How To Use Ebbing In A Sentence

  • The ebbing of his hope drained his faith.
  • I thought I should have fainted; but a torrent of tears recalled the ebbing current of my heart, and I grew proud in fortitude, though humbled in self-love. Memoirs of Mary Robinson
  • Smoking and sputtering, the glider zoomed away, with the Green Goblin desperately trying to pull the webbing from his eyes. SPIDER-MAN®: THE ADVENTURES OF SPIDER-MAN
  • Hallucigenia" hits a good cross section of themes and set pieces central to my work -- hard bitten protagonists, dark cults, insanity, gratuitous rumpy pumpy, esoteric lore, super science, monsters, and cosmic horror all tangled up in pulp-noir webbing. INTERVIEW: Laird Barron
  • It can be spun into a filament that is useful for making rope, webbing and cordage.
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  • But that is ebbing by the day. The Sun
  • The veteran car and safety equipment manufacturers' ideas of melted nylon webbing in the belt are logical, according to Melvin.
  • He could feel his strength ebbing .
  • He could feel his life ebbing away. The Sun
  • The wind is blowing fresh out of the east, funneling up the river, and the tide is ebbing hard, setting up a steep chop.
  • The romance was ebbing away fast. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were three points clear with time ebbing away when they began to panic and concede silly frees.
  • But the efficiencies created by precise spacing are so large, and the improvement in performance so predictable, that from nearly the moment Ebbinghaus described the spacing effect, psychologists have been urging educators to use it to accelerate human progress. Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm « Isegoria
  • Ebbinghaus discovered many lawlike regularities of mental life. Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm « Isegoria
  • Lee removed some nails from one side of the chair's saggiest webbing so we could tighten it.
  • The phenotype of cancer invasion depends on composition and density of the ECM, and can vary from amoeboid blebbing, mesenchymal fibroblast-like motility and multicellular streaming or chain migration PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Fortunately, the tide of destruction is ebbing and the tide of conservation is coming in....
  • Today we report that this taboo may be ebbing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • We could plainly see all the knife-edge creases in his trousers and the gleaming white blancoed webbing belt around his middle.
  • Is my strength ebbing away? The Times Literary Supplement
  • The prior art on continuity vs. flighting comes from John Philip Jones and Erwin Ephron, who used IRI panel data to show that Recency is what really counts – the Ebbinghaus memory curve's effect on ROI – reaching consumers just before shopping trips (so they actually remember you at the moment of truth – psychologic term of art: Priming), driving up ROI. In Terms Of ROI: What Do We Know About Continuity Vs. Flighting? - Bill Harvey - MediaBizBloggers
  • Ebbinghaus found that the ideal time to review a memory is just before you are about to forget it. How to improve long-term memory
  • The basic British infantryman, like his French and German contemporaries, was issued with his uniform, webbing and a rifle with bayonet.
  • The Giants, meanwhile, are cobwebbing on the couch, fishing for the remote, making school lunches for the kids, doing the yard work — or at least talking to the personal chef about finding the remote, making the school lunches and doing the yard work. A Couple of Giants Green With Envy
  • Using the metaphor of train lines, Tom Myers explains how patterns of strain communicate through the myofascial 'webbing', contributing to postural compensation and movement stability.
  • Yet as time passed he also noticed his energy was ebbing away. The Sun
  • But that is ebbing by the day. The Sun
  • Yet as time passed he also noticed his energy was ebbing away. The Sun
  • Susan Lisovicz is watching the numbers and, boy, they're just kind of ebbing and flowing rather quickly. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2008
  • I've just been busy cleaning the mud off my equipment and clothes and blancoing webbing.
  • The tide was still ebbing furiously and the course lay once again upwind, and for a few minutes I amused some onlooking fisherman by not making any headway at all.
  • Instead, I keep going back to my old haunts, hoping to rekindle an ebbing flame.
  • In less than a minute, 50 hulking men have poured out from a blockhouse wearing camouflage, black berets and webbing, and clutching assault rifles.
  • His hands are the same, long, clever fingers, five of them, with webbing stretched between and ending in wicked, slightly curved, claws.
  • Vegetation can also be attached to webbing to break up the straight lines of the pouches.
  • He could feel his life ebbing away. The Sun
  • As we walked along the shoreline, ghost crabs danced among the trove of shells deposited by the ebbing tide.
  • The initial flurry of interest from potential buyers appears to be ebbing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plane screeched to a halt on the tarmac, bouncing them slightly in the red webbing of the cargo seats. MINUTES TO BURN
  • All that was missing were legionnaires in blue tunics and white kepis, with blancoed webbing straps attaching grey army blankets to their backs as they drilled under the Saharan sun.
  • My hand fell to my belt webbing, cupping a fragmentation grenade.
  • The wind is blowing fresh out of the east, funneling up the river, and the tide is ebbing hard, setting up a steep chop.
  • All events were combat-related, requiring the wearing of webbing and helmets and, for some practices, the wearing of gas masks.
  • Is my strength ebbing away? The Times Literary Supplement
  • The second thing he noticed, raising his disappointed gaze from the abdominal plane, was that there had been an exodus of gray from her hair and that the skin around her eyes, which had been cobwebbing with crinkles, was now as smooth as custard. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • It's just an endless loop of anxiety building up and then ebbing away.
  • These were the latter days of John's government, when cabinet ministers and their chinless aides felt power ebbing away from them.
  • If you want to add more, get webbing, backpack straps, metal buckles and so forth.
  • I hear it has something to do with the faces of the moon, or maybe the tide, which is quite active hereabouts, ebbing and neaping even as we sleep.
  • The romance was ebbing away fast. Times, Sunday Times
  • They walked with their webbing packed full of ammunition and in their haversacks they carried five days' bully beef and biscuits and a minimum of personal gear.
  • I closed my eyes and gradually felt the hurt and disappointment ebbing away when I felt his arms enveloping me, encasing me in his warmth.
  • The field equipment included compasses, binoculars, webbing and backpacks, which will be issued to more than 230 recruits on the latest course at the Metinaro training facility.
  • The extreme grief of the past two years is ebbing and life sounds pretty good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other winter wonders are hybrids of some garden favorites with unusual foliage, including a gold-leafed butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii 'Golden Purple'), a sky flower with green leaves splashed with white, (Duranta repens 'White Lace'), and a silverberry (Elaeagnus ebbingei 'Gilt Edge') with dark olive leaves edged in gold. Fore, right!
  • Her strength was ebbing, but she seemed ever more focused and determined.
  • There are solid wooden shoes that were used in emergencies when no babiche was available for webbing, but the historical record and oral tradition agree that these were a second class alternative.
  • You try to expose as much glove as you can and hope to catch it in the webbing.
  • (B) Treatment with 5 µM ionomycin for 10 min caused ER fission along with a pronounced effect on gross dendritic structure (dendritic blebbing). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The romance was ebbing away fast. Times, Sunday Times
  • I thought I should have fainted; but a torrent of tears recalled the ebbing current of my heart, and I grew proud in fortitude, though humbled in self-love. Memoirs of Mary Robinson
  • At the other end, I have a length of webbing wrapped once completely around the tree with loops tied in either end, also with bowlines (otherwise known as a ‘rabbit runner’).
  • To remedy this, there is a loop of webbing on the bottom of the pack to put a waist strap through and keep it from sliding up.
  • He didn't reply as he took a collection of weapons, strapping them to his webbing.
  • so terrified by the extraordinary ebbing of the sea that they scurried to higher ground
  • If the chair needs extra support, strengthen the seat by weaving 1 1/2-inch-wide burlap webbing in both directions in the open area of the seat.
  • She explains that the animals instinctively know when the tide is ebbing, and thus when to come down to the shore to graze.
  • I'm even more surprised that there's no secondary securing mechanism, such as strapping or webbing, round the piles of plates in the cupboard.
  • Basic webbing ammunition belts and pouches were supplemented by as many bandoliers as the soldier could carry without falling down.
  • The tide was still ebbing furiously and the course lay once again upwind, and for a few minutes I amused some onlooking fisherman by not making any headway at all.
  • Two were dressed only in underpants and webbing while others appear with towels while shaving.
  • Still wearing his uniform and combat webbing, the son of a Canadian soldier jumped into the chest-deep sludge and began searching, reaching out with his arms, diving under in futile attempts to find her.
  • The angel asked, concern and worry ebbing from his voice.
  • Unlike platypuses, echidnas lack webbing and instead have large, shovel-like claws are present on all feet.
  • Given enough webbing, Spider-Man gets awkwardly tangled.
  • I have a piece of purple webbing knotted in a loop that I untie and wrap around my forearm.
  • Even the advertisements are filled with fake cobwebbing and tubes of green slime, and to add insult to anxiety my next doctor's appointment is on Halloween. Staceyann Chin: Surviving Halloween, Bedrest, and The Baby Registry
  • With the blessing of the European Union, a network of high-speed lines is cobwebbing the Continent, challenging the pre-eminence of the airlines. Barreling Down The Tracks
  • I would suggest you refasten the safety webbing.
  • Engineers found a host of problems: damaging misalignments, cracked welds and broken webbing on the end-turn windings.
  • Her strength was ebbing fast, so her children were called to her bedside.
  • Each drawing, a veritable webbing of wispy white lines that merge, plait, and even throb across their surfaces of coal-black paper, offers a new and semiopaque supernatural vision of worlds -- of creatures, of material, of flora -- that only our imaginations can rightly access. ArtScene: Catch Them Before They Close: Top Current Exhibitions in the Northwest
  • I closed my eyes and gradually felt the hurt and disappointment ebbing away when I felt his arms enveloping me, encasing me in his warmth.
  • The veteran car and safety equipment manufacturers' ideas of melted nylon webbing in the belt are logical, according to Melvin.
  • Ebbinghaus found that people are better at recalling items from the beginning ( "primacy effect") and end ( "recency effect") of a list rather than the middle. Simulmedia: Lessons Learned from Promo Positioning - Yuliya Torosjan - MediaBizBloggers
  • The boards are then shaped with hand tools, given four or five coats of yacht varnish, and have a webbing hand strap attached.
  • Reconstructing the shoes caused them to pay still more attention to the way they were put together, to the pattern of the thunderbird in the webbing and to the wool tufting around the rims.
  • The base of each pole is then inserted into brass eyelets on nylon webbing which are attached to the groundsheet.
  • While everybody watched, he removed the chocks from under the little aircraft's wheels and untied the webbing holding her down. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Most of the soldiers slept, but 40 minutes before they reached the drop zone they were on their feet strapping their heavy rucksacks, filled with rations, water, ammunition and their weapons onto clips on their webbing.
  • Attached to a single center of gravity by a harness made of strong webbing, hang gliders fly with bodies vertical.
  • Pull the webbing tight and tack it in place using two rows of size 12 tacks.
  • The sun was tediously ebbing into the horizon, staining the otherwise violet sky with brilliant streaks of orange and vermilion.
  • As well as standard infantry operations, the week of night training involved an intense physical schedule, with running in webbing, swimming and a pack march added to the night-fighting theme.
  • It does not merely reflect ebbing support for the war, anger over our political leaders, or uncertainty about our war aims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once you're turned out properly, with your webbing blancoed, your boots dubbined and your brass buckles gleaming, the natives will look at you quite differently.
  • You'll quickly discover that clipping, detaching, and belaying with a locking carabiner are all easier if you have webbing that's narrower, say three-quarter inch.
  • (for that old building stood solitary amidst its grounds a little apart from the spacious platform on which the society of the Hill was concentrated), but up the broad causeway, with vistaed gaslamps; the gayer shops still-unclosed, the tide of busy life only slowly ebbing from the still-animated street, on to a square, in which the four main thoroughfares of the city converged, and which formed the boundary of Low A Strange Story — Volume 01
  • The 2 inches of seam allowance is over the webbing, as to resemble a sandwich.
  • Basic webbing ammunition belts and pouches were supplemented by as many bandoliers as the soldier could carry without falling down.
  • Huge extra costs were piled on to taxpayers at a time when the country's income was ebbing.
  • Gerrard's seventeen---he inherited the Grange, a nice little property in Derbyshire, from his father, Sir Reginald Debbington. A RAKE'S VOW
  • The extreme grief of the past two years is ebbing and life sounds pretty good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Additionally, their guy lines, plastic buckles and webbing are made from recycled post-consumer waste. Pitch a Hemp Tent in the Green Outdoors | Impact Lab
  • The Koosees' teachings - on everything from selecting the right birch or tamarack tree for the snowshoe frame to weaving the moose hide ‘babiche’ used for the webbing - will be used by the cultural center to produce an instructional book.
  • The sling itself is available in 1-inch or 1.25-inch widths and is made of heavy nylon webbing.
  • You are correct in stating that the force (load) on the biner is not a factor of the webbing width, but the stresses in the biner are a correlated to the webbing width. Undefined
  • I began to feel my strength and stamina ebbing and shivered uncontrollably from the cold whenever we took a break for water.
  • In less than a minute, 50 hulking men have poured out from a blockhouse wearing camouflage, black berets and webbing, and clutching assault rifles.
  • Her life is gradually ebbing away.
  • It started blebbing because the screen wasn't pulled as taut where the cardboard frame got wet when I cleaned it after the first use. Craftlog
  • The overhead webbing became our goatskin roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • Returning at bed time he found his partner webbing a pair of snow-shoes by the light of a stinking "go-devil," consisting of a string suspended in a can of molten grease. Pardners
  • But that is ebbing by the day. The Sun
  • Consumers' faith in the stuff they buy appears to be ebbing, say researchers, in these days of unchecked megamergers, electric company bailouts, and the virtual economy (which has proven to be literal).
  • The first paper is about immune cells in sea urchins and concludes that "the acto-myosin contractile mechanism contributes to the dynamics of constitutive cell surface membrane blebbing in invertebrate immune cells. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Ebbinghaus discovered many lawlike regularities of mental life. Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm « Isegoria
  • Full wrap around carry handles made of heavy duty webbing for superior weight support.
  • The extreme grief of the past two years is ebbing and life sounds pretty good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dean's eyes narrowed as he raised his gaze from the felted cobwebbing to the ghost. Blood Lines
  • Let's not forget the picture of the young 17 year old Iranian woman (Neda) shot in front of her father and watching the life ebbing from her face. Is Obama too soft on Iran?
  • He could feel his life ebbing away. The Sun
  • It seemed to be biting deeper, which was reassuring as I moved up a step in my aider, a webbing ladder used to ascend Big Walls. Training for the Big Wall
  • The British standard webbing only has two pouches, while webbing used by US and Israeli soldiers, and some police forces, has far more storage space.
  • There are indications that his esoteric popularity may be ebbing.
  • In the late 1800s, a German scientist named Hermann Ebbinghaus made up lists of nonsense syllables and measured how long it took to forget and then relearn them. Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm « Isegoria
  • Modern primatologists point out that an alpha animal, contrary to its reputation as solitary lord of all it surveys, is thickly enmeshed in a social webbing, dependent on the reciprocities of group life.
  • No longer will you have to squint in the field trying to see if you are talking to a lieutenant-colonel or a mature-aged private because their webbing is covering the epaulettes.
  • The harness consists of two shoulder straps, made from a medium-grade webbing, which are comfortable and mould to your torso without being too stiff.
  • Sadly, this is often ebbing away by the end of primary school, she says. Shirley Williams: chair of the judges
  • Fortunately, the tide of destruction is ebbing and the tide of conservation is coming in....
  • But their strength was ebbing away, and neither DeFreitas nor Botham could contribute, both on the field but carrying injuries.
  • Linen was also used for fire hoses, parachute webbing and heavy-duty canvas.
  • Reiser went to his left on the play, put up his glove and the ball stuck in the webbing.
  • Support for the latter appears to be ebbing, with the Green alliance the likely recipient of much of the protest vote.
  • Yet as time passed he also noticed his energy was ebbing away. The Sun
  • In this new upholstery, the same interlaced webbing was still used, but it supported a group of springs rather than horsehair.
  • I could feel myself dying - I felt my life ebbing away," she said, recalling her emaciated body. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • It attaches to the suspension webbing with a hook/loop strap.
  • Instead of a ribbon tie, use nylon webbing that slips through two small metal loops or a buckle.
  • It was but one sip but it was enough to recall my ebbing life. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • His words looked to have a prophetic ring as the Scots came of age in an enthralling and ebbing battle of two sporting codes.
  • The lesson taught by the headmaster was that a rescue knife to cut harnessing and webbing should be essential gear for Navy rescue personnel.
  • Trade Work: Ribbon run on webbing for suspenders, infants 'dresses -- eight different styles, children's aprons -- two different styles, hemstitching and embroidery for yokes, ruffling -- hem and hemstitched, faggoting. The Making of a Trade School
  • There are three-point seatbelts for every passenger, and force-limiting devices on the belts on the four outer seats prevent bruising from the webbing.
  • His ears look like those sometimes depicted on mermaids, fine webbing, the usual wavelike sea-creature pattern, and gray.
  • In support of this hypothesis, novel FRET data demonstrate a direct interaction between ROCK1 and LIMK2 in polarised but not blebbing cells. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • After class, students hang out in front of the dining hall and practice slacklining - balancing on a loose piece of webbing tied between two trees.
  • When staff pick up the nets, they note how many fish of each species are collected in which net webbing, measure each fish and tag and release some of those taken alive.
  • In experiments of breathtaking rigor and tedium, Ebbinghaus practiced and recited from memory 2.5 nonsense syllables a second, then rested for a bit and started again. Want to Remember Everything You’ll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm « Isegoria
  • Spiderman can lift 15 tons, dodge almost every weapon, unlmited webbing and has beate Irnoman, batteled the entire Fantastic Four and and severly injured Hulk when serious and tapping into the magical energy all spider-like beings wield. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Creating Weaknesses for Your Superheroes
  • Amoeboid migration is characterised by membrane blebbing that is dependent on the Rho effectors, ROCK1 / 2. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I did not pass through the lane which led direct to Abbots 'House (for that old building stood solitary amidst its grounds a little apart from the spacious platform on which the society of the Hill was concentrated), but up the broad causeway, with vistaed gaslamps; the gayer shops still-unclosed, the tide of busy life only slowly ebbing from the still-animated street, on to a square, in which the four main thoroughfares of the city converged, and which formed the boundary of A Strange Story — Complete
  • Easy - to - carry webbing haul handles and a removable adjustable shoulder strap promote comfortable carrying.
  • China's commitment to greenness appears to be ebbing.
  • To complete the installation, hand-dyed nets were stretched into place like webbing on a snowshoe; applied while wet, they prestressed the structure as they dried.
  • Needles of light, frozen rays, shot out from her back, spreading out like a fan, with a thin light webbing in between each.
  • There are more guards on the narrow stair and landing, and each step upwards means a brush with webbing and ammunition belts.
  • The book is unsparing in revealing the grimness and horror of war, of the sudden loss of friends, of living under appalling conditions, of ‘trying to do what I could with a tourniquet of webbing on a youngster who had lost a leg’.
  • They walked with their webbing packed full of ammunition and in their haversacks they carried five days' bully beef and biscuits and a minimum of personal gear.
  • Prospero, addressing the elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes, and groves, those that on the sands with printless foot chased the ebbing The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
  • It's a message that would make it clear that serious attention is -- finally -- going to be paid to the housing crisis, which shows no signs of ebbing. Arianna Huffington: Replacing Summers: Will Obama Please Wall Street or Struggling Americans?
  • Drs. Michael Bebbington and Stephanie Mann are trained in obstetrics and gynecology, and maternal-fetal medicine. Center for Fetal Research & the Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Fellowship
  • There were two foldable aluminum seats with nylon webbing.
  • Today we report that this taboo may be ebbing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pinch the webbing between your thumb and index finger and push toward the bottom knuckle of your index finger.
  • He began to get his boxing together and his confidence was ebbing back.
  • There were two sorts, refined, adjustable strap racks, with beddings of flat, soft, criss-crossed straps, with sturdy stud-and-eyelet securing straps, and simple net racks, little more than sturdy wooden frames within which was slung a netlike webbing of rope. Cinnamon Roll
  • The initial flurry of interest from potential buyers appears to be ebbing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • He felt at his arms and found raised scars webbing his arms, and torso, and legs.
  • The end goes around the tree, and the rest of the line passes through the loop, making it adjustable and in theory placing much less stress on knotted webbing, although I have no evidence that says it really does this.
  • Four toes are found on the forefeet, which lack webbing.
  • While they come in many shapes and sizes, snowshoes tend to have a wooden frame with webbing stretched around it.
  • An old wall cupboard had lost its doors, its wallpaper blebbing in the recess. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • Signs of ebbing momentum in the global economy have triggered an intense bout of speculation about the possibility of a fresh round of QE in leading economies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rock was a faded red - the sea crashed and foamed against it, the surf boomed and frothed, ebbing and rippling with the tide.
  • Today we report that this taboo may be ebbing away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attach webbing tape to the top edge of tails on the lining side, in the same way as for the swag.
  • Think i'll give the issued webbing at batallion a try and just 'bastardise' it to my preference, definately want velcro tabs for the ammo pouches, those clips can be a pain in the arrse at times. although its changed a lot since i was in (3. 5yrs) issue webbing all the way, get a decent hippo pad as the issued one is crap and spend time your webbing right wearing a combat jacket and trying your bergan, day sack with it to. Army Rumour Service
  • We speculate that the interaction between ROCK1 and LIMK2 does not play a significant role in membrane blebbing associated cell migration nor in the regulation of cofilin phosphorylation at the cell periphery. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • But I like to think that someday, maybe a century or more from now, a hunter might be sitting against that same tree in the fall and, should he or she dislodge that oddly tilted stone — which would be lichen-covered by then and gripped with a webbing of kinnikinnick — might notice the brass and understand that once upon a time there was another hunter like him or her. The Ritual: After Death, Before Venison
  • The base of each pole is then inserted into brass eyelets on nylon webbing which are then attached to the groundsheet.
  • Bring webbing if you have it, or borrow some on the day.
  • All that was missing were legionnaires in blue tunics and white kepis, with blancoed webbing straps attaching grey army blankets to their backs as they drilled under the Saharan sun.
  • The wind is blowing fresh out of the east, funneling up the river, and the tide is ebbing hard, setting up a steep chop.
  • A bruise in the webbing between the thumb and the forefinger is a classic defense wound. Without Pity
  • The girls were lounging on the grass; Ann sat in a decrepit aluminum chair, its woven webbing frayed.
  • They walked with their webbing packed full of ammunition and in their haversacks they carried five days' bully beef and biscuits and a minimum of personal gear.
  • Mr Wooldrige has been collecting items of military history since he spotted some Army webbing by the side of the road as a seven-year-old.
  • If we aren't interested in changing the way the country works, but only in chasing after an ebbing political tide, then we will earn nothing but ridicule.
  • Nonetheless, he has taken some solid hits, and there is a drunken, halting roll to his steps as he staggers towards the prize, tugging at the webbing of his uniform.
  • Until recently, our understanding of the evolution of megaphylls largely stemmed from Zimmermann's telome theory describing the sequence of overtopping, planation and webbing leading to appearance of the laminated leaf blade.
  • He sighed, a bit of the anger ebbing away from his countenance.
  • In this new upholstery, the same interlaced webbing was still used, but it supported a group of springs rather than horsehair.
  • Each harness is made of wide, heavy-duty nylon webbing to better distribute the work load and thick padding for extra comfort.
  • I came in and I knew I could make a play, but the webbing in my glove was like a string.
  • Production on this scale required a high degree of organization and many suppliers for the webbing, stuffing, covering, fringe, tacks, and nails.
  • Other accessories I use are carabiners, several loops of tubular webbing, cowhide gloves, an etrier (a webbing ladder). New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • More laid-back students practice "slacklining - balancing on a loose piece of webbing tied between two trees."
  • Is my strength ebbing away? The Times Literary Supplement

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