we intended to walk the course.
  • This diagnosis can be established with certainty only by testing the cerebrospinal fluid.
  • As she saw his eyebrows scrunch up, she looked down at her dress.
  • And he has a nimble mind, which is evident in the curious eyes and the arched eyebrows that seem to reach almost to his black turban as he listens to questions.
  • She could imagine that hard, sardonic grin beneath the tufted eyebrows. RIOT
  • Stations there picked up and rebroadcast the analog signals relayed by satellite from the Netherlands.
  • He raised one eyebrow in a meaningful way.
  • A tiny gesture towards a desired item and a slight flick of the eyebrows is almost enough to complete most transactions.
  • The fibers are at first somewhat widely diffused, but as they descend through the corona radiata they gradually approach each other, and pass between the lentiform nucleus and thalamus, in the genu and anterior two-thirds of the occipital part of the internal capsule; those in the genu are named the geniculate fibers, while the remainder constitute the cerebrospinal fibers; proceeding downward they enter the middle three-fifths of the base of the cerebral peduncle. IX. Neurology. 1F. Pathways from the Brain to the Spinal Cord
  • Bit-by-bit the bead of a gun sight assembled in her mind's eye and nestled between his thick eyebrows.
  • Montenebro goat's cheese, valdeon blue cheese along with semi-hard and hard mahon and manchegowere classically served with membrillo, or quince jelly.
  • MR cerebrospinal fluid imaging technique is non - radiating and convenient.
  • When, however, the little insignificant figure we have described approached so nigh as to receive some interruption from the warders, he dashed his dusky green turban from his head, showed that his beard and eyebrows were shaved like those of a professed buffoon, and that the expression of his fantastic and writhen features, as well as of his little black eyes, which glittered like jet, was that of a crazed imagination. The Talisman
  • The Bishop looked at Corbett with raised eyebrows and gestured to him to proceed.
  • When Doane glanced the other way, he looked at Hap and waggled an eyebrow. End of Time
  • The procedure is usually performed to correct the ptosis of the eyebrow and lateral canthus, to eliminate the temporal and glabellar wrinkles as well etc.
  • I'm not saying anything untoward did happen but that's got to raise a few eyebrows. The Sun
  • Carter, who was just 23 when LeBron hired him, has been faulted for ruining LeBron's image by orchestrating such an egocentric approach to LeBron's announcement to move, and the move in general, to Miami. Michael Evans: LeBron James and President Obama: A Comparison
  • She wore no makeup and her neat ungroomed eyebrows joined ever so slightly.
  • Highbrow journals like the Antioch Review and the Partisan Review condemned the middlebrows who controlled the mass media for fostering anti-intellectualism and mindless conformity.
  • The new episodes produced for the second season will probably be mixed into the "rebroadcast" of the first season. Anime Nano!
  • The appearance of clear cerebrospinal fluid in the needle hub confirmed correct placement of the needle in the lateral cerebral ventricle.
  • He wrote sketches of the fashionable crowds on ‘the Block’ and the sharebrokers under ‘the Verandah’ as well as the cabmen in Bourke Street and the larrikins outside Wright's Gin Palace.
  • Also it's ideal for people with loose skin under the chin, people with "jowls" forming along the jaw line, and loss of tautness in the lower face, neck, cheeks and eyebrows can all benefit from an Ulthera ultrasound RF lift. : Breaking News
  • CLEVELAND (AP) LeBron James crossed midcourt and launched the ball toward the basket more than 40 feet away as the horn sounded. James and Cavs blow it open and beat the Pistons
  • MIAMI – Together, they crashed into the shores of Biscayne Bay like a tsunami, the way that LeBron James(notes) and Dwyane Wade(notes) believed basketball would unfold night after night.
  • Janice frowned and knitted her eyebrows together.
  • Cohen saw potential in a beauty parlour where women could get make-up done, have eyebrows plucked or false eyelash extensions applied.
  • The amide linkage resides in a region of low dielectric constant, according to available structural data on ceramides and cerebrosides which further promotes the formation of strong hydrogen bonds.
  • If you didn't see it, the day after her death The Newshour rebroadcast an essay of hers from 1986 about art in Texas -- or as Molly pronounces it, "ort" -- an appreciation for the colorful and absurd in Texas. Pimento cheese, comfort served | Homesick Texan
  • Christian's eyebrows rose good-naturedly and his bow shaped mouth formed a wistful smile.
  • After years of tweezing my eyebrows they are now very scarce and look untidy, how can I achieve neat looking brows?
  • They then rebroadcast their programs around China by satellite.
  • Mrs. Burke says they're housebroken and gentle and good with kids.
  • On the top of the page was a photogravure of a beautiful woman, tall, with a mass of curly black hair and thick dark eyebrows, standing straight-backed in a white dress, staring out of the page in a way that reminded Ruby of Mama. DIAMOND RUBY
  • With raised eyebrows and busy pencils, the judges scribbled away diligently. Times, Sunday Times
  • This work established a differential diagnosis for cerebrospinal meningitis, and for it she became the first woman to be awarded the Hutchison Prize of Glasgow University.
  • Unable to answer, Rachel could only arch an eyebrow at herself as she made her way outside and then accepted the coachman's help into the carriage.
  • Objective To study the clinical practice of eyebrow aesthetics on eyebrow anaplasty .
  • Her eyebrow had received the blow from the torch and had begun to throb; she could feel a trickle of blood.
  • How-ha grunted, and yielded up the obedience she could not withhold; though, as she went down the stairs to the door, in a tenebrous, glimmering way she wondered that the accident of white skin or swart made master or servant as the case might be. CHAPTER 19
  • There is also a link between the condition and men with grey hair and dark eyebrows. The Sun
  • A frown ran in a slanting direction between his eyebrows and half way up his forehead.
  • But he smiled that goofy crooked smile and raised his eyebrows at me, and I hoisted myself out of the pool, running and giving him a crushing hug.
  • I only use an eyebrow pencil to fill in my sparse eyebrows.
  • My eyes are small like my dad's, and my eyebrows have been plucked much thinner than natural.
  • Once again, every hair (which is to say monofilament standing in for five-o'-clock shadow, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc.) is anchored in a specifically drilled hole. Arts Extra: Less Is Mueck
  • She seemed more amused as her perfectly plucked eyebrows raised, a small smile curving her mouth.
  • But he simply cocked one eyebrow, his expression bemused, and rubbed a hand gingerly over his jaw. The Devil Wears Plaid
  • All it took was a stare and a crook of the eyebrow from any one of the quartet of West Indian quicks in those days for the batsmen to know that a bowler was upset.
  • All I noticed was purple eyes, green hair, three eyebrow rings and an alabaster boy holding my hand.
  • Since our highbrow elites are no longer capable of giving good advice, we middlebrows must use our own judgment to decide what art to buy.
  • She's a German Shepherd / Retriever / Chow mix and very nice. Plus she's housebroken and spayed, so that's all taken care of.
  • It was shot in Majorca and although tame by modern standards it raised eyebrows for showing models wearing only swimwear. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't suggest that guys aim for a perfectly arched eyebrow, but waxing is a good way to get rid of eyebrows that are out of control and keep that unibrow out of sight.
  • He was smiling, even white teeth, sun wrinkles around his eyes, his hair flopping over his eyebrows, tan, boyish despite his age. CORMORANT
  • His hair had been shaved off but his eyebrows were black, or dark brown and his eyes a deep, drowning blue.

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