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How To Use Eat in In A Sentence

  • Spinach, endive and romaine lettuce are great in salads; just dress with a little olive oil and red wine vinegar.
  • The original Auroran settlers had landed in the location that was now the park and decided to keep it as a peaceful retreat in the centre of the city.
  • C was probably a combined cooling and dressing-room, with a seat in its alcove; D, the tepidarium; E, the caldarium; and F, a specially hot room or sudatorium.
  • In my own garden I have an old stone wall with remnants of whitewash that reflects the sunlight and heat in summer.
  • April 2, 2009 3: 07 PM great interview ... and yes parakeet is a dakudaji blogger! Interview Thursday: "I’m particularly saddened about the state of women right issues in Nigeria" - Parakeet
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  • If the Democrats manage to lose the seat in November, they might consider blaming an election system that is quite literally designed to stimy "majority rule" save in races where there are only two candidates. Balkinization
  • She has great influence with the manager and could no doubt help you.
  • This was their fourth defeat in a row and leaves them mired in the bottom three. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion. 
  • Retreat into acute fast.
  • His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
  • Heat the olive oil over a medium heat in a heavy pan big enough to hold all the asparagus in one layer. Times, Sunday Times
  • This year has seen a great increase in online and telephone betting, which allows people to make wagers 24 hours a day.
  • Croft twiddled a silver crown piece in his hand and examined it with great interest.
  • The whole front of the theatre, a curtain of matting, is rolled up at intervals and, when the feat in progress is at its most thrilling climax, is let fall. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • The capitalist who, alone or in conjunction with his fellows, performs some great industrial feat by which he wins money is a welldoer, not a wrongdoer, provided only he works in proper and legitimate lines. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Teddington slumped to a 151 run defeat in one of their poorest performances of the season against Ealing on Saturday.
  • Mares which are in the ambivalent early stages of estrus or which are mistakenly in diestrus pose a clear safety threat in close quarters. News
  • I marinated the meat in red wine and then slowly grilled and ate it, accompanied by a light green salad and a half bottle of Country Beaujolais.
  • His kitchen is small but perfectly serviceable, especially for a doctor who tends to order room service or eat in restaurants.
  • Their party suffered a heavy defeat in the election.
  • Mike smirked, taking a seat in the recliner and immediately putting his feet up.
  • WE ALL are very familiar with the term antibiotics-medicines prescribed by doctors to treat infections. - Articles related to Scientists uncover mysterious workings of cholera bacteria
  • She climbed aboard the Mumbles train and huddled in a seat in the warmth of the lower deck.
  • The clanking sounded systematic somehow; not rhythmic like a drumbeat in music, yet purposeful.
  • ‘All these polls indicate is that there will be a dogfight for the last seat in all key marginals and the vote will be so tight it is hard for anyone to call it,’ the Fine Gael spokesman said.
  • It attracts great international attention, but its ideas add little to long-established left-wing thinking.
  • He fulfilled his duties conscientiously, but his support for the proclamation of the district as a city lost him his seat in 1950.
  • Especially on the left, the defeat in 1849 provoked a period of reassessment which, together with the hardship and loneliness of political exile, led to some substantial political realignments.
  • -- The scientific remedies for poverty and pauperism, that is, the scientific methods of dealing with the various dependent classes and of preventing their existence, now form the subject-matter of a great independent science, the science of philanthropy, which, as we have already seen, may be considered a branch of applied sociology. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • The bending property in transverse direction of tin-phosphor bronze strip is a very important quality index which has a great inference on the quality of final products.
  • Vigorously develop and produce new type energy - saving construction materials, heat insulating materials and green decoration materials.
  • The drought has caused great harm to the growing of wheat in the province, with more than about 733,000 hectares of wheat land unable to be sown.
  • In ruling out a Yes vote from the get-go, Israel conceded immediate defeat in the world body, in the process forgoing a range of tactical advantages it could have gained by signaling qualified support for a resolution and then negotiating to help shape its wording to a text Israel could have profited by backing. Bradley Burston: Ten Reasons Palestine Is Right to Bring its Case to the UN
  • Due to the pressures of so many birds trying to feed, the vultures gobble down chunks of flesh and can fill a crop with more than one and half a kilograms of meat in four to five minutes.
  • The atmosphere of foredoomed defeat in his own corner had no effect on him. The Mexican
  • The student tried to connive with her friend to cheat in the examination.
  • Off set deals are looking particularly appealing given that no easy access accounts currently beat inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • I went to his talk with great interest, but to my disappointment, nothing very new came forth.
  • Liquids, whether waters or oils, which possess a great and intense acridity, act like heat in tearing asunder bodies and burning them after some time; yet to the touch they are not hot at first. The New Organon
  • When the shovelers come by, they shovel the bread, rats and spoiled meat into the sausage vats.
  • There is no consensus, however, on when and how to treat infants and young children with symptoms of asthma.
  • Spoon the mincemeat into the jars, leaving a 1cm gap from the top. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can almost hear my heart beat in time with their intense swimming strokes.
  • In a separate development yesterday, Eircom turned up the heat in its attempts to sign up more customers by launching a new introductory package.
  • Yet a sharp recent retreat in commodity prices, which has seen oil prices plunge some $20 in just three weeks to around $68, suggests the disinflation trend is likely to persist.
  • Although the order does not propose any great innovations, it is worth making some brief comments on its background.
  • Anything to take down the ELPD a notch is great in my book. The Volokh Conspiracy » When a Police Officer Pulls Over a Law Student
  • This kind of feat involves planning to get it right first because after you start - bam!
  • Trojans turned in an abject performance to crash to their heaviest defeat in over four years.
  • She was one of the founders of the havurah Am ha-Yam, on Cape Cod, serving on its board of directors and in various other offices, and often teaches at Elat Chayyim, the Jewish renewal retreat in New York. Marge Piercy.
  • Dredge beef in flour and brown in batches in oil over high heat in a flameproof casserole.
  • I vacillate between the determination to act, to change things, and the desire to retreat into the snuggeries of self, family and friends.
  • It is a retreat inward and a tacit approval of injustice in society. Christianity Today
  • At this time we could hear and see the German half-track vehicles entering Lamia, thus effectively cutting off our retreat in that direction even if we had transport. Alan Glass
  • Keeping the heat inside Sitting in a draughty room will lower your body temperature and make you feel cold and uncomfortable.
  • To make the tabbouleh warm the cracked wheat in the microwave or in a small frypan with minimum water.
  • The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values.
  • Some courts treat incontestability as creating a rebuttable presumption of strength, but the analysis should be separate: "there is no apparent reason that the incontestable status of a mark should automatically translate into a well-known mark. Rebecca Tushnet's 43(B)log
  • That change would be in the best interests of the meat industry, the consumer and animal welfare.
  • You do not require a great intellect to be happy. MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE
  • To the world, he was one of the brightest intellects of a very great intellectual era.
  • Onchocerciasis eliminated from west Africa: Officials from the World Health Organization last week celebrated the elimination of onchocerciasis, or river blindness, as a public health threat in west Africa.
  • Among these herbaceous plants we find at intervals the Avicennia tomentosa, the Scoparia dulcis, a frutescent mimosa with very irritable leaves, * and particularly cassias, the number of which is so great in South America, that we collected, in our travels, more than thirty new species. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The ideology has great influence in the world.
  • Recently introduced regulations on sound and heat insulation for new houses also affect rebuilding costs.
  • Again, it has nicely done packaging in a slimline case with a pretty neat insert.
  • There is no limit to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day. The Family Nutrition Workbook
  • -- They lived together; and when Dr. Grant had brought on apoplexy and death, by three great institutionary dinners in one week, they still lived together; for Mary, though perfectly resolved against ever attaching herself to a younger brother again, was long in finding among the dashing representatives, or idle heir apparents, who were at the command of her beauty, and her 20_000L. any one who could satisfy the better taste she had acquired at Mansfield, whose character and manners could authorise a hope of the domestic happiness she had there learnt to estimate, or put Edmund Bertram sufficiently out of her head. Mansfield Park
  • Featuring an “unparalleled level of luxury” in the “widest seat in the sky”, and sleeping on a “standalone bed that was not converted from a seat”. » 2009 » August » 05 - SimpliFlying || Aviation :: Branding :: Technology || Airline marketing, airline brand management, social media, Web 2.0
  • But the aerial aspects of other segments were managed with great ingenuity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Saturday nights, walked through the meadows and round by the mill and back home past the creek on Sunday afternoons, taken his seat in the brake for the annual outing, shuffled his way through the polka at the tradesmen's ball, and generally seized all legitimate opportunities for sporting with Amaryllis in the shade, has a hundred advantages which your successful careerer lacks. The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
  • Put the minced meat in a mixing bowl. Times, Sunday Times
  • British strawberries are at their best in September and our heirloom tomatoes are still great in October. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jerm is the veteran MC who knows how to ride a beat in succinct or elongated fashion depending on what’s required. Helladope’s Grand Hello « PubliCola
  • I think the Massey Rd. connector to the bypass is a great initiative, and will help with major event traffic quite a bit. UVa Building Arts Center at
  • A political activist for 25 years who has twice run for a seat in the U.S.
  • If you should care to pay a discreet visit to my private address, number 17 rue Creuse, Nevers, I will give you information on Émile Gallet which should be of great interest to you. Maigret Stonewalled
  • Having the dog is a great interest outside football. The Sun
  • They had microwave ovens where he was able to heat up a portion of hot food to eat in the car.
  • Wheat in Nebraska usually ripens under warm, dry conditions that favor development of quality grain for bread making.
  • Eat In nearby Boshum, the Millstream's £50 tasting menu features roquefort mousse with pickled pears, smoked haddock and leek ravioli, summer fruit and elderflower trifle. Five great beach weekends
  • Tax can eat into your returns so canny investors make us of the available tax breaks.
  • There doesn't seem to be much likelihood of him taking a regular seat in the audience in the foreseeable future. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would entail suspension from Eucharistic communion and taking one's seat in a special part of the church building reserved for penitents.
  • We didn't eat in the commissary.
  • a plot of great ingenuity
  • Coughing bloat from the towers pushes out heat into the sky, lays labor on the air. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » September : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Melt half the remaining lard in the pan and quickly brown the meat in three batches, adding extra lard in between. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wrap the meat in foil before you cook it.
  • It was Gillingham's seventh league defeat in a row, but coach John Gorman would not talk of relegation.
  • Remove from the heat invert the pan onto a cutting board, and remove the pan.
  • Yes, the old fart died, but the point is, he did me a great injustice.
  • Cut or pull the meat into large chunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yesterday, as our correspondent's account made clear, an ad hoc motorised cavalry of scores of youth fighters on pick-up trucks charged at Ajdabiya, only to retreat in disarray when Gaddafi's tanks, which were dug in around the town, fired back. Libya: Moving targets | Editorial
  • Linz -- A torta is on a French-bread roll called a bolillo, and it's usually made with mayo, refried beans, jalapenos, avocados, cheese and meat instead. How to make a cemita | Homesick Texan
  • The team suffered a shock defeat in the first round.
  • In another change from the usual pattern, the lectures will be broadcast in a morning slot at 9.00 am (with a repeat in the evening).
  • They pat me on the head and throw a few chunks of raw meat into my bowl.
  • A president affronting the leadership of the church, and blithely threatening its great institutions? A Battle the President Can't Win
  • Canada permits the use of several classes of medications as feed additives for cattle, including beta-antagonists such as ractopamine hydrochloride, which is related to asthma medications used by human beings, and antibiotics such as chlortetracycline hydrochloride, which is related to tetracycline medications that have been commonly used to treat infections in human beings. Top Stories
  • Florida admits defeat in fight to eradicate exotic purple swamphen Records don't support Florida Lt. Gov. South Florida - South Florida Recipes
  • His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.
  • Those most vulnerable, the homeless, the underprivileged, and the downtrodden, will have to sweat in the heat as they wait for the postperson to bring them their inadequate social assistance. The Last Snowflake
  • To have real control over how all those people, under a lot of stress, and with very limited experience, are protecting the sanitariness of the product, is just very, very difficult," Hassebrook says of the meat industry. Undefined
  • Meet a great innovation – now the lines on the game field intercross and make a nice labyrinth for the beads to roll in. Beadz – New Random Good Game
  • They exerted great influence in inducing communities to macadamize roads, for which the passing of the stage-coach and the spread of railroads had diminished the demand. History of the United States, Volume 6 (of 6)
  • The ostensible reason is that he does not wish to relinquish his seat in the European parliament.
  • The task of doctrinal definition continued, however, and theological debate on Christological and other matters is clearly of great interest and concern among Christians in the twentieth century.
  • An unexploded bomb is lodged ominously in the courtyard, a neat visual allegory for the sense of imminent threat in the film. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Blair was wearing a black and blue T-shirt, jeans and training shoes, while his wife was dressed for the heat in multi-coloured patterned trousers, a white smock and trainers.
  • Defeat in this important battle was the beginning of the end for us.
  • Use a couple of forks to pull the lamb meat into shreds. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, if other things as great in the Church, and in the rule of life both economical and political, be not looked into and reformed, we have looked so long upon the blaze that Zuinglius and Calvin hath beaconed up to us, that we are stark blind. Areopagitica
  • The latter sentiment underlines just how big a threat international races are to the domestic programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • United forced to change press conference arrangements due to sweltering heat in a tiny room. The Sun
  • And if you have a diet similar to that of an average American, you are probably eating meat in quantities that are downright unhealthy. “But it’s not like I, ya know, eat them.”
  • Chop the meat into small cubes.
  • The patriarchate of Moscow was abolished by Peter the Great in 1721 and replaced by a Holy Synod of bishops which was controlled by a lay official, the chief procurator.
  • This is a triumph of his, not a desperate, tragic failure," Anita Thompson said by phone, recounting that she was sitting in her husband's chair he called his catbird seat in the Rockies. Don't romanticize Thompson's suicide.
  • The gram-negative bugs that pose the biggest threat include acinetobacter baumannii enterobacter aerogenes, and pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can attack through wounds, surgical incisions, central lines, respirators and catheters. 'Superbugs' That Strike the Sickest Patients
  • Jackson has successfully realised the most monumental movie-making feat in recent memory, yet the scale of his achievement seems undervalued and unrewarded.
  • In this paper, authors have used relationship analysis to investigate relations between microclimatic factors and the yield of wheat interplanted under forests with different densities.
  • Did you know that overweight people tend to act as insulators and keep heat in?
  • I miss those summer nights escaping from the heat in my back office at Lakeview.
  • Then, last Saturday, Liverpool adjusted to cope with the pre-match loss of two key players, came back from conceding an early goal, and proceeded to thoroughly humiliate Manchester United at Old Trafford: "Ferguson, standing on the touchline in a coat reminiscent of Michael Foot, had the legs cut from under him and took to twitching from a seat in the dugout," whilst Wayne Rooney was reduced to an arm-whirling figure of anger and despair. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The degree of heat in chiles can be adjusted somewhat when preparing them at home. The Chiles Of Summer - Pick A Peck Of Poblanos
  • There was a bigger threat in front of goal. The Sun
  • Washington Post: In Hawaii, intraparty feud may cost Democrats a seat in Congress POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Friday, May 7, 2010
  • Nice to see that it's 13 without defeat in the league - the longest streak I can remember.
  • As a result, a line of people waited overnight for a seat in the gallery, a highly unusual occurrence for the Supreme Court.
  • Fifth-placed Eccleshill, with one defeat in four, will provide a stern test tomorrow.
  • Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez has accepted defeat in his pursuit of Sevilla fullback Daniel Alves.
  • Somewhat surprisingly, the sellout crowd had to wait for 41 minutes for the home side to convert threat into reward. The Sun
  • To finish sauce, reheat in a saucepan and whisk in remaining 1 tablespoon butter.
  • More significant for Scandinavia was its retreat in 1950 back to limited and relatively non-controversial sectoral coordination at the regional level.
  • They are what they are - eye candy which are fun to watch and sound great in surround sound, haha. First Look: Smoke and Engines from Fast and the Furious 4 «
  • To mention, describe, or treat individually; itemize or specify.
  • Put the meat into the oven to roast.
  • There isn't a bad seat in the house since you don't have to worry about looking over someone's head or ending up in the nosebleed section.
  • His great international stature remained unchallenged throughout the eighteenth century.
  • There is a great interest in the swimming competition, which is highly commendable.
  • Cut your meat into bite-sized cubes. Times, Sunday Times
  • She puts the rhythum the beat in the drum.
  • It is, for the time being, a great insurance against any terrorist attack.
  • The types of seafood they eat include mussels, scallops, clams, crabs, lobsters, abalone, and sea urchins.
  • The best and most popular stone ever discovered for grinding wheat into white flour is the French Burr.
  • Really, the G9 is the ultimate gaming mouse, though the upcoming Sidewinder X8 might give Logitech something to try and beat in the next generation of wireless mouse wars. GAMESHOUT
  • In Indian legend, every rishi, or yogi, who possesses divine power has a retreat in the mountain vastness of the Himalayas.
  • Their reward was a seat in the top tier of this towering stadium, so high up that they needed binoculars, but what the hell. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oliver's Channel 4 series, Jamie's School Dinners, exposed Matthews's Twizzlers as consisting largely of water, rusk, pork fat and coating, with only one third of "mechanically recovered" turkey meat in the recipe. Marco Pierre White's secret plan to steal Jamie Oliver's school dinner thunder
  • HOFFER: And it has a kind of muckrake -- or a sort of -- you know, muckrakers at the beginning of the 20th century were attacking the robber barons, the great industries, for their abuses, the way they abused their workers, they way they abused public trust, and so on. Past Imperfect: Facts, Fictions, Fraud American History from Bancroft and Parkman To Ambrose, Bellesiles, Ellis and Goodwin
  • Melt the butter over a medium heat in an ovenproof frying pan. Times, Sunday Times
  • One unaccustomed to the use of bonga and chewing it for the first time, usually experiences a most disagreeable combination of symptoms; constriction of the oesophagus, a sensation of heat in the head and face, the latter becoming red and congested; at the same time dizziness and precordial distress are experienced. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Modern culturing of wheat involves large land areas with intensive fertilization to achieve large yields and high protein concentrations.
  • Thus it only remains to treat in general of the question as to the reconcilableness of the idea of the origin of species through evolution, through gradual development, _in general_ with a theistic view of the world. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • In the 1640s and 1650s, scientists had sought what they termed ‘a great instauration’.
  • In AF the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria, beat in a rapid and uncoordinated fashion, which can cause blood to pool within the heart. - latest science and technology news stories
  • While he was visiting his father in El Paso they would either eat in, taking turns cooking; or try one of the apparently hundreds of local Mexican restuarants which were all differently arranged, but which all nonetheless appeared to share the same menu of tacos, frijoles, nachos, burritos, tortillas in abundance, enchiladas and, infrequently, chiles rellenos. Tortillas
  • The place used to be very prosperous, producing high-quality wheat in ancient times.
  • The new International Rules of Yacht Racing, covering the triennium 2001-2004, were implemented for the first time in an Optimist regatta in Asia and the race organizers watched with great interest.
  • It needed a credible threat in order to justify its massive expenditure. CHAMELEON
  • The refs have been taking a lot of heat in the past couple of weeks, and they have to be more decisive with their flag calls.
  • On warm sunny days, employees can eat in a sheltered outdoor courtyard near an old-fashioned gazebo.
  • A baying mob of 200 fans mercilessly called for Van de Velde to quit immediately after this third defeat in a row which ended the Wolves' lingering top five hopes.
  • The chase for a premium berth in the finals has really turned up the heat in local cricket with all four sides remaining in the hunt, based on last Saturday's play.
  • When Kim and I fought, I would inevitably retreat into the safety of my irony cage.
  • This turns up the heat in your love life and could lead to a proposal. The Sun
  • My blood beat in my ears, sounding out the Name of God, while a different name throbbed in my pulse. Kushiel's Avatar
  • As far as I'm concerned, the right thing to eliminate is Nancy Pelosi, at least from her seat in Congress. Pelosi: Health care surtax could be lowered, not eliminated
  • In the province of South Trondhjem the great increase of the indebtedness of the landowners is ascribed in part to the subdivision of property by the creation of _Myrmoend_, literally 'bogmen' The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • And so, what might have been a great interview, had it been pared down and edited, became… well, surreal.
  • She has great influence with the manager and could no doubt help you.
  • Similar rulings were made against the German prohibition on foreign beers containing additives in 1987 and against the Italian prohibition on the sale of foreign pasta products not made from durum wheat in 1988.
  • As Adam opened his mouth to place a piece of meat in it, a long, loud belch escaped, seeming to reverberate indefinitely in the open dining room.
  • The opposition, alleging fraud, had refused to concede defeat in Guanajuato.
  • Place the meat in a shallow dish.
  • He told her that barrenness is cured by the presence of immoderate heat in a woman accompanied by turgescence. Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe
  • The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha.
  • The coachwhip is a nervous snake and may retreat into rocks or rodent burrows when threatened, but it is just as likely to approach an intruder hissing, striking, and possibly shaking its tail; it will bite if handled.
  • These creatures could incorporate raw meat in their diet and process food more efficiently.
  • Never mind contemporary country music, with its upbeat insipidity, which is to the genre at its best as a giant shopping complex is to the wild terrain eradicated to build it.
  • In the headrest of the seat in front was a television.
  • While it is well recognized that a rhythm does not consist necessarily of sound sensations, the 'rhythmization' of a series of sound sensations in the ordinary perceived rhythms is a matter of great interest. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • The great increase of games and festivals and their enormous cost were signs of approaching trouble for the republic, and foretold the terrible days of the empire, when the rabblement of the capital, accustomed to be amused and fed by their despotic and corrupt rulers, should cry in the streets: "Give us bread for nothing and games forever! The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
  • He is not a great intellectual but he is a practical and affable man who gets on with things and will get the job done. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is a woman of great insight.
  • Aides point out that, in 2001, they took both Tony Benn's old seat in Chesterfield and true-blue Guildford.
  • As the refrigerant condenses, it gives off heat in the condenser / heat exchanger (the black pipes on the back of your refrigerator).
  • Katsuodo despised everything Western; he was never able to surmount his humiliation at his country's defeat in the war of the Pacific. FLOATING CITY
  • Joysticks, gamepads, and other controllers are great in their own way but if you want that simulation vibe a wheel should be included.
  • As a life-long Sox fan, Thomma professed deep offense at being put in the Cubs section when he blogged: a crime against nature, your correspondent - a genuine White Sox fan, a man who attended his first twi-night double header at the Old Comiskey in 1963, who sat behind third base for the 50th anniversary All Star Game there in '83--has been assigned a seat in the Cubs section. Archive 2008-11-25
  • Tiberius distinguished his reign by great indolence, excessive cruelty, unprincipled avarice, and abandoned licentiousness.
  • Nonetheless, his downfall was caused by his skullduggery in the context of the defeat in Vietnam.
  • Lumber dried by artificial heat in kilns has not the life in it that is possessed by air-seasoned material.
  • We finally found something good to eat in Emporia, but by then it was dark. Road Trip
  • Mash any malts, barley, maize and wheat in a mash tun for 90min at 66°C. Sparge with 3 gallons of water at 70°C.
  • I will be watching the results of the US elections with great interest - with a tub of hair removing wax on one side of me, and a chest merkin on the other.
  • In the aftermath of defeat in the Seven Years War, Louis XV went as far as to commission projects for the abolition of the corvée and the re-establishment of provincial estates in a bid to restore public support.
  • The great increase in the dimensions of modern class-rooms was dictated by physical hygiene; the ambient air space is measured by "cubature" in relation to the physical needs of respiration; and for the same reason, lavatories were multiplied, and bathrooms were installed; physical hygiene further decreed the introduction of concrete floors and washable dadoes, of central heating, and in many cases of meals, while gardens or broad terraces are already looked upon as essentials for the physical well-being of the child. Spontaneous Activity in Education

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