How To Use eavesdropper In A Sentence
- It is at this point in the mass that always I feel the most like an outsider, an eavesdropper. Tim Suttle: An Evangelical Goes To Mass
- If protection from an eavesdropper is not considered important, an access control can be as simple as a password. Uses and abuses of TPMs
- Log in through a wired internet connection to avoid eavesdroppers.
- As soon as she was gone, Dandie reconnoitred the premises, listened at the key-hole as if he had been listening for the blowing of an otter, and having satisfied himself that there were no eavesdroppers, returned to the table; and making himself what he called a gey stiff cheerer, poked the fire, and began his story in an undertone of gravity and importance not very usual with him. Chapter XLV
- In a wiretap channel, the eavesdropper is assumed to receive messages transmitted by the sender over a channel that is noisier than the legitimate receiver's channel.
- Not only may they be purposely babbling and coding their conversations to confuse the eavesdroppers, but there are also the complexities of language itself.
- An eavesdropper who steals a forms authentication cookie has stolen the login because due to the way cookies work, there's no way to implement replay detection.
- However an eavesdropper can interne in the legal users' communication without violate the physical principles.
- A federal law enforcement official said prosecutions seldom are initiated unless the eavesdropper deliberately has used a monitored conversation for other purposes.
- And while refusing to confirm or deny that it's going on, the White House insists only evildoers need fear government eavesdroppers.